Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Klefki is a great Prankster with a lot of tools. You may have some fun trying out the key ring.

The problem is he doesn't learn Taunt which is the main reason to lead off before switching in to Durant. Taunt is mainly avoiding Protect which the AI uses very well against Pokemon with Truant.
I believe I have come up with a team that just demolishes the Super Single Chatelaine.

Forretress @ Custap Berry (dammit, Quick Claw then)
Bold Nature
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
-Stealth Rock

Riolu @ Focus Sash
Jolly Nature
Anything really
-Double Team
-Quick Attack

Mamoswine @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Thick Fat
252 Att / 252 HP / 4 SpD
-Ice Shard

After Stealth Rocks and the Copycat/Roar strategy, the final Pokemon left will have enough to be KO'd with Ice Shard (yes, I checked with the Yache Berry. I can put up calcs if you want). Only way this can really lose is by a Double Team from Tornadus or (nevermind, it doesn't have an accuracy check anymore) a Extrasensory flinch from Landorus. But if they lead with Landorus, they wouldn't use Extrasensory on Forretress anyway (unless the AI is that amazing), and if they don't, Lando won't have a chance to be sent out against Riolu. So it's perfect in theory, but probably not in game.

Anyway, to get there, I'm thinking a Scolipede/Megakhan/Chandelure. Baton Pass the Speed Boosts, and you're set.
Just quoting myself. I may also make use of a DD moldbreaker Haxorus with protect, D-dance, ***, ***, @***. I am having a hard time deciding moves for 100% coverage. Any advice on the topic would be lovely. I know poison jab/eq would be walled by skarmory, eq/dragon claw would be walled by togekiss/ballon mawile/ballon azu/any ballon fairy (Not likely combo though, but with the AI you never know..)

Also, is there any risk to encounter any other legendary than the genies, 1st gen birds, 2nd gen cats(or dogs), Lati@s and the 3 musketeers (except Keldeo)? Would be nice to know what I could be up against if I am going for 200+ streak in super singles.

Edit: So I've found that Cress and Heathran can also be meat in the Maison. A ddance haxorus@lum berry with protect, ddance, brick break and shadowclaw is prob what would work best with a truant durant lead. Anyone that got some other tips for it?

I'd try and find a special mon to use as backup since you lost to WoW spam last time. Something that doesn't mind ghosts like Hydreigon or Houndoom, maybe.

Also, it seems that any non-box or event legendary can appear in the Maison. In addition to what you've listed, I've encountered the Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. Unsure if Regigigas is present, and also unsure about the pixies' presence. All other base-600 non-event legends besides Zygarde are fair game though.

The problem is he doesn't learn Taunt which is the main reason to lead off before switching in to Durant. Taunt is mainly avoiding Protect which the AI uses very well against Pokemon with Truant.
You could always try an eviolite Murkrow. Gets Taunt, as well as a myriad of tools to abuse with Prankster.
I believe I have come up with a team that just demolishes the Super Single Chatelaine.

After Stealth Rocks and the Copycat/Roar strategy, the final Pokemon left will have enough to be KO'd with Ice Shard (yes, I checked with the Yache Berry. I can put up calcs if you want). Only way this can really lose is by a Double Team from Tornadus or (nevermind, it doesn't have an accuracy check anymore) a Extrasensory flinch from Landorus. But if they lead with Landorus, they wouldn't use Extrasensory on Forretress anyway (unless the AI is that amazing), and if they don't, Lando won't have a chance to be sent out against Riolu. So it's perfect in theory, but probably not in game.

Anyway, to get there, I'm thinking a Scolipede/Megakhan/Chandelure. Baton Pass the Speed Boosts, and you're set.
As cool as copycat/roar was, the game mechanics thread found that copycat won't choose roar anymore. So this won't work.
Well, my streak ended on 308. It was a bad play in my part but also a bit of a hax involved. Forgot to save the video unfortunately, but gonna explain how it went.

Vs. Zapdos/Moltres/Thundurus/Cressilia

Turn 1: Garchomp rock slides, Gengar sludge bombs Zapdos. Both at red. Moltres will-o-wisps chomp, zapdos heat waves, hit on gengar but miss on chomp. Gengar at 60%ish and chomp burned.

Turn 2: Chomp rock slides, both birds down and outcomes Cresselia and Thundurus.

Turn 3: Thundurus dark pulses Gengar, who fainted. Chomp rock slides, cress health still like 95% and thundurus only 80%. cress double teams and leftovers healing her. Pulling out MegaScizor.

Turn 4: Thundurus dark pulses MegaScizor. Chomp rock slides, miss on cress, but hit on thundurus who got crit'ed (but down to only like 45% so doesn't matter much.) Scizor flinched. cress double team again.

