Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I didn't realize Tornadus/Thundurus 4 would Taunt Durant, given that both of them have a pretty high chance to OHKO a 220/0 Durant without a crit. That doesn't work out so well. I wonder if they'd always go for the OHKO if it were guaranteed?
While I don't know if they normally do, given that I've never used a Durant team this gen, it's probably similar to the exceedingly rare yet still inevitable uses of Taunt/Swagger against Aron & Co. Since they don't acknowledge abilities until after an attack is made, it's a guaranteed OHKO in those cases too.
Here's a team I've been using, which has been working well to the point where I now have Starf Berries. They're mostly standard BS Singles sets, so nothing special going on here.

Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- Fire Blast
- Outrage

With incredible Dragon/Ground/Rock/Fire coverage Garchomp is likely to take out at least one opposing mon before going down. Rock Tomb is used here to slow down faster threats like opposing sashchomp, Accelgor, Durant, Froslass, Cryogonal, Weavile, and Aerodactyl. It also helps in removing Air Balloons so that stuff like Raikou get KO'd after by Earthquake. Outrage is used conservatively, I really only use it when the opponent is down to the last mon or if I really want a dragon out that can threaten my other two members. Fire Blast is mainly for Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Forretress, Scizor, and Escavalier. Focus Sash has saved me many times, where Chomp has survived an attack that would've KO'd it and in return KO'd the attacker.


Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Shadow Ball
- King's Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

Aegislash's defensive typing is what got me to use it; having a whopping nine resistances and three immunities (resisting Ice, Fairy, and Dragon, Garchomp's weaknesses and being immune to Fighting, Kangaskhan's weakness). The fact that this thing cannot be OHKO'd by things that should OHKO it (like Gengar Shadow Ball, Garchomp Earthquake) is hilarious, and Weakness Policy activations meant that the foe was likely to suffer a huge blow. King's Shield has also helped against physical attackers that would otherwise OHKO Aegislash like Darmanitan.


Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch

After Garchomp has gone down (and at times Aegislash as well), Kangaskhan comes in and sweeps. No special mentions for this set (although sometimes it never even shows up if the opponent has a team that's weak to Garchomp/Aegislash)
Some feedback would be nice to make this team even better.
Finally got around to uploading the compilations of my fights. As embarrassed as I am to share the two horrid Serperior fights (watching the replays make me cringe a little) I still like them both for the beautiful example they make of Set 4 builds that aren't just bad, they're extremely unconducive to success even when your human opponent is playing like shit and his balls are in your hand, completely at your mercy. That said, this video is Unlisted for a reason.

It was bad enough that I assumed Serperior would go for the Aron KO the first time around, knowing that Waters liked to target unevolved Camerupt, but then a hundred battles later I did it again. I knew full well Slowbro could NEVER survive the move under any circumstance. It didn't help that Serperior hadn't lead in all but those two battles, so my lesson was inevitably going to be learned the hard way. After that, I got my shit together and started using the Rindo Berry.

Random assorted fights. Only battles 100, 500 and 1000 depict the typical steamrolling that takes place, since they're milestones. The rest of the vids variously show things going wrong and/or difficult battles. No misplays nearly as ugly as in the Serperior vid.

Getting trolled hard.Eight of the many battles during which enemy leads decided they'd fuck with me and activate TR when it served them little to no good. One of these is even a rare Cressy 4 sighting. Some misplays, but again, nothing like when facing the Serperiors.

I was surprised to note that even with the animations turned on (which I never did previously) the battles are still pretty damn fast at double the speed, but I think this is in part due to the lifebars slowing way down when animations are off. When an enemy is at 25% or less HP, the bar takes forever to deplete on a KO, which does not happen with animations on. Ditto for Lefties recovery and the like.
That would leave me with two pokemon weak to fighting types, I'm a simple man with a simple goal of hitting 50 so would that weakness to fighting types pose an issue for me?

