5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Gotta change some things.
VCount 50 to 80.
Timer0 C60 to C8A
Vframe 0 to F

I just did this, still nothing popping up in the box

this is what It's like, after pressing search

Is there any other way to find my seed number? Is it a problem that I am using wireless? should I be using a wired connection?

0009BF123456 is the MAC address for Desmume.
I don't have a emulator, neither on my computer or on a cart.

I'm running a completely legit game, Why would I run an emulator when it says to run the normal cart
You sure that's the MAC address of YOUR DS?
As that literally is the MAC of address of Desmume.

Also, are you making sure not to press any buttons?
You sure that's the MAC address of YOUR DS?
As that literally is the MAC of address of Desmume.

Also, are you making sure not to press any buttons?
That's what I get when I follow the steps, o_O...

Let me check again, something has to be up.

What the, now I am getting 002147215526....... something isn't right.

Tried it with that MAC Address, still nothing appearing
ok i was just clarifying as from the past page it sounded like it was not possible with an emulator to do standard abuse.
Not really. If you take even 1 step the IV frame could change. Look between 550-750 for your starting PID frame if there is no prior weather before the roamer arrives. If it's raining before the roamer arrives (which you shouldn't do) look between 1500-1900 and snow is somewhere in between rain/no weather but I haven't tested it.

Your best bet is to use nature/characteristic (PID%6) to find your starting frame.
Oh, duh - It should've occurred to me that the IV seed advances with 128 steps, among other things XD. But THANK YOU! I've been looking for those ranges... However, they seem to contradict what was stated in this guide:
The PID advances about 60 frames per second when it is raining, which is why we must take into account that the PID frame will be higher than 540. *others have reported that their SSF was lower due to a lack of “natural” rain on the route on the particular date of their RNG abuse*
In the meantime, I'll look into this "PID%6." I've been seeing it around, but I don't know what it relates to / how to take advantage of it.
Yes, it's compatible with Win7. I'm using it on my win7 laptop too. What is going wrong? You should really specify things. Also a tip. Don't try to find your parameters with the same IVs etc. again. I had the same problems with a friend, got my parameters in one try, she tried to sweet scent at Victory Road and it just kept going wrong like so many times. Then we tried above Opelucid City and it worked 0.o Just go somewhere else and sweet scent there. RNG Reporter is almost never wrong :P
@ Adamant Magikarp:
I notice you have exact IVs? How are you getting exact IVs? You have that many rare candies? *sigh* I hope you're not using the serebii calculator and inputting the median values. You need to input your actual minimum and maximum IV values for each stat. In the serebii calculator its the values listed where it says "spread." Or you could use metalkids calculator instead...or the one in RNG reporter.

ok i was just clarifying as from the past page it sounded like it was not possible with an emulator to do standard abuse.
It is possible but the search range for an emulator is different and there's no option for emulators in RNG reporter which is why I told him to try using an actual cart. Also this isn't an emulator help forum. http://www.smogon.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3481264&postcount=2
It seems it was a mistake though.
Oh, quick question about PID%6.

I'm using the Windows Calculator... and I wanted to check if I'm doing this correctly: I type in the PID for what could be my starting frame, then I click "mod," "6," and finally, "=", which results in a number.

Is there a list somewhere that shows me which characteristic this resulting number correlates to?
@Adamant...: Doesn't that take like quite long? I would recommend just using serebii's calc, insert the IVs etc and then fill in the MIN and MAX into RNG Reporter. Worked for me :P

@Chaos...: Try checking the Gen V Breeding guide by Tesseraction as there's a sort of guide there to PID%6 which also tells something about characteristics (I never read it thoroughly but I'm sure it will help). You can use the search bar here, 'Gen V Breeding' will show the thread.
@Adamant Magikarp:
You should probably use an IV calculator instead of PO.

Oh, quick question about PID%6.

I'm using the Windows Calculator... and I wanted to check if I'm doing this correctly: I type in the PID for what could be my starting frame, then I click "mod," "6," and finally, "=", which results in a number.

Is there a list somewhere that shows me which characteristic this resulting number correlates to?
See Tesseraction's breeding guide

The characteristic is determined by your frame IVs and what your PID mod 6 is. And the PID should be in decimal of course.
@Chaos...: Try checking the Gen V Breeding guide by Tesseraction as there's a sort of guide there to PID%6 which also tells something about characteristics (I never read it thoroughly but I'm sure it will help). You can use the search bar here, 'Gen V Breeding' will show the thread.
Cool, thanks - found it... now reading... though, all this programmer jargon is a lil scary as I'm trying to comprehend it...
Congrats Adamant Magikarp. :)
Cool, thanks - found it... now reading... though, all this programmer jargon is a lil scary as I'm trying to comprehend it...
It's not that hard. I'll give you an example. Let's say your seed IVs are 30/31/30/31/31/31. The Pokemon you catch is alert to sounds (speed). If you look at the hexagon in the guide you'll see that the only way to get alert to sounds with those IVs is if you start at Def (2) or speed (3). So you know that your starting PID mod 6 must be 2 or 3.
Now let's say you got somewhat vain (Sp. Def) with those IVs. There's only 1 way you can get somewhat vain and that's if you start at Sp. Def (5) so the PID mod 6 would have to be 5 for it to possibly be the correct starting frame.
It is possible but the search range for an emulator is different and there's no option for emulators in RNG reporter which is why I told him to try using an actual cart. Also this isn't an emulator help forum. http://www.smogon.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3481264&postcount=2
It seems it was a mistake though.
I realize that but if you read my posts fully it was more for information purposes rather than I myself wanted to abuse on an emulator, so no need to get snippy about emulator help forums and what is acceptable on Smogon.
It's not that hard. I'll give you an example. Let's say your seed IVs are 30/31/30/31/31/31. The Pokemon you catch is alert to sounds (speed). If you look at the hexagon in the guide you'll see that the only way to get alert to sounds with those IVs is if you start at Def (2) or speed (3). So you know that your starting PID mod 6 must be 2 or 3.
Now let's say you got somewhat vain (Sp. Def) with those IVs. There's only 1 way you can get somewhat vain and that's if you start at Sp. Def (5) so the PID mod 6 would have to be 5 for it to possibly be the correct starting frame.
Ah! I think I get it! And just to clarify... say, my PID%6 = a stat on the hexagon that is not tied with the max - in this case, I continue moving clockwise on the hexagon until I hit the first stat that ties with the max. Otherwise, if the PID%6 = a stat that ties with the max already, the characteristic will represent it.

I.e., with the 30/31/30/31/31/31 spread you used, if PID%6 = 4, then the characteristic will relate to Sp. Attack (Mischievous)... but, if PID%6 = 0 or 1, then the characteristic will relate to Attack (Likes to thrash about).

(Thanks for all of your help - this will significantly improve my roamer RNGing, which has been a pain for the past 48 hrs.)
(Thanks for all of your help - this will significantly improve my roamer RNGing, which has been a pain for the past 48 hrs.)
Someone (I think the name was madarame) translated a detailed guide about RNGing one of the roamers. I could post it here or PM you the whole post if you'd like.

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