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  • Hey Tmon, just figured I'd let you know that Arghonaut doesn't have Recover in your new db file.
    Tmon, go nitpick this analysis before I upload it. For some reason I don't trust giggity as a writer :/
    Oh and before i forget congrats on CAP mods :), also can i / you / tobes / an Uber mod, post the Uber usage stats for September ? It'd be a nice way to start our revamp of the forum IMO and it would attract some discussion, IMO.
    Geez, you posted it like... As I left.

    Been doing random stuff lately, haven't had the time for internet ongoings. What's up lately?
    Posting on my phone. No internet until Sunday, lol. Can you VM me the stats link when it's updated?
    i've been carefully eyeing the streetmons thread and it seems like hella fun, i might have to give it a go
    <+Snunch> !seen theorymon
    <&Porygon2> theorymon was last seen here 1 day, 17 hours, 14 minutes ago.
    <+Snunch> wow
    <@PKGaming> i hope nothing's happened to him
    <~JibaNOTHERE> :(
    <+Snunch> yeah im legit worried
    <+Nails|go_lions> almost 2 days without tmon
    <@MoP> lol...
    <+Nails|go_lions> organize the search parties now
    Hiya, I've been reading through some of the Venusaur Ubers discussion and I'm kind of confused about what it has over Victrebel(sp?). The discussion in question is in this thread, and the post that brought this up in the new thread is this one. It seems like the only things Venusaur has over 'Bel are access to EQ, more "bulk," and something to do with attaining the same speed and the number of EVs used. It'd be great if you could clarify for me, as I'm kind of confused right now. Thanks!
    Hey, just thought I'd mention that the "Advanced Connect" you list in the new Streetmons thread leads to the wrong server if I'm not mistaken. It leads to "Pokémon World", and the owner says he has no idea who you are.
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