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  • Hey there Zarel, I was wondering if you could dereg PS name 'horizons' for me; I'd like a PS name that makes it easier for people to find me.
    In my opinion, it feels weird how 99% of people who comment on your profile just want you to implement things on PS. I won't, so here's a cookie. o/
    Wondering I MultiBattles is under development because I assume since PS doesn't have psim at the end its a client so just wondering bc the youtube community is going head over heels for showdown multibattles including numbnexus etc. if so do you think you know a time when itd be done? Thanks Bai :D
    zarel i found a way for gliscor to have defog-> player teaches a Pokémon Defog by HM in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum and trades it to HeartGold or SoulSilver, the Pokémon can be freely imported to Black and White via the Poké Transfer, due to Defog not being needed outside of battle in HeartGold and SoulSilver.its from
    ...yes, what's your point? It's possible to have a Gliscor with Defog in PS, too.
    pokemon are very cool
    pokemon are very cool
    not with poison heal
    Well, if you teach it Defog that way, it's not going to have Poison Heal either. What's your point?
    you have guts to make an ursaring pun like that :]
    help where is the like button idk how to express liking without a like button
    Zarel /like exists
    Hey Zarel, would it be possible to fix the older gen bugs on PS? PS is by far superior to PO but the lack of older gen support is what is keeping us with PO in tournaments. I know you are a busy guy and are probably aware of the bugs i.e. leftovers in ADV...but it would be awesome if something was done about this.
    alright so one glitch that has to be fixed is (well this should happen but doesnt) he turn doesnt end until status and sand and leftovers take place, but if a mon dies before that happens, the next mon is sent out and it takes all those. another is that when a mon traces intimidate, it's not supposed to lower the foes attack in adv when it traces it.
    hoping you can get these fixed if possible that way we have no reason to use po haha
    I've forwarded it to the people in charge of ADV on PS. If it's not fixed in a week, poke me again and I'll deal with it myself.
    Zarel, I made a post in the technical support thread and received no response; it concerns a sim-breaking bug I'm currently experiencing on the Mac desktop client. It's frustrating because it prevents me from making any teams. Are you at least aware of this issue? I understand you're busy, I'm just frustrated that I received no feedback in the thread. Thanks for your time, I appreciate all you've done for Smogon.
    I think I might have fixed it, then. Do you remember which mon it was?
    Yeah it was an Aerodactyl. (The problem I had preceded that though. When I posted on the forums it had been on some gen 6 team with mons I don't remember).
    Oh, well. I'm pretty sure I fixed it. Tell me if it happens again.
    Zarel if it was anyway possible could i get the name Jacob on showdown to match my smogon name the account seems inactive
    hi zarel. is there a way to disable the roomintro and the command !roomintro? that command is so annoying since it's so often used at the PS! Ubers room and it's big as fuck
    Hello Zarel, i was told you can dereg usernames on ps, so i was wondering if you can dereg Xylen for me?
    Xylenn is an ugly username and seems like im impersonating.
    Yes, sure; PM me.
    zarel please listen ok
    we don't need mega gengar banned in ou or ou monotype the thing that allows a free kill for it is perish song so if we ban perish song for him or any pokemon with shadow tag it would be just like the the perish song block ban ok so do you think you can do that please
    Zarel isnt the one to decide which mon to ban to ubers, the OU council does.
    hey zarel, i was wondering how you could set up a server for free, can you help me out?
    The Immortal
    The Immortal
    The Immortal
    The Immortal
    We do register your server once it's set up, so it would have a * link and appear on the homepage. Note that you need 36 straight hours of uptime and six registered users on your server to qualify for registration.
    Hi Zarel, I was wondering if you had a way to see if the nickname "Nova" is inactive on Showdown. I would really like to have that name if possible to match my forum and IRC name. Thanks, appreciate it
    Good day Zarel, I have been working on a petmod together with @ElliottInnit on Twitter, and we were wondering if we could possibly have it be a server in the future? We have already set up a lot of the changes but all we have to do now is movepools which will take the longest. All we'd need from you is authorization to set it up.
    Well, you don't need authorization; anyone can set up a server...
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