[Beginner] Mob Mafia - Game over! The M.O.B. win!

Da Letter El has been subbed in for CharizardKiller (Inactivity). He cannot post in the thread, talk by PM, or get on #mob for a half hour.

EDIT: Sorry Charizard, I hate to sub people out, but rules are rules. Good luck in your next Mafia game!
UncleSam has been subbed in for mewtwo15026 (Inactivity). He cannot post in the thread, talk by PM, or get on #mob for a half hour after logging in.

HitoriRaven has been subbed in for shuckles my hero (Inactivity). He cannot post in the thread, talk by PM, or get on #mob for a half hour after logging in.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Listen up bitches

OK guys since this village is in disarray and my role is perfect for leading I am stepping up. I don't give a rats ass about anyone else who has stepped up because clearly that isn't working.

auramaster said:
Dear UncleSam,
you are Zihark.

You are a sword-wielding Myrmidon from Daein. After falling in love with a half-beast, half-man creature called a Laguz, you fought for the rights of all Laguz against your home country. You joined the M.O.B. to stop the pointless bloodshed.

At night, you may send a PM to coolking49 and auramaster titled, “Night X - Use Killing Edge on <user>”, you will slash <user> with your Killing Edge and get a critical hit, killing them. However, your Killing Edge only has 1 use left, so use it wisely.

You are allied with the M.O.B., you win if all threats are eliminated.
As you can see from the update for Day 2...
Day 2 Update said:
LifeAdmiral’s body is found under one of the tables. He has a couple small cuts, and a large slash across his chest.
I am telling the truth about my role. The fact that no other kills have had a similar flavor also proves that I am village 100%. Additionally, my role is now useless so if the mafia waste a kill on me "lol".

Everyone is to claim to me NOW.

If anyone does not claim within 12 hours they will be labeled as mafia. If anyone has the old village sheet I want access to that now as well. I also want EVERY SINGLE NIGHT RESULT you have had thus far compiled into 1 PM please. I will be gone for a while today but I will be on IRC later to evaluate what claims I have received by then. If you want to appear as village, I suggest claiming by the time I get back on IRC.

Also I want to know if you have claimed to anyone else yet or not, I presume people have but who knows.


