Metagame Alphabet Cup

Could you explain your reasoning for this

TL;DR: Complex bans are bad and the OM leaders (TI, Sect, Drampa, etc.) are all hecka good at their job.

I want to first give SectoniaServant huge thanks for being of assistance in our decision.

If my answer needs more elaboration, I'm hoping he'll show up and fill any blanks. That said, I'll try to summarize some of the main points:

One of the big reasons for swapping from banning the moves to banning the Pokemon is that traditionally, when Smogon (and its councils) consider a problematic Pokemon, rather than just banning the move, the mon as a whole is evaluated. Dracovish is probably one of the most black-and-white examples of this. Without access to Rend, most people would agree Dracovish could probably have stayed in OU. The problem is that logically, you're creating a complex ban.

While the pedantry of course can vary, the general agreement is that a Complex Ban is a ban that has a conditional. Back in the day, Speed Boost Blaziken in OU was considered a problem, and for good reason. While there was some debate, the larger consensus was that if Blaziken didn't have Speed Boost, it could have stayed. The knee-jerk response is "okay well let's just say that X Pokemon is legal if it doesn't use Y ability". On paper, that seems fine. The problem is that a lot of Pokemon could change in tiering if they are given conditionals. If Zacian gets only, say, Work Up and Snore, it could probably be even PU. If we allow for bans with conditionals, we can definitely "add to the variety" of plenty of formats/tiers, but then every banlist becomes all but impossible to understand, especially to new players.

When we ban a Pokemon, the conversation doesn't need to have conditionals.

The second major thing is that Morytha and I don't really have much in terms of formal experience when it comes to being Leaders of a meta. I hope it goes without saying that in PS and Smogon, people don't achieve their positions on accident. When someone like SectoniaServant or Drampa's Grandpa comes to us saying "hey this isn't the way we do things", it's important to listen to them. That's not to say that there can't be a dialogue (and I'm sure they can vouch that I, personally at least, had plenty questions of my own), but it's extremely valuable to listen to our community leaders and do what we can to grow together, rather than try to "rock the boat", so to speak.

In terms of individual bans:

Melmetal is Ubers by default*. Generally, when we bring mons down, it's because their power level doesn't scale enough to match their previous friends. If we let Melmetal keep DIB, it is still really good. Now it also gains Multi-Attack, Milk Drink, Meteor Mash (which is boosted!) and a lot of other stuff. While our personal testing has shown that Melm could probably stay without DIB, for the sake of things that were explained above, that's just not in the cards. Maybe Melm could get tested to return in the future with DIB as the meta develops, but for the sake of stability, it stays locked up.

Zygarde with Tarrows lol
All jokes aside, we felt that Zygarde with Tarrows would have essentially been the same mess it was in OU, and it also stays locked up.

Electrify is the weirder one. If you're looking for a lengthier explanation, I'm happy to provide one, but we're essentially using a lot of the reasoning that was present in STAB for banning it. Pokemon like Manectric, Jolteon, etc. just create these really messy games and it puts an unneeded strain on teambuilding.

I hope that answered everyone's questions, and if you have any more, please feel free to ask!

* Edit: Melm is OU right now but it was Ubers when the decision was made. I didn't see that change. My bad! I think the overall point still stands
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I've came up with some ideas. They might not be S+, but they are somehow interesting.


Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Recover
- Triple Axel
- Fishious Rend

It is surprising how Fishious Rend isn't a big problem, as not a lot of mons find it useful. DD+Recovery Fishious Rend STAB Milotic may punch holes once your opponent doesn't have Water-types. It might be a bit weak but the boost Fishious Rend gives can be enough to clean.


Some of the new threats that learn Dragon Dance. Moreover, they also recieve Dark, Dragon, Flying, Rock, Ground and Grass coverage.

Going on with D...


Doublade @ Eviolite / Anything
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dynamic Punch
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak

I don't really know what set I should use, but Dynamic Punch seems pretty funny in a bulky Steel-type. The Ghost-Fighting coverage is fantastic and you can boost it with Swords Dance. Trick Room looks interesting in this metagame with partners like Boomburst Primarina


Tapu Koko @ Choice Band
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Triple Axel
- U-turn
- Wild Charge
- Thousand Waves

Almost perfect coverage, pivot, one of the greatest Speed tiers, pivoting and ability make Tapu Koko a beast. Though it still lacks of Fairy Physical STAB, it has BoltBeam coverage to punish the Ground-types that usually try to pivot in, as HP isn't a thing this Gen.

(Space for literally any pokemon with E moveset)
Excadrill @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Endeavor
- Extreme Speed
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake

Lmao you have Endeavor Extreme Speed on anything you want, such as Electivire, Eiscue... And that's almost it. Most of the E users are special. What a waste of letter lmao (jk you have Eruption Energy Ball Extrasensory and EXPLOSION).


