Data Attack Pair Analysis

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Ice/Ground is a combo which i've never considered, though its resisted by surskit and the Steel/psyshic grouping (which is quite a draw back TBH, due to their sheer utility). Other then mamoswine, what other pokemon can abuse this combo?. Mamo has the earthquake down but its physical ice move (ice fang) has 65 BP (unless thats changed with gen change). Earthpower and Icebeam might become the new boltbeam but which pokemon can abuse it though.

Kyurem-B gets Earth Power / Ice Beam and has Teravolt to bypass Bronzong and Rotom-W's Levitate. It doesn't get STAB on Earth Power but it's probably the best user of the combo that I can think of.
Kyurem-B gets Earth Power / Ice Beam and has Teravolt to bypass Bronzong and Rotom-W's Levitate. It doesn't get STAB on Earth Power but it's probably the best user of the combo that I can think of.
Why Kyu-B over Kyu-W? Were you excluding Ubers? Because both of those are special moves, which Kyu-W does much better with than Kyu-B.
Interesting to see Poison/Ground so high up. The newly-buffed Gunk Shot as actually a pretty decent move with 80% accuracy and the ability to demolish fairies - if I recall it had a tutor in BW2, I wonder if anything notable gets to throw it out. At first glance the only thing I can really see making use of Poison/Ground is Druddigon, who can use Gunk Shot to obliterate any fairy foolish enough to try and wall it. I'm not sure if it has anything over the 180bp Sludge Bomb of Dragalge as far as dragons go, though.
Finding those pokemon that are good against Ghost / Fighting are pretty hard. Fortunately, a number of pokemon hit Ghost / Fighting neutral, especially all of the fairies. Unfortunately, the premier user of Ghost / Fighting is Gengar, who has easy access to STAB Sludge Bomb to own all Fairies. Without Sludge Bomb, I'm inclinded to think that Togekiss does well against the Ghost / Fighting type. 4x Resist Fighting, and it can be fairly bulky to resist Ghost. With perfect type coverage, it is impossible to expect anything better than that.

Ground Ice is only resisted by Water/Bug, and Ice/Bug, and Bronzong (thanks to Levitate).
Rock Ground is resisted by Earth/Grass and Fighting/Grass. Breloom and Torterra are the `mons to go.
Flying Ground is resisted by Electric/Flying, Steel/Flying, and Rock/Flying. (and of course, Levitate Bronzong / Levitate Rotom-W).
Fairy Ground is resisted by Poison/Flying, Steel/Flying, and Fire/Flying. (And once again, Levitate Bronzong)

Fairy Dark starts getting interesting. Poison / Fairy, Steel/Fairy, and Fire/Fairy are the only resists. IE: Mawile is the only pokemon to resist Fairy/Dark. This is the one to watch out for, if you can find it on any of the new fairies, it definitely needs to be an offensive core.

Fairy Ghost is resisted by Normal / Poison, Normal / Fire, and Normal / Steel. Unless Pyroar (Normal / Fire) becomes popular, this attack combo is also pretty much unresisted by the metagame.
Something interesting I noticed is that Snorlax has almost perfect coverage now with Return/Body Slam & Crunch, making it's Curse set all the more useful (you really need to remove Terrakion though), something to watch out in UU at the very least

PS: Your forgot Virizon & Chesnaught for Grass/Fighting (And Bronzong)
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Klefki is another Steel/Fairy with a shot at OU, although it doesn't have the stats to tangle in combat.

That said, Fairy offensive coverage doesn't seem to be easy, given the lack of offensive presence of most Fairies and the lack of availability of the moves as good coverage. Dark Pulse doesn't seem to be available to Fairies at all, although Gardevoir can get Shadow Ball and is rising up in importance.
In GenIV, I created "Double Attack" and "Triple Attack" analysis. This is however, obsolete now that the type chart has changed. With the addition of Fairy as an attacking and defending type, as well as nerfs to Steel... it is time to redo my analysis.
I just wanted to give you a big "Thank you!" for compiling this list. I love data like this. It really helps show things that we already knew (Ghost/Fighting is amazing neutral coverage, EdgeQuake is still great, Mamoswine would be a terror with his STABs if he was faster, etc). It's also an interesting view on how the type chart has changed coverage.

The only suggestion I have would be to eliminate the defensive type combinations that don't exist (like Fire/Fairy) or aren't pratical competitively (Bug/Water is only Surskit). By removing these we can have a clearer picture as to which combos are truly the most effective.
Klefki is another Steel/Fairy with a shot at OU, although it doesn't have the stats to tangle in combat.