Edit2: Oh right and in case I wasn't clear about this the bodyguard is to protect me tonight.
* Now talking in #mob
* Topic is ' It is now Day 5. Day 5 ends Thursday at 5:00 GMT, or when majority is reached and the grace period has ended.'
* Set by auramaster on Tue Mar 01 21:00:05
<UncleSam> also you arent even playing
<Objection> I know
<UncleSam> xaqwais
<UncleSam> claim
<UncleSam> now
<Xaqwais> wait what
<UncleSam> you may check thread
<UncleSam> if you want
<Objection> I'm just saying that without the inspector's aok you are not 100% clean
<UncleSam> you have three minutes
<UncleSam> otherwise you will be labelled as mafia
<UncleSam> times ticking
<Objection> eh fine nvm
<HitoriRaven> So basically, what I said Objection?
* Bliss has joined #mob
<UncleSam> 2 minutes xaqwais
<Objection> great minds think alike :P
<HitoriRaven> oh yeah xD
* iiMKUltra has joined #mob
<Xaqwais> hm
<Objection> hey iimk
<UncleSam> xaqwais you have one minute
<iiMKUltra> hey
<Bliss> Sent
<UncleSam> iimkultra i will lead us to victory
<iiMKUltra> i us
<UncleSam> i saw bliss
<Objection> 16:32	UncleSam	iimkultra i will lead us to victory
<iiMKUltra> is us trying to get xaq sub
<Objection> iimk was mafia lol
<iiMKUltra> yeah
<UncleSam> oh really
<UncleSam> i thought he was village?
<iiMKUltra> lead the dead mafia to victory
<UncleSam> or was he just leading
<Objection> pffff
<UncleSam> w/e
<iiMKUltra> also
<iiMKUltra> what the fuck was aura thinking
<Objection> you know, you should check the thread of the game you're subbing into
<Xaqwais> I diunno I'm like overly cautious of giving out role pms
<UncleSam> oh btw hydrattler hitoriraven xaqwais i want night results too
<iiMKUltra> subbing dle into
<UncleSam> xaqwais times up
<Xaqwais> Kay.
<UncleSam> either confess or claim
<Objection> don't worry xaq, he always does this
<Objection> regardless of whether or not he's  a villager
<HitoriRaven> Oh yeah
<UncleSam> no?
<Objection> oh wait, you actually had an inspection of a mafia in fallout3
<Xaqwais> Go easy on me, smogon mafia is so crazyily different
<Xaqwais> rm
<Xaqwais> erm*
<UncleSam> i am proven by the hosts
<Xaqwais> I think. I'll wait it out
<UncleSam> look at the kill flavor
<UncleSam> xaqwais you may not know this
<UncleSam> but not claiming=mafia
<UncleSam> just letting you know
<Objection> wrong!
<UncleSam> um no lol
<Bliss> Objection objected
<UncleSam> objection is just retarded
<HitoriRaven> It just means they're cautious
<Objection> not claiming = mafia or paranoid villager
<HitoriRaven> There. Ya see?
<UncleSam> villagers cannot afford to be fucking cautious on d5
<UncleSam> d1 MAYBE
<UncleSam> but even then its dumb
<Bliss> They can't afford to be dumb either
<UncleSam> being dumb=not trusting the dude who has proven his role publicly
<Objection> I should've been more paranoid in mythology
<UncleSam> dur?
<iiMKUltra> you should have got a fucking backup
<iiMKUltra> and who did you get moled by?
<Objection> I would
<Objection> if you trusted the vilalge inspector]
<iiMKUltra> not my fault
<iiMKUltra> i was freaked by that inspection result
<Objection> I had zero confirmed villagers
<Objection> I had zero confirmed non-villagers
<iiMKUltra> take a risk
<Objection> I did
* HitoriRaven has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Objection> It backfired
<iiMKUltra> i did it with you
<iiMKUltra> ah
<UncleSam> objection you did you just cant figure this shit out
<iiMKUltra> who was it?
<UncleSam> in fallout makiri was a confirmed non villager
<Objection> stevensnype
<UncleSam> you couldnt figure that out either
<iiMKUltra> oh come on
<iiMKUltra> snype was confirmed mafia
<iiMKUltra> hydrattler ratted him out
<Objection> Hydrattler could'veb een making that upo
<iiMKUltra> true
<Objection> Hell, snype himself made up all the info about his "teammates"
<UncleSam> xaqwais is mafia
<iiMKUltra> but he shouldn't have been the first person you turned to
<UncleSam> just letting everyone know
<UncleSam> so you can lynch him d6
<Xaqwais> Look at it from my (inexperienced view).  You are either mafia with a fake claim to find power roles, or someone who uh, wants a transfer of leadership from dukefan and that throws me off
<UncleSam> have a nice day
<Objection> iimk
<Objection> Who exactly was the first person I should've turned to
<UncleSam> brb posting in the thread
<iiMKUltra> hmmm
<UncleSam> could someone post so i dont have to double post
<iiMKUltra> whoever had the hooker claim
