Lower Tiers ADV LC

Hey grape tylenol I'll start making my posts longer.

Also I'm thinking about (what I think to be) weird sets on certain pokemon and I'll explain all the sets (I don't know if their good at all but maybe it can lead to something) (also idk how to do the thing where you click on a pokemon you see the set can someone help me with that)

1692687289914.png MY LITTLE PONY (Ponyta) @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Run Away
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 76 Def / 236 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Sunny Day
- Solar Beam
- Flamethrower
I think this set of ponyta can work in a lead slot against spike setters cuz all of them can't really do anything to stop it from setting up a sub and sun.

I think flamethrower works cuz when sun boosted it still does the job decently well in sun and i think thats better then the risk of fire blast.
Solar beam is really good in sun

But I'm also thinking about replacing sunny day with double kick and replacing solar beam with HP Grass and changing the evs and ivs so it doesn't get walled by houndour and porygon (if we start run to flash fire)

and the item could probobly be better but i think this might be good in some way. This set combined with its speed tier could be good if its allowed to set up. Diglett murders ponyta but i don't think i can do anything about that (if you have a sub up you could win)

I know there are problems with this set and its very inconsistent but on the off chance it can do some damage

This is only the first mon I made a set for so there will be more
I thought of more sets (I'm doing 2 this time)

1st is endure salac berry squirtle


The thought process behind this one is its ability torrent this strategy would work for every other starter but i think squirtle does it best.

The reason I think this is because squirtle has the perfect speed stat of 14 with +1 Speed boost from salac berry it gets a speed of 21 which outspeeds every nonboosted pokemon in the format and it pairs really well with spikes because after 3 layers of spikes its guranteed to 1HKO Porygon with torrent boosted hydro pump and a 81% to ohko with 2 layers and can do great damage against everything else

Doduo quick attack is a pretty good counter for this strat tho

2nd is Growlithe

I think growlithe is a good switch in cuz of intimidate and its decent bulk
It can also hit for good damage with overheat

diglett does kill it but growlithe is a decently low value pokemon so if it dies porygon just comes in and growlithe for diglett is a decent trade imo

Growlithe isn't that good but I think it can set up other mons decently with intimidate
I think this set of ponyta can work in a lead slot against spike setters cuz all of them can't really do anything to stop it from setting up a sub and sun.

I think flamethrower works cuz when sun boosted it still does the job decently well in sun and i think thats better then the risk of fire blast.
Solar beam is really good in sun

But I'm also thinking about replacing sunny day with double kick and replacing solar beam with HP Grass and changing the evs and ivs so it doesn't get walled by houndour and porygon (if we start run to flash fire)

Hi SkidandPump102! You're definitely on the right track here, I think Ponyta lead is probably an underutilized option, although we saw it more commonly when sleep was legal because of hypnosis. Also totally agree on double kick as an option, after some chip on houndour it can take it out.

I thought of more sets (I'm doing 2 this time)

1st is endure salac berry squirtle

View attachment 545043https://pokepast.es/026a08493d4367d2

The thought process behind this one is its ability torrent this strategy would work for every other starter but i think squirtle does it best.

This is also a fun idea, the most common example of a set like this that we've seen is salac Cyndaquil, which nukes things with blaze fire blast. It also has the nice feature of access to quick attack. There's definitely room for experimentation with the Blaze/Torrent/Overgrow mons, maybe building a team that tries to overload and remove Doduo to enable them could work. Glad to see someone actively participating in the forums, hope you continue to enjoy the meta!
Hey reggg! I made a team for the starters and I'll explain all the mons.

Cacnea : The Spike Setter

The reason I chose cacnea is cause the starters on the team benefit from spikes alot (Such as squirtle hydro pump killing porygon after 3 layers of spikes) and imo cacnea is the most consistent spikesetter, the only thing that really oneshots it is lead ponyta but that gets revenge killed by diglett

Duskull : The Doduo Counter

I think duskull is a really good doduo counter because it can switch in safely against drill peck and the normal moves and it doesn't get affected by spikes because of levitate and an Ice beam is a guranteed OHKO against a doduo with no bulk investment (I'm pretty sure doduos don't invest in Spd and HP)

Squirtle and Cyndaquil : The Enduring Sweepers

Both have a speed stat of 14 so after a speed boost it outspeeds every non-boosted pokemon in the format.
Their abilities (Torrent and Blaze respectively) combined with endure and a speed boost can lead to some incredible stab damage while outspeeding the whole metagame and their coverage is decent

Diglett and Porygon : Ol' Reliable

These 2 are always great so I think their good here
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Pony lead is very underrated I agree, it can usually do great into everything barring wail lead. It does match up poorly into diglett but that also means you can bait it early and enable dig weak mons, like abra or chinchou, by reverse trapping w pory.