Hopefully you already got 50, but no, I wouldn't see that as too big of an issue. If your goal is only 50 you also have a pretty good shot of reaching that using Kangaskhan plus random in-game stuff or whatever suits your fancy. Just check the trainer and moveset lists to make sure you don't get surprised by an odd Focus Blast or something.
I've run into a problem with Battle Maison in Pokémon AS. I'm not able to choose an AI (Your rival, Wally, Archie/Maxie, Steven) for a partner in multi battle. They do show up but I get a message saying they're not eligible to choose. What should I do? If this is the wrong place to ask this you can move this
So now that I've finally admitted this team kinda sucks, I feel it's as good a time as any to post my attempt at a Mega Lopunny Singles team. I got to a streak of 249 wins in Omega Ruby with this team:

Lopunny (F) @ Lopunnite (Frosty)
Ability: Klutz -> Scrappy
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Low Kick
- Return
- Substitute

Mega Lopunny is one of my favorite Pokemon (if not my absolute favorite). The goal was to take her as far as I could, and try to avoid using her as an inferior Mega Kangaskhan in the process. This meant trying to use her speed and the perfect coverage afforded by Scrappy to try to do something Mega Khan couldn't quite do. Since regular Lopunny can't switch in to anything besides Ghost moves and I didn't want to just use her as a back-up to Dragonite+Aegislash, I put her in the lead. Running damage calcs with Jolly Mega Lop made me really sad, so I decided on Adamant for the extra punch. Fake Out + Return gets a pretty respectable number of KOs. 252 Speed EVs just tied me with Hawlucha, which I didn't really want, so I settled on 236 to outspeed Zebstrika.

Coverage moves are mostly useless on Mega Lopunny, because they're piss weak. I tried Substitute on a hunch, and it was AWESOME. I knew it would block status (and Mega Lop will have a LOT of Thunder Waves thrown at her), but it has so many other cool properties. Scout for a Hurricane miss to get a 2HKO on Tornadus. Mega Lop actually beats Hurrrrnadus even if it doesn't miss, just by racking up Life Orb damage (Return does 84% minimum). Take a Close Combat from Life Orb Sawk to break its Sturdy and lower its defenses into KO range. Block a couple of Superpowers from Armaldo 4 until Low Kick and KO it. Throw one up while the opponent uses Protect for a free Sub. There were a surprising number of situations where I would somehow take out the lead with a Sub intact. Mega Lop can't OHKO too much (it needs Fake Out support to get KOs with Return on most anything), but it can 2HKO most opponents.

Lopunny does nothing for me defensively, so I needed something to tank both its weaknesses (Fighting and Flying were most prominent in my mind) and other annoying types that cause problems (Fire, Electric...Ice was less bad because Low Kick could KO a number of Ice-types). I originally had Aegislash and Unaware Clefable, but having zero Fire OR Electric resists was really frustrating. Aegislash doesn't want to be paralyzed or burned, and Clefable couldn't really handle stuff like Darmanitan Flare Blitzes. I settled on these:

Gliscor (F) @ Toxic Orb (Cheshire)
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 212 HP / 60 Def / 220 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Quagsire (M) @ Lum Berry (Drayko)
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpDef
Impish Nature
- Waterfall
- Amnesia
- Curse
- Rest

Quagsire replaced Clefable first. I really wanted Unaware to mess with set-up sweepers (Mega Lop really doesn't handle Dragon Dancers well enough for my tastes), and I loved having the Fire resistance and Electric immunity. I found myself getting murdered by crap like Tangrowth, though, and Earthquake was a really annoying move in general, so I switched from Aegislash to Gliscor. I really missed the Psychic resistance, but Gliscor was ultimately more reliable.

Gliscor hits 177 HP for the best possible Poison Heal number, with enough speed to outpace Delphox 4, who I felt could cause problems in a bad situation. I pumped the rest into Defense. Obviously, SpDef Gliscor has had more success in Maison Singles, but I wasn't happy with Quagsire's ability to switch in on physical hits. Talonflame was particularly annoying, because it hit too hard on the switch-in for Quagsire to have an easy time walling it (which you'll recognize is actually Quagsire's job). So physical bulk helps Gliscor deal with some of those annoyances, and is helpful against stuff like Terrakion. I'm not sure this is the best possible EV spread, but it's a really hard team to use, so it's hard to know what works best.

Quagsire works well against some things, but it obviously takes about a million turns to set up. Rest over Recover because it NEEDS to PP stall and cure itself of status to actually do anything. Its bulk isn't as good as I would like on the switch-in; I actually ran Kee Berry on Clefable for a while to help mitigate this (and it worked, surprisingly), but I didn't feel Quagsire could afford it, since it has to switch in to too many Ice moves. I settled on max SpDef, primarily because Volcarona murdered my team otherwise. Without max SpDef, a single crit did way too much damage, making me always be at severe risk; with max SpDef, it really needs back-to-back crits to have a shot of winning. SpDef also helps Quagsire take those Ice Beams aimed at Gliscor.

