Tournament 1v1 Premier League VII - Discussion Thread

Welp, season is over and I have no one to blame other than myself. There were moments that I lacked as a manager such as in scouting and in my authority. As a player, I was not able to do my best in this tour, losing 0-3 in most games. I take full responsibility for the performance of the team.

Thanks to all the Heatrans and those who helped us along the way. Sorry we didn't make it to our final goal of a championship. No buts because that's literally what happened LOL. I take full credit for that. The players of the team did their jobs well. I hope to work/battle against y'all in other 1v1 tours.

For my analysis of PL
The first 1v1 pl that I played in and it looked kinda stressful compared to other tours. Though this is mostly because I was trying learning new tiers rather than played what I usually play kek. Motivation is a big factor when playing in PL, something so small could really mess you up though that is something I think I need to work on. I wasn't able to motivate the team much which may have been one of the factors that stopped us from going the extra mile.

As for managing, I have huge respects to the managers that have led teams to victory or just led it with elegance and style. I hope to be like y'all some day but we'll see if I will have the opportunity to do so once again. Y'all are amazing! Draft schedule killed me kek

GGs to my opponents especially close! That was honestly my most fun I had this tour.

Good luck to the remaining teams! I hope to watch some highlight games which will be remembered as pl goes on.

Will be back soon for sure. Mabuhay!!
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1v1pl7 reflection/ego trip/shoutouts
I know its not over yet, but we cannot gatekeep rhyps any longer and I have finished my last series

Week 1: Beating the worst team ever allegations
It is in this week I believe I did some of my best building, even if I only finished with the 4 teams. I had beaten Bird last pl so I was fairly confident, certain even that I would win, and that's what ended up happening. I won fairly convincingly in 5 after a terrible click g1. We ended up winning the week, proving all the doubters wrong (for now lol). I had 2000 or something messages this week alone and built a few different slots alongside my own. Overall great week, my first ever pl week win!!

Week 2: Back to Reality
Was confident into ncal because of my record vs him + I generally think I matchup well into him. Had 4 teams, all of which were very powerful and while it was close than I would've liked, I won making me 2-0. My team lost the week, however, but I was still hopeful since we still had time to gain some momentum.

Week 3: Close, but no cigar
Went back to school starting this week which significantly cut my availability down. I was as confident as one really can be vs Denis. My prep was on point for about the last time this tour. I forgot what I won in but overall a very fun series. The week overall wasn't so fun however as we lost 5-3, getting smoked by hax.

Week 4: Burnout Begins
My prep vs Potatochan was great, however, I only had 3 teams. Didn't know how to feel going into it because I've never played him. Won in 4 which stopped that being an issue though. We got washed this week as was fairly expected. I started to become doubtful of our chances of making playoffs because the only people who could consistently win at this point were me and sword and I started feeling the burnout, ideas weren't coming to me in ss, and I had been helping others out a ton which wasn't making it any better.

Week 5: The beginning of the end
My prep vs lrxc was good but it got very bad mus into the chams broken ss. I knew I would win going into it though I only ended up winning because he threw a couple times. This was one of the worst series i've ever played even though I ended up taking it. Ended up being a sign of things to come.

Week 6: Fuck.
At this point, the only thing keeping me sane in Heatrans was the win streak I had. This week I lost it. I knew I was probably fucked heading into it as nothing was sticking in builder + I was being weighed down by homework and school. The teams were not good, as expected, I was passed a team which was 3-0d. Everything that could've went wrong kinda did. I clicked badly even considering the bad mus I had and lost the winstreak along with all my motivation. Heatrans are allergic to winning once again, defo didn't help that I lost this one and with this we were fully out of playoffs.

Week 7: Yeah
I slotted sv7 with the mentality if I can't 7-0, why should I let other ppl. I'm generally very inexperienced in the gen but have been doing a decent amount of building from the shadows. This series was terrible. I went against my gut exactly 4 times, and lost exactly 4 times. I had all the help in the world in terms of teams, being helped by heaps of people who were dependent on us to win. g1 was the freest baxcalibur oat but I don't like letting myself take the easy pick so naturally I just fucking lose. g2 I threw as well, partly due to lack of meta knowledge, not knowing belli diancie mu. My enamorus beat diancie so I went into that and didn't click the easy pick (3-0) once again. g3 and 4 were better, I was clicking as I would've liked to though i'm still generally very confused by what lumii sees at preview. g5 I go against my gut telling me to go bundle even though i knew treads was coming out every day of the week, especially since I think their set tries to beat val. g6 was whatever then the lowest point of my entire tour, g7 involved me going against my gut yet again, clicking azu when I knew I would see sylv. Ursa was even more free due to me just being able to dodge a hydro pump and win. This is why I believe this is probably the worst series i've ever played. This isn't to discredit you of course Lumii , still don't know how you went 7-0 reusing so much, wish you a good rest of tour.

