Gen 3 [$505 USD Prize Pool] ADV ZU Open: Gold Rush - Round 2

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Call me Mason; DMs always open!
is a Pre-Contributor
Approved by Hiro'
OP largely stolen from grape tylenol


Hosted by goldmason with help from BeatsBlack and BP
Art by:
Andrew Endres (Website Here)

Welcome to ADV ZU's Gold Rush Tournament!
This is a single-elimination ADV ZU tour with a prize pool of $505 USD and counting!!

1st: 50%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 20%

If you are interested in donating to the prize pool please DM BP here or on Discord (bp77) the following format with your information! Once done BP will respond with further directions!

Smogon Account:
Amount and Currency:
Public or Private Donation:

Smogon Account: BP
Amount and Currency: $200 USD
Public or Private Donation: Public

Tournament rules are as follows:
- General tournament rules and regulations apply.
- Best of three, single elimination.
- This tournament will use the ADV ZU ban list, available Pokemon can be found on Smogon's Strategy dex
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or the SmogTours server.
- Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the set.
- Replays are mandatory for all matches played to prevent disputes.
- Swagger is BANNED

ADV ZU is proud to announce that the ladder will be returning during this tournament for ease of access to testing!


THIS IS NOT A LIVE TOUR. You will have until the deadline to contact and schedule with your opponent. Please refer to the Scheduling Guidelines for more information on how best to schedule with your opponent.

Additionally; if anything went wrong last round with activity or coinflips, please message me immediately with proof of your claim and I will be happy to take a look.

Round 2 is due on Sunday, August 18th at 11:59 PM -4.