When you take a million turns to set up and you don't have Acupressure, back-to-back crits become REALLY common. Quagsire just doesn't have the raw bulk to handle that, which is some of what makes this team kinda bad. You also have to be REALLY attentive to Quagsire's HP; you want a really good estimate of how much damage a crit will do. I lost one battle because Quagsire took a crit Surf from Slowbro while its health was a LITTLE too low, and the rest of my team is bad against Slowbro.

This team is generally hard to use and unreliable. Special threats include Sunny Beamers, Talonflame or Volcarona who decide to get a lot of crits, Virizion 1, Feraligatr (see battle video below), and all kinds of crap I can't remember at the moment. It was a while since I've played this team (for reference, I got to 249 with them before I started my Triples streak). And it absolutely wasn't "try them once and get to 249"; even once I got to the final version of the team, it still took 3-4 attempts before I got to 200. But I wanted to get the Starf Berry with this team (because honestly, I just freaking love Mega Lopunny; I don't care if it's super mediocre in the Maison), and I did, so hurrah!

The loss video: 9THG-WWW-WW2X-CYL3
Mega Lopunny thoroughly dismantles Greninja and Wailord, with Wailord getting 2HKO'd thanks to Sub shenanigans. I figure I'm headed for a clean victory, but end up losing because I horribly underestimate Feraligatr. I lamented my horrible play afterward, and my odds certainly would have been better by doing anything other than switching directly to Quagsire, but future battles against Feraligatr revealed that my team is just awful against it (though at least I managed to win those battles). Waterfall's flinch rate (assuming it has Torrent) and the risk of crits just makes Quagsire a really unreliable answer to it. Gyarados 4 isn't a problem, because it's super weak without boosts. But Feraligatr's Attack EVs make it a complete wrecking ball, and relying on Unaware to stop set-up sweepers means your whole team goes down when your Unaware user does. I still think it's a cool ability, though, and I'm glad I could use it to (very modest) success here.

Mega Lopunny certainly isn't going to revolutionize the Maison any time soon; her flaws (mediocre bulk, really limited resistances and no real defensive synergy, no good way to boost damage output) make her extremely difficult to build a team around. But when she works, she's fun as hell to use. There's a unique satisfaction that comes from beating a team with Mega Lopunny alone, simply because your opponent gave you a free Sub while trying to use Toxic/Will-O-Wisp/whatever. Also, in most situations, having Mega Lopunny alive when the third Pokemon comes out means that I win, since I can just sacrifice something else to bring in Lop and do Fake Out + Return damage. While the list of things Return OHKOs is pretty underwhelming, the list of things Fake Out + Return KOs is really long, and many things that aren't on that list go down to Low Kick. It just sucks that some of the few things that Mega Lopunny is worst against (Volcarona/SD Talonflame/Dragon Dance users) are among the more dangerous opponents in the Maison in the first place.

Anyway, I hope this was an enjoyable read for someone!
I've run into a problem with Battle Maison in Pokémon AS. I'm not able to choose an AI (Your rival, Wally, Archie/Maxie, Steven) for a partner in multi battle. They do show up but I get a message saying they're not eligible to choose. What should I do? If this is the wrong place to ask this you can move this

I was told by someone that I can't choose them for a partner in multi battle. Is this really true? If so then I'm skipping Battle Maison
Coverage moves are mostly useless on Mega Lopunny, because they're piss weak. I tried Substitute on a hunch, and it was AWESOME. I knew it would block status (and Mega Lop will have a LOT of Thunder Waves thrown at her), but it has so many other cool properties. Scout for a Hurricane miss to get a 2HKO on Tornadus. Mega Lop actually beats Hurrrrnadus even if it doesn't miss, just by racking up Life Orb damage (Return does 84% minimum). Take a Close Combat from Life Orb Sawk to break its Sturdy and lower its defenses into KO range. Block a couple of Superpowers from Armaldo 4 until Low Kick and KO it. Throw one up while the opponent uses Protect for a free Sub. There were a surprising number of situations where I would somehow take out the lead with a Sub intact. Mega Lop can't OHKO too much (it needs Fake Out support to get KOs with Return on most anything), but it can 2HKO most opponents.

