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  • lol yeah he has RNG catching problems. but ok i'll be waiting and for my filler your getting a breeding project i had done for me by levant on pc ^^
    o Naive
    Hidden Power: Ice 70

    is that one ok with you?
    hey steve would you happen to have some dittos i could breed with?
    i think i did the 31/31/31/24/31/31 one, cant remember the ability though XD how do you know which ability it will have, because it does not tell you which one is ability 0 and which one is ability 1 anywhere XD
    No my friend learned to do RNG catches and got me a flawless parent.
    Also I got this one last night 31/4/31/31/31/31
    I was like why can't the attack stats be switched?!
    Hello Steve! I've finally started again for your Dewgong and I got another Calm with Hydration and this time it's female. I'll be starting the soft-reset. Hope I get a good one with your specifications. :D
    I might be able to do it by tommorow once I finish what I'm about to start.
    Brave Bird Crobat.
    Egg Moves:Brave Bird,Whirlwind,Pursuit
    Hey if you can wait till I get home from my relatives I can do the adamant Cacturne BP
    But you might have to accept 30's in the defences cause I can't abuse IV's
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