Battle Maison Discussion & Records

i found out how to worst case trade 2 for 2 on the maison, is there a pokemon who can win always 1v1? i thought about chansey with counter or something.. what do u think?

Nothing, and I repeat nothing, beats everything 1v1 without previous setup. Flinches, freezes, choice scarves, crits, etc. can and will cause problems in unexpected ways as you go, which is the danger of relying on lots of 1 for 1 exchanges. I suspect, if you have a team built to maximize such exchanges, that you already are using a Focus Sash poke, but if you aren't, Destiny Bond Focus Sash Gengar is able to trade 1 for 1 a very high fraction of the time. However, note that the Destiny Bond user is KOed before the victim of the Destiny Bond, so Gengar functions best as a lead, and his Destiny Bond won't save you in a third poke on third poke situation.
u can play latios on maison?, i already have a mega on my team thats my prob.. i wanted 2 play kanga :x

i played destiny bond, Retaliate kanga before what is really op, but iam still searching one pkmn.. i would make those 1000 wins lol.. my first 2 pkmn are so broken x) no dragon btw

what do you think about a icepunch/endure/reversal/xx Sawk with sturdy? and that speed berry on low life to make sure u always will attack at least 2 times?
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u can play latios on maison?, i already have a mega on my team thats my prob.. i wanted 2 play kanga :x

i played destiny bond, Retaliate kanga before what is really op, but iam still searching one pkmn.. i would make those 1000 wins lol.. my first 2 pkmn are so broken x) no dragon btw

what do you think about a icepunch/endure/reversal/xx Sawk with sturdy? and that speed berry on low life to make sure u always will attack at least 2 times?
Latios doesn't take up your mega slot, so you can use Mega Kangaskhan and Latios if you want. Unless you somehow have the unreleased Latios mega stone...

Reversal doesn't seem like a good strategy if the AI's Pokemon resists or has an immunity to Reversal. That, and if they have a priority move/out speed your Sawk/sand/hail/Stealth Rock/mold breaker to break through Sturdy you're down a Pokemon.
So what I'd really like now is a Flash Fire Typlosion to pair with a Sableye/Mega Banette so I can spam +1 Eruptions all day long. So let's hurry up with those HAs, Gamefreak.

In the meantime, I've been trying different stuff out in Doubles/Rotation, since those are the two I enjoy most. I decided to mess with my Rotation dream team of Mega Ttar + Aron by letting the Mega slot go to Banette, since I really want Banette to do well fsr. Well in 10 battles (51-60) I haven't seen Banette do anything really impressive, although it's pretty much guaranteed to Destiny Bond at least one thing.

I did end up with one battle that had a really funny end, though.


Gotta love that Garchomp...
The team I used to get to 50 in rotation got to 85 before I got destroyed by some punk guy. He lead with Weaville which scares the shit out of Dragonite as Ice Punch can OHKO through Multiscale and can also be carrying a Focus Sash, the rest of his team were fire mons which threaten Aegislash so I figured I would either try to setup with Volcarona (even though it can barely touch his team apart from Weaville) or switch in Kangaskhan, but I dont really like giving up a turn to switch when you can rotate and make a move on the same turn, so I opted for Volc. It turned out to be the wrong choice because Choice Scarf Darmanitan killed it with Stone Edge (which hit every time this match). After I got Kang in I got comfortable and just spammed Return but he got finished by Weaville, which meant I just had 'Nite and Aegi to finish it for me. Apart from Aegi tanking a +1, sun-boosted Flamethrower from Ninetales, I couldn't really get anything else right and lost. I've tried a few mock battles and won every single time just by keeping 'Nite in and sweeping... So yeah pretty disappointed it ended this early as I definitely think I can get much higher but finding the time to do these streaks is hard so thought I'd post this one anyway

Here's the team from my last post:


Dragonite @ Lum Berry

Adamant 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

Volcarona @ Sitrus Berry

Flame Body
Bold 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Speed
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Roost


Aegislash @ Leftovers

Stance Change
Adamant 196 HP / 252 Attack / 28 Def / 28 SpDef / 6 Speed
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword


M-Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite

Scrappy -> Parental Bond
6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Crunch

