Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Currently at Streak 90. Almost got screwed over by a toxic, leech seed Meganium trying to singlehandedly wreck my team. Also utilized a switch to Kanga when some ghost tries to shadow ball my Aron. Fake out and protect has been quite a huge asset to this team.

edit: on one battle, I've also successfully utilized wide guard + endeavor, and surprisingly with the advent of dual spread moves from 2 opponent's, it has helped me get those last move epic KOs.

edit2: I have now lost my streak at the Maison Super Doubles against the most ridiculous hax ever (a double par hax) on my last pokemon, and the opponent was down to another last pokemon.

I may try my luck at the other super challenges and maybe try to get a better score in super doubles again sometime.

Video here: WV8G-WWWW-WWW5-7JFP

ribbon from 50th
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Congrats on the 104 seems like you could have gone a lot higher, though. I'm not sure why you had Kanga use Fake Out on Ampharos; you had everything you needed to win. You could have KO'd Ampharos with Hitmontop's Close Combat (the first time you used CC did over 50% damage) and done heavy damage to Politoed (if not KOd it outright) with Kanga's Return. If it were still alive, Talonflame would have had a clear shot to KO.

Also, getting parahax two turns in a row has the same odds as getting hit by a single crit (1 in 16); it's not really very rare. Static wasn't that haxy either; I was actually shocked when Kanga didn't get hit with parahax when you used Fake Out. You have a really good team; you just need to be sure to use it to its full potential. That means knowing when to stick to your strategy (Fake Out, Endeavor, etc.) and when to deviate and go for easy kills.
Congrats on the 104 seems like you could have gone a lot higher, though. I'm not sure why you had Kanga use Fake Out on Ampharos; you had everything you needed to win. You could have KO'd Ampharos with Hitmontop's Close Combat (the first time you used CC did over 50% damage) and done heavy damage to Politoed (if not KOd it outright) with Kanga's Return. If it were still alive, Talonflame would have had a clear shot to KO.

Also, getting parahax two turns in a row has the same odds as getting hit by a single crit (1 in 16); it's not really very rare. Static wasn't that haxy either; I was actually shocked when Kanga didn't get hit with parahax when you used Fake Out. You have a really good team;
Thanks, this was my first streak with this team, so I was quite surprised to even have gone this far. But you're right, I could have gone farther had i used a different take on the battle. But yeah, with this outcome of my battle, I can only point the finger towards the parahax now, since it occurred twice.

you just need to be sure to use it to its full potential. That means knowing when to stick to your strategy (Fake Out, Endeavor, etc.) and when to deviate and go for easy kills.
I was cautious about that ampharos, so I decided to use kanga to knock it out for sure with fake out, I didn't realize that parahax would be that much of an issue since I had mach punch on top and sucker punch on kanga. Thanks for watching tho, I may try to use a different strategy on another attempt next time.

I've had some deviations too one time, in an attempt to easily take out one fighting based team, I did switch out top, to abuse intimidate, and to soften damage by shifting to my talonflame, while aron protects, and the outcome was an almost flawless sweep.
I've lurked these battle facility threads for quite a few years now (on and off), ever since the DP Battle Tower thread. Since I finally got around to registering on Smogon I decided to post a current streak of mine.

Super Triples - 150 wins (Unfinished)
Yesterday I was finally able to use PokeBank to transfer a team I'd planned and made since about November. Most battles with this team only take 3 turns. Here it is:

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Timid 252 SpA 6 SpD 252 Spe
Beat Up
Dragon Pulse (I don't quite remember why this is here to be honest, I'll replace it with something else later)

Terrakion @ Wide Lens
Adamant 252 Atk 6 SpD 252 Spe
Rock Slide
Sacred Sword

Latias @ Lum Berry (might change to Focus Sash, since Lum berry is rarely used up and Sash deals with the Maison's ScarfChomp)
Timid 252 HP 6 Def 252 Spe
Helping Hand
Thunder Wave
Sunny Day

These first three are quite simple to use. Protect + Protect on the first two ensure their survival while Latias uses Tailwind to speed up the whole team (Latias almost always gets to use Tailwind since its defenses are quite high and it has maximum speed). On the second turn, Charizard (who outspeeds Terrakion by 7 points, which is important) uses Beat up on Terrakion to maximise its Attack stat (Justified). Latias uses Helping Hand on Terrakion to buff Rock Slide further, and generally all 3 opponents are KO'd in one move. Charizard seems like an odd choice for Beat Up but I decided to turn this into a Sunny Day team in case Terrakion faints.

