Metagame 1v1 Old Gens

Having played the SS 1v1 tier for quite a while now, I find myself wanting to bring up the concept of sleep again and sharing why I think the remaining sleep-inducing moves should be banned from the tier.

After reading all available posts discussing sleep-inducing moves concerning this and past generations, I feel I need to start by saying that sleep is not a broken element of this metagame but is uncompetitive in nature. With the current standing of mons that utilize sleep as a wincon in the metagame, there should effectively be no discussion about how one can/should run lum berry, taunt, encore, a metagross to counter Sylveon, a panzer tank to counter Venusaur, etc. Such strategies exist, are all plausible each to a certain extent and have been discussed in the past, however, they are not related to sleep’s uncompetitive nature. What is actually important to note though, is that the RNG element that governs sleep as a strategy in 1v1 reduces player interaction and by extension renders the attempt (of either party) to make informed decisions less impactful.

In scenarios where sleep-inducing moves are used, player interaction is undermined by definition, despite the possible existence of soft counters. This is tied to the duration of sleep being purely determined by RNG: there is a 33% chance that the mon will wake up after one turn of sleep. If it does not wake up after 1 turn, there is a 50% chance it will wake up after 2 turns of sleep. With such a random way to decide sleep turns, even if some form of counterplay exists, it may not even have a chance to be utilized if games end up being decided by rolling the dice, e.g 3-turn sleep, successfully hitting a sleep-inducing move on the turn the opposing mon wakes up. Furthermore, the most intuitive counterplay to the above (switching out) is not possible. Overall, the sleep user’s opponent often loses their share of control on the game.

While the above happen to showcase a negative effect on the sleep user’s opponent, I actually consider the fact that sleep doesn’t simply have a fixed effect on exclusively one of the associated players an even more important reason to ban it. Sleep has a volatile effect and in fact reduces the impact of skillful gameplay from either player.

The use of sleep creates situations where no player knows what the next sequence will look like. On one end we have the player whose mon has been put to sleep and has lost all control over the game until it wakes up. And, on the other end, the sleep user whose next correct move is correlated with whether the next turn is a wake-up turn. So, with every turn after the guaranteed sleep turn being a possible wake-up turn, every move performed by the sleep user has a chance to be the correct move (e.g. a successful attack on the last possible sleep turn) but also has a chance to be a wasted move (e.g a sleep powder on a sleep turn). Therefore, sleep not only takes away the game from the hands of the player who’s on the receiving end, but also gives rise to scenarios that require the other player to be in the right place at the right time. This is neither about probability management nor about a skill of being able to correctly predict a sequence.

While it can be argued that these are the associated risks with using sleep inducing moves (and this is not a point I’d disagree with), I strongly believe that eliminating scenarios where neither player has a correct way to play their following turns and scenarios where control is removed from a player is an action that will push towards rewarding players who showcase more skillful gameplay. The above reasons are enough to describe sleep-inducing moves as consistent with the definition for “Uncompetitive” given by tiering policy framework. I think it’s plausible to hold a vote on the sleep inducing moves that remain in the tier and I urge those voters who are willing to improve the metagame to vote for a ban of sleep-inducing moves regardless of this being a community or council vote.
ban entei for coinflipping half the meta.

ban custap bc almost all mons b+ and above can viably run it and it tends to create really ugly weighted 50/50s where you need to guess between someone making the "optimal" play and enduring with the knowledge they can just double endure (reducing a winning mu to 67.7% btw) and not doing the optimal play and attacking.

probably ban gdarm after banning custap but im not too sure since i wasnt around pre-home.

been building a bit again for mr. 789 heres a pvr:
ORAS VR overhaul! I've basically deleted the VR and we voted from scratch. Voting sheet per member;

:Charizard-Mega-X: Charizard-Mega-X

:Gardevoir-Mega: Gardevoir-Mega
:Metagross-Mega: Metagross-Mega
:Victini: Victini

:Altaria-Mega: Altaria-Mega
:Greninja: Greninja
:Gyarados-Mega: Gyarados-Mega
:Manaphy: Manaphy
:Mawile-Mega: Mawile-Mega

:Heatran: Heatran
:Kyurem-Black: Kyurem-Black
:Mew: Mew
:Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z
:Sableye-Mega: Sableye-Mega
:Venusaur-Mega: Venusaur-Mega