I usually go w fire blast/hpgrass/return/qa, but double kick > return is a nice option i hadnt considered b4. It does do better into hound which is the main thing you want return for and it sounds nice into pory too. Might try that out sometime.
Here are 2 more weird sets

1st is Choice Band Krabby


This is a simple mon


It has the highest attack stat in the format and with choice band it can get an attack stat of 33 which is really good for this format

Krabby is not good cuz of its tbolt weakness and its sluggish speed but if it can catch a switch in whatever comes in probobly dies

2nd is D.Dance Charmander

https://pokepast.es/3284b13bbbf76395 (I'm noticing a trend with these sets that they are very inconsistent and is probobly why nobody uses these)

I don't need to tell you that dragon dance is incredible but something else is that charmander has a speed stat of 14 so after 1 boost it outspeeds every nonboosted pokemon in the format and it can do good damage against the right mon

It could be a lead cuz of how good it does against spike setters and ponyta lead but wailmer lead is a problem for it
grape tylenol asked me to post my VR, here it is. I haven't seen a lot of these mons but S to C should be a good representation of what I think is good.


  • One of the most offensive metas I've played and heavily revolving around Sitrus Berry and <18/19/20 speed mons. It has a very low skill floor, (mainly due to lack of priority moves. I think this is the main difference from DPP, priority are really important in a high paced enviroment, plus Sitrus and lack of steel types too) but Sitrus mechanics makes the game more strategic so it balances it out somewhat.
  • porygon.png
    Porygon is by far the best mon and you're at disavantage if you don't use it. It's much better than GSC Snorlax, it has the best movepool and Recycle specifically makes this pokemon broken in my opinion. Even without Recycle it would be S I think, but much more managable.
  • elekid.png
    I think I might be ranking Elekid and Voltorb higher than most people and Chinchou lower. 20 speed is the most important thing to have imo (besides pory ofc) and Elekid has perfect coverage too. You can use Thief, Quick Attack and Subtitute as well. Voltorb is a little worse because you'll have to boom to kill some things and only has Hidden Power for coverage. Chinchou has great typing but at the same time is slower than most of things and mainly, it gets trapped by Diglett. It also gives Porygon Volt Absorb sometimes. Wailmer + Diglett makes a great duo baiting chinchou into tbolt.
  • koffing.png
    Koffing is somewhat underated. Thief/Sludge/Explosion are all moves that you want to be using and it hard counters some mons with its typing, defences and levitate.
  • Community seems to be into it so that's good. Grape Tylenol and his buddies seem to be spending time rebuilding the meta/community.
  • Now a criticism to the people that are in charge of this tier: Sleep moves and Swagger bans were nonsense. Keep in mind that I'm saying this as in a constructive way and I had no intention of using either in Todd Bonzales tour, so I feel like I'm unbiased. As far as I know (I might be wrong about this) sleep moves were only banned in BW (which has a history of making the worst possible decisions regarding the meta), but you can make an argument there because the mechanic is totally different from all the other gens. It's part of the game since the first games and besides Shroomish and Paras there is no 100% accuracy sleep move (Venonat gets close to 100% but these mons aren't really good.) Meowth, Gastly and Ponyta are the main Hypnosis users but you only get 60% of chance of putting something to sleep. If you miss, you're either dead or lost your sitrus. If you're slower you might dead anyway and if you're faster and hit your opponent, that's already a sleep counter. There also viable Early Bird users in the tier, like Doduo, Houdour. This works almost the same way in every gen and it's perfectly fine to have a trade-off like this. Now the Swagger ban was worse and is in the same level of mael's dpp quick claw ban. No one will ever use these things in a serious match and it just felt like the council wanted to ban these things to demonstrate their power over the metagame.
  • Fun meta overall
Hello! The Swiss tour should be finished I only had one opponent left to play which I won, so I decided to post the teams I built through the tournament.