Metagross @ Salac Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Behemoth Blade / Bash
- Blaze Kick / Earthquake

Haha BeheBlade goes brrrr
Wow. 2020 has been a pretty bad year, but surely December can’t get any wors...


Tree Satan (Exeggutor-Alola) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Harvest
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Block
- Eerie Spell
- Protect/Encore
- Synthesis/Encore

Devil Tree (Exeggutor) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Harvest
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Eerie Spell
- Encore/Synthesis
- ProtectSynthesis
- Block

As far as I’m aware, the Exeggutor family are the only Pokemon capable of learning Eerie Spell+Permanent Trapping move (Block/Mean Look)+Some way of reusing a Berry (Recycle/Harvest).
In regular gameplay and in Alphabet Cup, :Slowking-Galar: and :Slowking: is unable to use such combination. Both have Block, but one lacks Eerie Spell while the other lack Recycle.

This set is designed with trapping usual checks (ie Heatran, Ferrothorn lacking Flip-Turn, ect.) to Exeggutor, and then draining the PP out of them. Since Harvest is Automatic, it can forgo Recycle and add in addition utility. Encore can speed up the process, Protect can scout out a move and have that move be Encored (Substitute can do as well, which protects you from Toxic/Knock Off), and Synthesis keeps you healthy.
Which Exeggutor you choose depends on how weak your team is to Heatran/Moltres.
Wow. 2020 has been a pretty bad year, but surely December can’t get any wors...


Tree Satan (Exeggutor-Alola) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Harvest
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Block
- Eerie Spell
- Protect/Encore
- Synthesis/Encore

Devil Tree (Exeggutor) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Harvest
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Eerie Spell
- Encore/Synthesis
- ProtectSynthesis
- Block

As far as I’m aware, the Exeggutor family are the only Pokemon capable of learning Eerie Spell+Permanent Trapping move (Block/Mean Look)+Some way of reusing a Berry (Recycle/Harvest).
In regular gameplay and in Alphabet Cup, :Slowking-Galar: and :Slowking: is unable to use such combination. Both have Block, but one lacks Eerie Spell while the other lack Recycle.

This set is designed with trapping usual checks (ie Heatran, Ferrothorn lacking Flip-Turn, ect.) to Exeggutor, and then draining the PP out of them. Since Harvest is Automatic, it can forgo Recycle and add in addition utility. Encore can speed up the process, Protect can scout out a move and have that move be Encored (Substitute can do as well, which protects you from Toxic/Knock Off), and Synthesis keeps you healthy.
Which Exeggutor you choose depends on how weak your team is to Heatran/Moltres.

Allow me to take this idea one step further.

suffer (Slowbro) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Block
- Spite
- Recycle
- Rest / other utility move

While it is true only the Eggy line gets Eerie Spell + Trapping move + Recycle, there are a bunch more mons that get Spite + Trapping move + Recycle, due to Spite being an S move. Slowbro also has access to Oblivious, making it impossible to Taunt, thus allowing it to run four status moves without a drawback. The set acts as a lure for defensive mons and safely disposes of those lacking a pivot move.
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Was bored and thought more sets, still not overpowered but niche


Lurantis @ Life Orb
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Fleur Cannon
- Superpower
- Lava Plume?

The typical but special Lurantis with Fleur Cannon hitting Dragons and Fightings with a +2 boost and the Fire coverage which is always welcome, hitting Bug-types. Might work with TR or... with TR. Lurantis is very weak, I don't really find any other viable role for it.


Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin / Toxic / Rock Blast / Other


Piloswine @ Eviolite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Shore Up
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Toxic / Other

New Eviolite users with recovery. They also set Stealth Rock (Piloswine Spikes too) and Rhydon can remove hazards with Rapid Spin. Mamoswine and Rhyperior could work as walls too.


Nihilego @ Black Sludge
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- No Retreat
- Night Daze
- Sludge Wave
- Power Gem

No Retreat isn't restricted and Nihilego is one of the only Pokemon that can use it. The general boost and its ability allows it to easily set up and sweep if the enemy team isn't prepared or its checks have been removed. The only other viable users of No Retreat are Nidoking and Necrozma, which also learn Nasty Plot.


Jolteon @ Icicle Plate Life Orb / Expert Belt / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment Energy Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Eruption / Earth Power

Missing Hidden Power isn't a thing, or I'd say it if Judgment existed in Gen 8. Jolteon misses its BoltBeam coverage but obtains Energy Ball to deal with Ground- and Rock-types. Eruption and Earth Power for the likes of Heatran and Ferrothorn though it will be very susceptible to Dragons if running Eruption.


