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  • OHOHOHOHOHOH! Could you please?!?!?!?! I really have been looking for a RNG reporter that has the Korean ID/SID abuse available. I know OD made it, or implemented it. Just hasn't released it. As far as I know.
    I've been doing it for completely different PIDs in different months, years, etc. and it still shows up wrong. I don't know of any factors that I could be "missing;" are there any common things people forget to do that would change its PIDRNG-determined characteristics? (I just found out that the genders didn't actually match, it was just coincidence that they were both male).

    EDIT: Nevermind for now, I took PoJ's advice and reopened it, and I found results like normal. However, it may do like last time and give me a nonshiny offspring in spite of the !!! indicated in RNG Reporter. Thank you for your help so far.
    ID:06027, SID:43764. Sorry, I'm leaving my dorm right now and I won't be able to respond for a while. Thanks for the concern.
    I was at first, because I didn't know I could find a slot 3 Misdreavus on Mt. Silver. Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore xD
    I don't think it's odd. :P

    I looked at the slot tables again and it said on Mt. Silver "Top" Misdreavus is slot 3 at night. So I looked on Serebii's Pokeearth again and the "Top" was the snowy part. I figured that most likely matched the encounter tables, so I just when there and it worked. And now I got it! :D
    Actually, I just went to the snowy part outside of Mt. Silver and I got it there. But then it used Perish Song and I had no status user, so it fainted before I could catch it .-. So now I'm gonna try again! xD
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have the right time. My hour is 21, so that's 9 PM, right?
    Hi ToastPlusOne! Thank you for the help in the RNG Thread. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with hitting the correct seed due to Even/Odd Delays. I have tried all of your suggestions. I picked several new seeds that ranged in their delay, both even and odd, and tested them several times to see if I would get a consistent odd/even delay. Oddly, every single one of them was opposite of what I wanted (I have no idea how this happens...). Changing the date and time also produced consistent results in opposite odd/even delays.

    I was thinking of RNGing on a different DS to see if I would get different results. Do you think that would help? Thanks so much!
    Hey do you know how to rng iv abuse without getting shiny egg in hgss?:o and thanks for what you said :)
    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne

    /me butters ToastPlusOne
    The link you sent me didn't work again, but the one in your sig did for some reason haha. Thanks, gonna try for my first RNG now, your stuff really helps a lot! :D
    Hey Toast, would it be possible to upload EonTimer on another site? I'm not sure if it's just my computer, but I always get a page error when I try to open the file.
    hey, catch me on irc next time you get a chance.(ideally tonight) i have something interesting to show you/run by you.
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