R1 vs Mister McLovin
G1: https://pokepast.es/1e5f88b8d35afe58 - First team and just wanted to build a balanced team overall. Think it's too slow, but I liked the defensive synergy overall.
G2: https://pokepast.es/bf7e8b413069d55c - Really wanted to build something with the Cubone Para team, so took some inspiration from Reggg's post. I don't think it aged as well, but I liked how it was developed so I may retry it in the future. Will talk about Voltorb later.
G3: Was it in either the sample or I think I took it from someone here, but can't find the source of the Chinchou + Cyndaquil + Snubbel team.

R2 vs The Kyle
G1: Pretty sure I reused it from G1 vs Mister Mclovin.
G2: https://pokepast.es/0b0bb16394285d3c - Wanted to explore Voltorb again, but the small changes would be the spikes support so I could bait the EQ Wailmer lead into this. Spikes + Encore wasn't implemented on Showdown yet so I was forced to use the moves here, HP Ice for the dragon + flying types, and Double Edge to cover the Abra interactions. Otherwise a really slow balance team which I don't approve of when they don't get to abuse the spikes as effectively. And just realized the Porygon was bold instead of Sassy, oops :x

R3 vs Seroo
Didn't get to build much due to the first week of school, so it was just reused teams from past weeks. I'll link them here if you want to see them. The only comment I'll have on here is that I got pretty darn lucky so not as satisfied with that set overall.

R4 vs PanWithQueso: Before posting here, I saw their replays and the Wailmer leads got me quickly cooking on beating them from T1.
G1: https://pokepast.es/c01007fc6d0eb184 - CB Ada Dodou goes hard. Took the ideas after I got hit with them by Akeras in friendlies. Ada is necessary here since it gives you a guaranteed KO from the public Wailmer sets here. Ponyta is important for covering the Will O Wisp Koffing/Duskull(though Koffing is not completely safe as it has a 6.3% to get Ohko'd lol), and Ponyta loves being able to create pressure vs. Duskull. And Chinchou was essentially important to cover the Elekid option. Otherwise a standard type of team ish.
G2: https://pokepast.es/71d071014d2a4db7 - Diglett can punish/force leads like Doduo and Chinchou hard, and trapping Wailmer lets you get a free Cacnea switch-in so you're guaranteed to get a spike if you're faster. Most of the other things are there due to their speed stat and priority check, which makes them able to abuse spikes dmg combined. Wailmer was pretty essential here for not only covering water types, and checking Anoroth but also some key interactions like Koffing/Duskull while hitting them extremely hard back at them.

R5 aka Finals vs Greedy_EB
G1: Same as G1 vs Pan.
G2: https://pokepast.es/72baa272a377f51a - No one expects double trapping and Abra lead here LOL. I don't think it's that good but I commited to it and I won(with luck lol).

Some cores and sets I want to talk about before heading out.

:Magnemite: :Taillow: :Diglett:
This was the G3 team I was going for if I lost. The purpose of this team was to fish interactions after the opponent switches in Koffing/Duskull as I revealed earlier it's Magnemite, I want to force Will O Wisp on my CB Taillow as Guts CB Taillow has little to no switch ins LOL. I think Taillow can work without CB, but at that point, I just wanted that power lol. Diglett's also important as you can switch in Koffing/Duskull if you somehow lost Porygon earlier on. I don't think it's a consistent strategy since it's very specific, but it was a fun one I wanted to make.

Diglett @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Arena Trap
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 236 Atk / 236 Spe
Naive Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Substitute
- Thief

Okay so hear me out on this one. I created this set for interaction reasons. The first was to punish the Endure users extremely hard for attempting to do it vs Diglett. The other was specifically vs Porygon. The mon is so tanky that I find it hard to OHKO it at full health with most of the viable mons, and it felt like Porygon didn't get punished so much vs Diglett as it wasn't getting 2hko'd in a guaranteed way if you weren't the CB set, which I think is good but Porygon will be completely healthy at 100%. So I added Thief to not only ruin Recycle strat, but add some layers to the counterplay and make the Porygon have to think twice. I think this set is extremely versatile and fits a ton of teams, especially those who can threaten Porygon out after the Thief chip. The weakness of this team is inviting Cacnea for free spikes, but that means your Diglett can be used later so not a bad trade I would say tbh.

