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  • I've essentially been not working on the SS article until these current rounds of voting clear up weather this gen, (especially the outcome of sandstorm).
    I can't post on your Forretress thread but I'll just say it here: shouldn't Forretress have the option of Stealth Rock? Since there's a possibility people can still transfer over their Stealth Rock Forretress? Just sayin'

    Nice thread and analysis though :)
    If thursday is ok then we can do it then. I'm hella tired from babysitting and soccer practice...sorry. I just won't make it through the battle Dx. See you tomorrow then.
    Of course, crap comes up at the wrong time. -.- So, 10-11pm thursday, right? I'm pretty sure i can make that. And there's no need to apologize, I absolutely understand. =)
    If you get back on, please try to stay on for a bit. I'm with my cousin and nephew atm, so I won't be on til a little later, but I'm home early so I'll be able to do it within the next few hours. If not, I should be able to get on around that time thursday.
    =( I hate that when I join tournies my time just seems to get taken up. -.- I have to babysit tomorrow and I'm not sure about the rest of the week. If it kills me, we will get this done! xD
    Sorry I haven't been on, but I should be being Father's Day, I'm having a "family day" =x. Sorry for holding this up...
    Lol, missed you by 2 minutes. Either way, tomorrow seems like the better day for this anyway. Also, it's ok, I wasn't really up for a battle last night anyway. xD
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