That said, Fairy offensive coverage doesn't seem to be easy, given the lack of offensive presence of most Fairies and the lack of availability of the moves as good coverage. Dark Pulse doesn't seem to be available to Fairies at all, although Gardevoir can get Shadow Ball and is rising up in importance.

(Mega) Mawile gets Play Rough / Sucker Punch for the nearly perfect Fairy / Dark attack pair.
Sylveon also gets Moonblast / Shadow Ball and can make a serviceable CM set with just those attacking moves.

Also, Dragon/Fire might indeed be less effective if the most prominent fairies are popular enough in OU. Besides Azumarill (who actually looks legitimately threatening now), Togekiss and Sylveon are bulky enough to take non-STAB Fire attacks on both sides while being 3HKO'd at worst. Steel/Ground is surprisingly high on the list, on the other hand, and Dragons may start using that as the second coverage move besides Earthquake.
On the subject of the nearly perfect Fairy / Shadow ball (resisted by lol Pyrorar)...

Togekiss has Dazzling Gleam / Shadow Ball / Nasty Plot. I don't think Togekiss is fast enough to sweep with Nasty Plot... but a Sticky Web might change that. (Togekiss outspeeds -1 Weavile and -1 Alakazam and OHKO with Dazzling Gleam / Shadow Ball respectively). Togekiss probably has to run Aura Sphere and hope to get to +6 vs Blissey or Chansey though, so it isn't going to be a clean sweep. Nasty Plotted Air Slash hax with Sticky Web support seems like a good idea however...

Flying/Ground seems good on paper, but it looks like practice will be different. Walled by Rock / Flying, Steel / Flying (Ugggh. Skarm), and Electric / Flying, as well as Levitators like Bronzong and Rotom-W. Nonetheless, it seems like a potent threat by Swords Dance Gliscor. Anyone have experience running Acrobat / Earthquake ?
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On the subject of the nearly perfect Fairy / Shadow ball (resisted by lol Pyrorar)...

Togekiss has Dazzling Gleam / Shadow Ball / Nasty Plot. I don't think Togekiss is fast enough to sweep with Nasty Plot... but a Sticky Web might change that. (Togekiss outspeeds -1 Weavile and -1 Alakazam and OHKO with Dazzling Gleam / Shadow Ball respectively). Togekiss probably has to run Aura Sphere and hope to get to +6 vs Blissey or Chansey though, so it isn't going to be a clean sweep. Nasty Plotted Air Slash hax with Sticky Web support seems like a good idea however...

Flying/Ground seems good on paper, but it looks like practice will be different. Walled by Rock / Flying, Steel / Flying (Ugggh. Skarm), and Electric / Flying, as well as Levitators like Bronzong and Rotom-W. Nonetheless, it seems like a potent threat by Swords Dance Gliscor. Anyone have experience running Acrobat / Earthquake ?

For the Flying/Ground thing, you could pair that with a Gravity user (Landorus-T used it quite well, Mew, Jirachi and Magnezone could also setup Gravity then U-turn/Volt Switch out if needed to), unfortunately, that leaves you with two Pokemon with identical typings.. and only 4 turns (switching out), 3 turns if you plan to set up an SD, maybe 2 if you use a Sub or Roost for attacks.. but tbh, you don't really need that against Thundurus or Aerodactyl..

(w/ Gravity on)
+2 252+ Atk Flying Gem Gliscor Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 128 HP / 0 Def Thundurus-T: 96.07 - 113.29%
+2 252+ Atk Flying Gem Gliscor Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Thundurus-T: 106.02 - 124.74%
+2 252+ Atk Gliscor Earthquake vs. 128 HP / 0 Def Thundurus-T: 233.83 - 275.52%
+2 252+ Atk Gliscor Earthquake vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 100.91 - 119.26%
+2 252+ Atk Gliscor Earthquake vs. 224 HP / 32 Def Skarmory: 129.05 - 152.29%
+2 252+ Atk Flying Gem Gliscor Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Aerodactyl: 124.91 - 147.17%
+2 252+ Atk Gliscor Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Aerodactyl: 303.65 - 357.47%

What's more important to keep in mind is ensuring rocks are up, if Dragonite's Multiscale is broken, you can OHKO after an SD + Flying Gem with Acrobatics. As long as Gravity is up, it should be okay, Thundurus can outspeed you though, so you have to watch out for that..