Voltorb @ Sitrus Berry / Silk Scarf
Ability: Static
Level: 5
EVs: 116 HP / 36 Def / 160 SpA / 196 Spe or EVs: 36 HP / 40 Atk / 156 SpA / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Substitute / Thunder Wave
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Explosion

Somewhere in the early weeks, I wanted to build an early lead for Voltorb since I found potential within it.
The first set was a bulky one, designed to handle any of Lead Wailmer's hits with calcs below.
36 Atk Wailmer Earthquake vs. 116 HP / 36 Def Voltorb: 18-22 (81.8 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO Copied
116 SpA Wailmer Hydro Pump vs. 116 HP / 0 SpD Voltorb: 17-21 (77.2 - 95.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Copied
160 SpA Voltorb Thunderbolt vs. 196 HP / 160+ SpD Wailmer: 25-30 (78.1 - 93.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0- Atk Voltorb Explosion vs. 196 HP / 0 Def Wailmer: 28-34 (87.5 - 106.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO (drop -atk and it's guaranteed)
160 SpA Voltorb Thunderbolt vs. 36 HP / 0 SpD Wailmer: 30-36 (100 - 120%) -- guaranteed OHKO Copied (Offensive set)
It wasn't the most consistent and I struggled to find a perfect spread in the end. I ended up going with, while it can't cover every option defensively at once, it's very much capable of removing everything at once while having some clutch survivability so I went with the 2nd spread where you want to have some spikes so it could abuse them harder. Overall I think Voltorb is unexplored on the lead or mid-ground game aspect.

Thanks for hosting the tournament and I'm quite happy to win here. ADV LC is quite fun and has quite of meta-development that could be pushed further on. I'll keep an eye on it despite the private school I'm putting my time on. I would talk about such as Porygon being a necessary evil, Trapinch potentially A+, and perhaps mons like Chinchou and Elekid are overrated and such but this post has been dragging way too long. Thanks for reading :)
I've been trying literally everything on diglett to make it win the pory match up and this is the closest i could get

The only thing different about this diglett than normal is the evs this is not a good dig set because it loses its untopped speed tier and its attack but atleast it has a 37.5% chance to win against a max spa pory and that was the only thing i was trying to do

also theres this set with adamant nature instead of jolly it loses against elekid and other diglett but it has a 6.3% to ohko porygon at +1.

Diglett @ Liechi Berry
Level: 5
Adamant Nature
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Rock Slide

(btw im using this sample pory set )

but all of this was completely pointless because i was using the agility sample set which i dont think many run anymore but maybe something could happen with this information
Guys I thought of something

Digletts only way to beat pory with its normal set is either a rock slide flinch or a crit so i put a scope lens to make it more likely to win the pory matchup but still keep its good attributes

Diglett @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sand Veil
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Atk / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Rock Slide
I'm back to trying to make bad pokemon work



It is an incredible lead against spike setters because of how easy it can set up on all of them it only struggles against wail lead and I think chinchou is a decent counter to wail it can acid armor or amenesia depending on the situation and just spam heatwave + rest the entire rest of the battle and its counters can be countered themselves

I'm not saying its good but hey its decent
now that the adv lc open is over i wanted to make a post about the adv lc lead metagame giving some sample sets and my own viabilty ranking. every tier you can click on the image from the builder this link you to a pokepast.es with all sets from that tier i like to lead with.
For the highest tier I put the pokemon I think are good brings and with a good teambuilding around them you can usually get a even matchup.
Wailmer is one of the best leads in adv lc because of its amazing bulk and special attack its hard to ohko it. The spreads i linked are the sp def set and offensive modest set. the spdef set got the EVs and moveset to 1v1 every Electric bar Modest Chou, and demolish every common lead except Pineco/Cacnea. Return Pory fixes the mirror and Abra matchups(qouted from kaboooms post) I put the sp def set number 1 because the amount of good lead mus it got and put the modest set lowest rank from the best leads tier because it got a few bad mu but you can bluff that you are sp def. you want to use it agaisnt people that try to counter the sp def set with pokemon like cubone.

next is doduo i think this mon is amazing as a cb lead i completely slept on it till later rounds the damage output it got with cb is amazing being able to ohko wailmer and porygon with double edge makes it a very good lead. there are some downsides with this mon and that is because the 18 speed. It makes you vulnerable to pokemon like staryu, elekid, voltorb and abra. thats why i like to use it with this diglett set so that you can balance those lead mu.

