Winters Zombie
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  • :) I appreciate all your help and encouragement. next stop heatran and cresselia, i should've known pokerng, pikatimer, and rng reporter before. Sadly darkrai, jirachi, and pikachu-colored-pichu, and fal mew, will never be abused. lol, ill just lurk for flawless ones on the trade corner.
    hey winters i just made my first cp on azelf in diamond. :) ill do uxie in pokeball too. hmm are the roamers the same method. pokeRNG is fast, thanks. day I shall cook the greatest Mexican Rice you have ever put in your mouth (tee hee) and you shall praise me! Lol

    You should def check it out, it's worth a listen TORRENTS are your friend ;)
    Haha, card collecting are part of the old generation naos :P or so it would seem anyways, XD. What new card game is out? I don't think ANY of my cousins are collecting any type of cards - sports/anime/whatever, haha. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, XD.
    YES! They're pretty nifty, ahaha. At Christmas they were throwing them like crazy!
    scanners? :o
    Nooos, I know what you're talking about...I think...haha. You scan them on barcodes? :P

    Not what I'm talking about though, haha. It's this bakegan? Or's just like a pokeball but a much nastier and scarier monster pops out! XD Not sure if that made any sense, but yeah, XD.
    Awwww - a doll and a transformer :P My nephew is into this pokeball like thing but it's not a pokeball. You throw this ball into a magnetic strip and a monster pops out! It's pretty nifty, lol.
    wrong person, i have a giant notice "DONT TRADE ABSOL WHAT-SO-EVER!"
    Ah! I misread it, ahaha. My mistake, >.> Was just so happy for you :P

    In any case, I'm sure little gifts are fine ^^ You have such a great and generous family :)
    :O :O :O I'm happy! You get a daughter earlier than you expected :) AND a son! Treat them with much <3 and snugglehugglewuggles ^^
    O_o!!!!! Mexican rice is that shit you must not have had it from someone who is a REAL MEXICAN lol. Have you listened to the Black Eyed Peas new album?
    Ahaha, I like the small stuff that means alot :)

    If you really want to RNG something, then surprise me :)
    Ahaha, there's really nothing I want, XD. How about another snugglehuggle? :P
    i have a question about absol.
    if i was given semi-redis rights does that mean if i put him on my BGMf it will be NR?
    b/c i have had it NR since i've been offering it, and im not sure if you trading it to me was the semi-redis rights.
    yeah i need to find one. otherwise, id just move along and rng for the other things. D: since it always crashes on me for a random reason.
    But I'm not white....lmao

    Didn't get wasted on xmas...wanted to spend some time with my girl SOBER lol. She left was so hard letting her go though Homeland Security check...fuck man...

    So what did you get?
    hey winters i have a question. how do you synch the emulator to the external clock? also, idk if the emulator or the rom im using, keeps crashing. D:
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