AngoyMoon  vs  Kiryuu4488
woobysmooby  vs  elperico122
eblizzydakid  vs  Chazual Fridays
AresDaMartian  vs  PecorinoRoma
IllidanStr  vs  Zetchup21man
PeachyAladdin  vs  Baby Kippers
GugaDasMemes  vs  VigilanteVigoroth
ZeStinky  vs  Cesinator
alenpa  vs  Williat
donk27  vs  floralgreenn
Akbcrew13  vs  pdads
Hoopas Dad  vs  Violincore
hannah_xyz  vs  SteelSwaggy
Hubriz  vs  ramhorns
Bri~  vs  Aliss
aptedepresence  vs  terribleplayer19
Hachimaki  vs  pj
Wiesellord  vs  mintjellyfish
Werexlr8  vs  RedMoonie
false  vs  Kaboom
Snuggle-Conda  vs  Latlat1
db  vs  Realtimeglover
DanielCk  vs  5gen
El Cero  vs  Mister McLovin
Platum  vs  k8ppy
jairdz  vs  gorditoconbigote
Incognition  vs  Loneling
Adrireina  vs  treeshhhh
zben  vs  weird mon
luisin  vs  JabbaTheGriffin
Katarchick  vs  zaydapoketrainer
Vaictador  vs  LustfulLice
venomous 2.0  vs  the13thguy
RaisedByChaos  vs  Achohermano
divine.lathe  vs  MichaelderBeste2
Alive Toaster  vs  aLMArED!
Gymlead11b  vs  GNorhsala
Gangsta Spongebob  vs  Deyvin BiRd
Vi best waifu  vs  mrnoodleoctopus
Ruizera  vs  DarkHor$e
mind gaming  vs  Yaslow
davidTheMaster  vs  Bygone Days
Azamat140499  vs  NoWarInBaSingSe
bagelmans  vs  Gummybean999
wooper  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
grp  vs  Fogbound Lake
RoyalNGR  vs  violet river
t7g6  vs  BaitWiz
Lhions  vs  Chester of the South
DaSpoofy  vs  Strictsceptile
Federico segu  vs  Cee o-o
Planet  vs  grootsgenieter
Sus_dedication  vs  kimerCat
Parpar  vs  gato en pecho
Bobmandude  vs  ruktrs
Cam  vs  DarkPharoah7
SKITZ  vs  JoelzeDummy
Sibwind  vs  Gerrychu29
TBasedGod  vs  Archlord379
Valerie  vs  BP
idiotclips  vs  PureHaxixe
Jaishy  vs  Sificon
OOz!?  vs  Rival Andrew
neffman19  vs  Big Chungus irl
Swagata Mitra  vs  karrottensirup
oopsalldeoxys  vs  NinjaMeerkat
Kallum  vs  TheOnettTimes
euph0ria  vs  Sonired
Huargensy  vs  TwentyTwan
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  IStan97SVG
Tempo di anguria  vs  SpooningManatee
mvrowi  vs  BrunoSouza130
victreeboy  vs  Malekith
Othkurik  vs  Conmh
serpking  vs  Leeto64
Geng@r  vs  SinisterScrafty
Dawn Dreams  vs  Arkadeusz91
Melninja  vs  BloodAce
Omey  vs  RealHeh
jeronipuff  vs  bydy
Torbsterino  vs  Uta The Clown
DripLegend  vs  Fc
Alecss  vs  Beka
feen  vs  shelgonfan
Ooziegib  vs  TheFranklin
Scizornite  vs  Zicafeliped
relaxray  vs  Diodia
Shermat  vs  p5 vioz
ukaaa  vs  leafora!
mkizzy  vs  Riruia
avarice  vs  Wwwhehe
Lafell  vs  Capt Cappin
RL  vs  daydinosuar
KyojuroRengoku  vs  SockN
babymariofan563  vs  catupirinho
big tony 2014  vs  nelzon
PenguGuy1  vs  Medeia
kAzin kAton  vs  atot5005
DragoLucien  vs  Tack
Katiuska  vs  Fragments
Xinc  vs  JBL
Hiro'  vs  One Last Kiss
Yuri4344  vs  ima
Dom12887  vs  JhonArias
Erfder  vs  yovan33321
Mrsillyboi  vs  Epic Epidemic
BeatsBlack  vs  606PikeCountyByGod
_kôr  vs  PuddingMcNick
woeishuen  vs  Lambovino
Stories  vs  DibDab_CLK
Baoba  vs  havocknight
m rodrigues  vs  Cryolite
Kizaco  vs  binathy
Jimothy Cool  vs  ziloXX
King Leo V  vs  GoldEthan03
GGwebas  vs  Alder ST
vr1_bx  vs  Cliff
recti  vs  Fastwalker22
SMHorizon  vs  joshua
cranberryjuicesur  vs  NastierPlot
Zcarlett  vs  missangelic
KarliTheFrenshie  vs  kingkw69
samuel.m.24  vs  Tachipoyo
Crybaby_Mimikyu  vs  born2vroom
A plague doc  vs  SMOWKZ
ZDen  vs  Melbelle
Shivam_Z  vs  Arck4ngel
xavihahahalol  vs  TomatoZause
EarlSweetScent  vs  Raichy
LTG  vs  azogue
Ranshiin  vs  Atakeria
Newbellello  vs  trella
MCND  vs  Hairoll
BusterMoon  vs  Lunarvania
saccharine soldier  vs  torkonpeter
Shing  vs  Daeriko
GabrieLopez  vs  Rizi
Kaif  vs  risin_glory
triple axel blaze  vs  halaman95
Red ✫ 95/96 ✫  vs  poac
zoukalamangue  vs  Zpice
Karmaster  vs  HavocMaster-1
Chomp29  vs  Cigtar
SquirtledMyPants  vs  Monai
chiefbeef1234  vs  evakiyama!
Reuben_Thomas05  vs  jacoblong9
Martianonice  vs  Healingpie
Crick Ross  vs  Chexr
Ren-chon  vs  velvet
Mulikki  vs  ItsClood
Poosh_i  vs  I_like_shorts
valusho  vs  meamPearl
NotGalar249  vs  Javi
biredonerwoone  vs  OongusDoongus
artnelas  vs  Crimechild
pikaposterascas97  vs  SANKE CARP
swinubfan44  vs  natu
Celever  vs  Biggeth J
MeEsSm  vs  Concept Everything
Lunar Sloth  vs  0R2
Bouff  vs  lolopero
DonMarto  vs  AggressiveDr.
AceTeaaa  vs  Wonz0
A Welcome Guest  vs  HSOWA
R3x The Woat  vs  Kowasabii
cpinalli1  vs  diegoyuhhi
lax  vs  Ev_Evan
Okuya  vs  Zelph
KaminaLegends  vs  owntempo
Astrals7k  vs  MZ
BananaBroSHSID  vs  SithuKyawHtin
Grattiti  vs  SEA
TheMutantSpaceDancer  vs  Rambo724
Horodro  vs  Sunrose
zaynxdetox  vs  bandoodee
E Man  vs  Wingodhalf
WePurpyPoo  vs  TyCarter
AhmedxWaleed  vs  Commmi
THE_CHUNGLER  vs  just_unrelated
BlerpDerpSkerp  vs  Elian
Tji69  vs  DrainU
NotVeryCake  vs  YBW
plznostep  vs  Red M
WkPlague  vs  Fungi_man
Yo_Foxy  vs  Lillith Plays
bern  vs  sleid
NY Shyguy  vs  Seandiggersby
SalmonLad  vs  kokeri
ArminHD  vs  Sebaszc08
LixK99  vs  dcwalie
BariTomes  vs  Sawkasm
CertainWeeb  vs  WuhHubba

Last edited:

Using one or both of these will result in a forfeit of said game. The changes have been implemented so just challenge your opponent under the ADV ZU format.