Heatran @ Choice Specs (the power is quite unnecessary to be honest, and I'm thinking of switching this to Scarf to outpseed a few other Scarfers)
Flash Fire
Quiet 252 SpA 6 SpD 252 Spe(OBLIVIA Heatran is the only one with Eruption, and it is always Quiet nature. Otherwise I would choose Modest)
Earth Power
Solar Beam
Dragon Pulse

Camerupt @ Life Orb
Solid Rock 6 HP 252 SpA 252 Spe
Earth Power
Solar Beam
Lava Plume

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak (might change this to something else but I'm not sure what)
Gale Wings
Adamant (not sure what the EV spread is since I think I screwed up its EV training after forgetting to remove a Power item. I'll rework it later)
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Swords Dance

If Terrakion faints, Heatran typically takes up its position. Charizard's super high power Flamethrower can be used to take out something annoying/Sashed, or it can be used on Heatran to activate Flash Fire. Heatran and Camerupt's Eruptions are ridiculously powerful nukes (as expected). Talonflame is also very useful as a reserve since if Latias faints, it can take its place to set up Tailwind, and if there are very few opponents I just send out Talonflame to finish it faster.

I find Camerupt is a bit unnecessary sometimes, definitely the least used member of the team. Its Ground attacks are pretty handy sometimes to remove any random Flash Fire Pokemon, but those are quite rare. I've been thinking of replacing it with a Sheer Force (special attacker) Landorus instead.

Threats to this team:
Wide Guard (usually Bastiodon 1/4). Against these I typically go all-out offensive against them (Sacred Sword on Bastiodon is a 2HKO due to Sturdy), and if Terrakion faints after that it just clears the way for a Heatran sweep.
Trick Room teams (i.e. Hex Maniac Mara). All out offense on the first turn usually deals with these teams (i.e. skip the Protect+Protect+Tailwind turn) since they just won't get a chance to use TR.
Flash Fire (especially with Heatran center). Opposing Heatrans are usually the most difficult one to deal with since most other Flash Fire pokemon are very squishy and can just be removed first turn by a BB from Talonflame. Camerupt and Terrakion can deal with it though.
Garchomp 3 (i.e. Choice Scarf Garchomp). It can outspeed and KO Latias first turn and I won't be able to set up Tailwind as easily. It also outspeeds Heatran under Tailwind I think (but not Terrakion). Could really screw this team over but I haven't encountered it yet.

There were some other threats to the team but they don't come to mind at the moment.

Proof: Battle 150 (Hex Maniac Mara) - SA5W-WWWW-WWW5-7ML9
I've lurked these battle facility threads for quite a few years now (on and off), ever since the DP Battle Tower thread. Since I finally got around to registering on Smogon I decided to post a current streak of mine.

Super Triples - 150 wins (Unfinished)
Yesterday I was finally able to use PokeBank to transfer a team I'd planned and made since about November. Most battles with this team only take 3 turns. Here it is:

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Timid 252 SpA 6 SpD 252 Spe
Beat Up
Dragon Pulse (I don't quite remember why this is here to be honest, I'll replace it with something else later)

Terrakion @ Wide Lens
Adamant 252 Atk 6 SpD 252 Spe
Rock Slide
Sacred Sword

Latias @ Lum Berry (might change to Focus Sash, since Lum berry is rarely used up and Sash deals with the Maison's ScarfChomp)
Timid 252 HP 6 Def 252 Spe
Helping Hand
Thunder Wave
Sunny Day

These first three are quite simple to use. Protect + Protect on the first two ensure their survival while Latias uses Tailwind to speed up the whole team (Latias almost always gets to use Tailwind since its defenses are quite high and it has maximum speed). On the second turn, Charizard (who outspeeds Terrakion by 7 points, which is important) uses Beat up on Terrakion to maximise its Attack stat (Justified). Latias uses Helping Hand on Terrakion to buff Rock Slide further, and generally all 3 opponents are KO'd in one move. Charizard seems like an odd choice for Beat Up but I decided to turn this into a Sunny Day team in case Terrakion faints.

Heatran @ Choice Specs (the power is quite unnecessary to be honest, and I'm thinking of switching this to Scarf to outpseed a few other Scarfers)
Flash Fire
Quiet 252 SpA 6 SpD 252 Spe(OBLIVIA Heatran is the only one with Eruption, and it is always Quiet nature. Otherwise I would choose Modest)
Earth Power
Solar Beam
Dragon Pulse

Camerupt @ Life Orb
Solid Rock 6 HP 252 SpA 252 Spe
Earth Power
Solar Beam
Lava Plume

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak (might change this to something else but I'm not sure what)
Gale Wings
Adamant (not sure what the EV spread is since I think I screwed up its EV training after forgetting to remove a Power item. I'll rework it later)
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Swords Dance

If Terrakion faints, Heatran typically takes up its position. Charizard's super high power Flamethrower can be used to take out something annoying/Sashed, or it can be used on Heatran to activate Flash Fire. Heatran and Camerupt's Eruptions are ridiculously powerful nukes (as expected). Talonflame is also very useful as a reserve since if Latias faints, it can take its place to set up Tailwind, and if there are very few opponents I just send out Talonflame to finish it faster.

