Anyone here play World of Warcraft?

Oh, and frost fire bolt sucks. I dont know how its beating fire bolt because it not right now for leveling...
Frostfire Bolt is very popular in raids right now because it takes bonuses from BOTH Fire and Frost talents that say 'All Fire/Frost spells do X." So it gains, say, crit chance from Fire talents, as well as...Shatter from Frost. My mage is only 35 now but this is what my guild is telling me. And trust me Itchni, level 75-80 is the faster part of Northrend, especially when you start Zul'Drak.

PS: 80 Heroics are fun as a Hunter!
Pff, everyone thinks heroics are fun as hunters. And you know why? Because no one ever blames the dps when you wipe.

That said I started a DK as soon as I got LK. Got him to 68 when my friend said "hey guess what transfer to my server and reroll alliance." So I got my new DK up to 80 a few weeks ago and have been running heroics mixed with getting my Merrymaker title and soloing Onyxia. Here's my armory:'zhul&n=Coopar


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Lies. There's 52 race/class combinations but you can only have 50 characters maximum.
the xpac is pretty bad

my shaman is my new main, elemental (lol worst dps in the game sup), 3/5 valorous, etc

downed all the 25 man content, we now do it all in a single night. last night we downed sartharion with 3 drakes up, so Twilight Vanquisher is a pretty cool title.

the only thing we really have left to do is 10 man sarth+3, so aside from that i dont really have any motivation to play.

oh also here is my impression of arena:




healing doesnt work. resilience wont fix it. pvp is bad.
I cant wait to respec arcane at 80 when i pvp and blow shit up.

Oh, and i knew what frost fire bolt does, i just have taken 3/3 peircing ice yet, thats why :P
Word on the trade channel is that the xpac is starting out bad and gradually is going to become challenging to experienced raiders, as opposed to BC, which was tough in the beginning and became easier. But then I wouldn't really know, my HP is still too low for my guild to let me tank naxx.
The trade channel has more whining than a 15 year old girl's Livejournal. Most of the time it's "my class sucks, everyone else's is better" "my class hasn't had a buff since Warcraft 2" "Blizzard says they'll add the plumber class in the next expansion I bet it'll be overpowered and my class will still suck", I guess whining about WotLK itself was the subject at that time. Until you've completed all the raid achievements including "hard mode" 10-man Sartharion you can't really complain about WotLK not being challenging enough.
PvP is a fucking mess though, healers are basically useless because it's so focused around burst and Mages crit for 8k with an instant spell and DKs don't die.
cool beans, got my valorous helm tonight so im sitting with 4/5 valorous atm. cant wait till next mini-patch because elemental dps will be buffed to a viable level and i should be able to start topping meters.

doing sarth+3 10 man in a couple days so we'll see how that goes!
WoTLK was mostly so easy compared to BC because of the gear wipe. now people can walk in with t6/sunnwell gear and just wtf pwn the bosses
WoTLK was mostly so easy compared to BC because of the gear wipe. now people can walk in with t6/sunnwell gear and just wtf pwn the bosses
uhhh what?

t6/sunwell gear doesnt get replaced until t7 just like how t3 didnt get replaced until t4. there is no difference. heroic blues and t6 are roughly comparable.

the reason people in sunwell gear can go wtfpwn the t7 bosses is because sunwell was the only challenging raid in bc, therefore people with gear from it are not terribles and will not have issues clearing recycled/easy content.


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
t6/sunwell gear doesnt get replaced until t7 just like how t3 didnt get replaced until t4. there is no difference. heroic blues and t6 are roughly comparable.
Except some of the BWL trinkets, and healing trinkets in general, never got replaced through the entire expansion. Now there's a ton of good healing trinkets and even Illidan's Memento gets replaced by opening-level content.

Beating the Heroic CoS timer is gravy if everyone doesn't suck.
Except some of the BWL trinkets, and healing trinkets in general, never got replaced through the entire expansion. Now there's a ton of good healing trinkets and even Illidan's Memento gets replaced by opening-level content.

Beating the Heroic CoS timer is gravy if everyone doesn't suck.
Good old Neltharion's Tear.
I never said timed CoS was hard, I said I had bad luck with rolls. And thereby hangs a tale:
There's this DST-like trinket I kinda want from Utgarde Pinnacle because really I don't do Naxx so I have nothing better to get. I've been running it every single day for like two weeks and never, ever saw it drop.
Today the daily heroic was Azjol-Nerub. So I went there, and on the second boss the tank trinket drops. The tank doesn't want it so everyone greeds on it, except a mage, who asked if he could need. Despite everyone telling him it was a tank trinket, he insisted on it, claiming that all he had was "this piece of shit from Pinnacle". I inspect him, and jesus fucking christ it is true. I spent all afternoon hoping he won it on a greed roll, because otherwise I think I'd cry.
And after all these months, it's still funny how some heroic gear has improved from TBC to WotLK. Back then, anyone who ever needed on anything from heroics (not counting the occasional Sun Eater) was secretly giggled at.
Of course, there'll always be some idiot who'll say "back in pre-TBC epics were hard to get and not everyone had them and I spent all my days in of the whale greens but I'm not going to mention that last part", but still..
While you're right, Hazerider, I think it's a really good sign on Blizzard's end that things have changed so much that way. I mean, for the most part it's gotten a little better with both expansions...