stravench thanks for being a positive presence as a manager, even if you did troll in draft somewhat. (no free 7-0 and ring at barras noooo) also thanks for taking the bw burden most weeks. Sorry for when I was selfish, putting myself over u and the team and sorry for not being able to close out the tour winning. Love u bro.
Baleblaze same as strav, hope u are doing alright irl bro
SwordIsBored thanks for winning consistently, should've built more lol but u had a nice tour
XanderUrBoi thanks for winning consistently like sword, if everyone had your approach to building where you just show up on the day with 5 fresh teams, maybe I wouldn't be so burnt out rn
Eeveekid10 ur record really ignores how good a tour u had, I think we all know what happened there...
zo thanks for the help u gave me in ss and gz on the pl win, think more before u make plays and u could break to 1 win barrier very soon.
cold illusions u played alright but just could have been a bit more transparent in you building, also gz on putting a massive asterisk on delemon's record
NTG Cuz IDK NTGOOAT, gz on the 2-0 and wish that you got to play much earlier on, love the support u gave in oras and sm
BlackKnight_Gawain while you didn't perform too well this tour, I still believe you have what it takes to do well and u were a great addition in teamchat
LeCehlou thanks for the ss support, donated to d2 fsr but otherwise would end with a nice 1-0
Miyoko you did well in the grim sm circumstances we had, the teams I was passing u were actually just bopher teams lmaoo
motogp Jabiru u guys were barely active but decent chat presences

Opchurtle100 thanks for carrying our bw slot for no reason and being our biggest supporter, please stop jynxing us in gamechat tho lool
zioziotrip thanks for the building help + guidance, sorry I couldn't carry the torch and 7-0.
realaccountami? you did a great job holding down the monopoke slot and your scouting help was invaluable. Would recommend u to any managers.
eblurb Justdelemon bored_glitch Potatochan stravench ncalathes thanks for all the test bo5/7s they were very helpful.
bo_bobson27 DripLegend Justdelemon eblurb Fancy1 thanks for the help w7, was invaluable

Overall, I had a decent tour, I like to strive for perfection which is why the 5-0 into 5-2 hurt, but the more I think about it the more unreasonable that sounds. Thanks to everyone I played for the great series', I mainly only had fun when I won, but theres no doubt there were some great games played. If I could give any advice from all this, it's that trying to be perfect can drag you down. Thinking of managing next pl just to escape the bad teams. Yes, I still do wish I could've gone to Barras, but it's not the end of the world that I ended up here.

Pce out
-swag god

pl shit, thwacks are out of poffs so ye, ended pl 5 losses and 2 wins (let’s be real should’ve been 4-3) but we move on, is this a good first big tour record? idk, (dw DEG my predicts wont be going anywhere ❤❤❤)

Week 1: vs mrex

I’ll be real, I never expected myself to get drafted, I was super new to the scene (still kind of am) and I’ve never competed in a teamtour before, so I just went into this week to try my best. If you go back and watch my set vs mrex you’ll see some beginner mistakes being made, I’ll be the first to admit it, but at that time i was happy with my performance, now I definitely see the things I could’ve done better

Week 2: vs queso

I went into this week with same mentality, try my best and show people i wasn’t an ass pick. and what happened was a 3-0. This set was a rush of happiness for me, my first big tournament victory, I took my time, used the calculator (insane). I played cleanly and got rewarded for it

Week 3: vs murm

this was an insane week for me, I did not think I would win against such a known player like murm. But I did. At first it looked like an easy murm victory but I saw how he was picking and I adapted and I pulled out a dub, this was to be honest my favorite week out of all of them

Week 4: vs gorilaa

this was a pretty good set all and all, I started up 2-0 feeling good, got called out for spamming the living hell out of scarf meow and fumbled the last game. gorilaa was a good op, this could’ve been a w if I picked a bit better so i wasn’t really upset abt it

