Advice Mega thread

yeah I'm serious I just don't like acting serious because then I feel silly... and people won't take me seriously if I act seriously.

ps - thanks
Don't take life too seriously, or you won't get out alive. O.o

Simple questions on what the heart is/has/whatever is a rare question in higher biology. Often it's more necessary to be able to explain and apply your knowledge. That means learning the role and concept of the heart (basically to distribute blood around the body most efficently), i.e. one direction flow (semi-lunar valves), changes in pressure, basic diffusion and active transport in areas such as the kidneys, liver, and other tissue fluids.
Biology often makes perfect sense, you can't learn for everything but educated guessing in the context of the work will get you further than rope-learning every label to every diagram. Diagram marks probably have a sum total of 15%, whereas explainations and applied knowledge account for the vast majority of marks in biology tests.

I am under the current impression of there being too much blood in my caffeine system. Assisnments, sport and a complicated social life along with an uncomfortable bed has destroyed me this week. Also, don't do drugs kids. Sell them instead.
I gots some advice. What you do with it is up to you guys.

1: Don't get all upset just because of someone else's opinion of you. You are your own person, and the opinions of others shouldn't mean that much.

2: Normality is relative. What we call normal is nothing more than glorified popular opinion. So if you're upset over not being normal, don't be. Mindless conformity is overrated.

3: If you have to question the ethics of something, it's probably not ethical. That, or you question stuff too much.

4: CB Wobbuffet was bad before Struggle's recoil damage was engorged to fail proportions.

5: Don't knock a food item just because it looks or sounds disgusting, because it may surprise you. If it smells disgusting, on the other hand, knock away. The nose knows.

6: There is no number 6.

7: If you refuse to scratch your ass when it itches just because you're in public, it is a sure sign that you care too much about what other people think of you.

8: For number 8. I will translate some commonly used sophisticated terms and phrases into what we all know they really mean.

What they say: It has an acquired taste.
What they mean: It tastes like ass, but if you eat enough of it, your tongue may build up an immunity to the pure disgustingness.

What they say: Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was recieved.
What they mean: Your money is very important to us, and your call will be answered once we've milked enough of your wallet out into your phone bill.

What they say: I'll call you back later.
What they mean: I'm sick and tired of hearing you babble on and on, making my phone bill astronomical, so I'm just gonna hang up now.

What they say: This movie has been edited for content.
What they mean: We took all the good stuff out of this movie so we can justify showing it on TV when little kiddies may be watching. Buy the friggin' DVD, you cheapskate.

What they say: She has a great personality.
What they mean: We have to weigh her at truck stops. (OR) Her face could stop a clock.

What they say: Oh, you shouldn't have!
What they mean: Really. You literally shouldn't have.

9: Grades are not a mark of intelligence. They are a mark of how well you conform to the system.
I gots some advice. What you do with it is up to you guys.

1: Don't get all upset just because of someone else's opinion of you. You are your own person, and the opinions of others shouldn't mean that much.

2: Normality is relative. What we call normal is nothing more than glorified popular opinion. So if you're upset over not being normal, don't be. Mindless conformity is overrated.

3: If you have to question the ethics of something, it's probably not ethical. That, or you question stuff too much.

4: CB Wobbuffet was bad before Struggle's recoil damage was engorged to fail proportions.

5: Don't knock a food item just because it looks or sounds disgusting, because it may surprise you. If it smells disgusting, on the other hand, knock away. The nose knows.

6: There is no number 6.

7: If you refuse to scratch your ass when it itches just because you're in public, it is a sure sign that you care too much about what other people think of you.

8: For number 8. I will translate some commonly used sophisticated terms and phrases into what we all know they really mean.

What they say: It has an acquired taste.
What they mean: It tastes like ass, but if you eat enough of it, your tongue may build up an immunity to the pure disgustingness.

What they say: Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was recieved.
What they mean: Your money is very important to us, and your call will be answered once we've milked enough of your wallet out into your phone bill.

What they say: I'll call you back later.
What they mean: I'm sick and tired of hearing you babble on and on, making my phone bill astronomical, so I'm just gonna hang up now.

9: Grades are not a mark of intelligence. They are a mark of how well you conform to the system.

Gee, thanks! Also, @ VKCA, weed > women 90% of the time. I wouldn't want to be with a woman with that sort of integrity anyway, but hey, standards differ, that's just me.
You usually don't anyway.
Meant to be a joke :(, must of been one of those that seemed a lot funnier when it originally occurred to me. Like that history essay parody I based around the line "war decides not who is right, but who is left" (verb + preposition pun), and one which I got a D for because clearly teachers don't do humour.

