Project 1v1 Secret Santa 2022

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Merry christmas STABLE

Let me start by pointing one thing out: Life Orb Gholdengo is terrible for sure. Having not definitely decided a set yet and initially putting Recover/Thunder Wave/Shadow Ball/Make It Rain with the intention of tailoring it towards whatever I need it to beat later, I decided to pair it with Azumarill because I really wanted something to beat Chi-Yu and Chien-Pao alongside it, considering it's obvious weakness to both of them. Add Encore to handle Dondozo. Because the team seemed rather slow with Gholdengo and Azumarill, I tentatively put a Talonflame on it, because Talonflame is cool. I then laddered some to figure out what I need to replace Talonflame with and I ended up losing to Iron hands and Iron Bundle.

I considered using Sandstorm Gholdengo to kill Sub Petaya Iron Bundle on the 4th Substitute, but that is unreliable because they could run a spread that activates the berry after 3 Substitutes. I decided to put Scarf Meowscarada over Talonflame for Iron Bundle and put Recover and Reflect on Gholdengo for Iron Hands. (but not before failing to 2HKO an opposing Iron Hands with Psychic Gholdengo) However, that didn't work so I decided to use Bulk Up Great Tusk with Booster Energy to boost speed to beat both Iron Hands and Iron Bundle. And with that, the team is now flawless. Have fun!

Final team:

Thanks zo for laddering for me.
mrextrazy Happy Holidays! As your Secret Santa, I had to build a team centered around Donphan, so here it is:
Skeledirge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Blaze
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 100 Def / 52 SpD / 108 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Encore
- Torch Song / Blast Burn
- Hex

Donphan @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 4 HP / 176 Atk / 76 Def / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
IVs: 0 SpD
- Counter
- Encore
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard

Clawitzer @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 192 HP / 48 Def / 168 SpA / 100 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Mud Shot
- Aura Sphere / Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse

Skeledirge is a powerful mon that pairs very well with Donphan's Ground typing to cover some of the threats to it, namely being bulky Fairy types like Sylveon and Azumarill (Belly Drum is a 50/50 between Encore and Hex after using Wisp though!), Grass types, and other threats like Annihilape and Corviknight, as well as providing added pressure against other big mons like Iron Hands, Iron Valiant, and Ting-Lu.
- The physical bulk survives a Band Knock Off from Jolly Meowscarada.
- The special bulk survives a Shadow Ball from non-Specs Gholdengo.
- The speed is mostly just leftovers that I dumped there for giving yourself as much of an edge vs other Skeledirge as possible. You could shave off a little bit of bulk if you want to outspeed Donphan reliably, but that ofc means the above hits would become rolls, so I leave that for you to decide.
Donphan is the star of the show here. Now while it would be easy to just slap a Band on there and call it a day, I wanted to try out something unique with the combination of Counter + its newly acquired move Encore, and I am delighted to say that it is actually a pretty killer combo! The ability to lock your opponent into the crummy move they used to play around Sturdy makes Donphan hard to break, while simultaneously a stronger hit will just get deflected by Counter or result in boosting your Earthquake for the KO.
- The physical bulk ensures that Donphan survives a Play Rough into Aqua Jet from Azumarill.
- The reduced special bulk makes it very likely that most special hits will drop Donphan into Liechi range.
- The speed is cranked to give you as good of a chance against opposing Donphan as possible, in addition to outspeeding most Skeledirge and Sylveon.
- The Atk has everything else dumped into it for maximizing the damage from your attacks.
- If status conditions end up becoming a problem, you very well could opt for swapping out the Liechi Berry for a Lum Berry, though choosing between the two really just depends on what you're encountering at a given moment in time.
Most people would consider Clawitzer as one of the many quirky Water types that this gen has to offer and just dismiss it without giving it a second thought, but for the team's weaknesses to mons like Iron Bundle, Salamence, Rotom-Heat, and an annoyingly fast Skeledirge with Wisp that I struggled with in a prior version, Clawitzer helped to handle them while also doubling as a fun third that a lot of people on ladder don't really think about or have good answers to.
- The special bulk survives a +3 Dark Pulse from Weakness Policy Chi-Yu after Calm Mind.
- The physical bulk survives a Protosynthesis boosted Close Combat from Great Tusk most of the time.
- The speed outpaces Modest Gholdengo after Mud Shot.
- The SpA is leftovers to make KOing Chi-Yu with Hydro Pump as reliable as possible.
Hope you enjoy!
gm Rosa Happy Holidays! Here is a Sharpness Gallade team. I havent played this meta much yet so apologies if it's a weird team but I hope you enjoy it!
Gallade (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sharpness
EVs: 204 Atk / 128 SpD / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade
- Aqua Cutter
- Psycho Cut

This gallade is bulked to live +1 Moonblast from Iron Valiant while also taking on Iron Bundle, Magnezone, and some Azumarill for the team. Aqua Cutter is for Skeledirge and some Chi-Yu's. Leaf Blade is able to crit through mons like Dodonzo if they start setting up, all these moves being powered up and having a higher crit rate is pretty cool imo. The speed evs put Gallade right above adamant Breloom while the rest is dumped into attack.

