[Beginner] Heroic Characters Mafia: GAME OVER! Playable Characters win

It was a dark and gloomy day in New York. As everyone gathered around, the many people bustling around the city could notice many figures in the sky. It was many helicopters, flying about above the city, vehicles entering, all gather towards one spot. Dead center of an abandoned warehouse in the slums. As the helicopters, automobiles, everything possible dismissed the many people who went inside, as everyone gathered around, they noticed two figures hovering above them. You could call them the ‘neutrals’ of this group, but nonetheless, they looked scary as heck. But, nobody was afraid. You’re not a coward, after all.

You’re heroes.

Only you can finally end this eternal conflict with evil... Good luck...

1. Every person gets a role PM through PM. If you don’t get one once the game starts and you’re on the player list, let us know. Role PM’s can be faked(And encouraged if you’re mafia), so don’t trust everything that’s posted. Inspections, however, will always be correct. This is beginner, I’m being nice. Do not give out your role PM until Day 1, and don’t screenshot role PM’s or anything related to the game, or the admin’s will have my tail.

2. Every night will be 48 hours unless said otherwise. Most people will have night actions, but I can’t say if anyone will have a day action. If you don’t want to do anything that night, make sure to send in a PM to loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, saying “Night X - Idling”, X being whatever night it is. Don’t worry about putting a Day idling thing, I’m not that cruel.

3. Every day will be 48 hours unless said otherwise. During the day, you can vote to lynch someone. Most people use “lynch <User>”, but you can use whatever flavor, as long as it’s obvious you’re lynching <User>, not just using flavor for flavor’s sake. Once majority is reached(Don’t ask about majority), the person will get a grace period of a given 2 hour minimum, or else 1/4th of the remaining time. If you don’t want anyone to be lynched, there’s also a “No Lynch” option. If you vote for someone dead or not in the game, it will be counted as “No Lynch”

4. You can paste anything that the hosts tell you, unless said otherwise. You can fake logs with us. If you need help faking logs, we’re always here, me and Darkpenguin67. Impersonating a host or user, however, isn’t allowed. Don’t do it, or else.

5. No deadtalking. Basically, when you die, don’t talk about the game. Mafia players can discuss things with other people within their mafia, but otherwise, don’t talk about the game once you die. Someone might be able to revive or something, but, still, don’t talk about the game.

7. If you have any questions about role PM’s, rules, roles in general, heck if we missed a period in your role PM, let us know. We’ll answer or help out with whatever. It’s what we do. Might not be the answer you like, but hey. We’re hosts.

8. This is a beginner game. Just because you’re a beginner is no excuse to do something stupid. I expect you to at least think your actions through, or else I have a right to Meteor you, or maybe just kick you out of the IRC chat. Refer to rule 7 if you think you might do something bad.

9. If you sign up, you better as heck be active. If I have to sub someone out, you’ll be on Santa’s naughty list. Yeah, I went there, don’t cry now. I don’t like subbing out.

10. Let me put this easily. I hate godkilling. If you’re told you are to be godkilled if you do something, don’t do it. If you do it, you won’t only be godkilled, but put in the wall of shame. Also, don’t try and shove someone to godkill themselves, even if they’re Spiffy and you just want them dead.

11. Darkpenguin over there and myself MUST be given access to any spreads or IRC channels you make for the game. It’s the rules, we’ll stalk the chat/spread or answer anything you ask in there(Maybe not the way you like it, but eh.)

12. If these rules and your role PM don’t match up all the way, the role PM takes power of the rules.

13. Talk to me and Darkpenguin. We like listening to you about the game so we know what not to do, or what to do for the next game. Plus, it makes postgame spicy epic. Mainly me, but if I’m not hanging around, talk to the penguin.

14. If it’s unusual, it might be true. Remember, it’s lkk. Expect the unexpected with some things.

15. This game isn’t open theme, but it is. If you can’t tell by the faction name who would be in that faction, then you should go get your eyes checked. Seriously, it should be somewhat obvious that you’re not going to find Cyrus of Galactic as a Playable Character.

16. Rule 6 was hit by a Meteor. Don’t ask anything more about it.

As you look over towards the neutrals after deciding who would conflict the evil, they both rip of black cloaks. The first one ripped off her cloak elegantly to reveal...

loudkirbyking said:
Dear loudkirbyking,
You are Naminé.

You are the Nobody of Kairi, through some sort of odd events in which not even the creator of this role PM knows everything about it. Anyway, you have the ability to mess around with the memories of every person near Sora, but mainly Sora himself. Through this, you mixed his memory up, then fixed it back over a while, but this had it’s own large set of problems. Who cares, the fact that you can do this and know this much is awesome, even more that your non-existant data version knows that much also. Smart girl, eh?

At anytime, you may send a PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, titled “Night X - Scramble <User1>’s memory and give it to <User2>”. You will mess with <User1>’s memory and have it so that <User2> receives it all. This will cause <User1> to be subbed out for <User2>, and all their role PM data to be transfered with the memory.