<iiMKUltra> that wasn't flamestrike
<Objection> There were two hooker claims!
<iiMKUltra> <iiMKUltra> that wasn't flamestrike
<iiMKUltra> his was really poorly written
<Objection> At least flamestrike talked to me
<iiMKUltra> i was going to talk to snype
<Objection> the real village hooker did nothing
<iiMKUltra> and then decide who to lynch
<UncleSam> objection it does not fucking matter if people "defend" themselves
<UncleSam> there is evidence and there is lack of evidence
<iiMKUltra> that's the problem with beginner though
<UncleSam> that is all there is in mafia
<iiMKUltra> a poor claim is pretty big evidence
<Objection> So no reasoning unclesam?
<UncleSam> xaqwais has a really fucking poor claim
<Objection> notice I didn't even use the word logical or fallacy
<UncleSam> objection you can figure out what is actual evidence and what isnt
<UncleSam> that is all there is to it
<Objection> ok then unclesam: define them
<UncleSam> i didnt say them once lol
<Objection> what counts as actual evidence?
<UncleSam> where did i say them
<iiMKUltra> whatever differs from a village norm
<iiMKUltra> talking to the leader not so much
<UncleSam> xaqwais dukefan lynched a villager
<Objection> iimk: *cough*danman*cough*mythology*cough*
<iiMKUltra> as flamestrike is hardly a beginner
<UncleSam> he is either a shit leader or mafia
<UncleSam> either way he needs to be replaced
<iiMKUltra> dmtc had a well written claim
<iiMKUltra> it was a weird fucking role
<iiMKUltra> but the claim had no errors
<iiMKUltra> that wasn't really a fair game though
<UncleSam> oi hydrattler bliss know that xaqwais is mafia in case i die k?
<Objection> And besides, even if someone is 100% confirmed villager, how do I know I'll get some help from them if I turn to them?
<iiMKUltra> the village were screwed from n1
<Objection> That relies on activity
<iiMKUltra> because any non-retarded villager will want to help their leader
<Objection> And the real village hooker did not speak to me once
<iiMKUltra> just wait til they get on irc
<iiMKUltra> and talk to them
<Objection> I don't think I ever saw him on irc
<Bliss> Heard you Sam
<iiMKUltra> who was it?
<Objection> alphajolt i think
<Objection> yeah
<Xaqwais> Heh, refusing to claim for the time being is full proof of being mafia, hah.
<Objection> it was alpha
<UncleSam> yes it is xaqwais
<UncleSam> if you had played before
<UncleSam> you would know that
<Xaqwais> This is my first mafia game, I've been overly cautious and follwoing baandwagons all the time
<UncleSam> only mafias dont claim
<UncleSam> thats what mafias do
<UncleSam> to blend in
<Objection> unclesam: factor in stupidity
<UncleSam> and avoid randkills
<UncleSam> ok its possible xaqwais is a fucking retard
<Xaqwais> Yeah please factor in stupidity.
<UncleSam> but in that case
<UncleSam> he is still a good lynch
<UncleSam> so whatever
<Bliss> He's calling himself an idiot
<Xaqwais> I might still have a good role though
<Objection> hell, I remember in everybody starts somewhere, the village hooker was acting like a retard
<Bliss> What a moron
<UncleSam> i really don care
<UncleSam> if you have a good role
<UncleSam> if you dont claim with it it is useless
<iiMKUltra> that is a problem with beginner, i admit
<iiMKUltra> but people will never learn
<iiMKUltra> without beginner games
<Objection> Correct
<Xaqwais> Yeah, but from my point of view I have no proof you're mafia or not, why would I claim to random people.  Seems counter productive to me.
<Objection> And I did learn something from mythology
<Objection> Don't give info to people just because they ask for it
<iiMKUltra> ugh i wish i could deadtalk
<UncleSam> wtf do you mean no proof
<iiMKUltra> nice job onjection
<UncleSam> i am 100% proven
<UncleSam> i killed the wolf
<UncleSam> look at the fucking flavor
<Objection> Next time I'm leading a village
<UncleSam> and what do you think "here is my role pm" was supposed to be?
<UncleSam> if not proof?
<Objection> I'm going to need a one-size-fits-all answer to everyone's questions
<Bliss> Yes
<Objection> Until I know that they are villagers
<iiMKUltra> personally i think i did well
<iiMKUltra> i only made one mistake imo
<Objection> Yeah you did
<iiMKUltra> i should have said in the thread
<Bliss> Personally, I think you should shut up iimk
<Objection> *did well
<iiMKUltra> 'other bg, on me, you know who you are'
<iiMKUltra> what is your problem bro
<Objection> ...
<iiMKUltra> i haven't done anything to you