Aron @ Shell Bell
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
EVs: 1 HP
- Endeavor
- Accelerock
- Toxic
- Rock Tomb

Ok I just came up with this while I was doing the post. This looks so funny to use in low ladder. Maybe pairing it with Shore Up Sand Spit Sandaconda works better. But Sturdy+Priority is always fun to use.
While we're on the subject of not letting people have fun
Ability: Pressure
- Mean Look
- Roost
- Magma Storm / Fire Spin
- Air Cutter / Protect / Whatever BS you feel like
The Leppa berry sets are cool but sorta weak to Knock Off which like everything has. Here's the skeleton of a PP staller that uses Pressure to constantly wear down the opponent thanks to Mean Look/Magma Storm. Fire Spin is an alternative if you want greater accuracy, don't care about immediate damage, and want more PP of your own. Air Cutter is an odd choice but because we don't have Leppa to rely on, I wanted a move which we could safely spam without much worry of running out of moves. With 40 BP, you don't really have to worry about Air Cutter running out any time soon, and being at 60 BP with a decent crit chance can lead to some potential damage? Protect isn't as expendable but still not bad, and being able to completely waste an opponents' turn is really valuable.

Jirachi @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Jaw Lock
- Recycle
- Jungle Healing
- Iron Head
This isn't great for winning Pokemon Battles but if you want to win the psychological war I'm not sure there's competition here.
Do you hate everything and just want to watch the world burn?

If you answered at all to the question above, then these are the sets for you!


Hellspawn (Corsola-Galar) @ Eviolite
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 232 HP / 24 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Core Enforcer/Haze
- Will-O-Wisp
- Strength Sap
- Corrosive Gas

Remove item, ability, burn and heal. All in one little bulky package. Oh, and it can sit on set-up sweepers with Haze. Obnoxious.


Furry Felony (Incineroar) @ Grip Claw
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Infestation
- Protect
- Rest

Trap and sap the life out of your enemies, while staving off Toxic with Rest. Protect or Leech Seed can be replaced with Toxic.


Catlamity (Liepard) @ Lagging Tail
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Copycat
- Phantom Force
- Trick
- Lunar Dance

The Copycat + semi invulnerable attack strat in 1 mon. Once your opponents normal types are dead, use Phantom Force, and because of Lagging Tail, you'll go last, on both turns of the attack. Then after you've used it once, spam Copycat and you'll move first, then the opponent, then the opponent, then you. Basically they can't hit you without priority, or a negative priority move. Trick pawns the Lagging Tail off on whoever and Prankster Lunar Dance is amazing to heal a mon back up.
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Whats the added code to make a tournament with alphabet cup rules? Like it's gen8camomons to add camo, but I don't know what it is to add alphabet
Whats the added code to make a tournament with alphabet cup rules? Like it's gen8camomons to add camo, but I don't know what it is to add alphabet
Currently it's @@@ Alphabet Cup Move Legality
That doesn't include the banlist yet but it does include move legality including prevos
What do y'all think about flareon?


Flareon @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Flip Turn
- Facade
- Flare Blitz

It still has the same weaknesses normal flareon has sure, (e.g weakness to rocks, small hp pool) but now you get access to flip turn which when paired with fake out and the guts proc, makes it hurt pretty damn hard while pivoting so you don't have to feel locked onto flareon. Facade seems obvious, don't really see a reason to pass up a 140 BP move other than for coverage, but with flip turn you shouldn't find yourself in too many situations where you feel like you lack the options to deal with something. Flare blitz cause you're gonna be losing HP every turn anyway, might as well go all in with the damage.
I'm not seeing many Silvally sets, so I'm gonna post a few.
Electric Soak (Silvally-Electric) @ Electric Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Multi-Attack
- Soak
- Shore Up
- Swords Dance

Gimmicky mono-attacker. Try not to give it too many turns.

Poison Trapper (Silvally-Poison) @ Poison Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spirit Shackle
- Shore Up
- Taunt
- Spikes

Trap and stall out Toxapex + other defensive mons while getting up your Spikes; the typing is just generically good & immune to Toxic. You can run this set on most formes, or switch to Thousand Waves if you care about Normal-types more than Ground immunities.

Ghost SD (Silvally-Ghost) @ Ghost Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Multi-Attack
- Thunderous Kick
- Shadow Sneak

Ghost/Fighting coverage stays winning, so the last slot can just be priority.

Rock Rocks (Silvally-Rock) @ Rock Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Multi-Attack
- Thousand Waves
- Parting Shot
- Stealth Rock

EdgeQuake coverage is good, so the last two slots can be whatever. I made this an offensive rocker/pivot, but you can do whatever. SD is probably good too.

Ghost Hazards (Silvally-Ghost) @ Ghost Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Sticky Web
- Taunt
- Parting Shot

Very dedicated hazard lead. Ghost to block Rapid Spin.

Dark Spikes (Silvally-Dark) @ Dark Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Multi-Attack
- Taunt
- Spikes

This is the strongest priority Silvally can run. Taunt makes Sucker Punch more reliable, while Spikes lets you take advantage of free turns.

Water Pivot (Silvally-Water) @ Water Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Shore Up
- Parting Shot
- Defog

Silvally-Water faces a lot of competition from Suicune, so here's a set that Suicune can't replicate.

Fairy SD (Silvally-Fairy) @ Fairy Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Multi-Attack
- Sacred Fire
- Thousand Waves
- Swords Dance

Pretty excellent coverage, not much to say here.