So I like playing Rotation battles. What I like is that it's sorta like better singles, you get like a pseudo team preview and the AI actually switches rotates half strategically. Also all stat changes and status do not reset when you rotate so you can boost in something that can't hurt you's face then swap to something better and save your boosts for later, so I wanted to base my team on bulky boosters, except I pretty much stole Artic's singles team because I stumbled across it and it's so damn good. At first I just had 'Nite and Volc and figured I needed a rock slide/type counter. I nearly went with Mega Lucario but then I just fell in love with Artic's Aegi build, and then I could use my mega slot on arguably the best mega in the game instead as backup... I think this team works pretty well and I want to see if I can take it further (Rotations was the last trophy I needed and I legit just beat her so haven't gone past 50 yet). So any advice is much appreciated

Here's the video against Morgan: 45YW-WWWW-WWW6-WXEG. She makes some weird decisions, like rotating her Cobalion out of 'Nite who was locked into Outrage (her only resist). If she had left him in to take it then I would have been left wondering what to do, but since she pretty much sacrificed Virizion to it I was left with the easy decision of clicking Earthquake, except I didn't expect Cobalion to live a +1 EQ and absolutely wreck me with Metal Burst, but that was all she managed.

the loss: LRVG-WWWW-WWW6-3NBU

a close call right before the loss: K69W-WWWW-WWW6-3NBQ


  • rotation 85.jpg
    rotation 85.jpg
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no.. i got a team which will worst case trade 2 for 2 pokemon, iam just searching for a third pokemon which can always 1v1 win on maison, could a 3-6v ditto with speeditem always win 1v1? iam not sure if ditto can copy every stat or if it stays lower.. i would use mega kanga but i already have a mega pkmn..
no.. i got a team which will worst case trade 2 for 2 pokemon, iam just searching for a third pokemon which can always 1v1 win on maison, could a 3-6v ditto with speeditem always win 1v1? iam not sure if ditto can copy every stat or if it stays lower.. i would use mega kanga but i already have a mega pkmn..
Uh, I just checked back your previous few posts on this thread and I don't think I see your 2 pokes that you currently use? It would be easier if you let us know what you are using currently, as there is no surefire 1v1 win poke (even M-Kanga dies if it gets into 1v1 against a Close Combat Infernape, for example).

Regarding Ditto, it copies ALL stats (including stat changes) of the opposing poke, except for HP. Hence the use of Choice Scarf-ed Ditto in Ubers. :p Still, Imposter Choice Scarf Ditto is not a sure 1v1 win, just because you may run into situations where all 4 of the copied moves are not very effective against your opponent.
i dont want to share my cheap team already.. so a max HP Ditto with quick powder (doubles speed) would always attack first right? sure it copys every stat? iam afraid that ditto only copys the statchanges.. on a competition fight on youtube with ditto, he couldnt attack first with ditto :/
Ditto is bad against any Curse user (and there are plenty of them), since they typically invest in HP and SpDef and aren't strong enough to 2HKO themselves. My guess would be that either Multiscale Lum Berry Dragonite with Dragon Dance or Mega Kangaskhan has the best one-on-one odds; Dragonite is less afraid of status but is slower and less likely to outspeed and OHKO the things it's weak to, and it is really afraid of crit Dragon-type moves and most Fairies. Suicune is amazing and destroys most things one-on-one, but it's really afraid of Electric and Grass-types; Calm Mind doesn't work too well when a single crit results in a loss.

I don't know what your strategy of trading two for two is, but I can almost guarantee that, over the span of a few hundred battles, it's less reliable than you think. Quick Claw and Brightpowder have a way of messing things up, and if you're using something like Destiny Bond, you'll run into opponents that try to KO with something other than an attacking move, or they'll get an annoying flinch to mess you up. Mega Banette is very reliable and it can go offensive to KO things that don't try to attack it, but it's really the only Pokemon that can do what it does. You can run Scarf Gengar or Froslass or whatever to try to get a quick Destiny Bond, but you run the risk of being KOd by priority or Quick Claw. So even cheap "double Destiny Bond" strategies can fail to get their 2-for-2, and as we've pointed out here, there's no one Pokemon that can KO everything reliably enough to make that sort of strategy consistent over the long run. Pretty much any amazing one-on-one Pokemon you try to think up has a decent chance of being slaughtered by Walrein 4 (Lax Incense, Sheer Cold, Fissure, Rest, Sleep Talk), at the very least.
thanks for the message vapor, like i said, 2 for 2 is just worse case, but u are right, i just dont wanted 2 use dragonite again or kanga since everybody uses it :/
but i just got a fire punch kanga and will try maison again, my last lose was on 195 with dragonite kanga azumarill, i will switch azumarill out and use my new fire punch kanga with Retaliate and a new pkmn.. wish me luck