Also, at anytime, you may send a PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, titled “Night X - Open a dark portal near <User>”. You will open a portal into darkness, and shove <User> into it before closing it. This will automatically remove <User> from the game.

You are allied with the Hosts. You win if you don’t have to use your powers more then 2 times

The second, however, ripped his off in a quick motion and throws it high in the air. He looked much more frightening.

loudkirbyking said:
Dear Darkpenguin67,
You are Zero.

You are a mysterious man who kidnapped 9 people to play a twisted game. You can control every point in your game. Though at the end you reveal that it was all a set-up yo make sure you your self die. You enjoy manipulating the game and its contestants.

At any time, you PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, titled “Day/Night X - Detonate the Bomb in <User>”. A bomb inside user will explode , killing them instantly. <User> will be dead.

At any time, you may PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67 “Day/Night X - Switch <User 1> and <User 2> numbers”. <User 2> will receive <User 1> numbered bracelet and effectively become <User 1>. <User 2> will be subbed out for <User 1>.

You are aligned with the Co-Hosts. You win if you successfully host the game.

As the two looked over, they noticed that many people questioned this girl and whether or not they should just eradicate them. “I’ll handle this!” One of them yelled out as he threw a bomb right at the girl. Without warning, the man suddenly shot it down without a care, as the bomb thrower was suddenly sent into a dark portal made by the young lady.

loudkirbyking said:
Dear billymills,
You are Bomberman.

Though silent, you hold a massive amount of bombs. By grabbing random tiles, you get stronger to a point of being able to run super fast, lay 9 bombs in a row, and have them blow up across the stage. Whoa. Through countless games, you’ve continually gotten more bomb skills and allies.

At night, you may send a PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, titled “Night X - Kick two water bombs at <User>”. You will kick two of your special water bombs at <User>, which will then fuse into a dangerous bomb. This bomb, with it’s square shape, will kill <User>.

You are allied with the Playable Characters. You win if you defeat all resistance.

Without any more questions, everyone decided to listen to the two.

“My name is loudkirbyking” The girl suddenly spoke up. “What I shall tell you right now is the situation. You all Playable Characters have been infiltrated by the Movie Heroes who have decided to revolt against the sheer popularity that is of you, and the Somewhat Heroic Villains who have decided to end your life once and for all. We have provided you with some special ways to stop them, but, as neutrals, we are not allowed to interfere beyond that. We are only here to answer questions.” And with that, the Nobody revealed a small portrait of a certain light warrior from a sketch book on it. “May your light shine brightly, much like his.”

With that, the man spoke up. “I am known as Darkpenguin67. We have created a place for all of you to discuss what is going on. It’s called #heroic so feel free to use it. Also, I will warn you. Some of your foes are lurking among you right now..."

With that in mind, you decide to get some names of the others. They are...
shuckles my hero

Dead guys
RaRe555 - Killed N1 - Shot with energy - Bodyguard - Playable Characters
Snunch - Killed N1 - Hit with a meteor - Reverse Martyr... I guess... - Playable Characters
Infinity.Cypher - Killed D2 - Lynched - Bodyguard/Safeguard - Movie Heroes
Empoof - Killed N2 - Hit extremely hard - Flavor adder/Announcer - Playable Characters
Terrador - Killed N2 - Hit with a meteor - Hooker - Playable Character
Mastadi - Killed D3 - Lynched - Hooker/Inspector - Somewhat Heroic Villains
Jalmont - Killed N3 - Hit with a meteor - BPV - Playable Character
kd24 - Killed D4 - Redirected lynch hit - Watcher - Playable Character
Athenodoros - Killed N4 - Shot with energy - Killer/Question asker - Somewhat Heroic Villains
Rediamond - Killed N4 - Hit with a meteor - Alliance Checker - Playable Character
Metal Bagon - Lynched D5 - Lynched - Bodyguard+Safeguard - Somewhat Heroic Villain.
TalkingLion - Killed N5 - Hit extremely hard - Twin - Playable Character
Mithril - Killed N5 - Shot with energy - Silencer/Messenger - Somewhat Heroic Villains
Cereza - Killed N5 - Shocked - 1-time lynch redirector - Movie Heroes
danmantincan - Killed D6 - Lynched - Killer+Alliance checker - Movie Heroes
Snike - Killed N6 - Shot with energy - Twin - Playable Character
Xaqwais - Killed D7 - Lynched - Wolf - Neutral
Chomz - Killed N7 - Blinded by a laser - Safeguard - Playable Character

Do not post until all role PM's are sent out. I will respond when they are, saying so.
All role PM's should be out. IF you didn't get one, let me know.

As all of you begin to gather, a large boulder suddenly flies out of the sky and causes massive chaos! With that... the two hosts decide to immediately call it a day before someone throws something bigger.