Porygon is one of the best mon in the tier so why not lead it? it get many good mu's. The problem with using it as a lead that you lose the abbility to countertrap diglett 1 of the best pokemon in the tier. The set I linked in this post is a set that allows you to beat wailmer with tbolt and a physical stab to beat porygon. but you can also use different sets depending on the team you use.


this tier is with all pokemon that i saw succes with this tournament and i consider good. a bit of a mess because the amount of pokemon it got but i tried my best to order it best as possible.
:bw/elekid: :bw/chinchou:
both are strong electric types with great coverage. elekid allows you to beat doduo and chinchou beats wailmer. the reason why i did not put them the highest tier is because of diglett lead. This interaction is pretty annoying losing your lead turn 1 the only good thing is that you usually can counter trap the diglett with porygon.

diglett is lead got a 1 purpose and that is fishing for elekid, chinchou, abra and voltorb lead. I put the sitrus sp def set higher then salac set t set because the sitrus set doesnt rely on getting the endure right so it is more reliable and still does the job you want to do it. the flaw with this lead is that you don't beat one of the best 3 lead mons.

I didnt even think about staryu till the last 2 rounds somehow. but this mon is pretty good like every generation it been in. it got a few good mu's and got a good movepool.

cubone is strong lead Thick Club allows you to ohko spdef lead wail, protect to scout for fast water spout. +2 double edge ohko's Koffing, and ada Bonemerang is a good roll to ohko 156 hp 156 def porygon(qouted from reggg)

abra lead doesn't have many strong mu but sub thief and good speed with great sp atk it can always make progess ( i mainly included it because i saw it being used)

:bw/pineco: :bw/cacnea:
both of these mons are used because of the move spike pineco got acces to explosion and cacnea got a better typing i am a bigger fan of cacnea because its faster and got a better lead typing. a good combination with pineco or cacnea is elekid with focus punch.

gastly is great lead because its fast and got not many explosion switch-ins you usually want to click explosion turn 1 and pick your next mon according to their lead.

another explosion lead i haven't used this or tested but the fact it got a even mu vs everything listed above here bar doduo makes it pretty good i hope we can see some exeggcute leads in LPL.

:bw/voltorb: :bw/meowth: :bw/trapinch:

I have not much to say about these leads since i havent used them but i know other players got succes with it.

this tier i put leads i was thinking about using but never tried building with this is not ordered from good to bad.

the idea with this lead is it to pair with the diglett set i mentioned earlier to trap the fast special attackers. you got a lot of physical defense that allows you to beat doduo and in bad mu like wailmer you can explode.

just a funky idea to setup screens and pair it with a belly drum user like poliwag.

snubull is in my opinion not discovered enough i think its a really strong lead because the good bulk and high attack the downside from snubull is that its. the sitrus set is probally more consitent agaisnt standard leads but cb can ohko wailmer.

probally the worst lead i mentioned so far it got explosion with great coverage moves and got bulk but loses to diglett and doduo hard.

very niche set but it got explosion like almost every mon on this tier xd and you can trade with most top tier mons.

halfway this post i realised this post is not the best but you can atleast use the sample sets as lead :quagchamppogsire:


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Tiering Council Announcement
Given the growing popularity of ADV LC, I feel that it is appropriate to establish a formal tiering council. Some of these people were already involved in previous tiering decisions, so this is just formalizing that involvement.

grape tylenol (Tier Leader)

In addition to the newly formed tiering council, the resources in this thread (sample sets, viability rankings and speed tier list) have been updated to reflect the current state of the metagame.

:Diglett: Diglett
:Doduo: Doduo
:Elekid: Elekid
:Wailmer: Wailmer

:Chinchou: Chinchou

:Voltorb: Voltorb

:Duskull: Duskull
:Gastly: Gastly
:Houndour: Houndour
:Larvitar: Larvitar
:Staryu: Staryu

:Mankey: Mankey
:Meowth: Meowth
:Ponyta: Ponyta
:Snubbull: Snubbull
:Trapinch: Trapinch

:Cubone: Cubone
:Exeggcute: Exeggcute
:Pineco: Pineco

:Bellsprout: Bellsprout
:Cacnea: Cacnea
:Carvanha: Carvanha
:Lileep: Lileep
:Magnemite: Magnemite
:Onix: Onix
Speaking of sample sets...

Sample Sets
Sample sets for every Pokemon on the viability ranking are now available on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex, and will soon be available on Pokemon Showdown and the Pokemon Damage Calculator!

