Almost Any Ability XY (Suspect Over: Weavile banned, Keldeo Stays)

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Going ham with the Unburden crap, but one I found is so funny lol.

Unburden Mew is god, trust me, you get insane stats with these sets:

Specially Oriented


Mew @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 188 HP / 252 SAtk / 68 Spd
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Solar Beam
- Coverage
- Coverage


Physically Oriented


Mew @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 188 HP / 252 Atk / 68 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sky Attack
- Coverage
- Coverage

Remember Hawlucha in UU? Well it's on Mew. SD whenever you get the chance, Sky Attack, then wreck everything, same idea for the specially oriented one as well. The EVs are spreaded like so for maximum power, and enough speed to outspeed every unboosted mon in the game, the rest is put into bulk cause wynaut?

Personally, for Special I choose BoltBeam, and for Physical, I choose EdgeQuake for arguably the best coverage - but you can go ahead and use whatever thing you want, meanwhile, I'll try to get a replay of this thing ripping souls :)
While we're talking about unburden
Walrein @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Jolly Nature
Belly Drum
Ice Fang
How about Thrash Aerilate Gyarados?
Sounds cool, but I'd go for return over Thrash. Plus, Gyarados's ability is not necessarily one which absolutely NEEDS change.

I was thinking about Intimidate chansey. While it can't have fur coat, intimidate does seem to work pretty well.

Unaware Jirachi seems to work nicely too. It has cosmic power plus wish to heal itself. And then it can go around spamming toxic. (I guess) But unfortunately, dark and ghost types can ruin its day.
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Dragonite @ Life Orb
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- ExtremeSpeed
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Superpower

Not too much to talk about here, not exactly that different of a set, but there is one thing that's a really sneaky thing that removes a counter. Protect. With this, it now isn't afraid of Weavile coming in to revengekill it. After you protect on the obvious fake out, you can then proceed to OHKO that Weavile with a nice LO boosted Aerilate ExtremeSpeed. EQ is there to hit most steels decently, and Superpower hits stuff like Levitate Heatran decently if needed.

sets with feint still destroy it.
Ok I think I've got a new idea-

Cresselia @ leftovers/kee berry/Flame Orb
Ability: Magic Guard/Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
- Moonblast/Psycho Shift
- Psyshock/Psychic/Psycho Shift

Well meet your bulkier almost-Sigilyph! :3 It pretty much ignores status with magic guard, but magic bounce can also be used to avoid direct status moves! Kee berry helps boost its defense. Calm mind boosts its special attack and special defense, with which it can then sweep using moonblast or psychic/psyshock. Flame orb also works out along with psycho shift for cresselias having magic guard. Really hinders those physical attackers.
You'll definitely want to keep Fairy (or something) alongside STAB with Darkmons like Weavile running around. So you'd probably have to forgo Psycho Shift, which since you've invested heavily in Defense and have that berry, you should still be able to stomach a lot of physical attacks without relying on a burn.
The Eevee General - Cresselia can always be a thorn and troll your opponent even if its a dark type, using psycho shift and recovery (as long as your opponent isn't houndoom and your moonlight hasn't run out of PP) even with only a psychic move. It can probably manage to set up a bit and stall your opponent till it wears out thought the burn. And hopefully, you won't have to use moonlight too often while doing this.

But however, taunt seriously does shut it this set down, especially if used by a dark type pokemon.

EDIT: I've come up with more-

Noivern @ Choice Scarf/Life Orb
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Def/ 252 Speed
Timid Nature
- BoomBurst
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Filler

STAB Aerilate Boomburst. 'Nuff said

Typhlsion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Def/ 252 Speed
Timid Nature
- Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Solarbeam
- Filler

Nothing much to really say here either. But eruption won't work so well if you've got rocks up. Also beware of flash fire bug types.

Also, keeping no guard on pokes which can learn inferno such as chandelure, and making them hold choice scarves or something sounds good.
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So, when will Aerilate/Refridgerate/pixilate etc get banned?

