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Nexus is literally the worst.
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Probably not the best place, but I'll answer anyway. Got moved. This is a good place.

It's not the egg that holds the info, the parents are checked when the egg is generated. It goes through a few PIDs to see if any will make it shiny for the ID/SID of the current game. If it will, it keeps it. When you trade it, the ID and SID are different and so you will revert back to the original 1/8192 chance since shininess is determined by the ID/SID and PID at the time of hatching. Hope that makes sense for you.
Probably not the best place, but I'll answer anyway. Got moved. This is a good place.

It's not the egg that holds the info, the parents are checked when the egg is generated. It goes through a few PIDs to see if any will make it shiny for the ID/SID of the current game. If it will, it keeps it. When you trade it, the ID and SID are different and so you will revert back to the original 1/8192 chance since shininess is determined by the ID/SID and PID at the time of hatching. Hope that makes sense for you.
Thank you! :)
Edit (New question):

I noticed this rule:
All signatures must be at least 100 pixels tall when the signature area is viewed with a width of 500 pixels at the default font size. It must scroll horizontally at this size. This rule applies to all members.

So, to make sure this isn't some error by the poster: Signatures have to be 500- pixels in width, but should be 100+ pixels in height (so as tall as we like (within reason))?
Since I'm not sure as to whether anyone noticed this or not (since it was an edit), I'm reposting this.
I use PokeGen to make competitive Pokemon (for 4th Gen), therefore I have to create a PID and the program doesn't seem to work with some settings for example I dont seem to be able to create a (Male) Togekiss with 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold nature or a Male CB-Scizor (only Female) with all 31 but SpA.

Why is there no PID existent, why is PokeGen not able to create one? Does that mean that there is no (e.g) Togekiss with above mentioned settings possible (it doesn't even work with making it female contrary to Scizor).

And most importantly: Is there any way to fix this so I can get a flawless Paraflinch Togekiss? I mean thats why I even use this programm...
This isn't really the right place to get that answered. You are better off using the RNG-Reporter if you want perfect legit or legal Pokemon, because the PID-Gen sucks.

If you don't get the hint: RNG-Reporter not only gives the seed and the frame, but also the PID.

For futher note, ask those ones from projectpokemon
I know it's still early since BW2 changes are so new, but when will you update the Smogon's Strategy Pokédex?


In so little time I've seen Amoonguss in many OU teams, will she change tier?


Sorry for the bad English
I don't know if this is the right place, but...

Whenever I try to make a post with a link in it, I get logged out and the post I was going to make won't post, for lack of a better word. Any suggestions?
I've noticed a lot of people (like four different users) using a shed shell level 1 aron in matches.

It works as follows:

comes in without at full health (not difficult to do at all), takes a hit, sturdy activates, uses endeavor, returns to full health.

Obviously, multi-hit moves like dual chop or whatever would take care of this thing, but what really would handle this poke without losing any team members?


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I've noticed a lot of people (like four different users) using a shed shell level 1 aron in matches.

It works as follows:

comes in without at full health (not difficult to do at all), takes a hit, sturdy activates, uses endeavor, returns to full health.

Obviously, multi-hit moves like dual chop or whatever would take care of this thing, but what really would handle this poke without losing any team members?
Residual damage - Any hazards and this can't work, Hail, Burn - just have to de-activate Sturdy on the switch in and then KO it before it can attack you.
Ive been thinking for a while and cant seem to decide in this. Ive been trying to find the optimal nature for my victini and flygon. Im trying to make a physical set for both (choiceband/scarf for victini and flygon) but im in conflict over jolly or adamant. With adamant, its easier to break down other pokemon. With jolly, you can keep the pace with other pokemon who would outspeed you. What nature do you all think i should pick for each of them? Btw im trying this on a v create victini. And i plan on hsing them. For standard play.


be the upgraded version of me
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I would stick with Jolly for both. You would at least want to speed tie with DDMence and QD Volcarona if these are your only revenge-killers for these 2 Sweepers. If you have another Pokemon that can revenge them safely, then consider going Adamant.
Would any kind person be able to tell me what Fraxure's defenses would look like if holding Eviolite?
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