btw vapor, do you have skype or something? would like to private message you about some things
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In regards to proof, would a picture of my highest winning streak suffice? I mean, I would rather not lose a battle for the proof. I will link a picture if this is possible.
In regards to proof, would a picture of my highest winning streak suffice? I mean, I would rather not lose a battle for the proof. I will link a picture if this is possible.
Pretty sure Eppie is fine with that, since quite a number of us have done exactly just that. By posting a photo of the conversation with the Records lady. :)
EDIT: NoCheese I actually ran into a ton of Sand/Hail users when I spammed Focus Sash Destiny Bond Gengar, so it's not exactly always a 1:1 exchange either.

Oh, I completely agree! I was merely pointing out that Gengar is one of the more reliable options, but indeed, weather messes it up (as do the usual flinches, freezes, priority, etc.). As I noted, nothing is a perfect 1v1 poke.
Any chance one of you guys who has a bunch of BP built up could spot me an ability capsule? I was breeding a few mons for my first potential maison team and hatched a shiny 31/31/31/x/31/31 love ball buneary, but obviously it hatched with run away. Shoot me a vm if you are up for it!

edit: got one, I think!
Lost #44 to a Super Singles Terrakion. I go to Steel Wing it with my Talonflame lead, it goes first and one hits me. How was it faster? Serebii says it's max speed at 50 is 144, 160, or 176 depending on nature. My Talonflame is 178 speed. There was no Quick Claw.
Lost #44 to a Super Singles Terrakion. I go to Steel Wing it with my Talonflame lead, it goes first and one hits me. How was it faster? Serebii says it's max speed at 50 is 144, 160, or 176 depending on nature. My Talonflame is 178 speed. There was no Quick Claw.

Terrakion 2 has a Choice Scarf.
Woot, I just beat the Singles Chatelaine! I used cant say's team with only one modification: I had Azumarill hold a Sitrus Berry instead of a Wide Lens, and I replaced Aqua Tail with Waterfall.

Video: RBVG-WWWW-WWW6-435R

awesome man! did you also run less HP IVs so that you can Belly Drum at full health and activate the berry? coz they're like the two changes I would make.

I took the team and continued on after 50 just to see how far it would go so I could edit that into my post before starting fresh, I'm currently on 110 so I'll update when I lose

EDIT: and just like that I've fallen to the curse of 'posting your ongoing streak and then losing right away' at battle 111. I was against an Avalugg with Azu and every time I've faced them they've hit Azu with Avalanche which does next to nothing damage, so I clicked Belly Drum because it's about a 4hko with Aqua Tail/Play Rough otherwise, and ended up being killed by Stone Edge. If I had bothered to put a Sitrus Berry on like I had planned it would have worked... After I killed the Avalugg with Kangaskhan out came Electrode which out-sped both Kanga and Talonflame (I went for Flare Blitz) and one-shot them with Thunder. I would provide the video but I forgot, and it's not a leaderboard streak so yeah...
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Hello everybody!

This is my first post on Smogon, so be gentle!

I've lurked this particular thread for a little while now, and I've been tinkering with my own Super Singles team. It did surprisingly well, reaching 118 straight wins before losing in part to a bad decision. No shitty hax this time, YAY! So, without further ado, here is my team:

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Jolly nature, Multiscale
Max EVs in ATK/SPD


  • Fire Punch

  • Dragon Dance

  • Outrage

  • Roar
A majority of the time Dragonite can sweep by itself with +1 DD and Outrage. Roar is there to shoo away pesky leads such as Umbreon/Ferrothorn/other pokes with Curse/Leftovers, that way I can set up on a different poke.

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Timid nature, Levitate


  • Thunderbolt

  • Dazzling Gleam

  • Shadow Ball

  • Destiny Bond
Gengar is my favorite Pokemon, and I finally found a way to utilize it in battle! More on that later. :)

Kangaskhan @ Kanghaskhanite
Jolly nature, Scrappy ---> Parental Bond
Max EVs in ATK/SPD


  • Fake Out

  • Return

  • Sucker Punch

  • Power-Up Punch
Basically Mega Kangaskhan is an excellent insurance policy in the event that Dragonite and Gengar faint before expected.