Turn 5: Cress protected. Thundurus dark pulses MegaScizor. Chomp rock slides on cress and thundurus (now at 25% health). Scizor FLINCHED again.

Turn 6: Scizor bullet punches Thundurus who still didn't go down and is at red. Thundurus dark pulses it which fainted it. Chomp rock slides and thundurus goes down. Cress double teams.

...and then Garchomp fainted from burn and Gyarados got toxic stalled by Cresselia.

Overall, it was a fair loss. I should of taken down that Moltres first who crippled my Garchomp. I don't know that Zapdos managed to withstand both a Rock slide + Sludge Bomb. and the flinch hax (which is like 4% for 2 flinches in a row) on the Scizor was really annoying. I don't get why Thundurus went for Scizor instead of Chomp even though the former has much better bulk. Oh well, guess that's it. It was a good run.

and grats to Eppie on that streak [:

Few battle vids:

KFBW-WWWW-WWW2-U3Q8 (No. 230)


8QNG-WWWW-WWW2-U3R6 (No. 308)

BTW, here's one of Cressilia's movesets, not sure of its EVS/Natures obviously:

Item: Leftovers
-Double Team

Congratulations on also reaching 300+ and I'm sorry for your loss =/

The Cresselia you are reffering to is this one btw:
Cresselia 2 Leftovers Double Team Moonlight Toxic Protect Bold HP/SpD 227 81 154 95 182 105 78,73 61,07

Are you planning to try again with the same team? I'm at 86 now with the same team as my 360 streak.
Well, my streak ended on 308. It was a bad play in my part but also a bit of a hax involved. Forgot to save the video unfortunately, but gonna explain how it went.

Vs. Zapdos/Moltres/Thundurus/Cressilia

Turn 1: Garchomp rock slides, Gengar sludge bombs Zapdos. Both at red. Moltres will-o-wisps chomp, zapdos heat waves, hit on gengar but miss on chomp. Gengar at 60%ish and chomp burned.

Turn 2: Chomp rock slides, both birds down and outcomes Cresselia and Thundurus.

Turn 3: Thundurus dark pulses Gengar, who fainted. Chomp rock slides, cress health still like 95% and thundurus only 80%. cress double teams and leftovers healing her. Pulling out MegaScizor.

Turn 4: Thundurus dark pulses MegaScizor. Chomp rock slides, miss on cress, but hit on thundurus who got crit'ed (but down to only like 45% so doesn't matter much.) Scizor flinched. cress double team again.

Turn 5: Cress protected. Thundurus dark pulses MegaScizor. Chomp rock slides on cress and thundurus (now at 25% health). Scizor FLINCHED again.

Turn 6: Scizor bullet punches Thundurus who still didn't go down and is at red. Thundurus dark pulses it which fainted it. Chomp rock slides and thundurus goes down. Cress double teams.

...and then Garchomp fainted from burn and Gyarados got toxic stalled by Cresselia.

Overall, it was a fair loss. I should of taken down that Moltres first who crippled my Garchomp. I don't know that Zapdos managed to withstand both a Rock slide + Sludge Bomb. and the flinch hax (which is like 4% for 2 flinches in a row) on the Scizor was really annoying. I don't get why Thundurus went for Scizor instead of Chomp even though the former has much better bulk. Oh well, guess that's it. It was a good run.

and grats to Eppie on that streak [:

Few battle vids:

KFBW-WWWW-WWW2-U3Q8 (No. 230)


8QNG-WWWW-WWW2-U3R6 (No. 308)

BTW, here's one of Cressilia's movesets, not sure of its EVS/Natures obviously:

Item: Leftovers
-Double Team

Would you mind telling your moveset+ev spread?
Congratulations on also reaching 300+ and I'm sorry for your loss =/

The Cresselia you are reffering to is this one btw:
Cresselia 2 Leftovers Double Team Moonlight Toxic Protect Bold HP/SpD 227 81 154 95 182 105 78,73 61,07

Are you planning to try again with the same team? I'm at 86 now with the same team as my 360 streak.

Thanks. :]

I dunno whether I'll come back or not since atm, I'm back to IV breeding some Pokemon and wonder trading them (Also, busy with exams). If I do get back to it, I might consider using Rotom-W instead of Gyarados since the team was Thundurus/Zapdos weak.

Would you mind telling your moveset+ev spread?

Mentioned it earlier. Here it is again:


Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Rough Skin
6 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide

Gengar @ Focus Sash
6 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 252 SPE
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Dazzling Gleam/ Thunderbolt

Gyarados @ Sitrus Berry
6 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
-Ice Fang
-Dragon Dance

Scizor @ Scizorite
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 6 SP.DEF
-Bullet Punch
-Brick Break

Edit: oof, another typo on Gyarados moveset. Dragon Dance instead of Protect
Last edited:
Thanks. :]

I dunno whether I'll come back or not since atm, I'm back to IV breeding some Pokemon and wonder trading them (Also, busy with exams). If I do get back to it, I might consider using Rotom-W instead of Gyarados since the team was Thundurus/Zapdos weak.

