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  • sorry i dont just give out credits for typos man but i appreciate you pointing it out none the less
    sorry no. I want no part in it, but I just read through everything you said on the blackllist thread and after that I don't even want to battle you
    yeah that feraligatr would've killed. Damn you killed off all the pokes I wanted to try out the most. I wanted to see how well you rhyperior would work but it got crushed and I didn't get to see my leafeon that much.
    haha if I hadn't have paralyzed you you would've swept my whole team. And I really underestimated that floatzel. I should've went into uxie and paralyzed it so I could revenge kill but oh well
    haha yeah this team doesn't have either of them. Even though weezing is probably the best physical wall in the game in my opinion
    haha yeah thats the only reason i used rested because then I could possible take a blaze flamethrower and then maybe wake up and sludge bomb or explode
    Honestly I was scared of that typhlosion. I think you ran a little early because once you switched in you could've have had blaze activated and done like flamethrower or something. Which could probably killed weezing, done a lot to altaria, and KOed my meganium. But you good game
    yeah I just realized that after I went for the bullet punch. I'll meet you in the room
    and I didn't expect that none choiced dugtrio and non choice medicham so good team. It had a lot of surprises
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