Project SV OU Teambuilding Competition (Indigo Disk Edition) (Week 14: Sinistcha)

Congratulations to Heatranator for winning!

Cycle 12: Moltres

The recent ban of Volcarona has left a Flame Body sized hole in my heart, so let's fill it with a Pokemon that has stood the test of time: Moltres. Moltres was already finding its way onto teams as a good way to combine a Volcarona check with Brave Bird, a blanket physical check with Flame Body and Will-o-Wisp, and a Fairy resist, all in one spot. Now, it is free to remove Brave Bird from its moveset and explore other options like Scorching Sands to hit Fire types or Roar to abuse hazards and phase boosting sweepers.

How would you build a team that lets Moltres to rise to its full potential? You have 1 week to build!

Team Spotlight!

Starting this week, (pending host availability), Teambuilding Competition will be accompanied by an analysis of a successful team from tournaments or well known builders. Participants should feel free to discuss strengths and weaknesses, as well as take inspiration from these teams. This week, we are featuring a team by Vert !!! Disclaimer: this is my adaptation of the team from personal experience and replays, and anyone should feel free to chime in with opinions on the sets.

This team debuted in SPL and was used in ADPL as well as Smogon Tour. It uses Knock Off Darkrai with hazard support to wear down special walls for Dragapult and Raging Bolt to break and clean up. It notably features a fast, Rocky Helmet, Taunt Ting Lu to help with, among other things, bulky Kingambits. Taunt also allows you to stop Defog from the likes of Corviknight, and Tera Ghost gives you a more durable spinblocker. Tinkaton is chosen over something like Clefable to give a more solid matchup into Taunt Roaring Moon, provide a fast encore, and provide more dynamic item removal. I have also seen people run Ice Hammer over Knock Off on this team to punish Landorus-T switch-ins. Finally, Moltres serves as a great blanket physical check with Wisp and Flame Body, while checking Volcarona and offering valuable resistances for the team, including an immunity to Ground.

Again, feel free to comment on this team and take inspiration from it for your teams, and let me know if these spotlights are valuable!

Happy teambuilding,
- leng
Offensive Molt + Muk Alola BO
:pmd/moltres: :pmd/serperior: :pmd/ting lu: :pmd/clefable: :pmd/muk alola: :pmd/iron crown:

This team took a lot quicker to build then I expected, but I still think it turned out well. The main idea around this team is to use offensive moltres a a great late game cleaner by supporting it with status from serperior and muk-alola, hazards from ting lu and future sight support from iron crown. Multiple mons on this team can potentially sweep, so this team can be deadly regardless of the opposing team structure.

Moltres is of course the subject of this competition, but I thought I'd do a different set then most people do (for once lmao), offensive moltres. Offensive moltres is quite a beast, with a speed stat that while not great, does get the jump on tusk always. With 125 special attack, it can hit hard, but still be decent defensively due to solid base stats. Evs are to maximise attacking power, while speed evs creep mons that try to speed creep tusk while tying with excadrill, with remainder into HP. Flamethrower is good stab and tera blast allows a massive hit on dragon types while still using the defensive applications of tera for good use. Roost allows moltres to heal itself and be more defensive if needed, and air slash is chosen due to its higher reliability while still doing good damage, such as always ohko'ing tusk.

Serperior was the mon that was inspired by Vert's team and it replaces darkrai as a special attacker that can use knock off. Serp's main thing is that it can feel like dead weight as due to its sweeps being stopped by so many mons, it can feel like it needs to commit in order to actually do anything. Knock off fixes this, givin serp a much desired neutral button if the oppoenent has already been statused by glare. It can also help it break down defensive cores easier, as stuff like blissey or glowking do not like losing their items, and the main knock absorbers in clef and gliscor cannot take on serp. The rest of the moveset is standard, leaf storm for stab and sweeps, with glare+leech seed to be annoying. Tera water is a good defensive typing.

Ting lu is of course, the holdover from Vert's team, but here it is very different. This is an offensive version of ting lu, something I have been loving using. With max attack and adamant, ting lu can hit pretty damn hard, but still has bulk for days even with only max attack. Stealth Rock supports the team by helping chip opponents into range of hits. Earthquake is a good stab option and due to ting-lu's low speed, it will mostly be 100 bp, making it a very strong move. Ruination allows ting lu to have a lot of chip damage it throws around. Tera ghost means it can in a pinch block rapid spin or fighting moves, while HDB helps against hazards.