Hmm.. with Fairy/Ghost being nearly unresisted.. Specs/LO Sylveon could tear some holes through some teams @.@
Now that the metagame is beginning to shape up, lets look at some of the combinations that are coming out in practice, instead of theory.

Talonflame Brave Bird / Flare Blitz has been wreaking teams, despite being all the way down at 54 Super Effectives / 141 Non-resists. As soon as people realize they need a Rock pokemon to tank those powerful hits, perhaps Rock Pokemon will begin to make a comeback.

Other choices seem to be more or less standard as far as the list goes. Anyone else have experience with various attack combinations in actual practice?
First off, big fan of this, made a letter for RU that I never got around to finishing that was sort of based off this. Did some cursory research into this topic, but instead of one of each theoretical type I used the typing of "common" Pokemon (~2.5% or higher in Pokebank 1850 cuz i'm lazy) in the current metagame. I also listed Megas as separate only if their type changed (so 1 for Mega Charizard X and 1 for Mega Gyarados in this case). It turned out to be an even 60 type/ability combinations, which is good enough for me.

Type 1     Type 2     Super    Neutral
Ice         Ground     32    59
Ice         Fighting    31    55
Electric    Ice         30    59
Fire       Ice         30    50
Water       Fairy       29    57
Ground     Fairy       29    57
Fire       Fairy       28    56
Electric    Ground     28    54
Fighting    Rock       27    59
Electric    Fairy       27    57
Electric    Fighting    27    55
Fire       Electric    27    53
Fighting    Fairy       27    53
Water       Ice         27    52
Grass       Ice         27    49
Fire       Water       27    45
Ground     Rock       26    59
Ice         Rock       26    56
Water       Electric    26    52
Fire       Fighting    26    49
Fire       Grass       26    48
Grass       Ground     26    47
Ice         Bug         26    47
Fire       Rock       25    58
Water       Fighting    25    49
Fighting    Ground     25    47
Grass       Fairy       25    46
Fighting    Flying     24    59
Fire       Dragon     24    58
Water       Dragon     24    58
Electric    Dragon     24    58
Fighting    Dragon     24    55
Rock       Fairy       24    55
Water       Ground     24    50
Ground     Bug         24    48
Fighting    Ghost       23    60
Water       Rock       23    58
Ice         Ghost       23    58
Ground     Dragon     23    58
Ice         Flying     23    55
Fighting    Psychic     23    55
Fighting    Dark       23    55
Grass       Rock       23    54
Water       Bug         23    53
Ice         Dark       23    52
Ice         Fairy       23    51
Fire       Ground     23    50
Ice         Psychic     23    50
Fire       Bug         23    47
Ghost       Fairy       22    60
Dark       Fairy       22    58
Grass       Dragon     22    49
Grass       Fighting    22    47
Ice         Steel       22    45
Fighting    Bug         22    42
Ground     Flying     21    58
Water       Ghost       21    56
Electric    Flying     21    56
Electric    Bug         21    56
Water       Dark       21    55
Fighting    Poison     21    55
Bug         Rock       21    55
Flying     Fairy       21    54
Water       Grass       21    50
Ice         Poison     21    50
Psychic     Fairy       21    50
Electric    Dark       20    58
Ground     Ghost       20    58
Electric    Ghost       20    57
Poison     Ground     20    57
Grass       Flying     20    55
Ground     Dark       20    55
Fire       Psychic     20    53
Electric    Grass       20    52
Electric    Rock       20    52
Poison     Fairy       20    48
Steel       Fairy       20    48
Fire       Steel       20    46
Rock       Ghost       19    59
Water       Poison     19    58
Water       Flying     19    58
Fire       Flying     19    56
Fire       Ghost       19    56
Electric    Psychic     19    56
Rock       Dark       19    56
Electric    Steel       19    55
Psychic     Rock       19    55
Water       Psychic     19    54
Ground     Steel       19    54
Fire       Dark       19    53
Fighting    Steel       19    52
Ice         Dragon     19    51
Grass       Psychic     19    48
Bug         Fairy       19    46
Grass       Ghost       18    58
Ground     Psychic     18    56
Flying     Rock       18    56
Fire       Poison     18    54
Flying     Dragon     18    54
Rock       Dragon     18    54
Normal     Ice         18    52
Water       Steel       18    50
