ORAS UU Aerolyn


Hello everyone; I decided to post my team in the RMT thread because I have had an ample amount of success using it, especially in the UU Open. I can easily say that this is the best team I have created to date, due to its overall consistency. I would like to make it clear: I am not posting this team here wanting/needing elaborate suggestions or looking to replace Pokemon. This team has proven to be effective, and I want to share it with all of you because I believe it is a great example of the ORAS UU tier right now. Of course, I would be perfectly fine with basic changes, and I encourage you to suggest them to me if you have good reasoning for them. Enjoy!

Team Concept:
I initially had the idea to build a team around Mandibuzz + Florges from IronBullet, who used a team featuring this core in the UU Battle of the Week thread. Instead of running the standard Defog/Taunt Specially Defensive Mandibuzz and Wish-passing Florges, I wanted to use Taunt + Toxic Mandibuzz and Calm Mind Florges, both of which do well against conservative balance and stall teams. Both of these sets were rarely used at the time, especially Calm Mind Florges. The fact that Calm Mind Florges was an under-appreciated set in the current metagame really played to my advantage in taking opponents by surprise, and worked well as a win condtion.

After ironing out that initial core, hazard stacking immediately sprang to mind. A great strategy in general, hazard stacking also specifically helped Mandibuzz exert pressure on Defog users. This in turn helped Calm Mind Florges, whose usual checks are grounded. I eventually selected Roserade, Swampert and Forretress as my hazard core.

At that point, I needed a revenge killer that could provide some Speed to my team and help punish Hyper-Offensive teams and ideally provide me another win condition. Luckily, Hone Claws Mega-Aerodactyl fit that role beautifully, and it also offered me a key flying resistance and secondary fire resistance.

Individual Sets and EV Spreads:


Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 180 SpD / 80 Spe
Careful Nature
Knock Off



:Specially Defensive stallbreaker Mandibuzz is fantastic at shutting down a majority of the common defensive cores and bulky setup sweepers. This set was designed to stop Pokemon like Reuniclus, Suicune, Snorlax, Cresselia, Florges, Slowking and Blissey from doing their job. Apart from walling bulky Pokemon, Mandibuzz also acted as a fantastic check from Pokemon that specifically gave Florges issues, such as Nidoqueen and Roserade.

I used Knock Off as my STAB of choice as it did a better job of punishing the bulky Pokemon Mandibuzz was meant to handle than Foul Play, and was an easy move to spam. Taunt + Toxic is the combo I was most interested in, as it prevented recovery while also whittling Pokemon down. The 80 Speed EVs are aimed to outspeed most Roar Suicune.


Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
Stealth Rock



:Swampert is a Pokemon that I have grown to love recently, due to the huge amount of utility it provides to a team. Resistance to Fire, immunity to Volt Switch and access to Stealth Rock, Scald and Roar are all insanely useful tools on any balances teams. With its fantastic bulk and sole Grass weakness being relatively rare in the tier, Swampert is one of the most consistent Stealth Rock setters in the tier, while also acting as a great defensive pivot.


Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Sleep Powder

Toxic Spikes

Giga Drain

Sludge Bomb
: Roserade was chosen as my dedicated Scald switch-in, as well as my Toxic Spiker. I used an offensive EV spread as I find the standard Specially Defensive spread underwhelming and lacking immediate power. I used Toxic Spikes here and Spikes on Forretress, as I found Forretress was more reliable at getting multiple layers of hazards down.

Other Option: Hidden Power Fire > Toxic Spikes / Sleep Powder.


Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Calm Mind



: Calm Mind Florges served as the main win condition of the team, and I usually play my matches with the mindset of ending with a Calm Mind sweep. In addition to being a win condition, Florges was my check to Hydreigon (especially Taunt/Roost) and my main switch-in for Fighting attacks. I recently added a bit more Speed in order to outrun other Calm Mind Florges', as the set is slowly becoming more popular.


Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe

Gyro Ball

Volt Switch

Rapid Spin
:Forretress was chosen as my hazard stacker and remover. With its great defensive typing it was able to wall Pokemon such as Mega-Beedrill and Slurpuff, who were otherwise major threats to the team. Gyro Ball was used as my STAB of choice for being able to hit them hard, along with other threats such as Mega-Aerodactyl. Volt Switch prevented Forretress from being set-up bait for common sweepers, and the slow Volt Switch was great for providing free momentum every time.


Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
Hone Claws

Stone Edge

Aerial Ace

: With the defensive core able to handle most threats, Mega-Aerodactyl served as the icing on the cake. Its typing, Speed and access to Hone Claws are huge boons to the team. Earthquake was added as my coverage move of choice to hit Cobalion, who can set up a Swords Dance against the majority of the team. Forretress and Mega-Aerodactyl together offered a reliable answer to Cobalion, as a slow Volt Switch into Aero plus Adamant Earthquake could knock it out. In addition to revenge killing, Hone Claws provided me with a reliable secondary win condition that could clean up weakened teams.