:Diancie-Mega: Diancie-Mega
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Garchomp: Garchomp
:Genesect: Genesect
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian
:Lopunny-Mega: Lopunny-Mega
:Medicham-Mega: Medicham-Mega
:Meloetta: Meloetta
:Slowbro-Mega: Slowbro-Mega
:Togekiss: Togekiss

:Ampharos-Mega: Ampharos-Mega
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-Speed
:Haxorus: Haxorus
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:Jirachi: Jirachi
:Serperior: Serperior
:Sylveon: Sylveon
:Tyranitar-Mega: Tyranitar-Mega
:Volcanion: Volcanion

:Aggron-Mega: Aggron-Mega
:Chansey: Chansey
:Diancie: Diancie
:Garchomp-mega: Garchomp-Mega
:Gengar-Mega: Gengar-Mega
:Heracross-Mega: Heracross-Mega
:Landorus: Landorus
:Latias-Mega: Latias-Mega
:Latios-Mega: Latios-Mega
:Latios: Latios
:Registeel: Registeel
:Rhyperior: Rhyperior
:Magnezone: Magnezone
:Sawk: Sawk
:Slaking: Slaking
:Terrakion: Terrakion
:Volcarona: Volcarona

:Aegislash: Aegislash
:Ambipom: Ambipom
:Archeops: Archeops
:Blastoise-Mega: Blastoise-Mega
:Clefable: Clefable
:Cresselia: Cresselia
:Crustle: Crustle
:Donphan: Donphan
:Empoleon: Empoleon
:Entei: Entei
:Gallade-Mega: Gallade-Mega
:Jumpluff: Jumpluff
:Pinsir-Mega: Pinsir-Mega
:Porygon2: Porygon2
:Talonflame: Talonflame
:Vivillon: Vivillon
:Whimsicott: Whimsicott
:Zapdos: Zapdos


:Aggron: Aggron
:Alakazam-Mega: Alakazam-Mega
:Audino-Mega: Audino-Mega
:Azumarill: Azumarill
:Thundurus-Therian: Thundurus-T
:Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:Golem: Golem
:Lucario-Mega: Lucario-Mega
:Manectric-Mega: Manectric-Mega
:Pidgeot-Mega: Pidgeot-Mega
:Raikou: Raikou
:Smeargle: Smeargle

:Camerupt-Mega: Camerupt-Mega
:Celebi: Celebi
:Emboar: Emboar
:Gastrodon: Gastrodon
:Infernape: Infernape
:Keldeo: Keldeo
:Heracross: Heracross
:Regirock: Regirock
:Rotom-Heat: Rotom-Heat
:Scizor-Mega: Scizor-Mega
:Swampert-Mega: Swampert-Mega

:Aurorus: Aurorus
:Avalugg: Avalugg
:Banette-Mega: Banette-Mega
:Blissey: Blissey
:Conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:Darmanitan: Darmanitan
:Durant: Durant
:Excadrill: Excadrill
:Houndoom-Mega: Houndoom-Mega
:Kingdra: Kingdra
:Reuniclus: Reuniclus
:Salamence: Salamence
:Shedinja: Shedinja

:Abomasnow-Mega: Abomasnow-Mega
:Florges: Florges
:Klefki: Klefki
:Steelix-Mega: Steelix-Mega
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hihi, I am here to bring some SS news to y'all

With OGPL being over and PL in roughly a month the SS council has decided to revisit sleep in SS. For those of you who weren't around last time, the final piece of tiering in SS as a current gen was sleep inducing moves which resulted in Hypnosis and Sing being banned. Fast forward to today and with SV having banned all sleep inducing moves the current SS council wants to take another look at sleep as opinions may have changed since the vote a year ago.

The Process:
Since sleep is so divisive and this being double jeopardy the SS council has opted to go with a suspect test based on tour results in the past year. Voters will be pulled from WC VI, OGPL I, and the 2022 1v1 Circuit Championships. There was discussion on whether to include PL VI or not but it was ultimately decided that since PL ended over a year ago it was best to leave it out. As per usual, each sleep inducing move will require a 60% supermajority vote in order to be banned. Below are the moves being voted on and the requirements to be eligible to vote.