Grass ParaPhazer (Silvally-Grass) @ Grass Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Multi-Attack
- Roar
- Strength Sap

Mons immune to Thunder Wave mostly don't want to stay in on a Grass-type. Roar lets you get more opponents in to paralyze, while Strength Sap sees use here over more 'reliable' options since phazing refreshes your opponent's Attack stat.

Steel Lead (Silvally-Steel) @ Steel Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steel Beam
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Sticky Web

Swap out Sticky Web for whatever hazard you want. STAB Steel Beam to KO yourself after setting hazards sounds like a good time to me.

Ground Toxic (Silvally-Ground) @ Ground Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Toxic
- Thousand Waves
- Shore Up
Ground STAB should threaten out most Toxic immunities, and trapping + Taunt + Recovery makes a return.
These, I think, are just barely scratching the surface; it feels like you'll ask "does this team need Silvally?" less than you'll ask "how should this team use its Silvally slot?".
So it looks like Alphabet Cup might be the OM for December, so in preparation, I made something that might help you prep for teambuilding. It's a list of all the Pokemon in OU and UU, along with what I felt were the most relevant new moves they gain in this meta. The moves I felt were especially noteworthy additions are in bold. Note that this is not completely exhaustive, since there's a lot of good stuff below UU as well, so I might update this with those lower tier mons as well. Also, mons that are not legal in the format are not on this list. Hope you find this useful :)

