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  • Twist of Fate, If you don't mind I was wondering if I could be taken into your tutelage for the Rate My Team Workshop. I know that you are already tutoring someone and if its an inconvenience for you to help me I totally understand.
    I'm sorry but there is an emergency and I have to take my sister to the hospital, I will be free tomarrow night and monday night if you would like to battle then.
    I don't wan't you to have to forfeit, remember you type restriction tournament team is due today!

    And what times are you free to battle?
    Yo Twist of Fate!! I got a recomandtion. I think Manaphy should be BL. I had a few conversations about it over the smogon shoddy battle simulator and a lot of people said it should be OU but I believe he should be BL. With the loses of Salamance, Latias and Garchomp I think we need a weapon like manaphy around. he has the same base stats as Jirachi and Celebii so the OU players need him around.
    Hey man, just wanted to thank you for featuring my RMT in The Smog. Your writeup was fantastic and it was really cool to see it being featured (despite the Canadian jab :P). Thanks again!
    Hi, sorry for snapping at you earlier on irc. I was just a bit angry, nothing personal. Believe it or not, I can get haxed too.
    hey, just a reminder. you said I could do featured OU rmt, but should I start the thread of wait for you to make a master thread?
    we need to battle for type restriction. I figured I'd see you on the Irc, but apperently thats not working, so when are you free?
    You kinda sent that pm at 1:30 am and I just woke up. You said 8-9 hours which we are still within but you haven't been online for the last hour...I'm on and waiting now though so message me the server and I'll be there!
    So yeah my suburb decided to cut off all internet access for the whole day >.<. I'm really sorry - we can play half an hour earlier the next day (so like, in 13 hours 15 minutes from now) if you like? Otherwise if my internet fucks up again I'm afraid I'll have to be subbed out, but I should be right to get it done then. Sorry once again!
    Work Schedule (all in GMT + 10). This week is lucky that I don't have any full days like usual.

    Monday: Finished now :).
    Tuesday: 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm
    Wednesday: FREE (probably seeing my best friend ever <3 but not the whole day, so morning is a possibility?).
    Thursday: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
    Friday: 4 pm - 9 pm
    Saturday: Free but probably irrelevant.

    Yeah any time that isnt ridiculous (3 am or something) that isnt in those should be fine.
    Hey, I haven't seen you on IRC lately. Maybe I've just been online at the wrong time. What time are you usually on IRC?
    I was wrongfully banned by Aeroblacktyl, from Smogon University Shoddy Server.

    If you take a look at the name, you'll notice that the name has two spaces between 'Bloody' and 'Death'. Therefore, you banned the wrong account. I'd like it if you reverse this ban, seeing as you banned the wrong user completely.

    If you cannot reverse the decision, I'd like you to inform Aeroblacktyl that he banned the wrong person, and that I should be unbanned, because I did absolutely nothing wrong. I wasn't even on the chat when this occurred!
    hey I am new and I just saw your post about being a tutor. I would really like to learn how to do the competitive battling in general maybe into OU. Would you be willing to teach?
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