I find Camerupt is a bit unnecessary sometimes, definitely the least used member of the team. Its Ground attacks are pretty handy sometimes to remove any random Flash Fire Pokemon, but those are quite rare. I've been thinking of replacing it with a Sheer Force (special attacker) Landorus instead.

Threats to this team:
Wide Guard (usually Bastiodon 1/4). Against these I typically go all-out offensive against them (Sacred Sword on Bastiodon is a 2HKO due to Sturdy), and if Terrakion faints after that it just clears the way for a Heatran sweep.
Trick Room teams (i.e. Hex Maniac Mara). All out offense on the first turn usually deals with these teams (i.e. skip the Protect+Protect+Tailwind turn) since they just won't get a chance to use TR.
Flash Fire (especially with Heatran center). Opposing Heatrans are usually the most difficult one to deal with since most other Flash Fire pokemon are very squishy and can just be removed first turn by a BB from Talonflame. Camerupt and Terrakion can deal with it though.
Garchomp 3 (i.e. Choice Scarf Garchomp). It can outspeed and KO Latias first turn and I won't be able to set up Tailwind as easily. It also outspeeds Heatran under Tailwind I think (but not Terrakion). Could really screw this team over but I haven't encountered it yet.

There were some other threats to the team but they don't come to mind at the moment.

Proof: Battle 150 (Hex Maniac Mara) - SA5W-WWWW-WWW5-7ML9
I was thinking of using Beat Up + Terrakion in Triples myself; well done! As a side note, Garchomp 3 will almost never appear after battle #40. The only team I can think of that can have it is Worker Rasmus, who uses a Sand team. But I've been keeping a spreadsheet of battles; I've recorded over 400 batles and Rasmus hasn't appeared once. So for the most part, I think you're probably pretty safe. Plus, with the exception of Sand Rush Excadrill (which is only 1/3 of all Excadrill), there isn't much on Sand teams that's fast enough for you to worry about not getting off a Tailwind, with the exception of the mighty Dugtrio.

There's no reason to think that you'd have access to one that can use the older gen Tailwind tutors, but if you did, Latias could theoretically do a tiny bit better than Latias thanks to its +10 base Def and +20 base SpDef.
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I was thinking of using Beat Up + Terrakion in Triples myself; well done! As a side note, Garchomp 3 will almost never appear after battle #40. The only team I can think of that can have it is Worker Rasmus, who uses a Sand team. But I've been keeping a spreadsheet of battles; I've recorded over 400 batles and Rasmus hasn't appeared once. So for the most part, I think you're probably pretty safe. Plus, with the exception of Sand Rush Excadrill (which is only 1/3 of all Excadrill), there isn't much on Sand teams that's fast enough for you to worry about not getting off a Tailwind, with the exception of the mighty Dugtrio.

There's no reason to think that you'd have access to one that can use the older gen Tailwind tutors, but if you did, Latias could theoretically do a tiny bit better than Latias thanks to its +10 base Def and +20 base SpDef.

Interesting. Thanks. I took a quick look at things that could outspeed/speed-tie Latias on the first turn and KO, the only Pokemon that match this is Latios 2/3 with Draco Meteor (clean OHKO on the Specs set and a 56.3% chance on the White herb set), and Choice Scarf Rampardos with Head Smash (25% chance though). Additionally some random Quick Claw users might be able to OHKO it but I haven't checked. Critical hits from some of them can also OHKO (e.g. Weavile's Ice Punch). Apart from that there's not much else.

Does the Mental Herb negate flinches? If it does I might change for that since first turn flinches put me in an uncomfortable situation.
Hey I realize this is rather out of the ordinary, but DHR-107 doesn't have one and I need one to test something - is anyone willing to give/lend me a Lansat Berry?
Ok! I made it to 70 wins with my team of Mmawile, Gengar, and Azumarill. However, I was interrupted this morning by Pokémon bank's release, and I now have access to my favorite Battle Subway Pokémon, Suicune. The question is, what do those of you who are better at this than I am think of replacing Azumarill with Suicune?

Adamant Mega Mawile: Biggums. Heavy hitter as we all know.
252 HP 252 ATK 6 SPE
Sucker Punch
Iron Head
Play Rough

Timid Gengar Focus sash: Subito (Italian for "soon", inspired by her grin) Suicide lead who took a back seat to the very fun and new Mega Mawile that I hadn't already taken through thousands of non-consecutive battles. Much less popular, but if he can 2hko one Pokémon and the next has no priority, burn, or sand/hail, he can DBond the second. When he leads, it is almost always a 2-1 after he dies.
6 HP 252 SPA 252 SPE
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Destiny Bond

Adamant Azumarill @Assault Vest: Azumarill (got him in a trade...) Another fairly popular choice. Redundant fairy coverage, but very formidable.
252 HP 252 ATK 6 SPE
Play Rough
Aqua Jet
Belly Drum (I don't want to get rid of this for Waterfall, which would be wonderful, because I'd have to breed another to get it back)

The Suicune in question is the GAMESTP distributed one:
Relaxed Suicune @Chesto Berry
6 HP 252 DEF 252 SPD (gonna go ahead and fix this crime against nature with a reset bag...)
27/x/31/x/31/x I did not RNG him, I just happened to get a near perfectly defensive one (Yay!)
Calm Mind

The strategy now is to kill as much with Mawile as I can. If a ground threat comes in, I can swap to Gengar to avoid the Earthquake/Earth Power. If fire types come in, Azumarill is happy to help--with over 200 health and Assault Vest, he laughs most fire attacks off. Aside from that, Gengar is a revenge killer that I don't mind sacrificing with Destiny Bond. Azumarill, unless there's a hefty fire type, is usually the last one to come out.

