Any Elia with Latios,Landorus,Porygon-Z and Arcticuno?^^
Or does anyone fight a Citro (me)?
I usually used Venomoth,Metagross,Haxxorus and Zapdos :P (Last two shiny)
Yep,it got Quiver Dance.Can't remember the battle, but the team sounds familiar. Did the Venomoth happen to have Quiver Dance?
My OT was Mr Rock and my team was a combination of any of these four: Latios/Scizor/Cresselia(does a lot of Thunder Waving)/Rotom-W/Tyranitar(with Focus Sash)/Landorus-I.
Although that's a hard team to pick out from the crowd. You probably fought a few like it
I think I remember that, my only 0-4 in the whole tournament if I'm not mistaken. I've been working on patching up my rain weakness :PVoodoo, I faced you one battle! I was Rozalyn from New York and I beat your Murkrow/Garchomp/Staraptor/Metagross with Politoed/Kingdra. I was surprised by your use of Murkrow :)
Does anyone knows when the ranklist is up?^^
This has probably already been posted in the thread for the Regional Rules (idk, didn't bother to check), but for anyone questioning how CP works:
While we're on that, did anyone face me that I didn't recognize? OT YOLO, "CRITICAL HIT is the reason for HATE."
Rankings are up!
(hopefully that link works for everyone)
Oh my, looks like they were REALLY harsh with disconnecters :)
Also looks like everyone was spamming Ray Rizzo's team.