<iiMKUltra> most people like me
<Objection> which game were you talking about just then iimk?
<iiMKUltra> i'll leave it at that
<Bliss> Cool story bro
<iiMKUltra> myth
<Objection> we had two bgs?
<Xaqwais> Role pms can be faked right?  I mean I know I'm not a good mafia player (specially in the style that smogon goes by it) but in a game where anyone can fake a claim, it seems dumb to give your role pm
<iiMKUltra> there wasn't another bg
<Xaqwais> to jsut anyone
<Objection> oh
<UncleSam> xaqwais beginners just claim
<UncleSam> they dont beat around the bush like this
<iiMKUltra> but if the mafia thinks there is, and he's on me
<iiMKUltra> they wouldn't have killed me
<UncleSam> unless they dont even have a fake up and are mafia
<iiMKUltra> or it would have been less likely
<UncleSam> everyone knows i am clean just based on the flavor
<UncleSam> i mean the fucking host said it
<UncleSam> either the host lied or i am clean
<UncleSam> brb
<Xaqwais> So beginners are expected to make reckless decisions.  Listen, if you want my role, talk to dukefan and check it with me
<Objection> yeah I am still noob
<iiMKUltra> you're getting better
<iiMKUltra> unlike some people
<Xaqwais> Just because I'm new, doesn't mean that I'm gonna just gonna be gung ho, I'd think new players would tend to be more cautious, but again, i'm new.
<Bliss> I p much claim to everyone
<Bliss> If I don't think the leader is trustworthy, it may not be a fully true claim
<Objection> I think my claiming strategy in the beginning of fallout3 mafia was a good one
<iiMKUltra> what was that?
<iiMKUltra> claiming to anyone but us was a pretty good strategy
<Objection> There were multiple people trying to be leader
<Objection> So I gave them my character name
<Objection> And one bit of flavour from my role pm
<Objection> And said "if you want more, prove you're village"
<Objection> That way, I don't give away too much info to the wrong people, while also hopefully not looking too suspicious to the right people
<Objection> oh snap it's five to! gtg
* Objection is now known as Objection|afk
<iiMKUltra> bye
<Hydrattler> bye
<Xaqwais> later
<UncleSam> back
* Bliss has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<UncleSam> xaqwais i still lack your claim
<Xaqwais> I'm still scared of sending it haha.  I gave my role to ILL recklessly, and to dukefan after he told me what it was.  Other people/person have asked and I didn't give
<Xaqwais> just cause I'm playing overly cautious
<UncleSam> i love liza was village
<UncleSam> very reckless of you
<Xaqwais> Yeah, I had no where to go at the beginning of the game
<iiMKUltra> lol
<UncleSam> xaqwais
<UncleSam> you are mafia
<UncleSam> admit it
<UncleSam> i might be able to work something out with you
<UncleSam> to lynch the other mafia
<UncleSam> otherwise you get lynched
<Xaqwais> I'm not.  If you lynch another villager, will someone else come up to replace you?
<UncleSam> either your faction is guaranteed to lose a man tomorrow or you only *might* lose a man tomorrow
<UncleSam> w/e xaqwais
<UncleSam> btw dukefan just claimed to me so "lol"
<UncleSam> everyone with half a brain
<UncleSam> knows im 100% clean
<Xaqwais> I apoligize for that then.
<UncleSam> including you
<UncleSam> no you arent stupid
<UncleSam> you just dont have a fake claim
<UncleSam> ready
<UncleSam> which is quite honestly preposterous considering it is n5 but hey, beginner mafia, whatcha gonna do?
<Xaqwais> Yeah I didn't think it'd be necessary to make a fake claim as a villager but uh, yeah, my bad.
<UncleSam> "lol"
<Xaqwais> also uh, I'm confused why would duke fan need to claim to you when he posted in the thread?
<Xaqwais> Was he not showing a power role or something?
<UncleSam> i have no clue what that means but he claimed to me because he knows im village
<Xaqwais> Didn't dukefan already put his role pm in the thread itself, once he took leadership?
<UncleSam> anyhow ill be on later
<UncleSam> not that i remember
<iiMKUltra> yeah he did
<UncleSam> ya i just found it
<UncleSam> but anyway i wanted him to forward his pm anyway
<UncleSam> to check for inconsistencies
<UncleSam> later
* UncleSam has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
This massive block of text is the "proof" that I'm mafia. I didn't claim to UncleSam because I've played a good portion of this game super cautious, and wasn't gonna claim to a new village leader. Call it ignorance but that's how I went about it.

