Mystic | Kecleon (F)
Mystic always likes to change her colors and is never comfortable in her own natural beauty. She has a very low self-esteem and has Identity issues that she seems to have acquired at a young age. When Fletcher found her hiding in Corn Fields as a scare crow, both of them played hide and seek and She liked the way Fletchner seemed to enjoy her company in her natural form and decided to come along with Fletchner on his Journey.
Quite (+1 SpA, Speed ÷ 1.15, -10% Evasion)
Normal STAB; +1 BAP on attacks that match dominant arena type after 3 actions. Unable to have Thrash or Outrage disrupted by oncoming damage.
Color Change / Protean
Color Change - (Trigger, MoldBreaker affects - No)
A Pokemon with this ability can change its type to that of any attack that has damaged it within the past three (3) actions. It can remain as that type for the duration of the battle, or use Color Change again to change type. When Kecleon uses Camouflage to change its type, its entire body changes color, giving it a one (1) stage boost in evasion. This effect lasts for six (6) actions. Subsequent uses of Camouflage refresh this effect.
Command: Activate Color Change - 5 En - Changes the user's type to match that of an attack that has damaged the user.
Protean (✓) (UnLocked HA) - (Toggle, MoldBreaker affects - No) By default, this Pokemon switches their type before striking with each damaging attack to match the attack they are about to use, and keep that type until another damaging move is used. The energy cost for the attack is calculated based on their type before using the move. When toggled, the Pokemon reverts back to their natural typing. Pokemon that also have Color Change ability may select whether to keep their current type or the damaging attack's type each action.
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3 (+)
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 34 (-)
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Total: 17
EC: N | A
AC: 5 | 5
MC: 0
KOC: 0
[Attacks] [71/111]
Level Up ( 19 / 19 )
Synchronoise(12,8) | Ancient Power(6,4) | Thief(6,4) | Tail Whip(4) | Astonish(4,3) | Lick(4,3) | Scratch(4,3) | Bind(6,3) | Feint Attack(6,4) | Fury Swipes(2*h,4) | Feint(4,4) | Psybeam(7,5) | Screech(6) | Shadow Sneak(4,4) | Slash(7,5) | Substitute(12) | Sucker Punch(8,6) | Shadow Claw(7,5) | Camouflage(8) |
Egg ( 5 / 5 )
Disable(6) | Fake Out(7,3) | Recover(10) | Nasty Plot(7) | Dizzy Punch(10,4) |
Current Gen Tutor ( 15 / 24 )
Aqua Tail(9,7) | Drain Punch(8,12) | Fire Punch(8,6) | Ice Punch(8,6) | Foul Play(10,8) | Icy Wind(6,5) | Iron Tail(10,7) | Knock Off(10,7) | Low Kick(6+W, 4+W/2) | Magic Coat(10) | Snatch(4+m) | Trick(7) | Skill Swap(7*s) | Role Play (7) | Thunder Punch (8,6) |
Prev Gen Tutor/TM/HM ( 7 / 19 )
Endure(0,15) | Counter(D*1.5, 6+D/2) | Seismic Toss(7+w,6) | Mimic(5) | Metronome(7+m) | Mud-Slap(4,4+a) | Fury Cutter(4+3*c,4+c) |
TM/HM ( 26 / 42 )
Ice Beam(9,7) | Solar Beam(12,8) | Thunderbolt(9,7) | Shadow Ball(8,6) | Fire Blast(11,9) | Hidden Power(6,4)[Fairy] | Protect(7+d/2.5) | Dig (8,10) | Brick Break(8,6) | Rock Slide(8,6) | Grass Knot (6+w, 4+w/2) | Trick Room(10) | Thunder Wave(7) | Toxic(7) | Hone Claws(6) | Blizzard(11,8) | Thunder(11,8) | Facade(14,8) | Rest(15) | Sleep Talk(3+m) | Swagger(7) | Frustration(10,7) | Return(10,7) | Flamethrower(9,7) | Rock Tomb(6,4) | Aerial Ace (6,4) |