Resource All avatars on Pokémon Showdown!

Where should I begin to get a custom avatar?
Custom avatars are only granted to those with global staff on PS, a certain amount of badges on Smogon, or a contributor to PS such as a programmer or artist. Otherwise, they are sometimes given as prizes during events held across various rooms at Zarel's discretion
my new one (under the name miapi)

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[QUOTE = "Teclis, poste: 8515203, membre: 267950"]
Les avatars de la Coupe du monde 2020 sont maintenant disponibles! : blobwizard:

Is there any way for me to wear the sprites

if you mean the wcop or the customized sprites (like finchinators in the post mentioned above by jaajgko) then not- you have to get 4 or 5 badges to get a customized avatar or you have to be a global driver on pokémon showdown to get a customized avatar. the wcop avatars are only for the players of the teams and can only be accessed by them tho there other amazing avatars from the ingame-sprites to use there are plenty of choices. maybe you will find one which u'd like.
may i get my avatar added pls, cus ive won on some formats. In pokemon showdown
Winning doesn't make you eligible for a custom avatar. You need to be global staff, a PS developer, a smogon badge holder, win a contest, or otherwise get one offered to you in order to have it. This thread, if you're asking for it to be added to the OP, is only for avatars on PS.