Moves being voted on
- Yawn
- Sleep Powder
- Lovely Kiss
- Spore

- 2022 1v1 Circuit Championship qualifiers
- Played at least 3 games in WC VI and got 2+ wins
- Played at least 3 games in OGPL I and got 2+ wins
Nalei (5-2 in WC VI)
smely socks (5-0 in WC VI, Champs)
abd1710 (3-1 in WC VI)
Close (3-0 in WC VI, Champs)
D2TheW (3-0 in WC VI)
crow crumbs (2-3 in WC VI)
Rellia (2-3 in WC VI)
Aliss (2-2 in WC VI)
DEG (2-2 in WC VI, Champs)
Nick (2-2 in WC VI, Champs)
Waylaid (2-2 in WC VI)
Adam3560 (2-1 in WC VI)
ncalathes (2-1 in WC VI)
Potatochan (Champs, 4-0 in OGPL I)
bo_bobson27 (3-2 in OGPL I)
DenisTheMenace (3-2 in OGPL I)
Justdelemon (Champs, 3-3 in OGPL I)
Here Comes Team Charm! (2-3 in OGPL I)
Jamez (Champs)
PG is PG (Champs)
Tom1535 (Champs)
Boat (Champs)
Golden009 (Champs)
bored_glitch (4-0 in OGPL I)
XanderUrBoi (5-2 in OGPL I)
gorilaa (3-1 in OGPL I)
(If there are any inaccuracies with the voter list please let me know)

I will be sending out a smogon convo this Sunday to begin voting. Voting will last until Sunday, May 28th at 11:59PM GMT -4. With all that out of the way I wanted to open up discussion now before voting begins to give people time to post thoughts if they wanted.
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Can’t believe I have to actually make this post but the exclusion of using PL as qualifiers is wrong for multiple reasons and makes this suspect not only disingenuous it also if not corrected leads to a loss in trust of an SS council’s decision making.

Firstly, for a group of people who use appeals to tradition to validate all manners of bad decisions and yet in this case it seems pertinent to exclude the most competitive tournament from allowing qualification for this suspect test. However, this exclusion is unjustified not solely because of this fact, instead it should be taken into account that an inherently less competitive tournament, in OGPL, is eligibility for qualification and comparing these two tournaments as to how someone who went negative in OGPL is seen as more preferable of a voter than someone who went positive in the more difficult PL tour.

Considering that even after searching for clarification multiple times about a real reason to exclude PL and the SS council having 0 transparency and ignoring such requests is a direct violation of their express purpose. The sole “reasoning” they have given with regards to PL being excluded is the fact that it has been over a year since PL started. Not only does the fact that the timing of PL and the delay of the suspect should hold no weight on the qualifications of the tour, it is also disingenuous to talk about the start of a 7+ week tour instead of the end of that tour for obvious reasons.

Directly answering one of the points of the opposition that the “metagame has changed so much” as to warrant the exclusion of PL and that the players there would have no knowledge of the current metagame. Aside from the fact this is a clear case of curating the voters where instead of using unbiased qualifiers, the council seems to have looked at potential qualifier, seen if these players selected would be “valid voters” in the biased eyes of the council, and then decided accordingly if these tours/records should be qualifiers for eligibility which is so absurd and biased it speaks volumes that this alone doesn’t uproot the entire legitimacy of the suspect but considering this post’s length it’s clear that this is just a part of an extensive problem.

Additionally, the idea that the metagame changed so much as to invalidate PL as a qualifying tour would imply that a recent uptick in sleep would be found in OGPL stats. Let me preface this that I might have made some minor mistake in my calculation but this will only shift the percentages up or down by an insignificant amount so any “gotcha you’re off by 0.1%” arguments are in bad faith and should be ignored. The highest uses of any singular potential sleep user is Sylveon who had 10 uses overall the entire tour, with a low likelihood that all of these were Yawn to begin with. The next, more relevant sleep user in my eyes is Venusaur with 8 total uses who is known moreso for its sleep and can be said with greater confidence that all or the majority of those 8 uses were sleep based movesets. Overall of all pokemon who have the ability to run a sleep move this comes out to 10 sylveon 8 venusaur 3 Lilligant 1 Roserade 1 Butterfree and 1 Ludicolo. This totals up to 24 total potential sleep users brought to this tour with the actual number being significantly less as I do not believe all 10 sylveon are yawn sylveon. Compare this with the 965 or so total pokemon brought in ss during OGPL (I do realize this number is not divisible by 3 so I believe the error on my part is such that I missed or added 1 or 2 pokemon) which comes to a measly 2.48% of the metagame potentially using sleep. This clearly shows that the recent suspect test was not initialized because of recent metagame changes but instead individuals bringing up their concerns, most notably, the post on April 18 by Ncalathes in this thread.

