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  • Please tell me that was an intentional shitpost and not an ironic one
    You're a real fuccboi for comin' here trying to start shit, bitch.
    Lol ok
    Yeah thats fucced up fuccboi
    science teacher was ghosting rengor steam therefore he use script on cho goth, i repoted this bideo to local authorities so we can sue him to highest extend of law because this kind of behavior is making me tilt in bronze elo hell, i recently lose silver promos because toxincity in communist, i deserve challenjour in japan server, gg
    , i deserve mod laner in cloud11 because tsm is corrupt like azubu, btw only reason i yoshio because he tip his fedora in his high noon art, gg
    bon jovi made me e-tilt in this game per say, he take mod lane from me despite m'challenjour mechonics on yoshio, you see how i still curried russia despite getting camped while splot poshing because dairy-ous was e-stalking bon jovi "steam" account, id say we should all repot tsm wukong for importing china to american so they can elo boost each other like you saw how they both did, i dont deserve challenjour
    hey there, we're battling for the winter seasonal, im gmt+1 and available 5pm - 11pm my time
    hey man, we're paired for SPL. I'm gmt+1, pretty much any day works for me this week, I prefer playing friday / saturday tho if that's ok for you
    so this is the typical teammates i get matched up with who are very toxin and hold me back from challenjour, can you post his account name so i can repot him to blizzard, toxins like him should be praying kid games like data2 not legend of leaguer, i deserve challenjour, gg
    blizzard is always making skins for grill champinos, despite 100% of djs being male, also the prayer base for legend of leaguer is 100% because grills dont exist in bideo games,in fact grills dont exist at all because i obviously dont get friendzone due to my lavish fasionable looks, i deserve challenjour but teammates hold me back in the friendzone, gg
    he did that intentional just how my teammates feed intentionally, i would repot liquor for spamming advertistments when im trying to hear interview on why doublerift hasnt gotten replaced by me, i deserve lcd more than these toxin prayers with no mechonics, blizzard still hasnt fixed matchmaking because trolls holding me back, gg
    Since you're on irc all the time finding time to play shouldn't be a problem, but when do you want to play?
    fuker so bed, i would go to japan just to 1v1 him but then again i dont feel like wasting my time on trash like fuker, deserve challenjour, gg
    pffft, the monion brock in bronze is worserest, i cant get outta elo hell because monions brock me from challenjour, gg
    how am i suppose to get fed as ap support lee song if my team keeps taking my kills, of course i never ward because its a waste of gold and time, i rather kill enemy prayers but i never do because team keeps kill stealing then they feed, i should be challenger but bad teams holding me back, gg
    i should start recodeing my bronze elo helled games, you will see how hilariously bad my troll teammates are, my ap support lee song mechonics cant even carry them even tho i should be in challenjour, gg
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