Week 5: vs Leru

the Leru set is not one I look fondly on, I was stressed out my mind (sadly not gacked) and was going back to how I pick when I’m stressed, which is safe. Leru played good and punished me for it, if anything this was a lesson to slow the hell down when I play

Week 6: vs pg

this set still pisses me off, my prep was great vs pg and I loved all the teams I made for it, however I lost, even when pg actively threw a game by pressing sub AT 25% I still missed. the only gripe I have with this set (other than the obvious) is not realizing spect did not have a 3-0

Week 7: vs qwily

this set was terrible to be blunt. my prep was pretty good. To put it plainly all the things I think I need to improve on as a player happened in this set, I rushed myself, I didn’t go through teams thoroughly, and I clicked like shit. but i’m moving on, if anything it will be a reminder of what to do next big tourney

k no more sad “oh no I lost in POKEMON :sobbing:” time for shoutouts

Waylaid DripLegend for taking a chance on me, I really cannot say enough how much I appreciate it, you too are both super fun and great managers

DripLegend (but again) SuperMemeBroz shadowtime2000 (any1 else who helped me) for all the sv support. you guys came in clutch so many times to help with my teams

Opchurtle100 fuck you doug

Opchurtle100 jk ily!!!

SwordIsBored swag god bored_glitch bea Justdelemon Bernian Vertigo 1LDK all cool people to talk to, except sword SEE YOU IN FIGHTNIGHTS BUDDY (if he can’t beat a bug how does he expect to beat me????)

@thwackeys I couldn’t have asked for a better first pl team, all super supportive and funny people I don’t feel like tagging u all but you guys are cool

if I forgot you I’m not sorry (will prob drop teams at somepoint)

see yall in wc


lost but i like it
is a Forum Moderator
Regular season run for Thwackeys is unfortunately coming to an end, so time for some shoutouts. Even if we didn't make playoffs I think we have a lot to be proud of (like our SM being undefeated all of regular season). Official team tours are a completely new environment, and this being my first one while being in a managing role helped me learn a huge amount throughout this tour. Wish I could've been able to put up more wins instead of selling some important weeks for you guys, but this post isn't about me. Let me give some proper recognition to all of the people who made this first tour experience a good one.
Theia thx for being a great host and being patient with my inexperience
Fancy1 i knew you had some potential and honestly you exceeded my expectations, you got thrown into a harder slot for a newcomer and fought tooth and nail time and time again. Even if you went negative i think this was a good start for you, and i'll hopefully see you soon in wc :)
shadowtime2000 i think you have a lot of creativity and i like how much you think about the game. hopefully you don't schedule during flights anymore after this tour x)
OM even if you weren't playing you would be on for most games and be supportive which was great to see. hopefully our aaapl team has better luck with their season
Swiffix you were open to learning a lot within short timeframes and i appreciate the effort you put in, glad you were able to snag a win this tour
TheShadowClaw never really got to interact with you a ton before this tour, and you're a pretty chill guy. sad this might be your last tour but feel free to send more cute animal videos whenever. thx for being a good sport and consistently putting up wins for us
D2TheW same story as tsc, was cool getting to know you more and you're a rly funny guy. you'll break the curse someday i believe in you!!!!
spoo WC CHAMP SPOO, memes aside you were willing to learn and play wherever we needed you and i'm glad you were able to have fun. I know some of the most fun i had was rallying around you when you clutched up and beat dez after the double sub happened.
Sanshokuinsumireko silent killer for sure, you always got shit done when it needed to be and you really clutched up as the season progressed. i pray you never have to spend 1.3k on gachas for one character again
SuperMemeBroz during the auction i'll never forget the "16.5k what were you smoking" but after this tour i'd do it again in a heartbeat. you were thrown into bw jail with minimum support for a while, and found ways to enjoy the tier/bring heat most weeks. was a lot of fun teaming with you and hope to see you succeed more in the future (also sorry for going like 0-4 all time with your sv teams lmfao).
Waylaid you were worried about messing up my first pl experience by managing with me, but this has definitely been the most fun i've had playing mons. I don't regret the decision at all, and it meant a lot getting this chance so i can't thank you enough. teaming with you these past 2 team tours has been a such a fun experience (we'll win the next time we team trust!!!).
Blazikin Opchurtle100 tears the support from all of you was great and much appreciated. definitely saved us a couple of times when we needed it
413X thx for reminding me of other games outside of mons and being the monopoke GOAT!. hopefully my vgc career starts when i have the time
clerica hopefully your work schedule gets better, was fun having you even if you were usually busy :)
Vertigo im happy you had a great tour, always knew you had it in you and im glad you're getting recognition for the work you've put in to improve :)
this tour's given me a good opportunity to reflect on all the great people i've been lucky to meet through here. glad to have come back to this community and be friends with so many cool people. even if i didn't shout you out directly it's been a pleasure getting to know a lot of you more. Much love to everyone and good luck to teams going into playoffs <3
Did not end up with a good record at the end of this PL but I think I played pretty well and wouldn't really want to change a thing, despite my losses I found this PL fun and would love to do it again and to that I thank stravench and Baleblaze for believing in me enough to draft me.