KangLisCune on a budget, nice! This paragraph is pretty much why I'm automatically skeptical of any Singles team that doesn't have at least one member with Substitute.
KangLisCune on a budget, nice! This paragraph is pretty much why I'm automatically skeptical of any Singles team that doesn't have at least one member with Substitute.
Yeah, I noticed the Kangliscune parallels a little while after I switched to Quagsire. The lack of Suicune's bulk is really the nail in this team's coffin. I considered Suicune, but I was really concerned about the team's ability to handle set-up sweepers without Mega Kangaskhan being able to tank a hit and wipe them off the field. Well, that plus the whole "not wanting to use Mega Lopunny as an inferior Mega Kangaskhan" thing.

I've always seen Sub-less Singles teams as "Walrein bait." All the more props to people who can pull them off, though.
A bit late to the party, but I've decided to take on the Super Singles Maison on Omega Ruby. My usable mons are limited to 2 boxes of mostly UU tier pokemon so I had to make do with what I had. I'm currently sitting at 70 wins and am now looking to swap around some team members. My current setup is:

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Sucker Punch
Fake Out
Power-Up Punch

- Good ol' Kangy. Nothing to be said here.

Greninja Choice Specs
4 HP/252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Grass Knot

- About as straightforward of a set as possible. I've found that Specs works really well for netting those KOs and being locked into one move isn't usually as big of a problem as expected.

Serperior @ Leftovers
??????/252 Spe
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power Fire
Dragon Pulse

- Up until now I've been using MixedMence with a Life Orb just so I can get enough BP for items and moves. However, anything speed tier 108-112 really lays a number on this team. I've only hit 70 wins and have already had 3 close calls that if Greninja didn't net a KO with Specs I would've lost. That being said I decided to try my luck with Serperior. Due to its 113 base speed, even with HP fire it outspeeds 252+ Speed genies 180 to 179 @ level 50. Aside from Speed, I don't really know what EVs to invest, particularly what attacks I need to survive 100% of the time.

The biggest problem I have with running Serperior is the loss of my mixed wallbreaker. Salamence, although it lacked speed, had the flexibility to deal with a lot of both specially and regularly defensive threats. With Serperior, my only attack on threats w/ high sp. def is Kangaskhan, which has abysmal coverage and can't switch into a lot of threats.

Some notable problems include:
- High Sp. Def pokemon that Greninja and Serperior can't hit hard, notably: Florges, Sylveon, Tentacruel, Bronzong, Gallade, Snorlax, and Spiritomb
- Leaf Storm's accuracy (considering Wide Lens)
- Bad matchups for Greninja after it's choice-locked

Any advice or other info would be greatly appreciated!
I was told by someone that I can't choose them for a partner in multi battle. Is this really true? If so then I'm skipping Battle Maison

That 'someone' was me, and you explained it to me that you couldn't chose characters that were generated by your friends list like in XY. I told you that this wasn't an option in ORAS and the topic was ended. Now you come here and say you can't even select any characters at all, including Steven, your rival, Archie and Wally. Which is it? What is exactly happening? Can you provide screenshots / a video? The reason you aren't getting much help is because a) your descriptions are confusing, b) no one has heard of such a problem before... Multi Battles was literally the very first format I did in ORAS, and I was able to choose all the characters, so There definitely isn't some sort of 'unlock' criteria. Maybe you are trying to use a Pokemon that your partner is also using, so the game isn't letting you? Or maybe the same item? Those are the only two reasons I can think of
Been traveling out of the country with no computer, so was unable to update anything and only able to read posts occasionally. I'm back now, so expect an update a bit later today.
That 'someone' was me, and you explained it to me that you couldn't chose characters that were generated by your friends list like in XY. I told you that this wasn't an option in ORAS and the topic was ended. Now you come here and say you can't even select any characters at all, including Steven, your rival, Archie and Wally. Which is it? What is exactly happening? Can you provide screenshots / a video? The reason you aren't getting much help is because a) your descriptions are confusing, b) no one has heard of such a problem before... Multi Battles was literally the very first format I did in ORAS, and I was able to choose all the characters, so There definitely isn't some sort of 'unlock' criteria. Maybe you are trying to use a Pokemon that your partner is also using, so the game isn't letting you? Or maybe the same item? Those are the only two reasons I can think of

This has been resolved with someone else's help at a different place so you can drop this now
Yet another example of getting to 900+ only to have the game say "haha who cares that you never make the wrong play" with battle video 796G-WW-WW22-9HA5

Skuntank (Keen Eye, of course) leads off and KOs Sableye and Durant.

It explodes on the 3rd attack against Glalie.

