The following calculations are based on Beedrill's most common set, with an EV spread of 252 Attack and 252 Speed with a positive nature holding a Choice Scarf:
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 4/0 Tyranitar: 82.4 - 97%
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 4/0 Mega Tyranitar: 63.1 - 74.2%
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 252/0 Mew: 75.7 - 89.6%
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 4/0 Greninja: 147.5 - 174.8%
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 0/0 Mega Absol: 170.4 - 201.4%
252 Beedrill's Megahorn vs. 252/0 Mega Abomasnow: 76.5 - 90.6%
I don't think you should underestimate the Base Power of Megahorn.
All the Pokémons I've used to demonstrate the power of Choice Scarf Beedrill get OHKO'd or have a chance to by his new attack Megahorn, counting obviously Hazard support (Stealth Rock). The only exception being Mega Tyranitar, which has huge physical bulk. If you increase his speed by thirty points, he would be as fast as Charizard. That doesn't seem very right, bees might be very fast but this is now a Steel type bee and as we know Steel type Pokémons aren't very fast. Also, by giving him a Choice Band he would destroy stuff which his STAB moves are super-effective against. But the problem is that it's still not gonna be used very much, because there are a lot more cool pokémon to play with. He still remains one of the first bugs/Pokémon you encounter in-game (Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple etc.) and as we know those aren't very strong, and shouldn't of course be. Megahorn for power and Bullet Punch to fix its' poor speed are already cool upgrades this bee gets to play with and I think that's enough for now...
(Sorry for my bad english.)
EDIT: Lol I just noticed that Beedrill's Megahorn has a slight chance of OHKOing Mega Absol even if neutral. That shows how much Mega Absol is frail.
252 Atk Beedrill Megahorn vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Absol: 231-273 (85.2 - 100.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
yeah but the goal for this mod is to make everything viable in OU. saying that beedrill has the ability to 2hko a ttar (with no hp or defense EVs) is not really doing any favors since even the worst physical sweeper in standard ou can 1hko ttar with a fighting type coverage move.
ok be honest. would you run a team with a choice scarf beedrill on it? (with the current changes added in i mean). at best, this is a poor man's version of scizor and is outclassed in every way.
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