EDIT: Added a section for RU mons

Zing Zap
Zing Zap
Bolt Strike, Brave Bird, Belly Drum
Haze, Corrosive Gas, Boomburst, Court Change, Clear Smog, Cotton Guard
Body Press, Bolt Strike, Belly Drum, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade
Clangorous Soul, Court Change, Cotton Guard
Rapid Spin, Recover, Coil, Roar, Court Change
Dragon Energy, Dynamax Cannon, Defog, Discharge, Destiny Bond
Dragon Ascent, Dragon Darts, Dragon Energy
Extreme Speed, Diamond Storm, Dragon Dance, Explosion, Endeavor, Dragon Ascent
Flip Turn, Foul Play, Flamethrower
Gravity, Gunk Shot, Glare, Gear Grind
Haze, Healing Wish, Heal Bell, Hurricane, Hydro Pump
Leech Seed, Lava Plume, Lunar Dance
Lava Plume, Leech Seed, Lunar Dance
Moonblast, Milk Drink, Mystical Fire, Magma Storm, Metal Burst, Moongeist Beam, Multi-Attack, Meteor Beam, Mind Blown
Milk Drink, Magma Storm, Mystical Fire, Metal Burst
Magma Storm, Milk Drink, Moongeist Beam, Meteor Beam
Nasty Plot, No Retreat, Night Daze, Nature's Madness
Water Spout, Water Shuriken, Parting Shot, Will-O-Wisp
Grav Apple, Trick, Triple Axel, Thousand Waves, Rapid Spin, Recover, Rock Slide, Thunderous Kick, Gunk Shot, Toxic
Spikes, Stealth Rock, Shore Up, Steam Eruption, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Searing Shot
Shore Up, Spikes, Sticky Web, Strength Sap, Scorching Sands, Spectral Thief
Teleport, Topsy Turvy, Toxic Spikes, Trick Room, Terrain Pulse
Triple Axel, Techno Blast, Terrain Pulse, Thunder Cage, Toxic Spikes
Techno Blast, Teleport, Trick, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Teleport, Topsy-Turvy, Trick, Trick Room
Parting Shot, Precipice Blades, Trick, Leech Seed, Thousand Waves, Teleport, Trick Room, Triple Axel, Lava Plume, Photon Geyser
Zing Zap
Blue Flare, Bonemerang, Burn Up, Bug Buzz, Belch, Blizzard
Dragon Dance, Dragon Darts, Dragon Energy, Dragon Ascent
Glare, Heat Wave, Healing Wish
Head Smash, Healing Wish
Leech Seed, Lava Plume, V-create, Volt Switch
Anchor Shot, Hex, Doom Desire, Aura Sphere, Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Heat Wave, Diamond Storm, Disable, Avalanche, High Horsepower
Aura Sphere, Apple Acid
Flip Turn, Flamethrower, Apple Acid, Aura Sphere, Acid Spray, Focus Blast, Freezing Glare, Aromatherapy
Aura Sphere, Aurora Veil
Agility, Milk Drink, Multi-Attack, Mach Punch
Bullet Punch, Belly Drum, Power Trip, Behemoth Blade, Behemoth Bash, Parting Shot, Bulk Up, Psychic Fangs, Pyro Ball
Coil, Calm Mind, Corrosive Gas, Cosmic Power, Court Change, Cotton Guard
Haze, Corrosive Gas, Court Change, Clear Smog, Cotton Guard
Coil, Cross Chop, Court Change, Clangorous Soul
Clangorous Soul
Glare, Gunk Shot, Gear Grind
Milk Drink, Glare, Multi-Attack, Gunk Shot
Heat Wave, High Jump Kick, Hurricane, Haze
Haze, Heal Bell
Dragon Energy, High Jump Kick, Dragon Darts, Healing Wish
Lava Plume, Leech Seed, Teleport, Thousand Waves, Toxic Spikes, Trick Room, Triple Axel, Trick
Jungle Healing
Knock Off
Knock Off, Jungle Healing, Heavy Slam, High Jump Kick, Heal Bell
Swords Dance, Sucker Punch, Spikes, Sticky Web, Shore Up, Spectral Thief
Lava Plume, Leech Seed, Lunar Dance
Magma Storm, Mind Blown, Mystical Fire, Milk Drink, Moongeist Beam, Meteor Beam
Swords Dance, Precipice Blades, Parting Shot, Spikes, Shore Up, Pyro Ball, Sacred Fire, Power Whip, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
Close Combat, Mach Punch, Clangorous Soul, Milk Drink
Memento, Moongeist Beam, Mind Blown, Magma Storm, Multi-Attack
Milk Drink, Magma Storm, Mind Blown, Mystical Fire, Moongeist Beam, Meteor Beam
Nasty Plot, No Retreat, Night Daze, Nature's Madness
Boomburst, Psystrike, Parting Shot, Blue Flare, Photon Geyser
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar, Roar of Time, Rock Polish, Rising Voltage, RockSlide
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar, Rock Polish
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar, Rock Polish
Brave Bird, Sacred Fire, Spikes, Superpower, Shore Up, Switcheroo, Spectral Thief, Swords Dance, Sucker Punch, Sunsteel Strike, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web
Shore Up, Sunsteel Strike, Storm Throw, Spikes, Spectral Thief, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Switcheroo, Sacred Fire, Strength Sap, Stone Edge
Strength Sap, Shore Up, Spectral Thief, Sacred Fire, Sticky Web, Sunsteel Strike
Shore Up, Sacred Fire, Strength Sap, Sucker Punch, Spikes, Sunsteel Strike, Spectral Thief
Trick Room, Teleport, Thousand Waves, Thunderous Kick, Trick, Triple Axel, Techno Blast
Techno Blast, Terrain Pulse, Teleport, Trick Room
Taunt, Techno Blast, Teleport, Trick
Techno Blast, Trick, Thunder Cage
Volt Switch, Vacuum Wave
V-create, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Vacuum Wave
Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Apple Acid, Shore Up, Strength Sap, Autotomize, Aura Sphere, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, Self-Destruct, Soak
Accelerock, Acrobatics
Aqua Jet, Autotomize, Attack Order, Dragon Dance, Defog
Glare, Gunk Shot
Accelerock, Aeroblast
Aqua Jet, Autotomize, Aurora Veil
Autotomize, Aurora Veil
Aura Sphere, Aeroblast, Aromatherapy
Aura Sphere, Aeroblast, Aromatherapy
Bolt Strike, Blaze Kick, Belly Drum, Brave Bird, Bullet Punch
Shore Up, Sacred Sword, Strength Sap, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Spectral Thief, Sucker Punch, Sticky Web, Belly Drum, Bolt Strike
Steam Eruption, Water Shuriken, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Stored Power, Shore Up, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Shell Side Arm, Will-O-Wisp, Wish, Whirlwind, Belly Drum
Bolt Strike, Body Slam, Rapid Spin, Blue Flare, Belly Drum
Bullet Punch, Belly Drum, Behemoth Blade, Behemoth Bash
Clangorous Soul, Court Change, Close Combat
Leech Seed, Lava Plume, Clangorous Soul, Lunar Dance
Clangorous Soul, Calm Mind, Core Enforcer
Stealth Rock, Steam Eruption, Sacred Fire, Crabhammer, Scald, Clangorous Soul, Scale Shot, Strength Sap, Shore Up, Sticky Web, Swords Dance
Trick Room, Gunk Shot, Triple Axel, Coil, Trick, Circle Throw, Curse, Crunch, Throat Chop, Court Change
Coil, Close Combat, Crunch
Clangorous Soul, Cosmic Power, Court Change, Cotton Guard
Gunk Shot, Coil, Close Combat, Glare, Gear Grind, Zing Zap
Dragon Dance, Drum Beating, Diamond Storm
Dragon Dance, Drum Beating, Rapid Spin, Roar, Drain Punch, Diamond Storm, Roar
Dragon Dance, Drum Beating, Defog, Doom Desire, Drain Punch, Diamond Storm
Defog, Dragon Dance, Drain Punch
Dragon Dance, Diamond Storm, Belly Drum, Bolt Strike, Bonemerang
Hypnosis, Dynamic Punch, High Jump Kick, Drain Punch, High Horsepower, Dragon Ascent
Spacial Rend, Dragon Energy, Shell Side Arm, Searing Shot, Shore Up, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Switcheroo, Dragon Breath, Defog, Dynamax Cannon
Dragon Dance, Shore Up, Shell Side Arm, Spikes, Darkest Lariat, Storm Throw, Sucker Punch, Sacred Fire, Defog, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Stone Edge, Switcheroo
Dragon Dance, Diamond Storm, Drain Punch, Darkest Lariat
