"Best" way to use Zebstrika? Choice Specs...?
When should I evolve my Panpour? After learning Scald?
Yup, sounds about right. Panpour doesn't get anything notable after Scald anyway, save for Crunch, which comes really late.
What would be the best set for Excadrill in a weatherless metagame?
Frankly speaking, the speed is lowered by 1/2.
Can someone rate this smeargle set (I assume asking for an opinion on a single poke is frowned upon in the rate my team section)?
Keep in mind that this smeargle will definitely be used with encore support.
Smeargle @Focus Sash
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Technician, Hasty nature
-Power Split
-Mach Punch
-Destiny Bond/Explosion
Okay so this is how the set functions; when your opponent brings in their sweeper, switch to your encore user. When they start to boost attack, encore and bring in Smeargle. Power Split, and start spamming Extremespeeds and Mach Punches. I know it's very circumstantial, but physical sweepers are everywhere nowadays.
I'm back in to the metagame after some time, and see that people on the battle pages saying they use "legal hacks." What constitutes a "legal" hack?
Means using a cheating device but sticking to the legal sets.
So not more then 510 EVs , possible moves , those things.
Okay. So it does mean EV's, levels, moves. Is this a generally accepted practice by the community or does the majority still keep it hack-less?