I actually need some help, sorry for the bump but this is the best place I could find. I've just turned 16 and choosing my A levels, so far I've got maths, further maths, biol, chem, phys. however, my school is recommending an essay or "arts" subject (now almost required for medicine, veterinary studies, biomedical engineering). The logic behind this is that being quite a good all-rounder, it would also benefit to differentiate myself from the autistics. However I have absolutely no clue what to take (I need to decide in two days). I have no clue what any of the arts syllabuses are like as I always thought I'd just do maths, triple science. My current GCSE optional subjects are spanish, french, history, geography, sciences (and English which is mandatory). I see the benefit of taking an arts subject but I need to pick one... anyone who is doing/ has done an arts giving feedback would be really helpful (especially if it's A level). Currently, I'm torn between English literature and Geography. Eng Lit - I think I would prefer it, it's less work and is a nice contrast to science but I'm dyslexic and no English genius by any means. Geog - geog looks really easy, I should be able to get a good mark, the marking scheme is less ambiguous, it's just building on what I've already but it's more work, more revision intensive, and I might not have the time to put enough work in whilst taking 6... I'm stuck, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Geog or English (or something else that's really interesting)?
A+ post by Missingno. Master, especially number 9 that is the truest thing in this thread. geddit.

no but in all seriousness it was cool.
Saying that grades are irrelevant to the system is the hallmark of someone too stupid or lazy to pull off good grades. Saying they are a sign of a person conforms to the system is something angsty teens say to justify failing.

Just saying.
General advice that has helped me:

If theres a band that you really want to see play and you don't have any money you should borrow money from your parents or a friend to see them because they might not be touring for a while.

oh, and don't ever stay in on a saturday night, you'll feel like SUCH a loser ;P
Maybe if you listened to happier music it wouldnt be so bad?

Have a nice day.

It's more like I'll be playing pokemon or reading or whatever and I'll be imagining all my friends at a club/party having an awesome time or talking to a cute guy or whatever then compare that to what I'm doing.
How can I do all my homework and not feel like eating myself in anger and pulling my hair out with stress. Australians are asked to answer over Americans (diff. system) if you can. I'm serious. Not exactly 'I have a drug addiction and I like a girl' but still a question I'd appreciate the answer to.
How can I do all my homework and not feel like eating myself in anger and pulling my hair out with stress. Australians are asked to answer over Americans (diff. system) if you can. I'm serious. Not exactly 'I have a drug addiction and I like a girl' but still a question I'd appreciate the answer to.

Which subjects are you doing? I find that the abuse of energy drinks helps me substantially. Also, I make sure that I can plagiarize off my friends. Just make sure you change enough words so that you're not caught ;)

It pays to be actually interested in the subject too, I mean.. it's not exactly the best information if you're in year 11/12 but sometimes the subjects that look the best for getting into university aren't the ones that you'll score high in personally.

I find that I get most of my energy at around 8PM. As soon as I get home from uni I like to blow off some steam by eating and playing video games. When I'm working on something I like to have a smoke break every 45 minutes. I have a 5 minute facebook break every hour too.

But ultimately the thing that gets me studying the hardest is THE FEAR. The fear is basically the idea that if I don't finish this assignment/submit it on time that I'll become a loser on welfare and I won't amount to anything and I'll die a loser, alone.

It's good motivation I guess.
what do you say after a beautiful girl tells you a story about how her bikini top got ripped off in the surf

do you stay silent

please say you're supposed to stay silent

like this isn't even me trying to be funny this is dead serious, i actually need to know how you're supposed to react to people telling extremely awkward stories i'm like autistic when it comes to this crap aaaa
what do you say after a beautiful girl tells you a story about how her bikini top got ripped off in the surf

do you stay silent

please say you're supposed to stay silent

like this isn't even me trying to be funny this is dead serious, i actually need to know how you're supposed to react to people telling extremely awkward stories i'm like autistic when it comes to this crap aaaa

Something like, 'Hi 5!' is pretty appropriate. Also, congrats on getting unbanned Morm.
How can I do all my homework and not feel like eating myself in anger and pulling my hair out with stress. Australians are asked to answer over Americans (diff. system) if you can. I'm serious. Not exactly 'I have a drug addiction and I like a girl' but still a question I'd appreciate the answer to.

my advice is change your sig, because it literally might be the most awkward thing ive ever seen someone type and I was around when mattj went batshit with the chatspeak in firebot so you better listen to me
what do you say after a beautiful girl tells you a story about how her bikini top got ripped off in the surf

do you stay silent

please say you're supposed to stay silent

like this isn't even me trying to be funny this is dead serious, i actually need to know how you're supposed to react to people telling extremely awkward stories i'm like autistic when it comes to this crap aaaa

How well do you know this beautiful girl? Hahah... Was this over the internet or what? Because the thought of you just staring at her in person with nothing to say is hilarious.