Flutter Mane @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Moonblast
- Mystical Fire

Flutter Mane kills many of the ghosts and faster mons that plague gallade like meowscarda, chien-pao, chi-yu, annihilape, etc. Gallade is pretty atrocious at killing the physical attackers in this tier (with av at least) and Flutter helps a lot on that end, with the remainder losing to the next mon.

Corviknight @ Occa Berry
Ability: Mirror Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 52 Def / 200 Spe
Impish Nature
- Iron Defense
- Iron Head
- Body Press
- Roost

The 4 attack evs guarantee a OHKO onto Flutter Mane with Iron Head (you can run heavy slam if you're paranoid about them running bulk), while the speed evs puts Corv at 220 speed. The rest of the EVs are placed to maximise Corviknight's overall bulk. The idea of Occa Berry was to beat offensive Arcanines with the help of Mirror Armor as Arcanine can be a big concern for this team, depending on the set. If Arcanine isnt a concern, you can run leftovers.

AV Annihilape (assuming it outspeeds Gallade) and Arcanine were two issues I found for this team. I'm sure there are others but I hope you can enjoy the team!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays Pice, here is your secret santa team.
Gonna be honest with you, Iron Treads is far below both of its past variants and it was hard to find a set that worked. I chose to run a speed boosting spdef set that could hopefully live a hit and two shot the opponent, or set up iron defenses on some physical attackers. Treads weaknesses to ground and fire gave me an excuse to run specs Pelipper which is one of my favorite mons to use this gen. It is bulked for the likes of haxorus and garchomp so it should live most physical hits and fire back. For a third mon I chose to use the most splashable mon ever, being Gholdengo to take care of annoying sleep and disable users.
This team is for frogfacts, it features my very own hand crafted abomasnow set and probably some other pokemon(I didn't check).

Brief description:
The og true goat scottish lord abomasnow runs a leech seed stall set. Nothing special, I got the set from someone else but ev'd it to outspeed fast band iron hands(cause why not). Ice beam and leaf storm are interchangable for dragons and waters, you can really pick and choose what to run on abomasnow cause it's so good and versatile.

Band dondozo has a perfect type synergy here and is overall really strong, definitely holds this team together. Evs maximize hp while living a specs gholdengo tbolt.

Flutter mane took care of the remaining matchups like annihilape or iron hands. Evs outspeed band meowscarada and live scarf meowscarada.

Happy 10th birthday frogs I hope you get to see all your friends and eat lots of sugar.

I'mr eally sleepy right now I'll edit this tomorrow
This team is for frogfacts, it features my very own hand crafted abomasnow set and probably some other pokemon(I didn't check).

Brief description:
The og true goat scottish lord abomasnow runs a leech seed stall set. Nothing special, I got the set from someone else but ev'd it to outspeed fast band iron hands(cause why not). Ice beam and leaf storm are interchangable for dragons and waters, you can really pick and choose what to run on abomasnow cause it's so good and versatile.

Band dondozo has a perfect type synergy here and is overall really strong, definitely holds this team together. Evs maximize hp while living a specs gholdengo tbolt.

Flutter mane took care of the remaining matchups like annihilape or iron hands. Evs outspeed band meowscarada and live scarf meowscarada.

Happy 10th birthday frogs I hope you get to see all your friends and eat lots of sugar.

I'mr eally sleepy right now I'll edit this tomorrow
Obama tera type
Hi 1 EAST I completely forgot about this project.

You asked for tyranitar.
ttar evs for specs sylveon

other teammates you can run are like specs pult for like clear amulet Dodo-corviknight-bulky gholdon-timid-CB furry mon

Also, you have the option of chople berry for tyranitar however chople only really helps vs chien pao. As tyranitar no longer has access to counter which would make it the premier set for ttar.
You also have lum berry for a more consistent match up vs croc and fire fish.
tested it

All in all, ttar is the weakest it's ever been.
hello Miyoko and happy holidays! your mon was grafaiai :grafaiai: which you would think would be decent because it has access to all of: encore, taunt, sd, np, switcheroo, and high bp poison moves. however, when you select grafaiai in the teambuilder you see its stat spread is this:

which i would describe as the opposite of good, and indeed offensive sets are not possible as they unironically can only defeat sylveon out of all pokemon that exist in the meta. ONLY SYLVEON OUT OF 25 MONS. anyway another possibility due to it having prankster and copycat Would be copycat + dig with custap berry, however custap berry is not in the game unfortunately, so gone. so then i was like hm, what do, but then i had a flashback to i think it was elo bandit using sub + toxic necrozma in pl and decided it was time, and just threw encore bc it probably beats something (maybe ape/valiant). min speed is for fun but it doesnt matter since prankster anyway