Threat List
Swords Dance Cobalion
Choice Banded Mienshao/Choice Banded Machamp
Bullet Punch Lucario
Fire Spam

Everyone that helped me throughout the UU Open and Grand Slam as a whole:
King UU R0ady Euphonos teal6 Hogg LilOu Sacri' IronBullet
Also shoutout to the PS! UU room, all of you are cool people.

Mandibuzz clutches a win in round 2 of UU open vs Get Backer http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-uu-82586
G2 and G3 in round 4 of UU open http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-269541555
teal6 has an impressive G3 win round 3 of the UU open http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-265097340
r0ady during G3 of round 4 of UU open http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-uu-86485
Deej Dy shuts down stall in round 4 of UU open http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-267153857
teal6 in Semis of UU open vs TewMew http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-uu-94658


GP Check : Euphonos LilOu Hogg
Format : DaSpoofy teal6
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Hey Christo! Nice RMT but I have a few suggestions that can turn your wanna-be-good team into the best team in Under Used!

First off I think CM Slowking>CM Florges would benefit you a lot! Your only things that take an Entei's sacred fire don't like the burn. Taking out florges would also eliminated the amount of opportunities entei has on coming in on your team. This can also relinquish the Machamp weakness you have. Regenerator works well with a bulky team like this.

Next you should definitely replace Aero for Entei. This gives you a better fire resist while keeping offensive pressure with banded fire stabs and speed with e speed. This relieves some pressure from Mega Abomasnow as well. You no longer have to worry about it setting up an sd on you and relying on Mandibuzz to take the ice shard damage.

With CM Slowking taking over, you are missing some necessary special defense. Sorry but we are ganna have to have Empoleon>Mandibuzz. I know we miss out on that stall break but we have CM slowking so stall isnt as much as a problem. Empoleon is better at taking on Hydreigon than mandi. We can put rocks on Emp freeing up space for swampert to run something else. Also scald is the best move in the game. Now you will be able to spam it.

Wow this team still looks really really slow. Screw it we are adding Banded Arcanine over Forretress! Spikes are overrated and you could use another powerful e speeder. The intimidate helps a lit with bug types that like to poop all over your team. We have defog on Empoleon now so we dont really need a rapid spinner. Over all a great option.

Ok this team is looking pretty feraligtr weak. I mean Roserade isnt stopiing it at plus one but I know a grass type that does! Tangrowth>Roserade. We have so many fairy resists that the poison typing that roserade provides isnt necessary. Tangrowth is a better sleep powder user and its regen couples well with slowkings. We can keep some of roserades offensive momentum by haveing Leafstorm over Giga drain. This also ensures good damage when needed.

Finally we no longer need a defensive swampert. Its typing is still great with the team but its purpose no longer is necessary. Since we replaced Maero we can have a mega sooo Swampert to Swampertite. This will give you a nice cleaner and some more speed. We have a ton of grass resists now so you dont have to worry about that.

Ok I think we have made the best team in UU. It should look something like this!
Dogs (Arcanine) @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Close Combat

Dogz (Entei) @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Sacred Fire
- Flare Blitz
- Stone Edge

Weed (Tangrowth) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Relaxed Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Sleep Powder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Knock Off

Fishes (Slowking) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off

Fish (Empoleon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Defog

Fishy (Swampert) @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Rain Dance
kinda nifty squad imo. i've always found aero/forre/florg such a peculiar core to build around; my best take on it was kyurem/cune/krook but your vrsn has quite a few upsides as well. definitely the biggest weak tho is nidoqueen. i really dislike how you don't have something to take the queen well; usually suicune / blissey / bronzong or w.e. are best for the job, but none of them really fit here. i'm not really sure how to rectify this tho. if the dude can get sr up (not hard to do against pursuitless forre) and weaken mandibuzz some without getting knock'd, you're in deep shit. plus mandi is 2hkod after sr anyway lol. abomasnow poses a v similar issue. forre gyro does a pittance to it, and you give it way too many opportunities to come in with the squad give it's so slow. imo you should try toxic out on forre > gyro. i always dig it a lot better anyway and you can at least be more annoying to sd aboma and be a dece check to it. swampert drops the thunthunthun on aero regardless and you ain't killin florges wit it. fwiw wing attack > aerial ace is ideal since the pp could hypothetically be better in a pp stall, but that's not really anything of note. aero set here is cute tho. i run the same on my squad as well. nice job overall-- i really haven't gotten mandi to work tbh. those weaks are kinda ugh tho.
Solid team man. When I tried to build something similar with CM Florges/Krook/Forre I actually ended up with the same thing as you dice, Aero/Kyurem/Suicune to complement them. Anyway yeah the three biggest threats I can see for this team are SD Cobalion (which you must force to CC so you can revenge kill it), SD Abomasnow (gotta keep TSpikes up to handle this), and SD Lucario with Bullet Punch (actually 6-0s with the smallest prior damage on Florges if it sets up on Forre/Rose after sleep fodder/ Mandibuzz that you don't want to risk staying in).