Ideally, Dragonite sets up with 1 or 2 Dragon Dances, then sweeps through with Outrage/Fire Punch. If this doesn't work, Dragonite usually takes care of the first poke, then is able to at least whittle away the health of the second poke. Gengar then comes in, finishes off second poke, spams Destiny Bond to faint third poke. 95% of the time either of these scenarios happened; I rarely had to bring in Mega Kangaskhan, but she cleaned up things nicely.

Also of important note is that I never switch out Dragonite, even against ice types. Switching out not only costs me a turn, but makes me susceptible to possible status or super effective moves. I get whatever damage I can, then once Dragonite faints, Gengar and Mega Kanga take care of the rest.


Battle starts off with Blissey. I set up +1 DD and faint it with Outrage. In comes Glaceon. Dragonite is then confused and unable to get off an attack. Glaceon faints it. Gengar comes in and 2HKOs Glaceon. Talonflame is the final poke. It outspeeds Gengar and faints it.

Kangaskhan, you're my only hope!

I used Fake Out for a fair amount of damage, which activates Flame Body and puts some serious hurt on me. This is where I made the wrong decision... I was afraid that Talonflame would KO me with its next attack, so I used Sucker Punch instead of Return (which probably would have done the trick). Sucker Punch was pretty powerful, but that cursed bird had a Sitrus Berry! Ugh. However, one Flare Blitz and burn damage and I'm still alive and kicking. I use Sucker Punch one last time and get its health in the red, like 10%... then Talonflame faints me with Brave Bird. Bastard.

All in all it was a great battle, one that I'm not seething mad about losing. lol

Thoughts and constructive criticism are most welcome!
Nothing in particular I can think of... Adamant would probably be a better nature in retrospect. That extra boost to attack would have been helpful in some battles
awesome man! did you also run less HP IVs so that you can Belly Drum at full health and activate the berry? coz they're like the two changes I would make.

I took the team and continued on after 50 just to see how far it would go so I could edit that into my post before starting fresh, I'm currently on 110 so I'll update when I lose

EDIT: and just like that I've fallen to the curse of 'posting your ongoing streak and then losing right away' at battle 111. I was against an Avalugg with Azu and every time I've faced them they've hit Azu with Avalanche which does next to nothing damage, so I clicked Belly Drum because it's about a 4hko with Aqua Tail/Play Rough otherwise, and ended up being killed by Stone Edge. If I had bothered to put a Sitrus Berry on like I had planned it would have worked... After I killed the Avalugg with Kangaskhan out came Electrode which out-sped both Kanga and Talonflame (I went for Flare Blitz) and one-shot them with Thunder. I would provide the video but I forgot, and it's not a leaderboard streak so yeah...

Thanks! I actually ran less HP EVs by accident initially, but it has worked out very well. Sucks to hear you lost, although it certainly surprised me that Electrode OHKO'd your Kangaskhan; it doesn't have the highest SpA.

EDIT: 252 SpA Electrode Thunder vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Kangaskhan: 130-154 (36.9 - 43.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Thanks! I actually ran less HP EVs by accident initially, but it has worked out very well. Sucks to hear you lost, although it certainly surprised me that Electrode OHKO'd your Kangaskhan; it doesn't have the highest SpA.

EDIT: 252 SpA Electrode Thunder vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Kangaskhan: 130-154 (36.9 - 43.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

oh yeah nah kanga was already way down on health because I tried setting up PoP's on Avalugg only to cop a massive Avalanche to the face. I also preach using Crunch over Sucker Punch for reliability, which makes it annoying that having it in this situation would have meant victory but hey what can you do? During my run I only really had trouble with workers (ground/rock/steel teams) and Avaluggs because all 3 of my team were physical attackers which had huge trouble getting past their typings/physical defences. I've considered Overheat over Steel Wing on Talonflame but on the off chance Avalugg is sturdy you still lose. Doesn't really matter in the end, I only continued the streak so I didn't feel guilty starting from 50 with a new team, and I ended up getting the Lansat berry out of it!