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Yup, sounds about right. Panpour doesn't get anything notable after Scald anyway, save for Crunch, which comes really late.

When I evolve him now (after learning Scald, before crunch) and Simipour reaches the level on which Panpour would normally learn Crunch, can he learn it via move relearner?
Simipour doesn't get Crunch via level, so no.

You don't need Crunch anyway as Simipour learns Shadow Claw, which is just about a decent enough replacement...
Which one would be more viable as a lead? Roserade/Whimsicott?

I was thinking of using a grass type as a lead Pokemon, basic idea here is to troll the foe by putting it to sleep with Sleep Powder.

Now here is the question.
I have a Roserade with Toxic Spikes, and Sleep Powder. What I initially planned was to sleep the opponent, lay at least one layer of Toxic Spikes, rest off any damage and switch out. (hint: Natural Cure)

Edit: Oh wait. Whimsicott can't learn Sleep Powder. Stun Spore is meh, in my opinion. What should I go with?

If you want my team, I could post it if you guys want. All help appreciated :)
Well , if whimiscott would learn sleep powder it would be the best bet , as with his pranksters he will always be first. But it doesnt learn it unfortunatly.
So if you want to sleep opposing leads i would go with a roserade .
The plan of roserade would work , so its a valuable option.
Where as whimsicott wont give you that advantage (of sleep) and every turn you have to hope for parahax , so i wouldnt take that one.
What would be the best set for Excadrill in a weatherless metagame?

In a weatherless game i dont think there is any good set for him as he is too slow then, could go with max speed EVs and nature. Still beeing outspeeded by alot of other pokemon.
Not really having the best bulk either , he is just very very weak outside of sandstorm.
He does get mold breaker as a DW ability , but that is unreleased still.
(atleast i think it was mold breaker for him)

A set that could work :
Jolly nature , 252 attack , 252 speed , 6 Hp
ITem : Air Balloon , focus sash , leftovers , life orb ..
Moves : Swords Dance , X-Scissor/Rapid Spin , EarthQuake , Rock Slide
Frankly speaking, the speed is lowered by 1/2, while at the same time wishing for parahax. Is that a good sign, or should I just stick with Roserade and get OHKOed by an Ice Beam? I'm not really fond of that.

@TM13: Really? Despite the option of Grasswhistle being there, I wouldn't see it in the competitive field. But since its the only sleep inducing move that Whimsicott has so far, -sigh-

Subseeding has somewhat became increasingly common nowadays...

Slightly off topic: Is there something wrong with the website? For I get the unable to connect error frequently, and I have to reload it for success.
I've had connection troubles with smogon website yesterday for almost an hour too.
Happened 1 time before.
But i dont know if anything is wrong , as i have nothing to do with the site ^^
Can someone rate this smeargle set (I assume asking for an opinion on a single poke is frowned upon in the rate my team section)?

Keep in mind that this smeargle will definitely be used with encore support.

Smeargle @Focus Sash
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Technician, Hasty nature

-Power Split
-Mach Punch
-Destiny Bond/Explosion

Okay so this is how the set functions; when your opponent brings in their sweeper, switch to your encore user. When they start to boost attack, encore and bring in Smeargle. Power Split, and start spamming Extremespeeds and Mach Punches. I know it's very circumstantial, but physical sweepers are everywhere nowadays.
Can someone rate this smeargle set (I assume asking for an opinion on a single poke is frowned upon in the rate my team section)?

Keep in mind that this smeargle will definitely be used with encore support.

Smeargle @Focus Sash
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Technician, Hasty nature

-Power Split
-Mach Punch
-Destiny Bond/Explosion

Okay so this is how the set functions; when your opponent brings in their sweeper, switch to your encore user. When they start to boost attack, encore and bring in Smeargle. Power Split, and start spamming Extremespeeds and Mach Punches. I know it's very circumstantial, but physical sweepers are everywhere nowadays.

There is a creative moveset thread where you can post creative movesets for pokemon here:

Your set isn't going to work anyways because every smart player would just switch out after being encored in a set-up move.
Legal hacks...?

I'm back in to the metagame after some time, and see that people on the battle pages saying they use "legal hacks." What constitutes a "legal" hack?
I'm back in to the metagame after some time, and see that people on the battle pages saying they use "legal hacks." What constitutes a "legal" hack?

Means using a cheating device but sticking to the legal sets.
So not more then 510 EVs , possible moves , those things.
Okay. So it does mean EV's, levels, moves. Is this a generally accepted practice by the community or does the majority still keep it hack-less?

Dont know percentages , but alot of people do it.
As long as you put it in your signature so people know its ok to do it like that.
Basically you 'just' save time from RNG breeding , wich the real RNG breeders dont like much because they work hard on it. Therefor , put it in your signature so they know.
Ok then, here goes:

First let me say I'm brand new at this and I have read the guides etc and I have now jumped into trying to breed some pokemon and I'm a little confused and have a couple questions.

First, how many perfect IVs are a must for a pokemon you are trying to train. Do you stop as soon as you get the 2 that are most important or do you need certain levels on the others too?

Next, I'm confused on how the power items work when transferring IVs. I was trying to breed an Axew with Perfect Attack and Speed, Adament nature. So I couldn't seem to get a Ditto with Adament and Attack, so I bread an Axew with perfect Attack and used the Ditto with Adament Speed for breeding. I stuck the Power Bracer on Axew and hatched at least 16 eggs and I was getting only Axews with perfect Attack, never any other perfect IV's. So I took off the Bracer, and within four eggs I had a perfect Attack/Speed combo Axew... do the power items hinder more than one perfect IV?
If that's the case what's the best approach on multiple IV's after 2?

My next question is why do some of the training recommendations only EV train to 508? Does this have to do with the lvl 50 rule I remember reading?

Here are my first attempts at breeding/training stats:

Hydreigon (Modest) 0,19,29,31,2,31
Haxorus (Adamant) (0,1),31,(0-2),(5-7),(13,14),31

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
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