Le mentions:
swag god Thank you for pretty much carrying me team one and passing teams and giving insightful reviews to the ones I built, also helped a lot of weeks in general.
Eeveekid10 Good player who I think can go very far, did really well despite it being their first time playing a CG in a tournament like this.
Vertigo For teams, test games and general support especially this week.
DripLegend For the especially fun SV7 series, first time playing in Bo7 so it's pretty memorable to me.

Hellfire Heatrans was not expected to go far after the draft happened, despite that I think we broke expectations somewhat and had a decent tournament and everyone played their best. In general I'm just glad to have a chance to play games in a tour like this.

Gl to everyone else in the tour, except RPS!!!


Banned deucer.
Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.


lost but i like it
is a Forum Moderator
Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.
What about dreamprince :(
Just a small shoutout post, since I felt doing one, sorry if I am being unoriginal and cringe.

After doing well in LT with 3 alts in top 5(though I got gatekept its still not bad right), baleblaze asked me if I could take part in a teamtour, I have taken part in discord teamtours but this was just completely different... with how confident I was after making playoffs in both throwbacks I really expected that I might just do good enough and went for the offer, luckily enough I ended up with people I was really familiar with(all being newbloods, like eeveekid, cehlou, agent pg and miyoko)

I was just deciding on what tier should I help, since zo(tenzhii?) didnt really look like they needed major help in ORAS and other tiers were preoccupied though I was helping test. Baleblaze ended up pinging me and miyoko in sm channel to help build and I immediately went to scout. Week 1 we started building in vc with baleblaze while watching super old wc pl replays and thats how I truly learnt competitive SM.(I was only used with ladder sm 1v1). Though my sets never really got to see the light due to miscommunication and delay(and when they did, it ended up being a miscommunication about a non jolly kartana, getting 3-0d by xsc's gardevoir).

I didnt really get to play that much, but whenever I did, I gave my best in building(1v1 in 2023 is entirely a builder's game!!! Doesnt matter if you are against XSTATIC COLD or Justdelemon, if you end up 3-0'ing them you obviously win).

Err shoutouts w/tags okay

stravench and Baleblaze, Thanks for drafting and trusting in me, upbidding me even. It was fun building with blaze in a vc, though I didnt say anything I still learnt a lot about this meta. Hoping you both are doing good. Stravench helped me test a lot, really cool presence in general.
swag god you basically babysitted all the newblood besides the managers, building atleast 5 tiers at once, godly presence we say that. Sorry for disturbing every weekday because of testgames.
zo one of the coolest person in the team, you basically gave me a reality check on how to actually build ORAS, seeing you build in the cord was surely an inspiration, I kinda was overconfident that I can play and build oras before the tour but the way you build really gave me an idea how non-diverse this tier is actually, sorry for being goofy around in that channel :]
SwordIsBored Very cool person, not much interaction but you are a good player, spectating your games was fun.
XanderUrBoi At first I had a bad impression, you were very inactive but it turned out to be normal since you were literally winning games(and the losses were entirely on bad luck, haxorus vs registeel, pyukumuku vs zapdos)
cold illusions okay you are an absolutely great player just should have actually prepared in front of us so we could have provided qcs, also I constantly pinged you for helping baleblaze but you didnt listen once :/
Miyoko good sm support, I still cant believe swag god gave you bopher teams and you ended up packing mishlef, life could be a dream sometimes.
Eeveekid10 3rd most active person in cord, super unlucky in all the series you played. Support was S(+) tier, though idk why were you against me half of the time. Building for you felt good though you ended up losing winnable matchups by bad luck or due to the lack of testgames.
LeCehlou gz on a big breakthrough in your life, you were building SS and did a good job. Dont feel bad for losing against d2thew, you played super well that series
BlackKnight_Gawain you got unlucky as well, not really much interaction but okay.
Jabiru sorry for the kartana team vs xsc.
motogp idk why were people against you 90% of the time, i guess using tinkaton and kingambit was surely not bad right

Hungryfoodies! Carried BW, Carried cheerleading!!
Realaccountami?! Carried scouts, carried monopoke, carried cheerleading, ty for testgames as well!!
zioziotrip! Carried oras and ss!!