Mentioned it earlier. Here it is again:


Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Rough Skin
6 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide

Gengar @ Focus Sash
6 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 252 SPE
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Dazzling Gleam/ Thunderbolt

Gyarados @ Sitrus Berry
6 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
-Ice Fang

Scizor @ Scizorite
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 6 SP.DEF
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Brick Break

Thanks alot :D How do you get bug bite on Scizor? Thought it wasn't avaliable before pokébank
Can someone recommend a singles team for me to try?

I am considering leading with MK.

If you by MK mean Mega Kanga I got a team for you, took me to a 106 streak. Took it from Daega around page 8

Jolly, 252 atk-252spe-4hp
Scrappy->Parental bond

Sucker Punch
Return/dizzy punch(depending on max happiness or not)

Adamant, 252 atk-252 hp - 4 def/spd/spe
Stance Change

Kings Shield
Swords dance
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword

Azumarill@Choice band
Adamant, 252 hp-252 atk-4 def/spd/spe
Huge Power

Aqua Jet
Play Rough
Super Power

It is weak to burn, so may be better with a gengar if going for higher streaks instead of aegis. Or with Rotom-w instead of azu, but the prio aqua jet saved me lots of times. GL in your progress at Maison

Edit: Sorry for double post, cant find out how to delete one of the posts and edit the other :P
If you by MK mean Mega Kanga I got a team for you, took me to a 106 streak. Took it from Daega around page 8

Jolly, 252 atk-252spe-4hp
Scrappy->Parental bond

Sucker Punch
Return/dizzy punch(depending on max happiness or not)

Adamant, 252 atk-252 hp - 4 def/spd/spe
Stance Change

Kings Shield
Swords dance
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword

Azumarill@Choice band
Adamant, 252 hp-252 atk-4 def/spd/spe
Huge Power

Aqua Jet
Play Rough
Super Power

It is weak to burn, so may be better with a gengar if going for higher streaks instead of aegis. Or with Rotom-w instead of azu, but the prio aqua jet saved me lots of times. GL in your progress at Maison

Edit: Sorry for double post, cant find out how to delete one of the posts and edit the other :P

I've heard Talonflame recommended over Aegislash. What do you think about that?
I've heard Talonflame recommended over Aegislash. What do you think about that?

Quite possible that would work too, only issue would then be electric/rock attacks due to no resistance, only neutral dmg. Also, un-boosted Talonflame wont OHKO many that it does neutral dmg too, and due to its frailness i believe it will get KO'd rather quickly. In that case id rather use a gengar with sash due to ground immunity and also to be switched into the fighting attacks aimed at Khan. Pro tip: Always switch to Azu on Armaldo, it will ALWAYS use Super Power on Khan and it got EQ. Even a crit wont KO Azu, and it can KO back with Aqua jet
As you may have noticed by now the thread title has been changed.

From this moment on, this thread will collect a records list of all members who play the Battle Maison and wish to be added to the list. The OP has been editted by Stellar, making me the original OP, which allows me to update this frequently.

This does, however, comes at the cost of a few simple rules, which can be found in the OP.
For clarity sake, I will also post them here:

Just like every thread, the standard Smogon rules also apply to this thread and you may be infracted for breaking them by Smogon's staff members.

Rules for the records list
  • The minimum streak length requirement to be put on the records list is 70, but you are always free to post about streaks that did not reach 70 wins.
  • Provide as much information as possible. Posting your Pokémon, held items, abilities, natures, EV spreads, and movesets makes your record much more interesting and gives more room for feedback from other members.
  • You must provide proof of your record in order to be added. The easiest way to do so is upload a battle video of your loss and share the code.
  • Your record listing will be linked to the post where you provided proof and information regarding the team you have used to achieve the record.
  • Ongoing streaks will not be added. But again, you are always free to post about ongoing streaks.
  • Sharing useful information, experience and warstories with the Pokémon community is always welcome and makes this so enjoyable.

At the moment of writing, I have only been able to add three people to the records list so far. If you have a finished streak and want to be added to the list, please take a quick look at the rules and feel free to post your streak.

Please keep in mind that all of this doesn't change anything for those who simply view and reply to this thread without caring about records.
As you may have noticed by now the thread title has been changed.

From this moment on, this thread will collect a records list of all members who play the Battle Maison and wish to be added to the list. The OP has been editted by Stellar, making me the original OP, which allows me to update this frequently.