Clefable is usually used defensively and while it defenitely fills some defensive holes in this team, it is mainly an offensive threat. Due to magic guard ignoring life orb chip, this was used to its advantage like reun and zam did in Gen 5. Calm Mind allows Clefable to start sweeping the opposing team by increasing its special attack and special defense, moonblast is a good stab move for it with moonlight giving clefable consistent recovery and flamethrower dealing with the steel types that wall its moonblast. Tera steel is good defensively and allows it to fire off an attack against something that might hurt it, such as gholdengo, potentially winning the game from there.

Muk Alola was a choice that I at first thought as a funny memey choice, but it worked out pretty well in the end. This muk set can do well against slower paced teams while making sure it doesn't falter to faster paced teams with powerful attacks and sweeping potential. Knock Off is a good stab move that removes items and can help the team break through bulkier opponents of HDB teams. Toxic might seem not necessary due to poison touch poison jab, but it helps a lot with it guarenteeing progress against foes such as tusk that may trade the chance for a poison in order to offensively threaten you. Poison jab is a good stab move and helps in spreading poison as well. Finally, curse allows muk to start sweeping as due to its high special defense, it can take hits there and by boosting its physical defense can become pretty bulky on both sides while dealing great damage. Tera flying ignores the ground types that threaten it for big damage.

Lastly we have AV iron crown. Iron Crown is a mon I haven't used too much, but I think I now am going to more after testing it. This is mainly the standard AV set. Tachyon Cutter is a good steel stab move that can deal with glimmora, future sight helps teammates break through opponents that can wall them, volt switch gives it a pivoting option to get teammates in and tera fighting resists the dark type moves that are super effective against it. The main adaption is running psyshock over focus blast. This is because the rest of the team deals with steel and dark types decently well and adding psyshock helps with glowking, cm primarina and blissey.

Also fuck iron boulder. When testing the team I was using it as my speed control to test if it was bad as I remembered and it was horrible. I am never using Iron Boulder again.
Spicy Chicken of course is due to moltres being a fire type and poking fun at it due to it looking like a normal bird on fire at some cases, most notably a plucked chicken.
Louis XVI is referencing the last King of the Capetian Dynasty in France who along with his wife, Marie Antoinette, fell from grace after the French Revolution started. And like that king, Serperior is at some point going to fall from OU.
MoosyMoss is probably the lamest nickname, but ting lu kinda looks like a moose, and its beard thing probably references the moss moose have, thus the name.
Star Wars is due to Clefable often being referenced to have come from the moon, so a space themed name was necessary. Due to the more offensive nature of this, a more 'adult' name for a space theme was needed, which star wars was the first thing I could think of (though Star Trek was my next name).
Knexhawk L was the reason why I decided to do nicknames for this team, and it is due to the fact that when somebody suggested Muk Alola should go on the VR, Knexhawk explained that normal muk was better (which is correct), but I thought a little bit of poking fun at it would be funny. But yeah, normal muk is better, so just use that if you are going to use either form. The nickname is all in good fun, I don't have any hatred against Knexhawk.
SpinMeRightRound is named as such due to the fact that when iron crown takes damage or faints in the games, its head spins around.
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Ting/Molt + Thundy Spike Stacking Balance

I decided to do my own take on Vert’s Ting/Molt/Tinka team structure, going into a bulkier direction. Raging Bolt and Darkrai were changed for Alomomala and a surprise guest, Thundurus-I, who functions similarly to Darkrai as the offensive Knocker + wallbreaker, but has Electric STAB to threaten defensive staples like Dozo, Mola, and Corviknight. Tera Ice Blast shreds through Grounds and even 2HKOs Clodsire after chip with Modest. It also packs Prankster T-Wave which can clutch games vs offense while still remaining annoying into defense. Modest lets Thundy hit nearly as hard as Timid Thundy-T and you outspeed Kyurem.

Alomomola serves as a slow pivot that brings in our threats to force progress or lay hazards. The mixed EV spread lets Mola survive a Specs Kyurem Freeze Dry at full. It also allows it to Flip Turn on threats like Primarina, Darkrai, and Deoxys-Speed. Wish support also keeps Ting-Lu healthy.

