Now that Pokebank finally came out here I put together the trick room team I was planning. I played around with one in Super Doubles in Black and it was a lot of fun so I thought I would give it a shot in X as well. On what was seriously my first run in Super Doubles I get a streak of 173.
Relaxed Cresselia @ Mental Herb
Trick Room
Helping Hand
Light Screen
Everyone's favorite psychic moon duck, specially RNGed on Black 2 for just this purpose. Its bulk is unparalleled...not once have I seen it get OHKOd. While not the slowest Pokemon around, it has everything it needs to work as a Trick Room setter. It's a really nice supporter as well, with Helping Hand assisting a lot of important KOs and Light Screen increasing everyone's longevity. I considered another support move in the 4th slot but settled on's something productive if Helping Hand wouldn't make a difference and nice for Focus Sashed opponents that really need to be KOd that turn. Mental Herb for preventing Taunt and assuring I get Trick Room up.
Brave Hariyama @ Toxic Orb
Fake Out
Close Combat
Knock Off
Ice Punch
Hariyama fills the role of a powerful Fake Out lead. It assists in getting Trick Room set up, activates Guts, then rolls over everything. It dies in most matches, since the poison damage + Close Combat defense drops make it kind of fragile, but it always leaves a huge dent in the other team before it goes down. Knock Off is so good now and is the primary counter to Ghosts and Psychics, while Ice Punch takes care of Flying types and Grass types if Close Combat is unnecessary.
Brave Escavalier @ Assault Vest
Iron Head
Drill Run
Knock Off
A pretty powerful dude, although I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do with it. Its STAB moves are really handy and it getting Drill Run this gen was a nice addition for dealing with Fire and Steel types. If I go for another run, I'll probably ditch Knock Off (this is reversible now with Heart Scales anyway) and replace it with Protect, since Knock Off feels a bit redundant and there are some situations where I would have liked to use Protect. The Assault Vest would be replaced with Leftovers I guess?
Quiet Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Static -> Mold Breaker
Dragon Pulse
Hidden Power Fire
One of the slowest Megas out there and also one of the highest-powered special attackers. Its STAB moves are ridiculous and have saved me from quite a few losses. HP Fire is admittedly kind of useless, since Thunderbolt does more against Steel, Ice, and Bug types and Dragon Pulse is a better option against Grass types. It's only been useful when 4x effective and against Steelix and Excadrill. I'll have to go back to the coverage calculator for this one, maybe replace it with Power Gem or Signal Beam.
Some videos of problem teams + proof:
Battle 89: F7NG-WWWW-WWW5-BLZZ vs Latias, Articuno, Suicune, Registeel. This is a good example of why Curse users are a problem with this team and I should really try to kill them ASAP. If I fail at that, just KO everyone else, let Trick Room expire, and pray for crits. Warning: long match.
Battle 123: T6EW-WWWW-WWW5-BLP3 vs Braviary, Electrode, Talonflame, Archeops. What happens if the game really hates Hariyama and just throws in a bunch of problematic Flying types at the same time. The bench manages to win this one for me.
Battle 132: D5BG-WWWW-WWW5-BLP5 vs Musharna, Gourgeist, Cofagrigus, Trevenant. Yup, Trick Room vs Trick Room. I ran into these a lot, and the AI does some really strange things like reversing yours just to set it up again the next turn. Mostly these teams weren't an issue since Hariyama KOs everyone with Knock Off, and you always have the option of not even setting up if the other team is already slower.
Battle 174: M2AG-WWWW-WWW5-BLPA vs Metagross, Jynx, Medicham, Gallade. The loss. This battle was kind of misplayed, although the Ally Switch from Gallade REALLY threw me off. I also kept underestimating how much damage Medicham would do to everyone. Lesson learned I guess.
I will give it another go sometime with the changes I mentioned, it's a fun team!

Relaxed Cresselia @ Mental Herb
Trick Room
Helping Hand
Light Screen
Everyone's favorite psychic moon duck, specially RNGed on Black 2 for just this purpose. Its bulk is unparalleled...not once have I seen it get OHKOd. While not the slowest Pokemon around, it has everything it needs to work as a Trick Room setter. It's a really nice supporter as well, with Helping Hand assisting a lot of important KOs and Light Screen increasing everyone's longevity. I considered another support move in the 4th slot but settled on's something productive if Helping Hand wouldn't make a difference and nice for Focus Sashed opponents that really need to be KOd that turn. Mental Herb for preventing Taunt and assuring I get Trick Room up.

Brave Hariyama @ Toxic Orb
Fake Out
Close Combat
Knock Off
Ice Punch
Hariyama fills the role of a powerful Fake Out lead. It assists in getting Trick Room set up, activates Guts, then rolls over everything. It dies in most matches, since the poison damage + Close Combat defense drops make it kind of fragile, but it always leaves a huge dent in the other team before it goes down. Knock Off is so good now and is the primary counter to Ghosts and Psychics, while Ice Punch takes care of Flying types and Grass types if Close Combat is unnecessary.

Brave Escavalier @ Assault Vest
Iron Head
Drill Run
Knock Off
A pretty powerful dude, although I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do with it. Its STAB moves are really handy and it getting Drill Run this gen was a nice addition for dealing with Fire and Steel types. If I go for another run, I'll probably ditch Knock Off (this is reversible now with Heart Scales anyway) and replace it with Protect, since Knock Off feels a bit redundant and there are some situations where I would have liked to use Protect. The Assault Vest would be replaced with Leftovers I guess?

Quiet Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Static -> Mold Breaker
Dragon Pulse
Hidden Power Fire
One of the slowest Megas out there and also one of the highest-powered special attackers. Its STAB moves are ridiculous and have saved me from quite a few losses. HP Fire is admittedly kind of useless, since Thunderbolt does more against Steel, Ice, and Bug types and Dragon Pulse is a better option against Grass types. It's only been useful when 4x effective and against Steelix and Excadrill. I'll have to go back to the coverage calculator for this one, maybe replace it with Power Gem or Signal Beam.
Some videos of problem teams + proof:
Battle 89: F7NG-WWWW-WWW5-BLZZ vs Latias, Articuno, Suicune, Registeel. This is a good example of why Curse users are a problem with this team and I should really try to kill them ASAP. If I fail at that, just KO everyone else, let Trick Room expire, and pray for crits. Warning: long match.
Battle 123: T6EW-WWWW-WWW5-BLP3 vs Braviary, Electrode, Talonflame, Archeops. What happens if the game really hates Hariyama and just throws in a bunch of problematic Flying types at the same time. The bench manages to win this one for me.
Battle 132: D5BG-WWWW-WWW5-BLP5 vs Musharna, Gourgeist, Cofagrigus, Trevenant. Yup, Trick Room vs Trick Room. I ran into these a lot, and the AI does some really strange things like reversing yours just to set it up again the next turn. Mostly these teams weren't an issue since Hariyama KOs everyone with Knock Off, and you always have the option of not even setting up if the other team is already slower.
Battle 174: M2AG-WWWW-WWW5-BLPA vs Metagross, Jynx, Medicham, Gallade. The loss. This battle was kind of misplayed, although the Ally Switch from Gallade REALLY threw me off. I also kept underestimating how much damage Medicham would do to everyone. Lesson learned I guess.
I will give it another go sometime with the changes I mentioned, it's a fun team!