Earthquake, Explosion, Eerie Spell
Extreme Speed, Wicked Blow, Explosion, Earth Power, Eruption
V-create, Thousand Waves, Trick, Fishious Rend, Flip Turn, Triple Axel, Volt Switch, Fusion Bolt
Recover, Rapid Spin, Glare, Giga Drain, Roar
Wicked Blow, Gunk Shot, Glare, Will-O-Wisp, Gyro Ball
Gravity, Gunk Shot, Gear Grind, Glare
Shore Up, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Spacial Rend, Strength Sap, Glare, Gunk Shot, Searing Shot, Spectral Thief, Switcheroo
Milk Drink, Glare, Memento, Misty Explosion, Moonblast, Gravity, Gunk Shot, Ice Beam
Anchor Shot, Agility, Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Fishious Rend, Flip Turn, Head Smash, Healing Wish
Heat Wave, Healing Wish, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Heal Bell
Healing Wish, Head Smash, High Jump Kick
Head Smash, Healing Wish
Ice Beam
Ice Beam
Steam Eruption, Spacial Rend, Knock Off, Searing Shot, Snipe Shot, Switcheroo, Spikes, Sparkling Aria, Stealth Rock, Storm Throw
Knock Off
Knock Off, King's Shield
Land's Wrath, Lash Out, Zing Zap, Low Kick, Zen Headbutt
Rapid Spin, Lava Plume, Recover
Rapid Spin, Leaf Blade, Liquidation, Lunar Dance, Rock Wrecker
Mach Punch, Milk Drink, Meteor Mash, Multi-Attack, Megahorn
Milk Drink, Magma Storm, Mystical Fire, Meteor Beam
Milk Drink, Belly Drum, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Multi-Attack
Mach Punch, Meteor Mash, Multi-Attack
Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fishious Rend, Moonblast, Magma Storm, Mystical Fire
Memento, Multi-Attack, Mach Punch
No Retreat, Nasty Plot, Nuzzle
Nasty Plot, No Retreat, Nuzzle, Night Daze
Volt Switch, V-create, Nuzzle, No Retreat, Nature's Madness
Nasty Plot, No Retreat, Night Daze
Leech Seed, Octolock, Lash Out, Zing Zap
Origin Pulse, Oblivion Wing, Overdrive, Overheat, Octolock
Spikes, Spectral Thief, Strength Sap, Parting Shot, Scald, Searing Shot, Sticky Web, Switcheroo, Psystrike
Precipice Blades, Plasma Fists, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Pyro Ball, Photon Geyser, Pain Split
Precipice Blades, Parting Shot, Plasma Fists, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Photon Geyser, Poltergeist, Pyro Ball, Power Whip, Power Trip
Parting Shot, Pain Split, Psystrike, Photon Geyser
Secret Sword, Psystrike, Photon Geyser, Searing Shot, Spikes, Spectral Thief, Shore Up, Switcheroo, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Parting Shot
Parting Shot, Psystrike, Photon Geyser
Psystrike, Photon Geyser, Parting Shot, Rapid Spin, Recover, Parabolic Charge
Recover, Rapid Spin
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar
Shore Up, Spikes, Rapid Spin, Defog, Stealth Rock, Strength Sap, Searing Shot, Roar, Strange Steam, Discharge, Scorching Sands, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief
Recover, Rapid Spin
Rapid Spin, Court Change, Counter, Copycat, Corrosive Gas
Blue Flare, Recover, Rapid Spin, Belch, Roar
Recover, Rapid Spin, Roar
V-create, Stealth Rock, Wicked Blow, Shell Side Arm, Sacred Fire, Spectral Thief, Sticky Web, Self-Destruct, Shore Up, Switcheroo
Shore Up, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Sacred Fire, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Sunsteel Strike, Switcheroo, Spectral Thief, Shell Side Arm
Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Storm Throw, Shore Up, Spikes, Sacred Fire, Scale Shot, Switcheroo, Spectral Thief
Shore Up, Parting Shot, Spikes, Steam Eruption, Teleport, Toxic Spikes, Strength Sap, Precipice Blades, Trick, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Triple Axel, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, Spectral Thief, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Sticky Web
Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Sucker Punch, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Switcheroo, Sacred Fire
No Retreat, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, Night Daze, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Shore Up, Switcheroo, Sunsteel Strike, Strength Sap
Secret Sword, Spikes, Shore Up, Strength Sap, Searing Shot, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web
(Steel) Shore Up, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sunsteel Strike, Thousand Waves, Teleport, Sticky Web, Strength Sap, Triple Axel, Secret Sword, Spectral Thief, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Superpower
Shore Up, Spikes, Flip Turn, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Strength Sap, Sacred Sword, Sacred Fire, Fake Out, Fishious Rend, Fusion Bolt
Shore Up, Spikes, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Strength Sap, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance
Spikes, Stealth Rock, Shore Up, Steam Eruption, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Searing Shot
Spikes, Stealth Rock, Shore Up, Shell Side Arm, Searing Shot, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief
Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sacred Fire, Sucker Punch, Shore Up, Strength Sap, Searing Shot, Spectral Thief, Strange Steam, Stone Edge
Shore Up, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Multi-Attack, Spectral Thief, Switcheroo, Sucker Punch, Metal Burst, Sticky Web
Steam Eruption, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Searing Shot, Shore Up, Strength Sap, Sparkling Aria
Shore Up, Spikes, Sunsteel Strike, Spectral Thief, Sacred Fire, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Stun Spore, Sucker Punch
Shore Up, Spikes, Steam Eruption, Strength Sap, Stealth Rock, Searing Shot, Sticky Web
Extreme Speed, Explosion, Swords Dance, Shore Up, Sacred Fire, Earthquake, Searing Shot, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Spectral Thief, Scorching Sands
Fire Lash, Flip Turn, Thunderous Kick, Thousand Waves, Fishious Rend, Toxic Spikes
Teleport, Trick Room, Thousand Waves, Thunder Wave, Topsy-Turvy, Toxic Spikes, Thunderous Kick, Trick
Trick, Thunderous Kick, Thousand Waves, Throat Chop, Triple Axel
Topsy-Turvy, Techno Blast, Thunder Cage, Trick, Triple Axel, Toxic Spikes, Thousand Waves
Teleport, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Taunt, Techno Blast
Topsy-Turvy, Thunder Wave, Techno Blast, Trick, Thunderbolt, Triple Axel, Toxic Spikes, Thousand Waves
Trick, Techno Blast, Thunder Cage, Toxic Spikes
Shore Up, Spikes, Bulk Up, Sacred Fire, Thousand Waves, Stealth Rock, Trick, Bolt Strike, Belly Drum, Trick Room, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, Sucker Punch
Triple Axel, Trick, Trick Room, Thunderous Kick, Thousand Waves, Taunt, Toxic Spikes
U-turn, Earthquake
Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, V-create
Blue Flare, V-create, Ice Beam, Volt Switch
Calm Mind, Glare, Giga Drain, V-create, Court Change, Vacuum Wave
Volt Switch, Glare, Gunk Shot, V-create, Origin Pulse, Overheat
V-create, Volt Switch, Vacuum Wave, Volt Tackle
Wish, King's Shield, Knock Off, Whirlwind
Zing Zap
Zing Zap
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I see no one talking about Rillaboom:

- Gets Electric, Water and Poison coverage (Thunder Punch/Fang from Thwackey, Gunk Shot from Grookey and Razor Shell)
- Glare
- Rapid Spin
- Roost/Recover/Refresh
- Toxic
- Rock Polish
- Rock Slide
- Thunderous Kick
- Thousand Arrows (if it's allowed)

Also, Thunderous Kick is interesting:

- Hitmons (Tyrogue)
- Tapus (Koko and Bulu appreciate)
- Terrakion
- Blaziken (Torchic)
- Flygon (Trappinch)
- Tyranitar

Sounds like a fun meta.
I dont really care if someone already posted about this, i want to make a post myself.



Scolipede @ Focus Sash / Life Orb / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- V-create
- Wicked Blow
- X-Scissor / Megahorn / Anything you want here

It does not only get V-Create which after SD hits incredibly hard and you dont have to care about Speed drops thanks to Speed Boost, but it also gets Wicked Blow which KOes any Psychic-Type trying to kill you. Last slot should be a STAB move like Megahorn or Poison Jab. Focus Sash guarantees at least one Swords Dance, Life Orb adds extra power and HDB allows it to switch into the battlefield whenever it wants to setup. If not using HDB, try to pair it up with hazard removers. It also needs some chip damage to get some KOes so try pairing it up with Sableye or Slowbro; the last one can also bring it safely into the battlefield.
After a bit of discussion it has finally been decided that we are banning :blaziken: and :scolipede:

They are both way too strong and restrictive for this tier with the moves they gain access to:
  • Blaziken getting Bolt Strike, Blue Flare, Belly Drum, Clangorous Soul, Crabhammer, and Thunderous Kick in addition to what it already learns (Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Close Combat)
  • Scolipede getting S moves in general (there are a lot, main ones are Spectral Thief, Sucker Punch, Strength Sap I would say), and the most important moves: V-create and Wicked Blow, in addition to its normal coverage in Earthquake, and Swords Dance for set up.
They are incredibly restrictive in that you need to be lucky in what you have sent out at a given time to be able to deal with a Blaziken/Scolipede coming in, otherwise you get set up on switch out. There are some specific ways to deal with it, but they require you having the right Pokemon out at the right time, or sacrificing something to bring in Thundurus/Tornadus to get off a Prankster Topsy-Turvy. Burning or paralyzing them (though Blaziken can't be burnt) is an option, but that assumes they aren't already set up and rolling through a team, so you have a short time to actually get these off. With the new coverage given by Alphabet Cup they also just dont have real switch ins, so you have to pray that you play around them properly to avoid a sweep. I wanted both of them banned because they basically do the same sort of thing, and that's the conclusion we came to here.

