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  • Bleh, my C# ran into some problems. I need to get it working again, once I do. I'll VM you, send you a picture of the programs layout, and if you're good with it. Proceed from there xD!
    Ok, thanks for clarifying. I wish the first post of the help thread was updated with some of these new findings since the average RNGer doesn't pay attention to the research thread but then again, I suppose the average RNGer also doesn't read the first post. :|
    Ah, I see. I was going off this approximation posted by Kaphotics which seems to indicate the PIDRNG is advanced 2 frame every 20 steps (patch check) and 2 frames every 17 steps (egg check).

    Kaphotics' approximation worked for me inside Dragonspiral tower. I had a seed with Calculated initial PIDRNG frame of 42, I did 128 steps and 2 turns. I had no Pokemon in the daycare so using that formula I approximated that I'd end up on frame 42 + 2*128 + 2*floor(128/20) + 2*2=314. My actual starting frame was 318 (I'm sure of this because I was going for a shiny).

    So I don't know. Perhaps I'm interpreting Kaphotics' approximation wrong.
    I'm doing pretty well, sorry about not getting in touch with you last weekend. Things got crazy. I have a basic design going, but I don't really know where to proceed.

    Would you like me to send you the .sln (I think is what it is?)?
    Ah, what type of trainer would he have been? I can go check without saving in my Black version (or Bulbapedia maybe).
    IRC is usually pretty good for me.
    We could do the google Doc way as well.

    Do you think we could postpone the start date until this weekend? As I have some things I need to get done during the week that do not allow for anything else D:!
    I got the Express version, as I am not in college.

    Whatever you feel like is needed to get this done as effectively as possible, I will do my best to acquire.
    hey toast, just wondering on the newer EonTimer if there is anyway to remove the beep for visual mode(it flashes 1 time even with 0 for beeps) as I tend to just do mine visually(no sound or flashes)?
    I can't get on IRC atm. School :P

    I won't mind attempting at it with C#. You'll have to go through the basics with me, and where to get it. ;D!
    I have a little bit. My dad and I were making an IV calculator a long while back. Never finished it.
    I want to do it so that I can learn how, as Kazo's program already is more than completely awesome already, but I've been wanting to add stuff into it. Since, I can't just edit it in, I want to see if I can do it myself ;D!
    I have Microsoft Visual Basics '08. That's all that I have currently.

    Whatever method you would think is best, I can try to acquire.
    Sorry if I sounded like an ass earlier. I was waking up and I usually sound like an ass when I wake up.
    I didn't mean to come across that way, I apologize.
    Yuppers that one! I would like to know how to either edit it, or make one completely from scratch. Preferably the latter one, but that would be a lot of work as I barely know anything programming wise.
    What do you mean if RNGPID covers it?
    I'm doing this for 4th gen abuse. To help with the emulator abusing. To be able to list the different memory locations while determining what frame you are on, or what frame's 4bit looks like.
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