Using one or both of these will result in a forfeit of said game. The changes have been implemented so just challenge your opponent under the ADV ZU format.

Literally 1984

(jk luv ya'll for these goated changes)
If I did call and then suddenly my opponent does call hours after this post, do rulings change or are they DQed for dodging?

I'm trying to be fair
AngoyMoon  vs  Kiryuu4488
woobysmooby  vs  elperico122
eblizzydakid  vs  Chazual Fridays
AresDaMartian  vs  PecorinoRoma
IllidanStr  vs  Zetchup21man
PeachyAladdin  vs  Baby Kippers
GugaDasMemes  vs  VigilanteVigoroth
ZeStinky  vs  Cesinator
alenpa  vs  Williat
donk27  vs  floralgreenn
Akbcrew13  vs  pdads
Hoopas Dad  vs  Violincore
hannah_xyz  vs  SteelSwaggy
Hubriz  vs  ramhorns
Bri~  vs  Aliss
aptedepresence  vs  terribleplayer19
Hachimaki  vs  pj
Wiesellord  vs  mintjellyfish
Werexlr8  vs  RedMoonie
false  vs  Kaboom
Snuggle-Conda  vs  Latlat1
db  vs  Realtimeglover
DanielCk  vs  5gen
El Cero  vs  Mister McLovin
Platum  vs  k8ppy
jairdz  vs  gorditoconbigote
Incognition  vs  Loneling
Adrireina  vs  treeshhhh
zben  vs  weird mon
luisin  vs  JabbaTheGriffin
Katarchick  vs  zaydapoketrainer
Vaictador  vs  LustfulLice
venomous 2.0  vs  the13thguy
RaisedByChaos  vs  Achohermano
divine.lathe  vs  MichaelderBeste2
Alive Toaster  vs  aLMArED!
Gymlead11b  vs  GNorhsala
Gangsta Spongebob  vs  Deyvin BiRd
Vi best waifu  vs  mrnoodleoctopus
Ruizera  vs  DarkHor$e
mind gaming  vs  Yaslow
davidTheMaster  vs  Bygone Days
Azamat140499  vs  NoWarInBaSingSe
bagelmans  vs  Gummybean999
wooper  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
grp  vs  Fogbound Lake
RoyalNGR  vs  violet river
t7g6  vs  BaitWiz
Lhions  vs  Chester of the South
DaSpoofy  vs  Strictsceptile
Federico segu  vs  Cee o-o
Planet  vs  grootsgenieter
Sus_dedication  vs  kimerCat
Parpar  vs  gato en pecho
Bobmandude  vs  ruktrs
Cam  vs  DarkPharoah7
SKITZ  vs  JoelzeDummy
Sibwind  vs  Gerrychu29
TBasedGod  vs  Archlord379
Valerie  vs  BP
idiotclips  vs  PureHaxixe
Jaishy  vs  Sificon
OOz!?  vs  Rival Andrew
neffman19  vs  Big Chungus irl
Swagata Mitra  vs  karrottensirup
oopsalldeoxys  vs  NinjaMeerkat
Kallum  vs  TheOnettTimes
euph0ria  vs  Sonired
Huargensy  vs  TwentyTwan
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  IStan97SVG
Tempo di anguria  vs  SpooningManatee
mvrowi  vs  BrunoSouza130
victreeboy  vs  Malekith
Othkurik  vs  Conmh
serpking  vs  Leeto64
Geng@r  vs  SinisterScrafty
Dawn Dreams  vs  Arkadeusz91
Melninja  vs  BloodAce
Omey  vs  RealHeh
jeronipuff  vs  bydy
Torbsterino  vs  Uta The Clown
DripLegend  vs  Fc
Alecss  vs  Beka
feen  vs  shelgonfan
Ooziegib  vs  TheFranklin
Scizornite  vs  Zicafeliped
relaxray  vs  Diodia
Shermat  vs  p5 vioz
ukaaa  vs  leafora!
mkizzy  vs  Riruia
avarice  vs  Wwwhehe
Lafell  vs  Capt Cappin
RL  vs  daydinosuar
KyojuroRengoku  vs  SockN
babymariofan563  vs  catupirinho