Azumarill offers nice one turn resolution when I bring him in. Play Rough OHKO's so many things it's hilarious. Aqua Jet provides quick ass kickings to the fire types that threaten Mawile, but I feel as though Azumarill doesn't actually do as well as he could against fire types. Since they resist fairy and Aqua Jet has only 40 bp, Waterfall would be necessary to get fire threats quickly neutralized. The swap of Aqua Jet for Waterfall feels like it might not be completely advantageous either.

However, the solution of swapping to Suicune trades Azumarill's one turn resolution into a 9 turn resolution generally against the entire team. The only way I beat the Battle Subway was with Suicune giving exactly zero shits except about massive amounts of terrible luck with paralysis and crits. Really, I guess the deeper question is: acknowledging the speed drop by using Suicune, are there any new threats that weren't in the last generation (or threats I somehow missed then too) that negate Suicune's amazing steadfastness? Or, is there just not enough data about Suicune this generation to say yet?

*EDIT* I saw and tested that you can re-learn egg moves at the Dendemille Relearner if they were bred in Gen VI. I have replaced Belly Drum with Waterfall for now.
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Well I lost whatever I really hate Moltres, this team can't beat four flinches

Streak of 402 blah blah: QGHW-WWWW-WWW5-8EW9

Only thing I could have done differently is sacrifice Haxorus on turn 2, but there is some utility to saving Haxorus in case Raikou comes out on Suicune and I Icy Wind...yeah that's a reach, I guess there's no real reason to keep Haxorus alive but even if I sacrifice Haxorus, if I get flinched three times (in addition to the one on Haxorus) I lose no matter what. Have to hope it randomly uses WoW or Tailwind the first two times I can CM, like it eventually did when I was Resting, cause if it uses AS the first two turns after I sacrifice Haxorus Suicune will be at around 84/200 HP and have to Rest anyway just like it played out, so it's a stupid set up regardless.

Can't even really entertain the thought of baiting Overheat by switching Scizor into two Air Slashes (with the intention of burning White Herb), because that's basically sacrificing Scizor cause it can't take two Modest Air Slashes in non-Mega form (48-56%). Whatever, had a few close calls with this team, always against legendaries but not because they're such great pokemon, more because what likes Life Orb STAB Hurricane and what takes four flinches? Not that much.

Maybe there's a team with Pokebank out now that can actually support standard Greninja because it's definitely better than Starmie, but Suicune is still like the best everymon there is. someone break my record so i can care for no reason again about pokemon (and maybe post my "real" team)
I often feel that the streak competition hasn't really begun until TRE and/or R Inanimate post a big doubles streak, and Jumpman posts one in singles. So good show indeed!

Suicune is still like the best everymon there is. Someone break my record so i can care for no reason again about pokemon (and maybe post my "real" team)

And right on about Suicune. Until yesterday, I hadn't touched my 3DS since December, but Pokemon Bank letting me bring Suicune over means I'm certainly eager to try for a decent Maison streak.
The question is, what do those of you who are better at this than I am think of replacing Azumarill with Suicune?
The question I would ask is this: Can Suicune easily set up Pokemon which give MMawile trouble, or can MMawile already beat the Pokemon which Suicune easily sets up on?
The question I would ask is this: Can Suicune easily set up Pokemon which give MMawile trouble, or can MMawile already beat the Pokemon which Suicune easily sets up on?
Arguably Suicune is better in that regard, since you can set up on Ghosts that pack sub or WoW (or in the case of Chandelure, outspeed and OHKO it). You can also handle steel types more easily, while mawile can handle grass types if you have Fire Fang/Ice Fang.
Having some trouble getting through Super Doubles. More than I thought I would, at least. My original team consisted of:

Tyranitar - Adamant, Sand Stream, 5iv, maxed Attack, 64 SpecDef, 70 Spd, 64 Def EVs, with Bright Powder (switched from Rocky Helmet)

Rock Slide
Garchomp - Adamant, Sand Veil, 6ivs, maxed Attack and Speed EVs, Life Orb

Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Fire Fang
Shiny Aegislash - Adamant, Stance Change, 4iv, 0 Speed, maxed EVs in Attack and HP, Leftovers

Iron Head
Swords Dance
King's Shield
Sacred Sword
M-Kangaskhan - Jolly, Scrappy, 6iv, maxed Attack and Speed EVs

Sucker Punch
Power Up Punch

I got to around 35-40 several times, even getting to 42 once I think. Eventually decided to switch M-Kanga for M-Blaziken (shown below) due to the high amount of Fighting types that cropped up and began just wrecking my team, almost immediately after just 2 wins sometimes, or later on as the streak gets higher.