The issues with this becomes apparent very quickly. This post was made significantly after OGPL had started which as I have mentioned previously means that this post which I believed sparked the conversation around a sleep suspect had full access to the OGPL stats and yet deemed that sleep was an issue, which therefore means that the “change in the metagame” is not a measurable or quantifiable one but it is a change of opinion. This means that excluding PL is completely in the wrong as someone only has to follow SS “theorycrafting” (this isn’t the word I’m looking for but I can’t find a more suitable one but I hope my sentiment gets across) and be an active part of conversation to “see” the metagame change. Therefore the length of time between playing SS holds no grounds onto the qualification of PL as an eligibility determiner.

Finally, as more of an addendum, it’s also wrong to vote on all of these matters in the same way because Yawn works fundamentally different then every other form of legal sleep and is just disingenuous to lump these all together. I really hope that SS council doesn’t decide to be deadset in their ways and has the ability to amend and fix the mistakes they have made regarding this suspect.
Is this suspect a joke? This is such a random thing to be bringing up now. It's not exactly a pressing issue in ss 1v1. The meta is good and sleep doesn't need to be suspected for no reason. What's the point of calling a random irrelevant suspect except to just flex your muscles.

Sleeps place in a meta should be viewed on a case-by-case basis, not just having one judgment apply to everything. Uncompetitiveness goes both ways. Venu has like a 17% chance to lose for no reason due to missing sleep powder (as a no-bs speed trap)(if it wins any matchups off of sleep turns, the other mon isn't really a true counter eg. metagross). This is the risk you take running these sets and is a part of 1v1. If there was no luck involved in 1v1, the tier would be boring as shit. (subjectively)

Anyway feel free to respond to me with a 10 page essay trying to give factual reasoning on why sleep should be banned DEG cause people seem to take your very biased opinion as fact most of the time.

edit: removed flagrant remarks sorry I was just frustrated
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Excluding unmons, the meta has Yawn Sylveon, Yawn Swampert, Sleep Powder Venu, and maybe Sleep Powder Roserade if you want to stretch the definition of unmon.

Two of these are straightforward speed traps that do not depend on sleep turns for the vast majority of their matchups, and whose presence enriches the tier in offering a novel strategy. The Yawn users do rely on RNG in significant matchups (sylveon vs goodra, swampert vs most regidrago), but show remarkably little ability to overcome counters to their other sets. I don't think it's surprising to see sleep usage quite low, nor do I think yawn sylveon or swampert are by any means the best sets of these pokemon. The meta has a number of powerful breakers that invalidate sleep strategies by OHKOing these users, as well as resists and stallmons that can comfortably outpace them, and good builders should not struggle to accommodate checks and counters to the sleep users.

Sleep represents a RNG-based element in the metagame, but it is the task of the council and playerbase to decide when RNG requires tiering action. I do not think sleep in SS rises to that level currently. Focus Blast causes RNG, custap 50/50s cause RNG, Thunder Wave causes RNG, but we as a community have little to no interest in banning any, and I think that's the right call. I do not think a blanket ban of the leftover sleep moves would be warranted, and I do not think it would benefit the meta, so I will be voting DNB across the board and encourage others to do the same. This was my position on the previous sleep suspect, and this remains my position today.

Thank you for reading this, Charm out.
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Quick ADV update

Adam3560 has resigned from the ADV council. Thanks for your contributions, man. At the same time, SuperMemeBroz has joined the council. Honestly he probably should have been there already, being one of the most active and enthusiastic ADV players. Glad to have him on board.

We're working on vr and sets comp updates, should be out some time in like the next month or whatever.
hihi, I am here to bring some SS news to y'all

With OGPL being over and PL in roughly a month the SS council has decided to revisit sleep in SS. For those of you who weren't around last time, the final piece of tiering in SS as a current gen was sleep inducing moves which resulted in Hypnosis and Sing being banned. Fast forward to today and with SV having banned all sleep inducing moves the current SS council wants to take another look at sleep as opinions may have changed since the vote a year ago.

The Process:
Since sleep is so divisive and this being double jeopardy the SS council has opted to go with a suspect test based on tour results in the past year. Voters will be pulled from WC VI, OGPL I, and the 2022 1v1 Circuit Championships. There was discussion on whether to include PL VI or not but it was ultimately decided that since PL ended over a year ago it was best to leave it out. As per usual, each sleep inducing move will require a 60% supermajority vote in order to be banned. Below are the moves being voted on and the requirements to be eligible to vote.