A variation of this team I've thought about is Hex Jellicent / SR Krook over Mandibuzz / Swampert. This gives you longer term answers to Entei, Fighting immunity so you can actually check Cobalion and BP Luc (and at least deter CB Machamp from clicking its move), /ok/ answers to Nidos, spinblocker, Pursuit's great too. Jellicent really appreciates having Florges and Rose as backup to check stuff like Blastoise and Rotom-C that switch in on it. In fact between Mandibuzz and Jellicent I actually prefer Jellicent for it's "balance-breaking" ability since it's got useful immunities to Scald and Body Slam (letting you truly counter Snorlax, which is currently also a problem if it para's Mandibuzz). You could speed creep Florges and pour the rest of the investment into phys defense to take hits from Cobalion / Crunch Lax / Entei. Hex Jellicent also lets you retain your answer to Reuni, although Krook will give you a semi-answer as well. And at least with Jelli you can trade it for a burn on Abomasnow if it comes to that. I guess if WoW starts interfering with TSpikes too much you can trade for Synth or Hidden Power on Rose maybe. This definitely makes you weaker to Gatr and Shark though, Toxic on Forry might definitely help w/ these as well if you can't keep TSpikes up.

Nice team man and good open run, you proved a lot of people wrong.
Solid balanced team/10 you've got redundant checks to most things in the tier.

Fortress just feels like a massive free turn machine on this team. I get that you're compressing all the teams awkward into that one teamslot but the idea of getting spinblocked vs slurpuff spikestack feat cm chandy just makes me grind my teeth. It may be worth it to swap knock off for foul play on mandi just to deny puff its only setup fodder in that situation. (Yeah I know those teams are rare but that's more of a playerbase is shit thing than a team is bad wow thing).

Aside from that tspikes is slightly redundant with mandi's toxic, hp fire rade can help prevent setup from cobal and has the potential to bop some of CM flower and maero's more annoying checks and counters.
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kinda nifty squad imo. i've always found aero/forre/florg such a peculiar core to build around; my best take on it was kyurem/cune/krook but your vrsn has quite a few upsides as well. definitely the biggest weak tho is nidoqueen. i really dislike how you don't have something to take the queen well; usually suicune / blissey / bronzong or w.e. are best for the job, but none of them really fit here. i'm not really sure how to rectify this tho. if the dude can get sr up (not hard to do against pursuitless forre) and weaken mandibuzz some without getting knock'd, you're in deep shit. plus mandi is 2hkod after sr anyway lol. abomasnow poses a v similar issue. forre gyro does a pittance to it, and you give it way too many opportunities to come in with the squad give it's so slow. imo you should try toxic out on forre > gyro. i always dig it a lot better anyway and you can at least be more annoying to sd aboma and be a dece check to it. swampert drops the thunthunthun on aero regardless and you ain't killin florges wit it. fwiw wing attack > aerial ace is ideal since the pp could hypothetically be better in a pp stall, but that's not really anything of note. aero set here is cute tho. i run the same on my squad as well. nice job overall-- i really haven't gotten mandi to work tbh. those weaks are kinda ugh tho.
Thanks for the rate. When building Forretress+Florges balance, Nidoqueen weakness is inevitable. Although, I think you are disregarding the fact that Nidoqueen is almost always the Stealth Rocker on the team. This means I can always switch into Mandibuzz before Stealth Rock go up. To add on that, Nidoqueen will almost always stay in on Mandibuzz to see how much Ice Beam does. This lets me Knock its Life Orb off, making it no longer a threat. Also Earthquake Adamant Aero, full health Swampert, and Roserade can do the job at killing it, usually. As for Abomasnow, yes it is a threat. Although, since this is a Hazard Stacking team, I can usually pressure most teams enough to where Abomasnow is forced in on Stealth Rock+ a Spike or Toxic Spike. This usually lets me revenge kill it with Florges after it sets up to +2. If my opponent manages to keep Hazards off the field and successfully gets to +2, good for them, I lost. As for Toxic on Forretress, that is not a bad option at all. It does however make Nidoqueen that much more of a free switch in as well as making Forry not a counter to Beedrill or Slurpuff. An option worth considering is Earthquake > Gyro ball on Forretress. This would let me damage Cobalion, Lucario, a predicted Nido switch-in, and still damages Beedrill. Also on a sidenote, Suicune is not a counter to Nidoqueen :p.