M-Blaziken - Adamant, Speed Boost, 5ivs, maxed Attack and Speed EVs

Blaze Kick
Posion Jap
High Jump Kick

Switched M-Kanga for M-Blaziken and am still getting into the high 30s, but I can't seem to break out.

Not entirely sure what to do. I have several other perfect IV spread/ability/nature Pokemon available to me, such as Gyrados, Gengar, Scizor, Talonflame, and including what I listed on Page 40, sans Goodra.

Mostly looking for some tips or better type coverage or something. My last streak ended at I think 36, to a Gastrodon and Poliwhirl just sweeping my whole team. Somehow the Poliwrath went last the first turn, then went first and Ice beam killed my Garchomp. (Edit: Rain dance and Poliwrath's HA OP). All downhill from there.

TLDR: Looking for tips on teams to put together for Super Doubles. I can provide exact stats for the Pokemon I bred for the Maison if required.I'm trying to avoid using good stat legendaries transferred from Black 2, as I want these victories to feel "earned" to me. (I know everyone's style is different, this is just how I want to win.) Also open to breeding new pokemon, no problem.
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I got to a streak of 84 with this team
Mega Khan

I lost because I wasn't prepared for a legendary user having Sashed Heatran, who took out my Kanga with a critical Lava Plume. My greninja killed it, then was defeated by a Latios that took an Ice Beam. I send out Chomp, he kills it with Outrage, then he sends out Cresselia. I have the worst luck in history with confusion, so after my 'Rage ends I'm confused, even thought all the cressilia is doing is using Psychic which does like 20% of my health. So ya. I get a SD in, then I hit myself to Death.
Wait, why would Sash matter? Mega Kangaskhan hits twice.

Slavandar, if your big problem is Fighting-types, Mega Blaziken probably isn't the answer; it's not the sort of Pokemon you want to switch into a Close Combat. Ultimately, Doubles is about getting KOs while not getting KO'd yourself (well, all of Pokemon is like that, but anyway). You want your leads to be killing things so your back-ups don't have to do as much work. I'm not really seeing how this team accomplishes that. You lead with two Pokemon who have 4x weaknesses (relatively common ones too), one of them is slow, and neither of them hits all that hard without a turn of set-up (Garchomp hits hard, but not "KO two Pokemon who take neutral damage from Earthquake" hard). If your opponent leads with something with a strong Ice-type move that isn't KO'd be Dragon Claw (and not much is KO'd by Dragon Claw, since it only hits for neutral damage), your only defense is Sand Veil. That's not a position you want to put yourself in. In fact, don't try to use Sand Veil in general. Winning by 20% hax isn't a strategy that will get you too far.

You'll notice the top Doubles streaks that utilize Garchomp all have an EQ-immune partner lead with it, and none of the teams carry any Pokemon that are weak to EQ (in fact, the only one on any of those teams that takes any damage from it is Mega Scizor, who is neutral to it and has better physical defenses than Skarmory). That way, you don't have to incapacitate yourself just to have Garchomp use its only strong move that's super-effective on anything besides Dragon. Gengar is a good option because 1) it's fast, giving it a good chance to either KO something or weaken it so that Garchomp can KO, and 2) it's frail, meaning the AI is more likely to target it with attacks, meaning you can Protect and make them waste their turns and potentially set up Garchomp. Also, don't use Fire Fang. Get something else that can take on Scizor/Ferrothorn and use Rock Slide. FF is just too weak.

I don't like Blaziken in the back, primarily because it can't switch in on much. A cool thing about Aegislash (besides the fact that yours is shiny, of course) is that it can switch in on pretty much everything ever. That said, its EQ weakness is a problem, because you don't want your bulkiest Pokemon to be forced to do nothing just for Garchomp to use EQ safely. The fact that Aegislash is so bulky also makes it more likely that the opponent will gang up on your other Pokemon, which is a problem when Aegislash is too slow to stop them from doing anything about it. You'll probably want something that can switch in on Ice, though; Rotom-W, (Mega) Scizor, maybe even Mega Charizard Y (it doesn't resist Ice, but it does get good SpDef after Mega Evolution and can destroy Water-types with Solar Beam).

