Alright, time for Sage's insight.A few things to bring up. Feel free to discuss whether you agree or not. These will be updated depending on general feedback.
B to B+/A- MMX is an excellent physical attacker with a variety of coverage options. It has a skyrocketing Attack stat which exceeds Rayquaza-Mega. This pokemon can OHKO EKiller Arceus variants with Low Kick or with a +1 Drain Punch. It can easily sweep unprepared teams.![]()
B to B+ With pokemon such as Rayquaza-Mega suffering from an absence of reliable recovery. Salamega can be a delight to teams requiring set up sweepers that prow on the ability to gain their HP back. This pokemon is highly regarded in the Ubers metagame, but does take up a mega slot which could be used on Mega Rayquaza. When considering usage for this pokemon it would heavily depend on the need for recovery or not. Although it is outclassed by Rayquaza-Mega, it still performs a decent job.![]()
C+ to C- This pokemon seems to have no room within the AG metagame, especially with pokemon such as Rayquaza-Mega and the previous two on the page performing a lot better than Aerodactyl. Its typing can be useful against Arceus and Primal-Groudon, but it's so frail it dies to these pokemon anyway.![]()
Unranked to C- This pokemon has no niche over Espeon in terms of Baton Pass teams. "Pixilate Hyper Voice", I'm sorry but in what universe does an evasion boosted Espeon struggle with substitute mons? I really do NOT think we should rank this pokemon. Pairing it alongside is not a great idea either as other mons can do the job which also have a use (see Mr. Mime if you require a fairy).![]()
Unranked to C- I can agree with this, but my judgment may be a little biased. I used this pokemon when I started the AG metagame and used it alongside my team to get to high ladder. I got to the top 5 with it, and beat Semen, Gunner and Curve. Due to my lack of knowledge for the metagame, Aron posed a safety net in case there was something I couldn't stop. When paired with a berry juice it could come in on anything and Endeavor it the following turn. I think this pokemon does have certain viability within the metagame; not sure if C is too high or not though, so I'll pose a C-.![]()
Unranked to C+ "Bronzong can check Xerneas, set up rocks, use toxic protect & use Skill Swap. It's also very easy to wish to just because it takes min damage from a lot of things like Groundceus, Kangaskhan, Lugia, Diancie, P don without a fire move & so on. I believe that it outclasses every mon in the C+ division, but it's not good enough to be in B." - GunnerRohan. Essentially it.![]()
I would like to hear viewpoints on these. But as always feel free to discuss other pokemon as you wish.

ZEKROM-What is going on? I would really like someone to at least say if it's being promoted or not, since there was a lot of discussion on it...