Solid team man. When I tried to build something similar with CM Florges/Krook/Forre I actually ended up with the same thing as you dice, Aero/Kyurem/Suicune to complement them. Anyway yeah the three biggest threats I can see for this team are SD Cobalion (which you must force to CC so you can revenge kill it), SD Abomasnow (gotta keep TSpikes up to handle this), and SD Lucario with Bullet Punch (actually 6-0s with the smallest prior damage on Florges if it sets up on Forre/Rose after sleep fodder/ Mandibuzz that you don't want to risk staying in).

A variation of this team I've thought about is Hex Jellicent / SR Krook over Mandibuzz / Swampert. This gives you longer term answers to Entei, Fighting immunity so you can actually check Cobalion and BP Luc (and at least deter CB Machamp from clicking its move), /ok/ answers to Nidos, spinblocker, Pursuit's great too. Jellicent really appreciates having Florges and Rose as backup to check stuff like Blastoise and Rotom-C that switch in on it. In fact between Mandibuzz and Jellicent I actually prefer Jellicent for it's "balance-breaking" ability since it's got useful immunities to Scald and Body Slam (letting you truly counter Snorlax, which is currently also a problem if it para's Mandibuzz). You could speed creep Florges and pour the rest of the investment into phys defense to take hits from Cobalion / Crunch Lax / Entei. Hex Jellicent also lets you retain your answer to Reuni, although Krook will give you a semi-answer as well. And at least with Jelli you can trade it for a burn on Abomasnow if it comes to that. I guess if WoW starts interfering with TSpikes too much you can trade for Synth or Hidden Power on Rose maybe. This definitely makes you weaker to Gatr and Shark though, Toxic on Forry might definitely help w/ these as well if you can't keep TSpikes up.

Nice team man and good open run, you proved a lot of people wrong.
Hey dodmen, thanks for stopping by. I too am a fan of Jellicent and I made a team revolving around it before I made this team. You can see an example of me using here vs Meru in UU Open R1:http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-uu-81056. Anyway, it may be too early in the morning or I am just not reading correctly. I am not sure what you are suggesting I replace to add Jellicent, or if you are suggesting a change at all. I do, however, not want to replace Mandibuzz as it is a big reason for the success of the team. Thanks for the kind words.

Solid balanced team/10 you've got redundant checks to most things in the tier.

Fortress just feels like a massive free turn machine on this team. I get that you're compressing all the teams awkward into that one teamslot but the idea of getting spinblocked vs slurpuff spikestack feat cm chandy just makes me grind my teeth. It may be worth it to swap knock off for foul play on mandi just to deny puff its only setup fodder in that situation. (Yeah I know those teams are rare but that's more of a playerbase is shit thing than a team is bad wow thing).

Aside from that tspikes is slightly redundant with mandi's toxic, hp fire rade can help prevent setup from cobal and has the potential to bop some of CM flower and maero's more annoying checks and counters.
Forretress is definitely a huge nuisance to the team as I do not have a clear-cut way to damage it. Although I can usually whittle it down enough throughout the course of the match. I do not really get why you are suggesting that Forretress is not a good fit on the team because of an oddly specific Forretress+Slurpuff+CM Chandelure core. Seems quite silly to me. I do, however, like the suggestion of HP fire on Roserade! I will slash that as an option in the OP because that can really help with a lot of the weaknesses to the team. Florges' and Aerodactyl's counters can get lured in, as well as giving me a way to damage Cobalion, Lucario, and Forretress making Roserade not Setup bait. Thanks!
Sorry if I was unclear I meant spikes offense with offensive spiker + chandy + slurpuff style cores can exert huge pressure on this team due to fortress's passive nature and unreliable spin + lack of recovery on 2 of your grounded physical pivots.

I bring up sub CM chandy because its been my go-to chandy set all gen 6 x.x, but all 3 relevant sets choices of specs/subsplit/CM work in that sort of setup.

As for why I'm mentioning a specific core/playstyle its because the team is "complete" you have focused win conditions, redundant checks and counters, and no glaring single mon weaknesses that cannot be played around. So all that's really left to pick on is the teams issues with wither cores targeting swampert (cobalion based), and fortress (slurpuff based) by tweaking to limit setup.

I dislike forry here because it just feels like forry enables the cores the team struggles with as much as it hurts the individual mons that this team needs checks and counters to. It works on the team though and replacing it would be annoying as hell so I'm keeping suggestions to small tweaks on other mons to buffer that drawback. Sone of those tweaks just move the other mons away from optimal sets though aka why forry is painful to me.

(Small edit: Oh you have AA on HC Maero, you could swap that to pursuit to enable a reliable forry spin vs offensive spikestack if that becomes an issue, it would suck to lose flying stab though)
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