In vanilla wow instance gear was worth using, sort of, but only because the only other means of getting gear was raiding, which for a long time was 40 man only. Even the small raids were 20 man, almost as big as the max pve raid size now. I was definitely a beneficiary of this era since it was the point raiding gear mattered the most and I was on the bleeding edge towards the begining and the end, but it definitely wasn't a good system for accommodating a variety of players.

In TBC the dungeon gear, outside of stuff purchased with badges, sucked for the most part, which was almost a relative step down from vanilla. But the gear purchased with badges stacked up better than raid gear better than every before, and the PvP gear sucked a lot less, especially with Arena gear existing, which offered a much better alternative to raid gear.

And now in Wrath we've come so much closer to a system that works, the leveling/non-heroic gear transitions nicely into the heroic gear and the pvp gear(except resilience sucks right now but whatever they'll fix it eventually), to the raid gear and the higher set of arena gear(except vault messes with the system). It's pretty viable for almost anyone to get any item in the game right now, and there's actually rewards at every level that reward you for putting effort in at the level/playtime you're at now. The system is far from perfect, but gear is finally tiered - the literal definition, not the 7/8/9... etc. shit - well enough that the ladder that should exists does, rather than the silly leaps and jumps and sidegrades that were there before. We'll see if blizzard can manage not to do anything stupid gearwise for the whole expansion, and they still need to fix resilience, but I really like that gear at every level is actually a reasonable improvement over the previous one.

But seriously about the vanilla trinkets, I used Eye of the Dead for so fucking long...

For what it's worth I'm rerolling again, however. Even though it was only a few months ago really I went back to Horde(and the Druid by extension), Druid is weaker than it's been since I first started using at 60 in the BWL days, which it really deserves after how stupid it was in TBC, but I think Blizz will probably be pretty hesitant about buffing it since how OP it was for most of the last expansion cycle is still fresh in the minds of both players and devs. I could use a change anyway, so I'm giving Paladin a shot... I'll stay healing so Holy will be the way to go for me, but I like a lot of the tricks it got through wrath talents, stuff like the stun removal on BoF offered some minor changes to buff an already cool class. I'd originally wanted to be a Paladin anyway, but it never happened since I rolled horde because stupid TTS talked us into it and then didn't play with us...
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's weird. I didn't play pre-TBC, but I know how things were back then and you either had shitty quest greens and blues or you raided. In TBC the situation almost reversed itself, since badge gear was as good if not better than Kara stuff, and became even better later on when Zul'aman and Sunwell came out and new "tiers" of badge gear were added.
I like the current "system", if that's what you want to call it, because now people actually have reasons to run heroics besides the shorter ones for quick badges (I did SP and Mechanar so many times in TBC I could get Exalted all the way from Hated with the Cenarion Expedition and Sha'tar ten times over). What is bothering me, however, is the lack of badge rewards.
I have nothing left to purchase with badges, and I remember reading somewhere that blizzard would release new, different badges as new "tiers" were added. I'm not sure of this, but since I'm exalted with all factions already and got everything I want from heroics except that one trinket from Pinnacle, there's little point in doing them. I'm not quite sure what to do with them now.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
just hit 80 :D

i was doing my first heroic, Azjol-Nerub, then i fucking DC'd after the first boss

still got my emblem of heroism though!!!

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
I'm looking into making a resto shammy for a 3v3 team (one guy is gonna be a retardin, don't know about the other). I'll be leveling with a friend of mine (he was looking for a dps class, the retardin suggested a Feral DPS druid), so it should be fun. If anyone has any tips on playing one I would appreciate them. I've healed before, so I think I have that part down, but what should I be looking for in terms of gear, and what kinds of specs do I want?

I know I should be speccing enhance for leveling, but since I'm only playing with the one guy I think I'll be ok speccing resto.
In vanilla wow instance gear was worth using, sort of, but only because the only other means of getting gear was raiding, which for a long time was 40 man only.
I had pretty decent gear pre-BC on my Warrior without raiding (well, I lie, I had the sword from AQ20 and I sometimes used flameguard gauntlets both of which I could've used rep/pvp gear to replace). Of course during BC for doing almost the same thing at one point I had the best gear available for PvP (during S3 and prior to Sunwell I had full S3 gear) except for one slot (trinket).

Anyway this will probably be the last time I ramble ITT, my account dies on the 21st and I don't plan to prevent that, after seeing how easy 2.0 was and how quickly wotlk content got toppled I've got no desire to raid again and from the only people who I know that got wotlk all I've heard is that PvP balance is even worse than it was.

P.s. WER: resto shaman is basically "setup focus frame with castbar and focus earthshock macro to block crowd control, fake casts to avoid silence, keep earth shield up, drop grounding totems, win".

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
Last night, I almost went to SFK with a belf hunter named Fagolas. His pet was Scrotobagins.

I was pleased.

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