Moves being voted on
- Yawn
- Sleep Powder
- Lovely Kiss
- Spore

- 2022 1v1 Circuit Championship qualifiers
- Played at least 3 games in WC VI and got 2+ wins
- Played at least 3 games in OGPL I and got 2+ wins
Nalei (5-2 in WC VI)
smely socks (5-0 in WC VI, Champs)
abd1710 (3-1 in WC VI)
Close (3-0 in WC VI, Champs)
D2TheW (3-0 in WC VI)
crow crumbs (2-3 in WC VI)
Rellia (2-3 in WC VI)
Aliss (2-2 in WC VI)
DEG (2-2 in WC VI, Champs)
Nick (2-2 in WC VI, Champs)
Waylaid (2-2 in WC VI)
Adam3560 (2-1 in WC VI)
ncalathes (2-1 in WC VI)
Potatochan (Champs, 4-0 in OGPL I)
bo_bobson27 (3-2 in OGPL I)
DenisTheMenace (3-2 in OGPL I)
Justdelemon (Champs, 3-3 in OGPL I)
Here Comes Team Charm! (2-3 in OGPL I)
Jamez (Champs)
PG is PG (Champs)
Tom1535 (Champs)
Boat (Champs)
Golden009 (Champs)
bored_glitch (4-0 in OGPL I)
XanderUrBoi (5-2 in OGPL I)
gorilaa (3-1 in OGPL I)
(If there are any inaccuracies with the voter list please let me know)

I will be sending out a smogon convo this Sunday to begin voting. Voting will last until Sunday, May 28th at 11:59PM GMT -4. With all that out of the way I wanted to open up discussion now before voting begins to give people time to post thoughts if they wanted.

At this point in the vote the outcome cannot be changed even if the remaining voters all voted ban so Yawn, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Lovely Kiss will all remain unbanned in SS 1v1. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and we hope to see some of you in PL next month.
Each move needed at least 17 ban votes to reach the 60% supermajority threshold (11 to remain unbanned).


Gym Socks! has left the BW Council.
Thanks for all your work, and hope you do well in your future endeavours.

The Viability Rankings have changed as a result. These changes will be reflected on the BW 1v1 OP soon.

:conkeldurr: Conkeldurr to A+
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z to A+
:thundurus: Thundurus to A+
:shaymin: Shaymin to A
:kyurem: Kyurem to A-
:meloetta: Meloetta to A-
:gyarados: Gyarados to B+
:mienshao: Mienshao to B
:clefable: Clefable to C+
:darmanitan: Darmanitan to C+
:cobalion: Cobalion to C-

:latios: Latios to A
:tyranitar: Tyranitar to A
:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl to B
:magnezone: Magnezone to B
:sableye: Sableye to B
:chansey: Chansey to B-
:tornadus-therian: Tornadus-T to B-
:rotom-wash: Rotom-W to C+
:blissey: Blissey to C
:durant: Durant to C
:gengar: Gengar to C
:gastrodon: Gastrodon to C
:hippowdon: Hippowdon to C
:reuniclus: Reuniclus to C-
:roserade: Roserade to C-
:sceptile: Sceptile to C-
:scizor: Scizor to C-
:staraptor: Staraptor to C-
:bronzong: Bronzong to D
:carracosta: Carracosta to D
:krookodile: Krookodile to D
:umbreon: Umbreon to D
:azumarill: Azumarill to UR
:excadrill: Excadrill to UR
:gallade: Gallade to UR
:hitmonlee: Hitmonlee to UR
:miltank: Miltank to UR
:riolu: Riolu to UR
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORAS SLEEP POWDER SUSPECT TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No fancy talking ORAS council has decided to suspect test Sleep Powder. Insert cheese w/ mega venu in OGPL and usual cheese. If you really care about a reasoning I can give you one later but I have to post this today lmao.

People automatically were granted reqs for the following:
  • Council member OR
  • ORAS Cup Finalists OR
  • Played at least 3 series of ORAS in OGPL, and won at least two games OR
  • Played at least 3 series of ORAS in WC, and won at least two games
Basically same as Zard minus PL (over a year consistency w/ SS plus all games had lax, zard x etc..)