Game shoutouts
spoo and Elo Bandit for playing a good series!
eblurb, Kaif and Jamez!!
Thanks for qc'ing my teams and helping me build against bandit sm, despite being cross with me!(another shoutout to rellia for pointing out something)

I guess thats over for pl 7

Oh and s/o to LittEleven Lumii and DripLegend for being cool


(scam) artist
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Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.
I wasn't gonna do that publicly because I felt like giving you genuine constructive criticism for future tours but turns out you made a post to call your own players bad in a public thread

You've been nothing but a nuisance this entire tour, being not only the worst manager I've ever teamed up with, but also the worst user I've seen in a teamcord period
Between breakdowns in games where you spammed in battle chat every occasion you got, completely giving up after week 5 despite us having a clear shot at qualifying, encouraging bad behaviour from your mates leading one of em to get infracted and overall bringing negativity to a team you were supposedly managing
I don't care at all about my results this tour, I signed up to play with my friend Fragments and ended up having an overall pleasant experience thanks to the rest of the team, mainly Denis who's one of the coolest people out there
Really, the only and main bad thing about this tour was you being on our team and more importantly, you managing it
If you don't straight up quit, I hope hosts and the 1v1 community as a whole realises how terrible of a user you are, and that you should never be allowed to be on a team for any tour, let alone manage one.
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it was a dream before it turns a nightmare.
Probably the worst manager you can have and i never met someone so toxic. If you dare say he's wrong, he threatens to bench you. He sees imaginary 3-0s, flames you in the chat (discord+game) while you are playing and after talking to my opponents they were able to confirm that I was right on my guess and choices. Chipolata mental and crybaby.

Apart from this guy who should have stayed locked up and not been able to "manage" anything, I had a lot of fun in this tour and it was a good discovery. Good team8 epecially Fragments, Denis were really cool, congrats everyone in our team, we didnt won the tour but we survived mentally when someone in this post didnt
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Banned deucer.
Probably the worst manager you can have and i never met someone so toxic. If you dare say he's wrong, he threatens to bench you. He sees imaginary 3-0s, flames you in the chat (discord+game) while you are playing and after talking to my opponents they were able to confirm that I was right on my guess and choices. Chipolata mental and crybaby.

Apart from this guy who should have stayed locked up and not been able to "manage" anything, I had a lot of fun on this visit and it was a good discovery. Good team8 epecially Fragments, Denis were really cool, congrats everyone in our team, we didnt won the tour but we survived mentally when someone in this post didnt
when i give you free 3 0 to win the week, dont pick a 0 3 kid. The garchomp was a 3-0, if you dont believe me, ask to someone else, yache chomp sword dance beats snorlax.

Worst manager? with all the teams i gave you? without me we would be 8th.

Dont reject the fault on me, i did my job, you just are terrible in games.

I won pl twice, + 2 semi, i think i have no lessons to get from you.
So yeah, i can win a team tour, i just hate players who doing nothing + bad in game.

As i said, it was lost from the draft (our fault + landon afk) .

Yes, i m aggressive I know it, but believe me, even in real life, it s better to be honest and say what you think than saying nothing and being a snitch. And for real, a lot of guys in 1v1 community say nothing but think it. Me, i say it.

You know, i wont be a liar, saying "thanks you are cool you were a super mate".
It happens, we were bad from beginning to end, unable to win a week after 4-1 twice, we were alone with Denis to give teams to entire team, and i see no results. It's normal that i m unhappy.
I say it again, it's not barbie world with me, it s not "everybody is cool everybody is good, everybody is nice". No, it's a PL, we play for win that's all. If you wanted to play with your friends, then go play fortnite.
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Le Don

La Déchéance d'un homme
is a Community Contributor
RoAPL Champion
Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.
Trou du cul.png

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