Speaking of Ting-Lu, this one is Adamant 148 Atk EVs, which helps with our matchup with Tera Fairy Gholdengo and giving our Earthquakes more oomph, doing more damage to Tusk, as well as opposing Ting-Lu. You can also run Rock Tomb over Ruination to hit Tera Flying Moon.

I went in a bulkier direction with Tinkaton, which still outspeeds Raging Bolt, but has more special bulk to work with.

I decided to invest in some bulk on Dragapult since Molt and Thundy help with Zama already, so with the HP EVs, it survives an unboosted Play Rough at full from Wogre and a +2 one if burnt. Plus, we still speed creep +1 Dragonite and most Zamas tend to stay on that benchmark.

Finally, Moltres. Vert had Brave Bird and extra Attack EVs for Volcarona, but since its gone, Molt can run more physical bulk to help with threats like Roaring Moon, SD Val, Gambit, Tusk, Zama, etc. Flamethrower was the obvious choice for STAB. Tera Grass was chosen for extra help vs Wogre and Samurott without sacrificing its Grass resistance.

Ting-Lu @ Leftovers
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Atk / 100 SpD / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Earthquake
- Whirlwind
- Ruination/Rock Tomb

Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
- Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp
- U-turn
- Roost

Thundurus @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Tera Blast
- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave

Alomomola @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 144 HP / 112 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Wish
- Protect

Tinkaton (F) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Pickpocket
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 152 SpD / 104 Spe
Careful Nature
- Encore
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock

Dragapult @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 108 HP / 76 Atk / 180 SpA / 144 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Darts
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave
Moltres SpikeStack (original!)
:moltres: :clodsire: :clefable: :dragapult: :weavile: :primarina:

I think this week, we're not going to see too much originality in maximizing Moltres' potential. One of its most effective sets is its defensive Flame Body sets, which is a good check to Great Tusk, Kingambit, Zamazenta, etc. Like all of the other teams, my team is some combination of Moltres + fat Ground + fairy, but I'll walk through my thought process while building this team.

  1. Defensively, Moltres gets clowned on by Water-types, particularly Ogerpon-W and Special wallbreakers. Water Absorb Clodsire offers Spikes, a blanket Special Attacker check, and a way to answer the tier's Water Pokemon.
  2. Clefable provides SR, Knock Off, and a complimentary defensive profile. It also absorbs Knock Offs.
  3. HexPult capitalizes on all of the status that this team is running. Even if I don't get enough statuses off during the game, the hazard chip will drive a number of Pokemon into 2HKO/OHKO range for Pult.
  4. Non-SD Weavile benefits from the team's SpikeStack + status chip composition both early and late game. Early on, Weavile can spam Knock Offs alongside Clefable to force progress. Late game, Weavile can clean with its high speed + priority to clean up severely chipped walls and sweepers.
  5. This team didn't need dedicated hazard removal because of Clod (T-Spikes absorption), Magic Guard, and 3 HDB users. Thus, I elected to run Primarina to shore up the team's still-lingering weakness to various Water Pokemon in the tier (most importantly Dozer). Primarina benefits from the hazard stack + Burn / Poison status + double Knock Offs to help it more effectively beat stall, particularly the Heavy-Duty Boots variants.
:Moltres: :Raging Bolt: :Ogerpon-Wellspring: :Weezing-Galar: :Ting-Lu::Iron Crown:
Raging Bolt + Moltres Bulky offense

Yeah, so I only got into the 1600s with this, but considering how badly some of the other teams I've built have been doing, that is a considerable improvement lol. I based this team off of that really good Specs Iron Crown team Leng built a while back, with a few adjustments. IMO its not as well rounded or as good as that team, but it works fine enough, especially compared to some of my other projects. Big fan of Scorching sands Moltres to get a hard hit on opposing Fire-types + fish for burns.

Raging Bolt seemed like a good partner for Moltres. Moltres can swap into the grounds that threaten it really well, like Great Tusk, Lando-T, and Treads, and then threaten them with a flame body burn pretty reliably. It also handles a few other annoying mons for bolt like Heatran and Enamorus. Decided to run the same spread Leng showed off on the sample team above + Discharge to cheese random switch-ins like Gking.