Grass       Dark       18    50
Bug         Dragon     18    46
Ice         Ice         18    40
Grass       Bug         18    39
Rock       Steel       17    56
Flying     Bug         17    54
Psychic     Bug         17    51
Psychic     Dragon     17    50
Dragon     Fairy       17    50
Electric    Poison     17    49
Ghost       Dragon     16    60
Normal     Fighting    16    57
Dragon     Dark       16    53
Normal     Fairy       16    49
Grass       Poison     16    49
Poison     Rock       16    49
Grass       Steel       16    46
Fairy       Fairy       16    44
Fighting    Fighting    16    36
Normal     Ground     15    58
Dragon     Steel       15    51
Poison     Dragon     15    49
Poison     Bug         15    46
Bug         Steel       15    43
Ground     Ground     15    42
Normal     Water       14    58
Flying     Ghost       14    58
Normal     Fire       14    57
Flying     Dark       14    57
Normal     Electric    14    56
Flying     Steel       14    53
Electric    Electric    14    40
Water       Water       14    39
Fire       Fire       14    35
Bug         Ghost       13    60
Ghost       Steel       13    57
Psychic     Ghost       13    55
Steel       Dark       13    55
Psychic     Dark       13    53
Bug         Dark       13    50
Psychic     Steel       13    49
Poison     Ghost       12    58
Poison     Dark       12    56
Normal     Rock       12    54
Poison     Flying     12    52
Normal     Grass       12    48
Rock       Rock       12    48
Grass       Grass       12    31
Poison     Psychic     11    49
Flying     Psychic     10    53
Normal     Bug         10    49
Normal     Dragon     10    49
Dragon     Dragon     10    45
Bug         Bug         10    30
Normal     Flying     8    52
Poison     Steel       8    50
Flying     Flying     8    49
Normal     Ghost       7    59
Normal     Dark       7    56
Ghost       Dark       7    55
Ghost       Ghost       7    50
Normal     Psychic     7    49
Dark       Dark       7    44
Psychic     Psychic     7    40
Normal     Steel       6    51
Steel       Steel       6    35
Normal     Poison     5    46
Poison     Poison     5    37
Normal     Normal     0    45
Four combos hit half the Pokes I checked super-effectively, and all four have Ice as one of the types. That Ice-Fire combo that was brought up earlier actually has decent super effective coverage, but being resisted by 10 Pokes is quite underwhelming. The others are the decent Ice-Fighting, and the continuously acclaimed Ice-Ground and BoltBeam.
Type 1     Type 2     Super    Neutral
Fighting    Ghost       23    60
Ghost       Fairy       21    60
Ghost       Dragon     16    60
Bug         Ghost       12    60
Ice         Ground     32    59
Electric    Ice         30    59
Fighting    Rock       27    59
Ground     Rock       26    59
Fighting    Flying     23    59
Ground     Ghost       20    59
Rock       Ghost       19    59
Grass       Ghost       18    59
Normal     Ghost       7    59
Fire       Rock       25    58
Fire       Dragon     24    58
Water       Dragon     24    58
Electric    Dragon     24    58
Water       Rock       23    58
Ice         Ghost       23    58
Ground     Dragon     23    58
Dark       Fairy       21    58
Electric    Dark       20    58
Ground     Flying     20    58
Water       Poison     19    58
Water       Flying     18    58
Normal     Ground     15    58
Normal     Water       14    58
Flying     Ghost       13    58
Poison     Ghost       12    58
Water       Fairy       28    57
Ground     Fairy       28    57
Electric    Fairy       26    57
Electric    Ghost       20    57
Poison     Ground     20    57
Ground     Psychic     18    57
Normal     Fighting    16    57
Normal     Fire       14    57
Flying     Dark       13    57
Ghost       Steel       13    57
Fire       Fairy       28    56
Ice         Rock       26    56
Water       Ghost       21    56
Electric    Flying     20    56
Electric    Bug         20    56
Ground     Dark       20    56
Fire       Flying     19    56
Fire       Ghost       19    56
Electric    Psychic     19    56
Rock       Dark       19    56
Flying     Rock       18    56
Rock       Steel       17    56
Normal     Electric    14    56
Psychic     Ghost       13    56
Poison     Dark       12    56
Normal     Dark       7    56
Ghost       Dark       7    56
Ice         Fighting    31    55
Fighting    Dragon     24    55
Rock       Fairy       24    55
Fighting    Psychic     23    55
Fighting    Dark       23    55