Initial voter list: DEG DezShizzels Elo Bandit XSTATIC COLD Inkreativ 187 Fan Mubs Synonimous LittEleven DripLegend torterraxx PA crying

If I missed anyone lmk.

Additionally, we will be hosting live tours for this suspect will be emulating those of the main 1v1 Live tournament, same as ORAS Zard, with each tournament taking place on the Smogtours server, as well as having the same scheme for dates and times, being:
  • Saturday, June 10th
    • 6 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA, maybe India)
    • 11:59 PM GMT+0 (OCE, EU, USA)
  • Sunday, June 11th:
    • 4 PM GMT+0 (semi-USA, EU, India)
    • 10 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA)
  • Saturday, June 17th:
    • 6 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA, maybe India)
    • 11:59 PM GMT+0 (OCE, EU, USA)
  • Sunday, June 18th:
    • 4 PM GMT+0 (semi-USA, EU, India)
    • 10 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA)
We are currently looking for hosts so if you are interested pm me on discord (i will be hosting at least a few so we do not have 0).

I will open voting at a later date.
Very real adv post!!1 epic teams I made, all the sets I also made as well
vr noms
:muk: UR -> C

MUK'D (Muk) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 172 HP / 216 Atk / 72 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Brick Break
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Ground]

One of our helpers in our very secret building gc loved muk so I wanted to build around that. I was gonna use return muk but giraffe emoji guy was worried about really bulky pp stall raikou so we went hp ground. Spdef was for petaya thunder raikou iirc and some physical benchmark that I don’t remember. Has a cool niche for having high attack+decent movepool for scizor/skarm and ttar with flamethrower n brick break. Move it to C rank

:lanturn: UR -> C+

LANTURNT (Lanturn) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 200 SpA / 16 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Amnesia

Was building around registeel and wanted a water that beat waters, which was gonna be hp electric vap but the opponent I built for spammed fwg (worst core) which always uses vap. Lanturn solved that issue+being a cool mon, it has a ton of hp which lets it live pert and 2hko. U can use surf but pump was for molt rolls, and lefties are also for hp grass molt if u miss pump. Last move is flexible but u don’t have many options anyways. C+ rank mon esp since u can run physical to beat raikou

:skarmory: D -> B-

BIRD (Skarmory) @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Drill Peck
- Counter
- Taunt
- Toxic

Skarmory is super underrated if u know your matchups. Just a great physical answer in general, especially since u beat tauros while being a flying type that beats stuff like grasses grounds etc. I went with max speed to maybe suprise people but u can always go more bulky. I used it to great sucess and it’s a super good glue mon. Overall very good, B- imo

Would make more noms or just a biggerpost but adv is dead, here’s my favorite solid/gimmicky teams that I built: :raikou: :tauros: :machamp:
Probably the best team I built this tour, scope lens raikou is still a beast since half of the adv playerbase have not advanced with le meta, toxic tauros just destroys bad players (which is why we spammed it week 1) and machamp beats everything else + flamethrower is funny. Really solid matchup spread as well. :heracross: :vaporeon: :dragonite:
Second best team, basic rest vap+dd dnite core with a cool band hera set. Just really solid in general + is better than giraffe man’s sample team so a w for me :rhydon: :regice: :skarmory:
My favorite team so far, has 3 really bad mons and works out to be a really good team. The crazy fast rhydon is for metagross, tyranitar and other things and just kills tons of stuff. Regice is a weird glue mon that has a goofy matchup list and skarm is epic at fishing for 3-0s. :celebi: :salamence: :blissey:
Very epic team, band celebi is very funny and this set always beats vap (most band sets do not since they run ada, this set is hasty tho) ancient power catches molt and zard and hp ground for raikou since we don’t 3hko with return anymore. Messiah mence returns which originally had quirky as the nature but that proved to be unoptimal so yeah, very cool and real set. Blizzard blissey is a cool tech for dnite and some mence. :moltres: :sceptile: :tyranitar:
idk why but I really like this team, ttar fell off hard since anything could just run hp fighting and beat u, but since now there’s barely any ttars left I think it could see a small resurgence. This dd set beats starmie without hp bug and other stuff like raikou which is very nice. The molt set is from giraffe man which lives band tauros and always beats it with agility into overheat. Petaya sceptile is also nice for suprising some mons + it’s the first time I’ve used that set.