A huge thank you to the following users who helped contribute: BlackKnight_Gawain, faint, Kaboom, MOHAMEDALL, Quinn, and reggg!

The Future of ADV LC
Todd Bonzalez's ADV LC Open was very successful in re-establishing the tier and developing the metagame. Thank you to everyone who participated and furthered the development of ADV LC - I believe the tier has come a long way since the beginning of the tournament. I would also like to thank everyone who contributed to the resources in this thread. Thanks to the community's efforts, ADV LC now has plenty of resources for newcomers looking to play the tier!

Speaking of playing the tier, some upcoming opportunities to play the tier include:
  • LPL (Levi's Premier League) - A popular Discord team tournament featuring many generations of Little Cup as well as LC UU and LC RU! Player signups (along with a vote for which old LC generations should be included) will be going up later this month, and will be posted in this thread.

  • ADV LC Open: Porygon's Bizarre Adventure - A follow up tour to Todd Bonzalez's ADV LC Open with a cash prize! I'm aiming to host this early next year but the timeframe is subject to change.

  • ADV LC Discord: As always, you are welcome to join the ADV LC Discord to look for friendly matches!
I hope that you will all continue to enjoy ADV LC!
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I just tried to make a good team I'll explain the mons


Duskull The Lead : It has good matchups against wail lead and cacnea which are the best leads imo and it's a great doduo counter later in the game

Diglett The Best Nuke : Normal Dig set but this one has a scope lens which increases it's chances to beat pory from a crit and diglett nukes everything else

Porygon The Nuke Diffuser : Beats Dig and doesn't really have any bad matchups and it has return for other pory

Doduo The Nuke Jr. : One shots most things with a good speed tier I don't see a need for an explanation

Mankey The 1% HP Man : Spams sub on the right opponent and murders everything it outspeeds

Cyndaquil The Fastest Nuke : If the opposing diglett kills something cyndaquil can easily come in and start its rampage it only get's countered by pory chinchou and wail which can get flushed out in other ways
LPL 11 Signups Now Open
As previously mentioned, player signups for LPL 11 (Levi's Premier League) are now open. LPL is a popular Discord team tournament featuring many generations of Little Cup as well as LC UU, LC RU and Doubles LC! LPL is also a great team tournament for players who are new to the community, as all undrafted players are put onto a scrubs team! ADV LC will be included in this edition of LPL!

To sign up for LPL 11, join the Discord and fill out the player signup form. Sign ups close October 8th, 1:45PM GMT-4.
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Making lesser used pokemon work part 5 i think


I think onix works best as a lead because of its matchups against most leads

Onix can use self destruct on any lead that threatens to OHKO it like wailmer pory or cacnea if it survives the first 3 turns or switches out its a decent physical wall for stuff like doduo and meowth (provided they are not running HP grass) and it outspeeds all the leads mentioned here and many others

Rock slide which hurts both pineco and snover and hp flying is just general coverage
Ruins of Alph Spotlight Ladder (November 2023)

I am happy to announce that ADV LC has been selected to be one of this month's Ruins of Alph Spotlight ladders! The ladder will be active until December 1st, 2023. Last time there was an ADV LC Ruins of Alph Spotlight Ladder, I offered some prizes to incentivize ladder activity. I will be offering those prizes again:

1st PlaceDrawing from yours truly + custom role color in the ADV LC Discord
2nd PlaceCustom role color in the ADV LC Discord
3rd PlaceCustom role color in the ADV LC Discord

Prizes will be awarded every Sunday at 10:00PM GMT-5. Please note that you are only eligible for the 1st place prize once (future 1st place prizes will be awarded to the next highest eligible player on ladder.)

Ruins of Alph Spotlight Tournament: ADV LC

The Ruins of Alph staff are also hosting a Swiss ADV LC tournament alongside the ADV LC ladder. If you are interested, you can sign up here. Signups will close Wednesday, November 8th, at 11:59PM GMT-4.

ADV LC Open: Porygon's Bizarre Adventure

Finally, I am happy to announce yet another ADV LC tournament is coming up! This tournament will be double elimination and feature a cash prize of $25 USD. I will be taking sketch commissions in exchange for $5 USD donations to the prize pool (please DM me here or on Discord at grapetylenol if you are interested in making a donation, my work can be viewed in my art thread.) Signups for this tournament will go up on January 1st.