If you don't run a Dnite check (IE a faster refrede Espeed or Feint Weavile) your team is ded


Anyways, seeing more stall or defensively oriented teams popping up, so I've decided to fit in Prankster Gengar on my team. Seems like it works against whatever you want, really.


qB^) (Gengar) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Destiny Bond
- Taunt

Pretty straightforward. Taunt whatever (be it hazard-mons, setup sweepers, or stallmons) and sub up forcing your opponent to break it. Dbond can force 50/50s giving you free subs or simply knock out an opposing mon when you're done with it. Shadow Ball is the STAB I chose, beats Cress nd shit. But you can fit in whatever you want in the Shadow Ball slot tbh.
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gennosuke fujiki said:
So, when will Aerilate/Refridgerate/pixilate etc get banned?
If you don't run a Dnite check (IE a faster refrede Espeed or Feint Weavile) your team is ded
I hope they DON'T get banned, because that would absolutely suck. Do note that we're given access to almost EVERY ability, so there should be more counters out there. There has to be.

And Regarding your Prankster gengar set, I don't see why you can't run the same set on bulkier pokemon like weezing or spiritomb, or maybe even Jellicent (though you'd have to give up destiny bond).
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I got bored and ran some battles with Technician Heracross for the skill link moves it needs for the mega evolution. I can confirm Technician Heracross does hit harder than Mega Heracross.
Old_Gregg - The power of the shots may be more powerful because each shot is boosted by technician, but overall, mega heracross does more damage. This is because each multi hit move always deals damage for a total of 125 base power (without STAB) with mega heracross. Plus, mega heracross has far more attack than the normal form. If you're really considering using megas in AAA, then I suggest keeping an insta-activate ability for the base form, such as intimidate.
I hope they DON'T get banned, because that would absolutely suck. Do note that we're given access to almost EVERY ability, so there should be more counters out there. There has to be.

And Regarding your Prankster gengar set, I don't see why you can't run the same set on bulkier pokemon like weezing or spiritomb, or maybe even Jellicent (though you'd have to give up destiny bond).

We'll have to wait in that case.

Well, Gengar has slightly more offensive presence than those mons. That's kinda why I chose Gengar. Fits more on a hyper offense team.
Old_Gregg - The power of the shots may be more powerful because each shot is boosted by technician, but overall, mega heracross does more damage. This is because each multi hit move always deals damage for a total of 125 base power (without STAB) with mega heracross. Plus, mega heracross has far more attack than the normal form. If you're really considering using megas in AAA, then I suggest keeping an insta-activate ability for the base form, such as intimidate.
Using it for fun.

I've also had some fun with Eviolite Dusclops.
Ability: Prankster
Confuse ray
*Insert random move here*

Just trying to have some fun before May is over.
It's not always about winning. ;)
gennosuke fujiki said:
So, when will Aerilate/Refridgerate/pixilate etc get banned?
If you don't run a Dnite check (IE a faster refrede Espeed or Feint Weavile) your team is ded
And also to add on, my cresselia set works with dragonite, but as long as you're using the flame orb set.

Old_Gregg said:
I've also had some fun with Eviolite Dusclops.
Ability: Prankster
Confuse ray
*Insert random move here*
prankster metronome, lol. Try that with snorlax or something, haha.

Old_Gregg said:
Just trying to have some fun before May is over.
It's not always about winning. ;)
Which is why I like Other Metagames, since you don't really need to take them seriously, and you can play around like crazy :3
I have a Slowbro set I think is pretty good.
Slowbro @ Sitrus Berry
Cheek Pouches
252 Def, 252 SpD, 4 HP
Adamant Nature
Belly Drum
Slack Off
Aqua Tail
Ice Punch
Old_Gregg - I suppose your set is leech seed, sub, stealth rock, spikes. If that's the case, it makes it really easy for other prankter subbers and pokemon immune to leech seed to set up on ferro's face. And defensively, yes, its better than whimsi, but unlike with ferro, you can't set up in whimsi's face, or you get encore'd
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