Barbaracle comes out. When you play the fun little game of "What can Tourist Incheon send out that poses little to no threat to a a 100% Glalie that's already got a Sub and 6 turns of boosts?" you get a conservative answer of "All but 5 of her 97 remaining Pokemon," and those odds are even further diluted by the fact that 24 of the less-threatening Pokemon have higher-BP attacks like Focus Blast, Overheat, and Explosion that would have resulted in any of them being sent out before Barbaracle and allowing Glalie to set up for more turns. The likelihood of all that is why lead Skuntank is a "threat" to this team in the same way that any Bright Powder Pokemon which evades two 100% accurate moves in a row can be a threat to any other team.

Barbaracle does not miss once with Stone Edge or Cross Chop thanks to 0 Evasion boosts and 3 drops over 23 turns of stalling.

It takes longer than it should to stall out Stone Edge and Cross Chop because Barbaracle "predicts" my Protect usage and uses Shadow Claw/Razor Shell a few times rather than moves that would actually KO.

Once Cross Chop and Stone Edge are finally stalled out, Barbaracle goes 3 for 3 on critical hits that are necessary to either break Glalie's Sub or KO it on the final turn. This part had a relatively enormous a 1 in 8 chance, and I knew the last one would crit after the first two. The kicker that shows how much bad luck needs to happen to keep this team from winning 3000+ is that if I had 100% rather than 95% confidence that Skuntank won't Fire Blast on the switch for no reason, I would be able to keep Sableye alive. In that case, I was fully aware that my evasion boosts were terrible early on and could have switched Sableye in on Cross Chop to get off a Flash or two and reset Glalie's boosts.

Glalie hit Barbaracle with a +1 Frost Breath the turn it came out and barely misses the KO with +5 Frost Breath on the final turn. That's a 36% 2HKO that would have been over 95% likely with one fewer Special Attack drop either at the beginning or at the end.
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Hey guys Im working my way through the super singles with the 'ol M-Kang/Suicune/SubStall Gliscor and Im wondering where I can access the ORAS battle maison AI pokemon movesets? My high score is 28 so far (Im still a scrub) But Im working my way up
Try the links on page 1 of this thread

Hey guys Im working my way through the super singles with the 'ol M-Kang/Suicune/SubStall Gliscor and Im wondering where I can access the ORAS battle maison AI pokemon movesets? My high score is 28 so far (Im still a scrub) But Im working my way up
Alright, for Super Singles I've recently figured out a strategy that works literally 99,99% of the time. The flaws in this strat are minimal. It already brought me up to 500 wins, and I'm definitely aiming for 1000+ with it. Here's the battle video:


The Team


Durant @ Focus Sash/Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Entrainment (other moves aren't necessarily needed)
- Protect
- X-Scissor
- Iron Head


Blaziken @ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: Doesn't matter (mine's Jolly)
EVs: Don't matter (mine are 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe)
- Protect
- Substitute
- Hone Claws/Swords Dance
- Baton Pass


Cloyster @ Life Orb/Choice Band
Ability: Skill Link
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Protect
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Razor Shell

Strat explanatory

It's similar to some other strats I've seen on this thread. The strat basically revolves completely around Durant's Truant ability and using Entrainment to pass it onto the opponent. Just watch the battle video, it is pretty much self explanatory. If you're too lazy to download, or just don't have a DS/game, it works as follows:

Durant uses Entrainment on the opponent. Durant will pass its Truant ability onto the opponent, and that's basically Durant's one and only duty. This done, the battle is already decided in your favor in 99,99% of the cases. Your item can be Choice Scarf, just to be sure you outspeed the opponent. I personally am experienced with the good amount of hax that can occur (Quick Claw), hence I go for Focus Sash. This will allow me to get the Entrainment off.

After using Entrainment you immediately switch into Blaziken. Blaziken uses Protect whenever the opponent gets to attack, and uses stat upping moves whenever the opponent is loafing around every other turn. This will allow you to get a sub up, get +6 Attack, +6 Speed, and +6(?) Accuracy. The Speed Boost ability is mandatory here, as you get a free +1 Speed from it after every turn. Leftovers come in really nice, because if you start with putting up your sub, your HP recovers gradually during Protecting/setting up. I first started off with Swords Dance in this set, but I later figured Hone Claws is way safer, as it allows you to let Cloyster use its Rock Blasts/Razor Shells without missing when you Baton Pass into it. Only downside to it is that it significantly stretches out the battle.