Grafaiai @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Encore
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Protect

so with the set now in mind i had the task of 1. figuring out what (if any) mons grafaiai even beat, and then 2. beating the entire metagame, so i figure grafaiai beats sylv thankfully, can kinda beat flutter mane i think, probably beats valiant but also might lose, probably beats annihilape, and then idk you probably beat some other mons that lose to the move encore. physdef on the set i think helped with something but i forget what exactly, i also dont know what else u would run. also i just now realized you can run black sludge instead of leftovers but im not gonna edit it bc its part of the process.

now: the team
:grafaiai::chi-yu::meowscarada: (click sprites for paste)
so now how i defeated the entire rest of the meta. grafaiai loses to: anything that hits harder than a wet noodle, steel types, and stall mons it does not defeat. so i decided beating fast strong attackers like meows, great tusk, meows, iron bundle, and steel types like gholdengo and corv in 1 was pretty easy with scarf chi yu, which i generally dont recommend but it fits quite well here. I added seeds meows bc i had a heinous list for the third, i had a great tusk initially but the dozo mu is pretty sus with grafaiai, so meows works. team is fraud vs valiant and is bad vs opposing chi yu (arguably best mon in the meta) but otherwise its aight. can maybe do spdef grafaiai to be better vs chi yu

here is me epicly owning two people with toxic grafaiai in the 1000s ladder: - lol

hope you enjoy and have a happy rest of your holidays, also dont take my crapping on grafaiai to heart, im just joking around
merry christmas DezShizzels
sorry for the late team but I kinda forgot I needed to make a whole ass team and I also kinda just joined to get a team with volc (only to get the same mons I ran on my gen 8 volc team, dude didn't even put enough effort to have 4 attacks on the azu)
The mons beat what they look to beat on paper I'm pretty sure
gholdengo defence is to beat banded dozo if thats a thing
last move on hax is personal choice, its first impression because i forgot to change it

Your secret Santa team with slaking!

Epic te am by nolenot

Boobdra (Goodra) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Def / 160 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Spray
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Counter

Happy new year (Scizor) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Technician
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Atk / 216 Def / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Rest
- Iron Defense
- Sandstorm

SlaQUEEN (Slaking) @ Choice Band
Ability: Truant
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Giga Impact
- Gunk Shot
- Earthquake
- Facade

Here yo team s/o “ Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas LRXC !!!
Bumbirdier is ada scarf for annihilape, and bulky chi-yu. It outspeed meowscarada, with the rest in spd for rolls vs gholdengo. Man this mon is ass, keep it unranked fellow council members.
Sylveon bulks atk booster iron hands fake out -> wild charge. I put some random speed creep on there, and the rest of the evs went into spa.
Chi-yu is shuca becuase its funny, and beats donphan (who clicks head smash), it uses the same evs as the compendium wp set.
The team tends to lose to some physical attackers like chien pao, but you can run chilan on sylveon if your concerned with that.
Merry Christmas CashKP!

Here's your team

:Pawmot: :Chi-Yu: :iron valiant:
Pawmot is a strong Pokemon with its average ability iron fist which makes moves like mach punch stronger, but in this tier it is countered by ground types like great tusk, so it has got air balloon to counter it along with play rough + ice punch + seed bomb. After all Pawmot handles many mons in this meta that are a risky ones. It's team mates are to handle the mons it can't.
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Merry Pissmas Justdelemon, I have built yo baxcalibur team.
:baxcalibur: :flutter-mane: :Leafeon:

Starting off, Baxcalibur has so many options it was hard to decide which set to settle on. I decided to run AV to surprise special fairies like sylveon and fluttermane. Breaking swipe beats donphan and special defense is for specs chi yu. And thermal exchange even prevents chi yu from clicking wisp. I paired it with Fluttermane because I needed to beat half the meta. idr what the evs do but I think they are important. Leech Seed Leafeon rounded the team as third for the team because of its defenses and speed. Energy Ball is needed here for dondozo, great tusk, and iron bundle. I used yache berry to strengthen the bundle mu, but lefties is also an option to heal more hp with seed.

Merry Christmas Pokemh !!!
Tauros-Paldea-Fire is a unique mon that definitely could see some potential due to it having great abilities and good stab. It is ev'd to beat cb donphan with wisp > bulk up > cc. It can also probably cheese other slower pokemon like iron bundle but the main enemy was donphan. I kept the rest of the team pretty simple with dondozo as a blanket check to a lot of the meta and scarf meow with brick break to take care of the iron bundle weakness.
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