Ice         Flying     22    55
Water       Dark       21    55
Fighting    Poison     21    55
Bug         Rock       21    55
Grass       Flying     19    55
Psychic     Rock       19    55
Steel       Dark       13    55
Electric    Ground     28    54
Electric    Fighting    27    54
Grass       Rock       23    54
Flying     Fairy       20    54
Water       Psychic     19    54
Electric    Steel       19    54
Ground     Steel       19    54
Fire       Poison     18    54
Rock       Dragon     18    54
Flying     Dragon     17    54
Flying     Bug         16    54
Psychic     Dark       13    54
Normal     Rock       12    54
Fire       Electric    27    53
Fighting    Fairy       26    53
Water       Bug         22    53
Fire       Psychic     20    53
Fire       Dark       19    53
Dragon     Dark       16    53
Flying     Steel       13    53
Flying     Psychic     9    53
Water       Ice         27    52
Water       Electric    26    52
Ice         Dark       23    52
Electric    Rock       20    52
Normal     Ice         18    52
Poison     Flying     11    52
Normal     Flying     7    52
Ice         Fairy       22    51
Electric    Grass       20    51
Ice         Dragon     19    51
Fighting    Steel       19    51
Grass       Dark       18    51
Psychic     Bug         16    51
Dragon     Steel       15    51
Ghost       Ghost       7    51
Normal     Steel       6    51
Fire       Ice         30    50
Water       Ground     24    50
Fire       Ground     23    50
Ice         Psychic     23    50
Water       Grass       21    50
Ice         Poison     21    50
Psychic     Fairy       20    50
Water       Steel       18    50
Psychic     Dragon     17    50
Dragon     Fairy       16    50
Bug         Dark       12    50
Poison     Steel       8    50
Grass       Ice         27    49
Fire       Fighting    26    49
Water       Fighting    25    49
Grass       Dragon     22    49
Grass       Psychic     19    49
Electric    Poison     17    49
Grass       Poison     16    49
Poison     Rock       16    49
Normal     Fairy       15    49
Poison     Dragon     15    49
Psychic     Steel       13    49
Poison     Psychic     11    49
Normal     Dragon     10    49
Normal     Bug         9    49
Normal     Psychic     7    49
Flying     Flying     7    49
Fire       Grass       26    48
Grass       Ground     26    48
Ground     Bug         23    48
Poison     Fairy       19    48
Steel       Fairy       19    48
Normal     Grass       12    48
Rock       Rock       12    48
Ice         Bug         25    47
Fighting    Ground     25    47
Fire       Bug         23    47
Grass       Fairy       24    46
Grass       Fighting    22    46
Fire       Steel       20    46
Bug         Fairy       18    46
Bug         Dragon     17    46
Poison     Bug         14    46
Normal     Poison     5    46
Fire       Water       27    45
Ice         Steel       22    45
Grass       Steel       16    45
Dragon     Dragon     10    45
Dark       Dark       7    45
Normal     Normal     0    45
Fairy       Fairy       15    44
Ground     Ground     15    43
Bug         Steel       14    43
Fighting    Bug         21    42
Psychic     Psychic     7    41
Ice         Ice         18    40
Grass       Bug         17    39
Water       Water       14    39
Electric    Electric    14    39
Poison     Poison     5    37
Fighting    Fighting    16    35
Fire       Fire       14    35
Steel       Steel       6    34
Grass       Grass       12    31
Bug         Bug         9    30

I find it interesting that four type combos currently hit all the common Pokemon in OU neutrally, and all of them contain the Ghost type.
  • Fighting-Ghost: The traditional one only walled by the non-existent Normal-Ghost.
  • Ghost-Fairy: Resisted by only Pyroar I think.
  • Ghost-Dragon: Wigglytuff is immune to both, while Bisharp resists both.
  • Bug-Ghost: Despite horrible SE coverage (only 13), nothing common really resists both. Options include Pyroar, Wigglytuff, and any Normal-Flying bird.
There is the issue regarding apparently decent combos like Ice/Fighting and Rock/Fighting. Although they're only resisted by 1 Pokemon in this meta, it just so happens that the one Pokemon was the most used Pokemon in the metagame right now.
Regarding Talonflame, you do have the common options of Rotom-W, Heatran, (Mega) Tyranitar, and Tyrantrum that resist both STABs. Even just in Gen VI OU, only Heatran is lost as a resist.
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