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  • Hey! After A Long Extended Wait,

    My Computer Is Fixed.

    I Have Resumed Control Of "The Hell Razors"

    I Am Planning Big Thing's - Such As
    Pokemon Of The Week, Weekly RMT's,
    Weekly/Monthly Tournament's :)

    Come Drop By And Remember Stay Active!
    uhh your name posted stuff that got you banned for a day. i only muted you xD. dont worry ill unban you tmr morning
    OK, it seemed familiar (It's one of the offered languages at my current school, though I don't do it.) ^_^
    Me? I'm from Melbourne, Australia. Not an average Oz person, though, I'm assuming you're from somewhere in Asia based on your Personal Profile messages, amirite?
    15 kk.
    Dulu pas opa gw(klo lo tau opa gw Tan Sing Loen sumpah kaga boong) masi idup gw sering ke sono.
    Belakangan rada jarang gara2 nyok sakit. terakhir sih pas SMP kk.
    mayan lama gan. Dari SMP 3 akhiran. Waktu itu gw vakum bentar.
    Situs indo ada tapi bagusan smogon.

    BTW dulu gw sering ke semarang padahal. wkwkwkw
    susah di indo maen competitive.
    Pada make pikachu ama charizard. wkwkkwkwkw
    stealth rock juga mampus
    Ada juga yang maen pokemon wkwkwkwk
    BTW coba pake shubarugo kk. Kalo makenya bener dewa sumpah
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