It doesn't make sense to me that apparently the current village leader isn't allowed to make mistakes but
<UncleSam> ok its possible xaqwais is a fucking retard
<Xaqwais> Yeah please factor in stupidity.
<UncleSam> but in that case
<UncleSam> he is still a good lynch
<UncleSam> so whatever
I apologize if not claiming is a mistake, but it didn't feel like the thing to do. I've essentially followed the village leader closely this entire game (as you can see from all my votes and junk) and it doesn't seem right to me to just switch leadership over a mislynch when the impeacher is fine if there is a mislynch himself.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Just posting to say that ginganinja and ditto are to be lynched before anyone else, so we can avoid any mislynches if I die.

I want everyone to know that I am ensuring we have capable leaders in the case of my death, in case the mafia decides to invest a safeguard and kill into killing a vanillager.

Edit: If you are village and have a night action this night and I have not yet sent you a PM or a query on IRC, please send me a PM ASAP.
It is dark. Some of you are sleeping soundly, some are still awake, with the cliff proving uncomfortable for most of you. As the sun rises, one thing wakes everyone up. You jolt awake as the loud voice yells and screams through the group; the mountain echoes make it impossible to tell who’s yelling.

Loud Voice said:
As you ponder the meaning of this now-quiet voice, everyone looks around and remembers the events of last night. Some of you are still bruised from the fall, while others mourn after the hope of their fallen friends returning, only for them to disappear once more. The face of Allied and Axis soldiers, young men tortured by the path and terrible conditions of this war, are burned into your minds. Some of you do a headcount, and notice 3 people missing.

The first is, surprisingly, The General. He has disappeared from the group, with no clue of where he is, or why he left. He’s too strong to be kidnapped, so he must have left on his own, but why? This announcement causes some confusion, with a few of you thinking of heading back home, but the general consensus is to keep going to the destination a little further up the mountain. Everyone turns to their new leader, to see what he thinks, but UncleSam is found dead. He has a large burn mark on his back, and is barely hanging on the side of the cliff.

Role PM said:
Dear UncleSam,
you are Zihark.

You are a sword-wielding Myrmidon from Daein. After falling in love with a half-beast, half-man creature called a Laguz, you fought for the rights of all Laguz against your home country. You joined the M.O.B. to stop the pointless bloodshed.

At night, you may send a PM to coolking49 and auramaster titled, “Night X - Use Killing Edge on <user>”, you will slash <user> with your Killing Edge and get a critical hit, killing them. However, your Killing Edge only has 1 use left, so use it wisely.

You are allied with the M.O.B., you win if all threats are eliminated.
As you wonder why UncleSam wasn’t a member of J.E.R.R.Y., a strange sound is heard from above. Some of you can’t believe their eyes when men are falling from the sky and bouncing off the mountain peaks to their doom. A few pass close to the cliff you currently stand on, causing several to back up. The rest of you are used to falling men by now, and wonder what’s coming next. You smell some fruit in the air, and look around for food, when you notice something far less appetizing.

Xaqwais is laying on the ground, not together like UncleSam, but in a million pieces. A small piece of paper he was carrying is also in millions of pieces, now flying around as the wind picks up. A few of you run around like chickens with their head cut off, trying to catch the scraps of paper, while someone else pulls out their Pokedex to learn about Xaqwais.

Role PM said:
Dear Xaqwais,
you are Togekiss.

You are a powerful Normal/Flying Pokemon introduced in Gen IV as the evolved form of Togetic. You fly around the world seeking kind people, and bring them gifts and blessings. The current war is causing a lot of death and unhappiness, so you joined the M.O.B. to help stop the war.

At night, you may send a PM to auramaster and coolking49 titled, “Night X - Hax <user>”, you will use Thunder Wave/Water Pulse/Headbutt/Flash/Serene Grace on <user>; it will do almost no damage due to you holding back your power, but <user> will be haxed into not doing anything that night.

You are allied with the M.O.B., you win if all threats are eliminated.
With two M.O.B. members gone, not even a wonderful view can cheer up the group. However, some of you are hiding joy behind a face of false sadness.

Sending out night results now, don’t post until all night results have been sent out.
Lynch Spiffy

auramaster said:
You sparred with HitoriRaven last night, and determined that he is capable of kidnapping people for the day.
I received those results from a MOB member. Spiffy is kidnapper. So let's get this Spiffyroll going.

And just to clarify the results to those who don't pay attention, Spiffy subbed for HitoriRaven

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