BIG Signups - Heartless Mafia

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dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

After the defeat of Darkside, the rest of the Heartless were thrown into chaos. Purebloods had no leader, and Emblems refused to submit to each others' authority. Eventually, six small clusters of Heartless arose from the chaos - Red Nocturne, Orange Aria, Yellow Opera, Green Requiem, Blue Rhapsody, and Purple Concerto. Those who had been left outside the walls of these groups wished to get in at all costs, leaving many Heartless as mercenaries willing to offer their strengths to whoever would take them. It's dangerous to fight alone, you see. You will decide your own fate - find a group looking for your assets, or die with nobody around you, forgotten. The choice is yours.
approved by like 3 mods


1. While you are alive, feel free to talk about the game. Once you have died, you may only speak with the members of your faction, NOBODY ELSE, and do not share information you gained after death. You can help your team once dead.
2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste their Role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Yeti if you want to make a fake.
3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. If you think there is an error in your PM, contact me, do not attempt to fix it. If your role is not clear, contact me. All PMs should be in the same format. I may have missed a letter or something in a PM.
4. You may paste things the host tell you, but DO NOT pretend to be another player or me. PM if you want to fake a log with me. No screenshots. No anonymous alts on IRC or any other medium either please.
5. Each Day period will last 48 hours at the start, then be removed after Day 6. There are no grace periods. The day will end early if majority is reached on the vote as soon as I am on to update.
6. I don't think stealth lynching will do a lot for you in this game but if you want, then you can.
7. To vote, bold "<flavor> <user>". To change, make another post with "CHANGE" and the same in bold. You may not no lynch in this game. Ties will be solved with a coin flip or dice roll with each member of the tie being assigned a side. To cancel your vote, bold "unvote".
8. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received. This will be cut to 24 as people die.
9. If you want to target dead people, you can, but you will more than likely get nothing out of it.
10. Priorities have been set beforehand. You don't get to know them until the game ends.
11. There are many items in this game.
12. There are no Day Actions in this game.
13. Inform Yeti of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Registered IRC nick is Yeti (or firefly), email is the same it's always been, if you need it, let me know.
14. IRC will be REQUIRED in this game and other users may be very annoyed if you don't have it. It's not that hard to gain access to: you never have to pay to use mIRC if you hit Continue twice, Mibbit is free, etc.
15. Send all PMs to HOST ALIAS. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX - Idling" so I know you are active. You may submit actions on IRC but make sure I confirm I have added it. You may also use your subforum to submit your team's actions using a CLEARLY LABELED thread/post. Don't make me read 5 different posts to see your final action for each player.
16. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. I will send a warning PM if you do not show to the channel and/or send a PM. After that, you will be subbed. I DO NOT EXTEND DEADLINES unless it is critical you get an extra hour to talk or someone had to be subbed that was relevant to discussion. Inactivity is not an excuse and you will not be babied. I will sub you if necessary, but please don't idle.
17. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.
18. I will actually write a good Postgame for this game, so please tell me your thoughts about the game, keep your sheet up to date, and talk big talk about how you're feeling.
19. There may be neutrals in this game, discounting the Mercenaries.
20. If you post while silenced/kidnapped/break a restriction or anything similar you will be godkilled. If you try to obtain Lady Salamence nudes you likely will be greeted by images of a male.
21. The official IRC channel will be #heartless so please join.
22. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a result PM but did not, you should contact the host that performed the last update, or the other one if they appear to be free to review your case. It is very likely your results may be in a thread in your team's subforum instead of PMed to you, especially as the game goes on.
23. This game is a 6-team multifaction recruiter mafia. There are numerous lone mercenaries and 2 original members of each faction. Each faction needs the other 5 dead to win as well as any other hostiles.
24. Each team begins with a recruiter who recruits during the DAY. If two+ teams target the same mercenary they will all fail the recruit. You will be alerted when you can no longer recruit mercenaries.
25. Each team holds an item that cannot be stolen: the ____ Uniter Orb. During any cycle, two teams may attempt to merge their orbs. This will 'merge' their WCs: they will still need their individual orb and keyblade requirements, but they no longer require each other dead. You may only unite with one faction and you may only try this once. This means the game could be reduced from 6 factions to 3. At least one member of a faction must be alive when the game ends to win even if they have merged, EG: there are 6 members of the Teal+Gold alliance, but all 6 are Teal. Gold does not win, they needed a 5-1 split.
26. Each team requires 2 orbs of their color to win, as well as another requirement regarding a keyblade or additional orbs. All the orbs that will exist have started on the mercenaries. Keyblades are distributed via lynch.
27. Each team has a vault: a teammember may sacrifice their day vote or their night action to place an orb or keyblade in the vault. This item cannot be removed or thieved from the faction and is safe until the game ends, but you may only place items relevant to your WC into your vault. No hoarding someone else's orbs.
28. All rolenames have been taken from this page: All the keyblades can be found on the site as well. There will be 6 total keyblades, some of which may have an action to be performed.
29. I have written all the PMs following the example given.
30. If you need clarification regarding a specific of your role, please ask before you do something dumb with it, but they should all be pretty clear.
31. The winner of the lynches on D1-6 will be given the Keyblade posted for that day. After D6, there will be no more lynch unless a keyblade was not distributed. A shift to killing lynches will likely only give snowballing teams a further advantage. There are 6 individual keyblades to be distributed. They can be destroyed before use via sacrificing a vote/night action, or can be used in addition to a night action, but they will vanish upon use. They can also be stored in a vault.
32. ONCE YOU ARE RECRUITED THERE IS NO WAY TO BE UNRECRUITED, RERECRUITED OR CONVERTED. I don't want people being left out of the circle of trust on suspicions.

Aura Guardian
More Cowbell
Da Letter El

Signups end in 48 hours or if the maximum number of people the game can hold is reached. I will post the Anon Forum and PM your username/pass when the game begins. You will find your role PM waiting for you on the forum. The secret forums for all factions will be set up.
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About this rule:
No anonymous alts on IRC or any other medium either please.

Why??? This means no means of anonymous contact with those teams you only know members based on smogon names :(
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