there was some other epic teams like hp fighting arc, the muk team, the lanturn team and the dodrio + meganium + regirock team but yeah, this tour was really goofy since half of the players didn’t know how to play/haven’t played in 2 years, but I still enjoyed it because I got to play mrext+hungry who are actually good players. also i did not want to build this tour but I had to build 90% of the adv teams :/. Hopefully adv will be revived…

@ Giraffe man thanks for kicking me out of the gc 6 times and hating on me the entire time. You also helped with some matchups and team help which was very helpful. Overall a super enjoyable experience to be with you until

Justdelemon thanks for calling every set and team I made bad and reporting on me like 4 times for no reason. Seriously though it was pretty fun working with you and I hope we can work together again

Eeveekid10 yooooo goat!!! Can’t actually believed u used my bad teams and actually won with them LOL But it was fun building for you and hope we can team up again in 500 years

+ all the adv goats for playing and goated teammates for carrying (you know who u are)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORAS SLEEP POWDER SUSPECT TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No fancy talking ORAS council has decided to suspect test Sleep Powder. Insert cheese w/ mega venu in OGPL and usual cheese. If you really care about a reasoning I can give you one later but I have to post this today lmao.

People automatically were granted reqs for the following:
  • Council member OR
  • ORAS Cup Finalists OR
  • Played at least 3 series of ORAS in OGPL, and won at least two games OR
  • Played at least 3 series of ORAS in WC, and won at least two games
Basically same as Zard minus PL (over a year consistency w/ SS plus all games had lax, zard x etc..)

Initial voter list: DEG DezShizzels Elo Bandit XSTATIC COLD Inkreativ 187 Fan Mubs Synonimous LittEleven DripLegend torterraxx PA crying

If I missed anyone lmk.

Additionally, we will be hosting live tours for this suspect will be emulating those of the main 1v1 Live tournament, same as ORAS Zard, with each tournament taking place on the Smogtours server, as well as having the same scheme for dates and times, being:
  • Saturday, June 10th
    • 6 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA, maybe India)
    • 11:59 PM GMT+0 (OCE, EU, USA)
  • Sunday, June 11th:
    • 4 PM GMT+0 (semi-USA, EU, India)
    • 10 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA)
  • Saturday, June 17th:
    • 6 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA, maybe India)
    • 11:59 PM GMT+0 (OCE, EU, USA)
  • Sunday, June 18th:
    • 4 PM GMT+0 (semi-USA, EU, India)
    • 10 PM GMT+0 (EU, USA)
We are currently looking for hosts so if you are interested pm me on discord (i will be hosting at least a few so we do not have 0).

I will open voting at a later date.
Although not everyone has voted, the missing votes will not affect the outcome of the suspect test.

DEG (Council)
187 Fan (Council)
Elo Bandit (Council)
Mubs (Council)
DezShizzels (Council)
Inkreativ (Council)
torterraxx (Council)
crying (ORAS Cup Finalist)
LittEleven (OGPL)
DripLegend (OGPL)
Synonimous (WC)
Lucario (Live Suspect)
Justdelemon (Live Suspect)
Marshme1to (Live Suspect)
NTG Cuz IDK (Live Suspect)
Sanshokuinsumireko (Live Suspect)
Votes: 14

Ban: 11 votes
Do Not Ban: 3 votes

Even if all remaining votes were for Do Not Ban, it would not change the outcome, as Sleep Powder would receive a minimum of the 60% threshold required to ban it. As such, Sleep Powder is banned from ORAS 1v1. Tagging Kris to implement whenever possible, thank you, and thanks to everyone who voted!
Can we get av lando on the sm setcomp/expanded setcomp?

This is my personal set which I built, though its probably pretty schizo.

Landorus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Level: 100
Adamant Nature
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Atk / 100 Def / 52 SpD / 16 Spe
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- Outrage
- Iron Tail / Hidden Power [Ice] / Sludge Bomb / Bulldoze

Iron tail for garde, hp ice for lando, sludge bomb for bulu whims, bullzone for (something)
Rock tomb into outrage kills dnite (standards ones atleast, loses to icium)
We beat the zards reliably, wisp zard as well though there will always be a question of mega evolving or not
Probably loses to some mons idk
Welcome SuperMemeBroz and Taka to BW council! neomon and Lumii will also be joining us temporarily to vote on a new post-PL VR, which we will start voting on soon.