This does, however, comes at the cost of a few simple rules, which can be found in the OP.
For clarity sake, I will also post them here:

At the moment of writing, I have only been able to add three people to the records list so far. If you have a finished streak and want to be added to the list, please take a quick look at the rules and feel free to post your streak.

Please keep in mind that all of this doesn't change anything for those who simply view and reply to this thread without caring about records.

For some reason I didn't save the vid from the 107th battle that I lost, with the last one saved at 92. Sucks to be 14 behind the real streak, any other way to prove a better streak?
For some reason I didn't save the vid from the 107th battle that I lost, with the last one saved at 92. Sucks to be 14 behind the real streak, any other way to prove a better streak?

There are multiple ways of providing proof.
The easiest one being a battle video, but you could also take a screenshot, and a detailed warstory about your loss can also be sufficient enough.

I'm not planning to be a pain in the ass here and not add streaks just because someone forgot to save the battle out of frustration or whatever the reason was.
Well, looks like I have some great motivation to get my teams finished to try again. Good luck, everyone attempting for records!
Even if you didn't save your battle vid, if you talk to the person to the left of the stairway, across from the one that registers your team to start a Maison challenge, she will tell you your current and longest record for a given Maison mode.

Take a picture of that as proof.
I've decided to seperate Super Singles Records that use Entrainment Durant from ''normal/other'' Super Single records.
The reason I chose to do so lies in the fact that Entrainment Durant has proven to be very broken.

If members disagree with my reasoning here, feel free to post about this.
In my mind, people will be less likely to try and attempt to reach top 3 while they are up against #1000+ streaks in Super Single mode involving Entrainment teams.
I've decided to seperate Super Singles Records that use Entrainment Durant from ''normal/other'' Super Single records.
The reason I chose to do so lies in the fact that Entrainment Durant has proven to be very broken.

If members disagree with my reasoning here, feel free to post about this.
In my mind, people will be less likely to try and attempt to reach top 3 while they are up against #1000+ streaks in Super Single mode involving Entrainment teams.
I was actually wondering about this, before you posted that lol. I mean, Entrainment Durant is cool and all, but some of us want to try and get big streaks the old fashioned way.

Also, will there be some sort of recognition for people who have gotten all the Super Trophies? I know a few have already in this thread.
You could always try an eviolite Murkrow. Gets Taunt, as well as a myriad of tools to abuse with Prankster.

But you would be sacrificing Focus Sash. Focus Sash on Liepard saved me from dieing immediately to Quick Claw OHKO users (i.e. Quick Claw Fissure Donphan) and I think there are more types. Also Bulk really isn't important for the Lead Crippler since after Taunt/Encore it should die immediately so that Durant can have a Free switch in. The criteria should be:

-Has Taunt
-Has other crippling moves if the Opponent uses a Status Move to prevent U-Turn, Volt Switch, Protect, etc. (i.e. Encore)
-Must be Fast! (Really Important! Especially against other Prankster Users)
-Must be able to at least use a single attack. Especially against Quick Claw Users or survive a U-Turn/Volt Switch to cripple the incoming Pokemon (i.e. Focus Sash)
-Must be able to give Durant a Free Switch in
(I might have missed some criteria by I think these are the important ones)

As shown in the BW Subway thread, Whimsicott is the ideal crippler, but we don't have access to it yet. :p
But you would be sacrificing Focus Sash. Focus Sash on Liepard saved me from dieing immediately to Quick Claw OHKO users (i.e. Quick Claw Fissure Donphan) and I think there are more types. Also Bulk really isn't important for the Lead Crippler since after Taunt/Encore it should die immediately so that Durant can have a Free switch in. The criteria should be:

-Has Taunt
-Has other crippling moves if the Opponent uses a Status Move to prevent U-Turn, Volt Switch, Protect, etc. (i.e. Encore)
-Must be Fast! (Really Important! Especially against other Prankster Users)
-Must be able to at least use a single attack. Especially against Quick Claw Users or survive a U-Turn/Volt Switch to cripple the incoming Pokemon (i.e. Focus Sash)
-Must be able to give Durant a Free Switch in
(I might have missed some criteria by I think these are the important ones)

As shown in the BW Subway thread, Whimsicott is the ideal crippler, but we don't have access to it yet. :p
Yeah I was going to suggest Whimsicott, but knew there was no access yet. Not too long until Pokebank is out, at least!
Compiling data on new sets:

Aromatisse 1 Lax incense Charm Sweet Kiss Attract Draining Kiss
Greninja 1 Toxic Scald
Carbink 1 Light Clay Reflect Dazzling Gleam Light Screen Safeguard
Gogoat 1 Yache Berry Substitute Payback

Togekiss 1 has Dazzling Gleam