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  • Have you considered gaming the suspect threads to see TC alts they used to get reqs?
    yeah, I have. But crawling posts is a lot of hard work.
    is there theoretically a way to record the usage of a full team? (like that combination of 6 pokemon)

    just something i thought of randomly, not sure if its possible or practical at all.
    To answer your general question, I assume you're expecting to see direct copy-pasting. I can certainly do an analysis for you on team reuse. But high priority right now is figuring out a new stats weighting algo (it's done--I just need to check some figures).
    ah mp, i know there are more important things to do but i thought that'd be a cool side thing
    You know, you should really make it so I can respond to your comments if you want me to respond on youtube. lol, XD
    I don't think the problem is on my end, but I just changed a setting, so try it now?
    Are you still interested in Gen VI LC battles? I don't have a full team, but I would make one if I knew there was someone for me to battle.
    Wifi battles, that is
    I'm taking a hiatus until I see what's going to happen with Misdreavus (or until I suck it up and learn to RNG in Emerald so I can get a legit Recover/Tri Attack Porygon). Check back in a month or so?
    Sounds good, I will. I also wouldn't mind playing any of the previous metagames (I remember you particularly liked the Sneasel metagame), so let me know if you'd want to do that.
    will you have some stats to work with by tommorow? or are they taking a while to generate?
    They're taking a long time to generate, especially since I'm generating them at a bunch of different levels for each tier. I'd guess they'll be up Thursday.
    aight, np, ill let everyone who's excited know
    Hot N Cold
    Hot N Cold
    thursday c::::
    Hello Antar,
    When will the next usage stats, and presumably RU, be coming out? Thank you!
    Hey, if you can unlock the Candles of Known Brightness thread, i have a post about the unviable moves to put in there. Thanks!
    Sure, but please read my last response.
    oh i should probably delete mine then
    Dr. Antar why did you volunteer to do the usage statistics and stuff? Just curious.
    In Summer 2011, I was a Youtuber and desperate for a tier update. I messaged RisingDusk, who did the stats at the time, to ask what was up and why there hadn't been any usage stats in a while. He said he was no longer affiliated with Smogon. So I asked BlueKirby whether there was anything I could do to help. BK gave me full access to the PO server (oh man, he's lucky I am who I am), and the rest is history.
    Is pokemon showdown down? I know the smaller servers weren't working the past few days, but not main isn't letting me log on either.
    It's working for me.
    Hey Antar, when I registered I used a weird-random birth date and now that I want to change it to my real one, I can't. Why? If it helps, is September 9th, 1984. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
    You mean you're *not* 112 years old? The scandal... Anyway, fixed it for you.
    Thanks a lot!
    Hey, Antar, would it be possible for you to generate 1630 stats for OU? There has been some debate about the cutoff, and from what I've garnered from conversing on IRC, comparison stats would be significant in people's positions on the 1630 vs. 1760 topic.
    Your timing is magnificent! I started the script to generate them this morning, and they just finished.
    Hey Antar, not that it's really important because nothing dropped or rose from UU, but the tier hasn't gone official /yet/, we were waiting for the February stats to do the last round of voting (which we should be doing in the next few days) and then we'll go official.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Yeah, that's what I figured. Sorry if I didn't make that clear in that post. The nice thing is that it's a moot issue!
    psst, do me a favor and tag me when the feb stats are posted pls :)
    Will do, but it likely won't be for a few days--taking longer than usual this time.
    ah, shame =/ i was really looking forward to it lol
    Hi, I'm new here. I was wondering if you could help direct me to the appropriate thread I'm trying to find. I saw all of the rate team threads but I was wondering whether there was a thread here where I could post about one pokemon I plan on breeding soon and whether or not it would be good in competitive battling or whether I'd be wasting my time on it.
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