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  • Because it learns it via Level Up. I'm looking to get it 4th Gen exclusive moves. I wouldn't be doing 4th Gen RNG Abuse otherwise.
    Thanks a lot. I'll most likely get better over time as I have with 5th Gen Abuse, but it way more tedious than 5th Gen.

    Can you tutor now?
    Sure thing :) do you mind if I send you the email and link tomorrow when I can get on the computer?
    I'll send you the link to my old one which had more pokes than my new one that I'm re-doing lol, also if you just use walk through walls to avoid trainers than feel free =) also I'm on my iPod now so I'll try and figure out how to copy paste lol

    Edit: oh shoot, me being the idiot I am deleted all the pokes from my old thread too =( do you want me to list a few of them, although I can only really tell you the IV's and the ot (me)
    I don't have a shop here yet =/ I have one on marriland if you want credits over there lol...also you can use those except the walk through walls one please =) I'm re-making my thread on marriland though so there aren't many pokes =/ if you still want credits does 3 or 4 sound fair? Or would you like more? Also like I said, you can finish this whenever as long as it's within a month =P since I'm in no hurry lol
    It's Black =) also how about up to the Reshiram? And don't capture any legends please lol...what would you like in return?
    Nope, just the Chansey please. My HG FC is in my About Me in my profile. I'll be on shortly, thanks! :)
    You put up with my lousy wifi to give me a freebie, therefore you are the best. Cheers, man!
    Heh, I left and came back and I still don't see you. This is silly. Should I wait for you, or go ahead and re add you?
    I re-added you and now I see you. You're standing by, and I have a trade invitation up.
    If you still don't see me, I'll exit and double-check that I entered your code correctly, and that I posted my code correctly.
    The first Naive one (20/31/27/24/18/30) sounds great. I appreciate it! I haven't seen your FC posted anywhere, else I'd go ahead and add you. Would you like to do the trade now or later?
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