tagging The Immortal and Kris because you're cool and know what to do now thank u very much :blobuwu:

Wickedpedeia (Scolipede) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- V-create
- Swords Dance
- Spiky Shield

This is very disgusting. Originally I had Speed Swap over V-Create thinking I could give opposing Topsy-Turvy mons the lowered speed, but it didn't work. Then I remembered V-Create. I wouldn't be surprised if SOMETHING gets banned because of this.

When I discovered this, I knew something was getting banned lol.


Hot Dog (Flareon) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Def
Brave Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Fishious Rend
- Flare Blitz
- Flip Turn

Here, have a Hot Dog!
Steelix @ Shed Shell
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Strength Sap
- Octolock
- Earthquake
- Sacred Fire

haven't played much yet but i've really been liking this, although most of the kills it gets are prob from a surprise factor. You can octolock against pretty much anything that can't 2hko you and they're dead if they don't have a pivot move

sample replay:
steelix shuts down diggersby/landot
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I understand why Fishious Rend wasnt quickbanned, theres only like one viable user...LETS TALK ABOUT THAT USER

Haxorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
- Scale Shot / Outrage
- Fishious Rend
- Earthquake / Flare Blitz / Other Coverage

It could prob run choice band/scarf sets too
Is regigigas any dangerous as he gets role play? Or is it not so strong as he lacks of boosting moves and can only use 3 moves indeed?
set idea for :dracozolt:

Young Thug - With That feat. Lil Duke (Dracozolt) @ Life Orb
Ability: Hustle / Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Bolt Beak
- Dragon Hammer / Dragon Darts
- Drum Beating / Fire Fang / filler

hunnid band hunnid band remove them scarfers and sweep everybody man
drum beating is for ground types, last moveslot is largely filler. fire fang beats :ferrothorn:, but darts 2hkos :tangrowth: with hustle, whoops physdef :garchomp:, and is a generally good secondary stab move. you only really wanna click bolt beak 99% of the time anyway tho. maybe run some filler over drum beating idk. dragon ascent is an option if you aren't man enough to run hustle, dragon hammer is a stab option for those who are scared of missing darts

edit: +1 hustle bolt beak 2hkos physdef :ferrothorn: and physdef :tangrowth: after rocks, and the only ground types that don't get 2hko'd by dragon hammer are fucking steelix and galarian stunfisk. i underestimated just how fucking stronge this thing is.
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Hustle Dracozolt Bolt Beak (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 200-237 (56.8 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Hustle Dracozolt Bolt Beak (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 208-246 (51.4 - 60.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
you do not switch into this thing once it's set up. either you pick it off with a scarfer or a dragapult or an ice shard user or a sylveon espeed or something, or you fucking die. only weak to ice shard and pixilate espeed too as far as priority goes
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set idea for :dracozolt:

Young Thug - With That feat. Lil Duke (Dracozolt) @ Life Orb
Ability: Hustle / Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Bolt Beak
- Dragon Hammer / Dragon Darts
- Drum Beating / Fire Fang / filler

hunnid band hunnid band remove them scarfers and sweep everybody man
drum beating is for ground types, last moveslot is largely filler. fire fang beats :ferrothorn:, but darts 2hkos :tangrowth: with hustle, whoops physdef :garchomp:, and is a generally good secondary stab move. you only really wanna click bolt beak 99% of the time anyway tho. maybe run some filler over drum beating idk. dragon ascent is an option if you aren't man enough to run hustle, dragon hammer is a stab option for those who are scared of missing darts

edit: +1 hustle bolt beak 2hkos physdef :ferrothorn: and physdef :tangrowth: after rocks, and the only ground types that don't get 2hko'd by dragon hammer are fucking steelix and galarian stunfisk. i underestimated just how fucking stronge this thing is.
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Hustle Dracozolt Bolt Beak (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 200-237 (56.8 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Hustle Dracozolt Bolt Beak (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 208-246 (51.4 - 60.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
you do not switch into this thing once it's set up. either you pick it off with a scarfer or a dragapult or an ice shard user or a sylveon espeed or something, or you fucking die. only weak to ice shard and pixilate espeed too as far as priority goes

Dragon Darts has 100% accuracy like Dragon Hammer, but has 10 more BP, so there's no reason to run Dragon Hammer really.


Barraskewer (Barraskewda) @ King's Rock
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Beat Up
- Liquidation
- Bolt Strike
- Flip Turn

Here, have a Barraskewer!