Ogerpon-W is here as a versatile breaker and Knock User. Ogerpon can attract a good number of Waters like Walking Wake, Samurott-H, and the like, so Ogerpon makes for a fine deterrent of those moves. It also perfoms decently vs regen cores and Gliscor, which are really annoying for Moltres to deal with. I initially had Spikes, to capitalize on Moltres being a good "spinblocker" due to Flame Body, but I found that it didn't work well without running Knock (which I felt Ogerpon didn't have room for) so I just went for an all out attacker set. One nice perk is that Knock + U-turn does a great job of weakening Raging Bolt, which is really frustrating to deal with. It also does a good job of detering Primarina's Water moves.

G-Weezing was used on Leng's squad a while back, and I think it is the perfect partner for Moltres. It can reliably get Rocks off the field with Defog (which matters for Moltres if it gets Knock'd by Rillaboom) It can disrupt Regen spam from Gking and Mola + Poison Heal from Gliscor, and just troll pretty well with Pain Split + Wisp. Hex might be better on this team tbh, given the status-spamming nature of some of the members + to punish Gking for staying in and using Future Sight, but Wisp works fine enough.

In a Raging Bolt metagame, one of Ting-Lu or Clodsire are mandatory on every team in order to not automatically fold to Raging Bolt. To separate this team from Leng's team earlier, I opted to run Ting-Lu, using the Rocky Helmet set from Vert's team (without the speed) in order to check Kingambit a little bit better (which I lack a check to). Hazard setters pair very well with Moltres since it severly punishes the Rapid Spinners such as Great Tusk and Iron Treads with Flame Body, and Moltres can act as a decent deterent for Rillaboom. Helmet also gives it solid utility vs stuff like Tusk looking to spin, as well as U-turn users like Pult.

In the last slot, I needed speed control + Kyurem check, so I opted for Iron Crown. I initially had ID Zamazenta, but it felt pretty bad on this team since it struggled switching into Kyurem and Raging Bolt. Choice Scarf Iron Crown, so far at least, hasn't felt bad. Its been nice to KO Glimm, Atales, and Ribombee leads for free, forms a nice lil pivoting core with the other mons on the team, and can punish Fairy Teras from the likes of Raging Bolt and Gholdengo. That being said, Scarf Crown probably isn't the best mon in this slot. I think another Pokemon like Scizor, or a different variant of Zamazenta / Crown could be better here. Nonetheless, its been doing just fine.

Main weaknesses right now are that Ting-Lu is stretched a bit thin, so it can struggle vs cores of Deo-S, Gholdengo, and Raging Bolt. All out attacker zamazenta is rarer right now, but I've also found it to be a big pain.
:Pelipper::Barraskewda::Moltres::Tinkaton::Raging Bolt::Great Tusk:
Classic rain with moltres since no one did it yet. Offensive with speed to outspeed tusk, tera dragon for Ogerpon and Rillaboom. Thunder on Raging Bolt for extra power and tera ghost on Tusk to stack up on Dragonite and Zamazenta answers is moltres is weakened. Tinkaton matches with moltres and takes the steel spot over Kingambit making the team a little more balanced than the average HO rain but I think it still works well.

This is not the best team I've ever made but it's going even-ish in 1900s so I'll submit it. Could definitely be improved with some edits.
  • Built around Trick Sludge Physdef Gking with Twave. Wanted to support it in 2 ways: something to punish Gliscor Switchins and an additional Fairy Resist since Physdef makes you flimsy against things like Enamorus.
  • Ogerpon-Wellspring takes advantage of Gking's Chilly Reception pivoting on things like Gliscor. It also supports team with Uturn momentum and helps the team against sun because we aren't running Spdef gking.
  • Offensive Weather Ball Moltres is my Fairy Resist of choice because it compresses a lot of Defensive roles for an offensive team. It also synergizes with Chilly Reception to deal with Lando/Glisc.
  • Weezing was added because I needed hazard removal and I didn't like the direction that adding Tusk took me. It also has nice defensive synergy with Moltres and can handle Garganacl and Blissey for the team.
  • Pult was added for speed control. It should probably just be a standard hexpult but this set is fun and I wanted to catch out lum gambits and sometimes this set just carries against offenses.
  • Ting was added with a rocky helmet because I needed a Ground type and ghost resist which only he fills. Helmet helps against Kingambit.
We're back!!! I am now hosting with the wonderful Tysonslayer and we will be trying to keep to a stricter schedule for submissions and voting from now on.