It is now N0. N0 ends in 48 hours from this post. Please feel free to do whatever. Also, when you make your good luck posts, as a band of users, please say how long you think we should make the deadline during Christmas and the breaktime.
woo first mafia game underway. I'll try not to break rule 8 too much, all I ask in return is please dont randkill me!

I'm fine with short deadlines over Christmas
Well I'll start the ball rolling and say that I'm going to step forward to lead the village in bold because then people read it. I have a good roll for getting the ball rolling and stopping moles in the early game which I will post D1, and I've lead before, so for now I'd just like the Inspect to target me tonight. Everyone else can keep doing whatever it is that they feel like doing, but the inspect should target me tonight so that he can claim to me tomorrow and we can start everything going.

For reference, and to try to convince everyone early, I am Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and while I realise that she looks like a Somewhat Heroic Villain, just take solace in that it would be a dumb fakeclaim because of it. I'd also like everyone to PM me basic information about themselves - their role name and flavour would be good, because it means that I might be able to get an easy catch, which means we can actually be productive tomorrow. Which would be cool.

And I don't really care about deadlines over Christmas. 2 days is still fine.
Gl.hf I may need 72 hour dealines after christmas. Also please dont give away your roles abillity to Athen yet. I mean look how easy it is to fake claim.

[/fake] Hi guys Im leading the village, all claim. I am Darth Vader from starwars and while I realise that he looks like a Somewhat Heroic Villain, just take solace in that it would be a dumb fakeclaim because of it. I'd also like everyone to PM me basic information about themselves - their role name and flavour would be good, because it means that I might be able to get an easy catch, which means we can actually be productive tomorrow. Which would be cool.[fake]

Let me just say I am not Darth Vader.

Also what is the mafia channel?
Best of luck everyone, and have fun. Also, those who claim to be village leaders can and will destroy the village if they are fake. Not that I can pass any judgement on Athenodors yet, but please don't claim hastily. Ask LKK what happens to people who claim to the first fellow who steps up.
Gl.hf I may need 72 hour dealines after christmas. Also please dont give away your roles abillity to Athen yet. I mean look how easy it is to fake claim.

[/fake] Hi guys Im leading the village, all claim. I am Darth Vader from starwars and while I realise that he looks like a Somewhat Heroic Villain, just take solace in that it would be a dumb fakeclaim because of it. I'd also like everyone to PM me basic information about themselves - their role name and flavour would be good, because it means that I might be able to get an easy catch, which means we can actually be productive tomorrow. Which would be cool.[fake]

Let me just say I am not Darth Vader.

Also what is the mafia channel?

Mafia channel is #heroic.

I'm going to also have to second Terrador and shuckles my hero's suggestion about not claiming to Athenodoros. If he can't tell us what his role his we shouldn't be trusting him. And the fact that he says that his role sounds like a somewhat heroic villain is all the more reason we should be worried about claiming to him.

So I'd like to throw my name out there for the leadership position of the village. First off my role name is Arthur, as in the Knights of the Round Table Arthur, who is undeniably neither a villain or a movie star, but a heroic character. I'm also willing to tell you my role which is a BPV. Before you start suspecting me of that, I'd just like to say that BPV's are almost always village, and that a mafia would not attempt to lead the village claiming a BPV this early. And finally, I specifically requested to lkk to be given a village role with one that could possibly attempt to lead the village. And of course, as soon as D1 rolls around I will post my role PM.

At the very least, I would like an inspector to clean me (or Athenodoros, whichever one the inspector thinks would be better at leading).
And what does being a legend/myth have to do with it? The village is Playable Characters not Legendary Characters or Mythical Characters or Heroic Characters.

The name of this game itself is Heroic Characters. While I guess you do have a point that Arthur isn't exactly a playable character I really don't see how he would be a movie star (because he isn't). I'm guessing that some characters aren't playable character but are villagers (like me). That would make sense seeing as how the game is closed theme, but isn't.

Edit: I don't know what Myth Mafia is seeing as I wasn't around during the game -__-
You guys have the worst names ever. I'm leading this village.

I am Luigi, and am undeniably a playable character. I am a weak role, so you guys won't lose much in the event that I die. I'm pretty sure my name (because we're seriously shouting out about it) is completely safe, I mean come on, haven't ya heard of the Mario Bros.?

You guys should all claim to me, and not Athendoros or Jalmont. If an inspector would like me cleaned, I would much appreciate it.

EDIT: I am a twin.
okay since evryone else is doing it I'll claim. I'm Red which you know is a playable character. I think that the inspector should target me tonight cause, Im awsome. I think that I should lead the village as I'm just as clean as everyone else.
I am being serious about the claim. I wouldn't claim till tommorow as then people can post there role pms and what not.
if this keeps going, by the time the night is over half the village's role names will be public so i ask that no more people step up to lead, we already got 3 so at the very least one of them has to be village.
GL everyone. Let's try not to denounce anyone yet without hard proof but that Arthur claim is interesting in that it could be a playable character but Jalmont isn't making it sound like it so far :< Flavor could also makes sense depending on his role PM so we'll see.