Umbra Soul
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  • We're paired for LC Open r1, when can you play? I'm gmt -5.

    I have the rest of today and tomorrow completely off so I'd like to play either today or tomorrow if that's possible with you. Just name a time that's convenient for you, like I said I'm free all day.
    Umbra Soul
    Umbra Soul
    gmt -5 too, I can probably find time tomorrow around 1 PM if that works for you.
    Found True Love
    Found True Love
    Sounds great. I'll be on both Smogtours & regular showdown at that time (same username as here on smogon.)
    Hey we play for UU OPEN, when are you available? Im GMT -3 and free most times.
    Tomorrow at 5 PM (your time)?
    Umbra Soul
    Umbra Soul
    How's pushing a bit back to 5:20 my time? usually done cooking dinner by that time, so won't have it as a distraction.
    Ok cya then
    when to play RU ssnl i GMT +10 =)
    Umbra Soul
    Umbra Soul
    I'm GMT -5, so wanna do it on the weekend so we can match up sometime due to our time differences?
    when do you wanna play for shaking up ru tour? i'm gmt +8, lemme know your availability and we'll arrange something
    Umbra Soul
    Umbra Soul
    Basically, my time to you is what my time is (just opposite day point +1). So noon my time is 1 AM your time. So like I could do probably 6 AM sunday my time, would be 7 evening for you. Entire day monday works for me in this sense, so like I could try to wake up at any point from 6 am to like I guess 8 or 9 am. We're just working a 13 hour difference here.
    7am your time Monday which is 8pm my time, would that be ok?
    Umbra Soul
    Umbra Soul
    That should work. The hardest part of that is actually wanting to wake up at 7 in the morning. But, it should be doable.
    K, if you can pm me on irc whenever you're online that would be great cause I could miss a vm while I'm playing LoL
    I'll be on in the afternoon (GMT +2) and evening tomorrow and on Thursday. Vm me when you see me online to play (or pm me on irc)
    added you to aop list so do /cs invite #central if you can't get in right away (i have celes exempted)
    My best tier is DPP, but it would be nice to be able to ADV or BW as well. Personally though I believe my best odds of winning would be best 2/3 in DPP.
    sup phantom vortex, i'm your opponent for this week of the RUPL, what's a good time for us to play? :o
    i'm doing other stuff tonight but i don't have anything to do tomorrow, probably a good time for both of us is around 10-11 am my time (so in about 15 hours from the time of this vm). would that work for you?
    idk when the deadline is but i'm gmt +10. my schedule isn't too bad but i'd probably prefer to play later in the week i.e. friday to sunday my time so i can test stuff.
    thank u so mutch....i usually play on po and ps...really no prob, tell me when u are able to play
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