big tony 2014  vs  nelzon
PenguGuy1  vs  Medeia
kAzin kAton  vs  atot5005
DragoLucien  vs  Tack
Katiuska  vs  Fragments
Xinc  vs  JBL
Hiro'  vs  One Last Kiss
Yuri4344  vs  ima
Dom12887  vs  JhonArias
Erfder  vs  yovan33321
Mrsillyboi  vs  Epic Epidemic
BeatsBlack  vs  606PikeCountyByGod
_kôr  vs  PuddingMcNick
woeishuen  vs  Lambovino
Stories  vs  DibDab_CLK
Baoba  vs  havocknight
m rodrigues  vs  Cryolite
Kizaco  vs  binathy
Jimothy Cool  vs  ziloXX
King Leo V  vs  GoldEthan03
GGwebas  vs  Alder ST
vr1_bx  vs  Cliff
recti  vs  Fastwalker22
SMHorizon  vs  joshua
cranberryjuicesur  vs  NastierPlot
Zcarlett  vs  missangelic
KarliTheFrenshie  vs  kingkw69
samuel.m.24  vs  Tachipoyo
Crybaby_Mimikyu  vs  born2vroom
A plague doc  vs  SMOWKZ
ZDen  vs  Melbelle
Shivam_Z  vs  Arck4ngel
xavihahahalol  vs  TomatoZause
EarlSweetScent  vs  Raichy
LTG  vs  azogue
Ranshiin  vs  Atakeria
Newbellello  vs  trella
MCND  vs  Hairoll
BusterMoon  vs  Lunarvania
saccharine soldier  vs  torkonpeter
Shing  vs  Daeriko
GabrieLopez  vs  Rizi
Kaif  vs  risin_glory
triple axel blaze  vs  halaman95
Red ✫ 95/96 ✫  vs  poac
zoukalamangue  vs  Zpice
Karmaster  vs  HavocMaster-1
Chomp29  vs  Cigtar
SquirtledMyPants  vs  Monai
chiefbeef1234  vs  evakiyama!
Reuben_Thomas05  vs  jacoblong9
Martianonice  vs  Healingpie
Crick Ross  vs  Chexr
Ren-chon  vs  velvet
Mulikki  vs  ItsClood
Poosh_i  vs  I_like_shorts
valusho  vs  meamPearl
NotGalar249  vs  Javi
biredonerwoone  vs  OongusDoongus
artnelas  vs  Crimechild
pikaposterascas97  vs  SANKE CARP
swinubfan44  vs  natu
Celever  vs  Biggeth J
MeEsSm  vs  Concept Everything
Lunar Sloth  vs  0R2
Bouff  vs  lolopero
DonMarto  vs  AggressiveDr.
AceTeaaa  vs  Wonz0
A Welcome Guest  vs  HSOWA
R3x The Woat  vs  Kowasabii
cpinalli1  vs  diegoyuhhi
lax  vs  Ev_Evan
Okuya  vs  Zelph
heisenberg288  vs  owntempo
Astrals7k  vs  MZ
BananaBroSHSID  vs  SithuKyawHtin
Grattiti  vs  SEA
TheMutantSpaceDancer  vs  Rambo724
Horodro  vs  Sunrose
zaynxdetox  vs  demixelz
E Man  vs  Wingodhalf
WePurpyPoo  vs  TyCarter
AhmedxWaleed  vs  Commmi
THE_CHUNGLER  vs  just_unrelated
BlerpDerpSkerp  vs  Elian
Tji69  vs  DrainU
NotVeryCake  vs  YBW
plznostep  vs  Red M
WkPlague  vs  Fungi_man
Yo_Foxy  vs  Lillith Plays
bern  vs  sleid
NY Shyguy  vs  Seandiggersby
SalmonLad  vs  kokeri
ArminHD  vs  Sebaszc08
LixK99  vs  dcwalie
BariTomes  vs  Sawkasm
CertainWeeb  vs  WuhHubba
just gonna preemtively say act since this guy hasnt logged in in weeks, i'll play it out if he shows up
It's literally day 1 of the round but my opp quite literally hasn't been on in about a month and I'm not getting flipped because I forgot to call act so calling act now and waiting for two weeks unless they magically appear
requesting an extension for me and obb, i unfortunately have very little to no availability this weekend to play
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