Cycle 13: Darkrai

I was surprised to see, when looking through the weeks of this project, that we hadn't tackled Darkrai yet. With incredible set diversity and power, along with speed and unparalleled coverage, many view Darkrai as worthy of a suspect. For our purposes, however, let's look at what Darkrai can offer to a team:

  • Speed with NP or Choiced Sets​
  • A check to Kingambit, Gliscor, and Ogerpon, amongst others​
  • A win condition​
  • Item removal​
  • Status​
It's an incredibly versatile pokemon. My favorite sets at the moment are NP + Will-o-wisp/Thunder Wave and Scarf Trick Will-o-wisp. They take advantage of Zamazenta and Kingambit being primary Darkrai checks on offensive teams and threaten bulkier teams with NP or Trick.

Aside from my personal preferences, Darkrai has had a strong performance in the most recent edition of World Cup of Pokemon, sitting at #6 in usage with a positive winrate. One of the more influential teams brought to the tournament is a special-spam HO made by GXE which was brought numerous times by US South and other teams, including a mirror match.

Team Spotlight - GXE BoltRai HO:
(with permission from GXE)

While I wasn't privy to the building process of the team, I can give an educated guess as to the thought process behind various inclusions. Starting with Landorus-Therian and Roar Zamazenta is a well-trod HO core to handle physical threats that are breakers like Kingambit or Sweepers like Dragonite. From there, Dragonite has been performing incredibly well with a number of sets, and offers a check to Ogerpon if Zamazenta needs to be saved or has already taken damage and lost its Dauntless Shield, as well as serving as a special sponge for mons like Iron Moth with Multiscale. Raging Bolt and Darkrai were spammed together by US South for their ability to break for each other (a fact which eventually partly led Lax to bring 4 Assault Vests to tiebreaks). Darkrai runs Tera Poison to answer Fairies for Bolt and accommodate the team's Fairy weakness. Finally, to alleviate that same Fairy weakness and cripple Darkrai, SpDef Colbur Gholdengo slots in.

What inspiration can you draw from this team to create your own? What creative Darkrai sets will you use? Do you like the idea of my favorite sets with Thunder Wave/Will-o-wisp? Perhaps you can try NP Tera Blast. The sky is truly the limit with this versatile pokemon.

The deadline for submissions will be Friday, July 12th. Happy building!!!

:Darkrai::Zamazenta::Iron Valiant::Heatran::Rillaboom::Quaquaval:
yeah this team SUCKS but its kinda cool. Sub CM Darkrai is very bad with encore stuff running around but it is definitely unexpected. Tera fire zamazenta as the main win condition, stallbreaker valiant, Heatran for fairy resist + rocks, Rillaboom for support, quaval because I felt like trying a spinner that matches up decently vs Samurott.

So far my ladder record is 0-4 :regiF:
Here's my team:
:Darkrai: :Zamazenta: :Dragonite: :Primarina: :Heatran: :Great Tusk:
Also, here's a replay:
(I had a line on Duck Chris, but eh)

The team was originally:

Nasty Plot :Darkrai:
Because I just like building around setup sweepers more,
IDBP :Zamazenta:
Because it's just a physical wall with sweeping potential just in case Darkrai dies,
Assault Vest :Tornadus-Therian:
Because it's a specially defensive pivot that actually has a speed stat,
Scarf :Enamorus:
For speed control and GOATED Wish (I mean a Fairy is cool, I guess,
:Heatran: (I'm not putting "Because" here, I have a story.)
At this point, I've already put in 4 legends into my teambuilder. And coincidentally, OU room was talking about why the "Legendary" title didn't really mean anything. So I thought it would be cool to have 5 legends on a team, I chose Heatran for more than just its status, though. Heatran was a steel, a Rocker, and also a way to beat stall. So yeah, I think that's pretty cool,
:Great Tusk:
It's a ground type Spinner, alongside having Knock Off and just being very physically bulky.

But this ended up being too weak to :Walking Wake:, so here's what happened:

First, I scraped the genies, Torn kept missing everything it could miss, and Enam just felt bad, I don't know why.
Then, I added an AV :Primarina: and made Darkrai scarfed to fill in the holes I busted into the team by removing the 2 genies (SpDef wall and speed control)
And then I added :Dragonite:. It's a Dragon, it's priority, it takes hits half-decently (Multiscale) and it's another setup sweeper because I don't like having just one.

So that's how we got here, I think the team is pretty cool and Quaquaval can eat my Quack (beef)
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