If you make the rest of your team better at taking on Fighting-types, I think you'll be a lot happier with Mega Kangaskhan than you are with Blaziken. It OHKOs a LOT with Return (especially if you're Adamant; the added power from Adamant is usually better than the extra speed from Jolly, especially if you run Sucker Punch). Sucker Punch is good at getting KOs on those fast and frail Psychic- and Ghost-types too (Espeon, Alakazam, Gengar, Froslass). Its weaknesses are also really easy to spot too, meaning you can switch it out against Fighting moves. Then you can bring in something like Gyarados; a decently bulky Fighting resist, especially one with Intimidate, can switch in for free, pretty much.

Good luck!
Wait, why would Sash matter? Mega Kangaskhan hits twice.

Slavandar, if your big problem is Fighting-types, Mega Blaziken probably isn't the answer; it's not the sort of Pokemon you want to switch into a Close Combat. Ultimately, Doubles is about getting KOs while not getting KO'd yourself (well, all of Pokemon is like that, but anyway). You want your leads to be killing things so your back-ups don't have to do as much work. I'm not really seeing how this team accomplishes that. You lead with two Pokemon who have 4x weaknesses (relatively common ones too), one of them is slow, and neither of them hits all that hard without a turn of set-up (Garchomp hits hard, but not "KO two Pokemon who take neutral damage from Earthquake" hard). If your opponent leads with something with a strong Ice-type move that isn't KO'd be Dragon Claw (and not much is KO'd by Dragon Claw, since it only hits for neutral damage), your only defense is Sand Veil. That's not a position you want to put yourself in. In fact, don't try to use Sand Veil in general. Winning by 20% hax isn't a strategy that will get you too far.

You'll notice the top Doubles streaks that utilize Garchomp all have an EQ-immune partner lead with it, and none of the teams carry any Pokemon that are weak to EQ (in fact, the only one on any of those teams that takes any damage from it is Mega Scizor, who is neutral to it and has better physical defenses than Skarmory). That way, you don't have to incapacitate yourself just to have Garchomp use its only strong move that's super-effective on anything besides Dragon. Gengar is a good option because 1) it's fast, giving it a good chance to either KO something or weaken it so that Garchomp can KO, and 2) it's frail, meaning the AI is more likely to target it with attacks, meaning you can Protect and make them waste their turns and potentially set up Garchomp. Also, don't use Fire Fang. Get something else that can take on Scizor/Ferrothorn and use Rock Slide. FF is just too weak.

I don't like Blaziken in the back, primarily because it can't switch in on much. A cool thing about Aegislash (besides the fact that yours is shiny, of course) is that it can switch in on pretty much everything ever. That said, its EQ weakness is a problem, because you don't want your bulkiest Pokemon to be forced to do nothing just for Garchomp to use EQ safely. The fact that Aegislash is so bulky also makes it more likely that the opponent will gang up on your other Pokemon, which is a problem when Aegislash is too slow to stop them from doing anything about it. You'll probably want something that can switch in on Ice, though; Rotom-W, (Mega) Scizor, maybe even Mega Charizard Y (it doesn't resist Ice, but it does get good SpDef after Mega Evolution and can destroy Water-types with Solar Beam).

If you make the rest of your team better at taking on Fighting-types, I think you'll be a lot happier with Mega Kangaskhan than you are with Blaziken. It OHKOs a LOT with Return (especially if you're Adamant; the added power from Adamant is usually better than the extra speed from Jolly, especially if you run Sucker Punch). Sucker Punch is good at getting KOs on those fast and frail Psychic- and Ghost-types too (Espeon, Alakazam, Gengar, Froslass). Its weaknesses are also really easy to spot too, meaning you can switch it out against Fighting moves. Then you can bring in something like Gyarados; a decently bulky Fighting resist, especially one with Intimidate, can switch in for free, pretty much.

Good luck!

When it comes to fighting types in the maison there really is no better counter than Aegislash, few, if any, have EQ (and it is normally weak anyway) so you can King's Shield them to death as you SD up to +6, then sweep! The only slight problem with Mega Khan is Gengar, who love to pack status moves or Destiny Bond to ruin your sucker punching (be especially careful of Will-o-wisp). If you really are that paranoid about WoW you best use a Fire Type or something that could care less about burn (either a fire-type, a guts poke, or a special attacker like Starmie or Alakazam).
Having some trouble getting through Super Doubles. More than I thought I would, at least. My original team consisted of:

Tyranitar - Adamant, Sand Stream, 5iv, maxed Attack, 64 SpecDef, 70 Spd, 64 Def EVs, with Bright Powder (switched from Rocky Helmet)

Rock Slide
Garchomp - Adamant, Sand Veil, 6ivs, maxed Attack and Speed EVs, Life Orb

Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Fire Fang
Shiny Aegislash - Adamant, Stance Change, 4iv, 0 Speed, maxed EVs in Attack and HP, Leftovers

Iron Head
Swords Dance
King's Shield
Sacred Sword
M-Kangaskhan - Jolly, Scrappy, 6iv, maxed Attack and Speed EVs

Sucker Punch
Power Up Punch

I got to around 35-40 several times, even getting to 42 once I think. Eventually decided to switch M-Kanga for M-Blaziken (shown below) due to the high amount of Fighting types that cropped up and began just wrecking my team, almost immediately after just 2 wins sometimes, or later on as the streak gets higher.