Here Cloyster comes in as a motherfucking beast on steroids. You send him out when your opponent is about to loaf around. This Life Orbed/Choice Banded kid now has +6 Attack, +6 Speed, and +6 Accuracy. The reasoning behind Adamant over Jolly is that you're +6 Speed anyways, so you naturally outspeed any mon. You're basically set to sweep. It can basically OHKO anything except for a few encounters. The reason I'm opting to go for Choice Band is that nothing is immune to Ice. A +6 Choice Banded Adamant Cloyster will OHKO almost anything. And if it doesn't, you have the sub that protects you as well. I'm still hesitating between Life Orb and Choice Band though. I think I'm gonna go with Life Orb, since Choice Band locks you into one move. And since the Battle Maison is the temple of hax, I'd rather avoid 3 critting priority moves by being able to use Protect.

Potential survivors (calcs)

These are calculated with the opponent having a Defense upping nature.

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Empoleon: 130-155 (68 - 81.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Klinklang: 195-230 (116.7 - 137.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Magnezone: 195-230 (110.1 - 129.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Poliwrath: 190-220 (96.4 - 111.6%) -- approx. 68.8% chance to OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Forretress: 190-225 (104.3 - 123.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Carracosta: 195-235 (107.7 - 129.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Aegislash-Shield: 160-188 (95.8 - 112.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Suicune: 220-260 (106.2 - 125.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Registeel: 160-188 (85.5 - 100.5%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Cobalion: 177-211 (89.3 - 106.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Metagross: 177-211 (94.6 - 112.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Cloyster Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Bronzong: 192-227 (110.3 - 130.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Note that some of these could've been possible 2HKO's instead of OHKO's if Cloyster had a Jolly nature.


As I mentioned earlier, opponents with priority moves might by a slight chance throw Cloyster off. Think Prankster T-Wave. Hasn't happened to me yet though.

Quick Claw
If you manage to run into an opponent with Quick Claw you cannot OHKO and that can do serious damage to Cloyster, and the Quick Claw triggers twice in a row, you might lose. The chances of this happening are almost zero, but you know how they roll in the Battle Maison (right, Walrein?)

If you manage to run into a Protect user on turn 1, and you use Entrainment, you're pretty much screwed as you're now loafing around yourself next turn. Not much you can do, unless you have the luck your opponent cannot kill you. Same goes for moves like Fake Out. You might want to opt running Protect on Durant to predict the Fake Out, but then you have to be lucky to outspeed your opponent and not get 2HKO'd. The flinch issue also goes for Cloyster. Perhaps you run into some Fake Out + priority move users that are super effective and crit or whatever. Anything can happen in the Battle Maison.

Moves that ignore sub
Combined with hax such as critical hits, this might be devastating.

Ganlon Berry
Ganlon Berry holders take less damage from physical attacks. The rest is self explanatory.

Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions. They will be greatly appreciated. I'll post an update when I reach 1000+ or lose in the process.

I'm now at 846 and still going. My team is now definitive. It will be a matter of time until I will get unlucky. I don't have enough knowledge to know which trainers/mons will always Protect/Fake Out first turn. Let's pray to the RNGod. Hopefully I will make it to 1000+.
They do enforce species clause. Per player. They also enforce item clause per player.

They're more than happy to allow you to run two Goodras, for instance, provided it's one per trainer.
I thought species clause was enforced in Multi?

EDIT: Fluke, do you have any battle videos or warstories to share?

Haha you've played enough to know that it's a 100% lie. Just do a practice battle using that team against the video I posted and you'll see that Skuntank uses Explosion on Blaziken on the first turn every time. Good luck Baton Passing +2 Speed and nothing else to Cloyster.
Haha you've played enough to know that it's a 100% lie.

Oh of course I do, I just prefer not to outright call people out even if I can tell they're not making any sense. You'll notice that when he posted about this team a while back, I made my first-ever post on the forums to ask about a few things I was "curious" (read: found completely suspect) about. I'd registered an account to ask the people whose teams I used the best way to use them, but I avoided actually posting because I didn't think I had enough experience to comment on anything... and then that post popped up and I was like "yeah no way, even I can tell that's bull, unless he got ridiculously, absurdly lucky in not facing any problematic leads"

The "I don't have enough knowledge to know which trainers/mons will always Protect/Fake Out first turn." line is especially telling because of the sheer number of Pokémon that run either move and the necessity of knowing how to deal with it when your lead Pokémon has an idle turn after that's happened. My loss against Floatzel4, a Protect user, is proof of that. It's one of the only things that really poses a threat to Truant Durant - and he admits he doesn't know what to expect from Pokémon that know those moves. Like really??