But that's ignoring The overall superiority of The cm sub set
SubCM Caly-S really isn't a common set, it has the issues of being too weak and also having a very poor moveslot into almost every team with Substitute. If you run STABs as coverage you lose to Ting-Lu, and Grass Knot without Encore is pretty poor into Ekiller while also being not that strong without Nasty Plot to boost it. Sash is better suited for some hyper offense teams but overall it's the better set, if you did specifically want to beat Blissey you could just run np Psyshock. The smogdex has all of the main sets that are most common, neither of the ones you mentioned are listed here but out of the two sash has seen more play.okay I wanted to ask which was better between sub-mind calyrex-s and sash one. The avantage of The first is its matchup agaisnt non-cm blissey, while The Other can get a
Any time and has a good matchup agaisnt Non sash ones if full hp. I agree, both sets have inconvenients. sash is only reliable if speed control is amazing in your team, while sub-mind has The flaw of being nuked by strong physical attackers
Ok i meant a calyrex sub-cm With astral barrage and Tera fairyblast