M-Blaziken - Adamant, Speed Boost, 5ivs, maxed Attack and Speed EVs

Blaze Kick
Posion Jap
High Jump Kick

Switched M-Kanga for M-Blaziken and am still getting into the high 30s, but I can't seem to break out.

Not entirely sure what to do. I have several other perfect IV spread/ability/nature Pokemon available to me, such as Gyrados, Gengar, Scizor, Talonflame, and including what I listed on Page 40, sans Goodra.

Mostly looking for some tips or better type coverage or something. My last streak ended at I think 36, to a Gastrodon and Poliwhirl just sweeping my whole team. Somehow the Poliwrath went last the first turn, then went first and Ice beam killed my Garchomp. (Edit: Rain dance and Poliwrath's HA OP). All downhill from there.

TLDR: Looking for tips on teams to put together for Super Doubles. I can provide exact stats for the Pokemon I bred for the Maison if required.I'm trying to avoid using good stat legendaries transferred from Black 2, as I want these victories to feel "earned" to me. (I know everyone's style is different, this is just how I want to win.) Also open to breeding new pokemon, no problem.
Why not swap in Talonflame? Priority Brave Bird absolutely murders Fighting types (+ immune to Garchomp's Earthquake too!). Also, Rock Slide on Garchomp > Fire Fang. Lead with Talonflame + Garchomp, Talonflame will destroy whatever Steels that you wanna murder with Fire Fang. On your M-Kanga, Crunch may be an option also over Earthquake to get rid of those Ghost types that do nothing but spam status (Focus Sash Gengar with Hypnosis comes to mind).

EDIT: Yache Berry is an option to consider on Garchomp also, just because there are some pokes that spam non-STAB Ice Beam vs Garchomp (from my experience in Super Doubles). Yache lets you live through those and allow for 1 more killed/weakened AI poke.
I was thinking of using Beat Up + Terrakion in Triples myself; well done! As a side note, Garchomp 3 will almost never appear after battle #40. The only team I can think of that can have it is Worker Rasmus, who uses a Sand team. But I've been keeping a spreadsheet of battles; I've recorded over 400 batles and Rasmus hasn't appeared once. So for the most part, I think you're probably pretty safe. Plus, with the exception of Sand Rush Excadrill (which is only 1/3 of all Excadrill), there isn't much on Sand teams that's fast enough for you to worry about not getting off a Tailwind, with the exception of the mighty Dugtrio.

There's no reason to think that you'd have access to one that can use the older gen Tailwind tutors, but if you did, Latias could theoretically do a tiny bit better than Latias thanks to its +10 base Def and +20 base SpDef.
I just went up against Worker Rasmus in the Maison, he sent out Scarf Garchomp on the far-right (facing Latias). I thought it'd screw me over hard but it opted to use Earthquake (against Terrakion) instead of targeting Latias. Hopefully it always does that so I can rule it out as a threat...

As a side-note I just hit 245 straight wins, passing AccidentalGreed.
So after reading the responses to my post I'm thinking about a Talonflame (Adamant/Gale Wings/Life Orb) and Garchomp (Adamant/Sand Veil/Yache Berry) lead, with Gengar (Timid/Levitate/Focus Sash) and M-Kanga (Jolly/Scrappy) as back up. Appropriate IVs EVs for their natures/move sets. Talonflame has Roost, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, and Brave Bird, while Gengar has T-Bolt, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, and Shadow Ball. Let's see if this team (along with some better combat decisions on my part) does any better. Replaced Garchomp's Fire Fang with Rock Slide since he's paired with T-Flame now. M-Kanga still has EQ, Return, PuP, and Sucker Punch.

Edit: 2nd battle, Hydreigon with Surf? You have to be kidding me.
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So after reading the responses to my post I'm thinking about a Talonflame (Adamant/Gale Wings/Life Orb) and Garchomp (Adamant/Sand Veil/Yache Berry) lead, with Gengar (Timid/Levitate/Focus Sash) and M-Kanga (Jolly/Scrappy) as back up. Appropriate IVs EVs for their natures/move sets. Talonflame has Roost, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, and Brave Bird, while Gengar has T-Bolt, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, and Shadow Ball. Let's see if this team (along with some better combat decisions on my part) does any better. Replaced Garchomp's Fire Fang with Rock Slide since he's paired with T-Flame now. M-Kanga still has EQ, Return, PuP, and Sucker Punch.