Go play the BW 1v1 ladder and keep an eye out for the LT starting tomorrow. I'm also planning an update for BW's sets compendium - if you want to help with that lmk. Any help, whether it's one set or several dozen, is appreciated
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BW 1v1 VR changes (manually collected by Lumii)
The sheet where voting happens is now publicly viewable
:genesect: Genesect to S-
:manaphy: Manaphy to S-
:meloetta: Meloetta to A
:scrafty: Scrafty to A
:zapdos: Zapdos to A
:latias: Latias to A-
:magnezone: Magnezone to B+
:mienshao: Mienshao to B+
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn to B
:clefable: Clefable to B-
:golem: Golem to B-
:hariyama: Hariyama to B-
:infernape: Infernape to B-
:medicham: Medicham to B-
:ninetales: Ninetales to B-
:venusaur: Venusaur to B-
:gengar: Gengar to C+
:moltres: Moltres to C+
:scizor: Scizor to C
:carracosta: Carracosta to C-
:gardevoir: Gardevoir to C-
:krookodile: Krookodile to C-
:emboar: Emboar to D
:gallade: Gallade to D
:riolu: Riolu to D
:cresselia: Cresselia to A+
:volcarona: Volcarona to A+
:keldeo: Keldeo to A
:metagross: Metagross to A
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z to A
:suicune: Suicune to A-
:landorus-therian: Landorus-T to B
:serperior: Serperior to B
:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl to B-
:chandelure: Chandelure to B-
:sableye: Sableye to B-
:slaking: Slaking to B-
:archeops: Archeops to C+
:darmanitan: Darmanitan to C
:rotom-heat: Rotom-H to C
:salamence: Salamence to C
:slowbro: Slowbro to C
:cinccino: Cinccino to C-
:virizion: Virizion to C-
:alakazam: Alakazam to D
:cobalion: Cobalion to D
:roserade: Roserade to D
:escavalier: Escavalier to UR
:cacturne: Cacturne to UR
:cofagrigus: Cofagrigus to UR
:exeggutor: Exeggutor to UR
:torterra: Torterra to UR
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Good day, everyone! DPP 1v1 updates time!

Just so everyone knows, clerica was given me the reins as the DPP 1v1 leader; with that, while I do apologize as this is actually long overdue, I would also like to officially welcome stravench to the DPP 1v1 Council!

As of the moment, no changes will happen in the Viability Ranking and Sets Compendium (update may happen after the 1v1 Classic draws to a close); however, I would like to bring one key Pokemon up for potential tiering discourse, and this is no other than Jirachi.


For starters, this is the generation where Jirachi flourished in other top metagames such as DPP OU by virtue of the introduction of Iron Head and Zen Headbutt which, when boosted by Jirachi's Serene Grace, boosts flinching chances to gain the upper hand against the opposition. In this 1v1 realm, however, Jirachi had stiff competition to become one of the top threats until other Pokemon such as Snorlax, Togekiss, Machamp, and Shaymin got the banhammer.


Exhibit A: Top 10 Pokemon Usage in DPP 1v1 since the DPP 1v1 No Johns Tournament (Shaymin ban implemented) up until 1v1 OGPL I; Jirachi being the second most used Pokemon


Exhibit B: Top 10 Pokemon Usage in DPP 1v1 only in OGPL I; Jirachi being brought up the most by DPP 1v1 OGPL players.

Once the Shaymin ban in DPP 1v1 got implemented from the start of DPP 1v1 No Johns Tournament, Jirachi's usage skyrocketed, and the reason for such is that it became one of the top picks to deal with one of the metagame's greatest staples until now: Tyranitar, and more people playing this metagame through numerous avenues (mostly tours) are starting to appreciate that Pokemon being an increasingly top-tier metagame threat in itself due to the sole capability Jirachi brings that may eventually end up being uncompetitive, and that is cheesing its way to victory even with undesirable match-ups.

One fellow council member would argue that potentially banning Jirachi - another Tyranitar counter - would only lead to Tyranitar being highly centralized in the metagame (though I would counter that as there are more counters to Tyranitar than it is to Jirachi at the moment; a lot of people manage to tech their way to dealing with Tyranitar much better these days, I believe).

As the 1v1 Classic VII's DPP 1v1 Cup draws closer to the battle phase, at least there is another avenue where we can take another look at the DPP 1v1 metagame and check whether or not Jirachi deserves to at least be suspected publicly. We are open for opinions (especially non-council ones) regarding this affair; as such, fire them away!
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