Edit: 2nd battle, Hydreigon with Surf? You have to be kidding me.
You'll probably want to use Jolly Garchomp. Kangaskhan gets away with an Adamant nature because it's hugely bulky, only has one weakness, has priority, and can't outspeed +Speed nature base 100s anyway (going for a speed tie usually isn't going to work out in your favor). Kangaskhan also outspeeds +Speed nature base 85s with an Adamant nature, which is an important target given its typing (it outspeeds Sawk and Heracross). But Jolly Garchomp outspeeds all base 100s, while Adamant Garchomp is outsped by +Speed nature base 90s. The speed bracket Adamant Garchomp fails to outspeed dangerous Pokemon like Jynx, Houndoom (Will-O-Wisp), Salamence, Hydreigon, Haxorus, Slaking, Flygon, and Lucario. Talonflame can beat some of them, but others (like Hydreigon) can give you problems.
Hi guys.
I am currently making a team to take on the 1v1 battle masion.
I am struggling when it comes to team members but so far I have settled on:
Mega Charizard Y
Dragon Pulse, Air Slash, Solarbeam, Flamethrower
Aegislash@idk maybe life orb
Kings Sheild, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Sacred Sword

and I am stuck on the last member. I have been thinking a dragon such as Garchomp or Dragonite but I am not sure what it is good/bad so I am looking for some help!
Hi guys.
I am currently making a team to take on the 1v1 battle masion.
I am struggling when it comes to team members but so far I have settled on:
Mega Charizard Y
Dragon Pulse, Air Slash, Solarbeam, Flamethrower
Aegislash@idk maybe life orb
Kings Sheild, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Sacred Sword

and I am stuck on the last member. I have been thinking a dragon such as Garchomp or Dragonite but I am not sure what it is good/bad so I am looking for some help!
Garchomp might work out better than Dragonite. Both Charizard and Dragonite are weak to Rock type attacks (e.g. Aerodactyl Rock Slides), which Garchomp resists. Can consider putting Leftovers on Aegislash just so you have recovery during your King's Shield turns.
Garchomp might work out better than Dragonite. Both Charizard and Dragonite are weak to Rock type attacks (e.g. Aerodactyl Rock Slides), which Garchomp resists. Can consider putting Leftovers on Aegislash just so you have recovery during your King's Shield turns.

Thanks for the reply!
Yeah I notice there is a pretty big Rock/Ground weakness there that would make it hard to switch. If a poke has Stone edge and EQ idk what to do. Is that a big enough problem to change a mon for? Also what kind of leads are the best here?
Thanks for the reply!
Yeah I notice there is a pretty big Rock/Ground weakness there that would make it hard to switch. If a poke has Stone edge and EQ idk what to do. Is that a big enough problem to change a mon for? Also what kind of leads are the best here?
If I recall correctly, usually the pokes packing both Rock Slide/Stone Edge and Earthquake are weak to Water. But Water doesn't synergise well with Mega Charizard-Y at all. My (not very valuable) personal opinion is that Mega Charizard-Y is more suited for Doubles/Triples, as it can achieve much greater team synergy in those formats.

As for leads, go for high speed and power ones I guess. 3v3 is fast, so you usually want to KO stuff fast and/or avoid some of the flinching crap that is frequent in Maison. You can refer to the first post on some of the high streaks and what they used (I already forgot what I used to achieve my Super Singles win as it was too long ago and I forgot to save the video... I only remember I definitely have M-Kanga).
At 40 in Super Doubles with Talonflame/M-Kanga lead and a Gengar/D-Nite back up. Doing pretty good with this team. The AI seems to send out pokemon that are strong against my reserve, but weak against my lead. Occasionally I lose Talonflame pretty early but haven't had a problem with D-Nite/Gengar's clean up so far. I considering switching out Gengar for Greninja but didn't really see the reason, as Greninja's coverage isn't entirely necessary.

Edit: Just got legendary checked at 41. Lol.

J8WW-WWWW-WWW5-BCXC. Shoulda focused Cobalion for a first round KO but stupidly tried to Brave Bird OHKO Landorus for some reason. Still recovered pretty well. Thank god for Slow Start. What a useful ability.

Well okay I guess every time a Veteran comes out it's legendary time.

Edit 2: Got to 50! Time to work on Triples.

Once I complete a streak of 50 for each Supers mode, I'll start working on long running streaks. Can't wait!
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Thanks for the reply!
Yeah I notice there is a pretty big Rock/Ground weakness there that would make it hard to switch. If a poke has Stone edge and EQ idk what to do. Is that a big enough problem to change a mon for? Also what kind of leads are the best here?
If a Pokemon has Stone Edge and EQ, you can stall it out of its best moves. If Charizard is in, switch to Aegislash. The AI will use SE. Now, use King's Shield with Aegislash. The AI will use EQ. Switch to Charizard. The AI will use EQ again. Switch back to Aegislash; the AI will use Stone Edge. Rinse and repeat until the AI doesn't have any more PP for either of those moves.

Manipulating the AI's tendency to use the strongest move against whichever Pokemon you have out is pretty much the key to getting high streaks in Super Singles.

EDIT: Watch out for Choice Band sets (Aerodactyl 4, Armaldo 4, Tyrantrum 4), since obviously, they won't switch moves.