Bird Domination! A UU Rmt!

Hello everyone and Welcome to my 3rd (at least i think its my 3rd) rmt. once again, i am exploring the world of uu. what can i say, i love uu. the team im about to post used to be next to unstoppable. but now, has hit a brick wall after the tier changes. ive tried adding a few things here and there, but to no avail, which is the reason why i am here now.

ok done talking. time for the team i guess.




Clear Body
Careful Nature. 252hp/102def/156spd
Iron Head
Stealth Rock

Ive had to switch the set around a little bit. Stealth rock is typical, Toxic is for wearing down pkmn who generally annoy me, Iron head is Stab, and Earthquake is a backup move, and for electric switch in's. Even without no ev's in attack, Earthquake do decent enough damage to some of my more annoying leads. and more importantly, it has a chance to 2 hit ko raikou. something that raikou fails to do, even after a calm mind.



Adamant Nature. 252def/54hp/204atk
Rapid Spin
Ice Shard

this however, is a standard donphan set. rapid spin is essencial. from what you see in the title, i needed a spinner. assurance is used to hit incomming ghost types, who otherwise give me problems. Earthquake is typical stab, and What donphan isnt complete without ice shard? I have now realized that the 2 biggest problems i have this pkmn is utterly useless with, so i need a replacement in this spot. the only requirement: IT MUST BE A SPINNER!!! so, i am open to options here.



Volt Absorb
Calm Nature. 40hp/218def/252spd
Confuse Ray
Thunder Wave

Can you think of another pkmn that checks the electric weakness so well in the world of uu? i couldnt, and thats why lanturn is here. I tried a Custom set when lanturn had heal bell (this is when registeel has rest,) but it was wasting set up time, so i switched it to the parafusion set. although i dont like beating pkmn by hax, one cannot argue with the results. Confuse Ray and Thunderwave make up the reason why this set exists. Both are excellent scouting moves, and always catch people off guard. Surf is typical stab, as is Thunderbolt, which also attempts to cover 1 of my weaknesses, but it normally dosent work. as you can see, my walls all share weaknesses with another wall (in some form or another.) This is where my Sweepers come in.

Steel Killer


Molters@Life Orb
Modest Nature. 252spa/216spe/42hp
Fire Blast
Hidden Power Grass
Air Slash

This spot was originally for Honchkrow, but since its bl (even though i got no complaints as long as oppoent was informed,) i have switched this to a molters, to see how it works. pretty decent results so far. nothing to complain about here. ev's are fairly standard so molters can hit as hard as possible, while being able to survive a hit or 2.



Swellow@Flame Orb
Jolly Nature. 252atk/252spe/6spd
Brave Bird
Quick attack

Original item here was Choice Band, but since switching to the flame orb, i really dont see that much of a difference. then again, the versatility is great, but thats about all i see (not that im complaining about it.) this set was chosen to provide the element of suprise. everyone always assumes that this is the standard protecting/ random orb swellow, and use that time to switch into something that checks it. thats where pursuit comes in handy. ohko's weakened players, who think that they are going to get a safe switch in. sad faces for them when the pkmn that gets switched gets killed. Facade and brave bird are the stab moves. This set does catch people off guard when they expect to come in safe, but only wind up taking one of its monsterously powerful moves to the face.

starting to notice my 2 biggest problems, arent you? for the last pkmn...



Scyther@Life Orb
Jolly nature. 252atk/252spe/5hp
Swords Dance
Areial Ace
Bug Bite
Quick Attack

When all the steel types are dead...when the choice scarf pkmn are dead...when anything and everything that can threaten the sweep are dead, this man comes out, and my oppoent has a look of horror on his or her face, as they realize that nothing they can do will prevent whats about to happen. the swords dance shoots scythers attack to astounding heights, and combined with technichan, not much can withstand the onslaught. Bug bite and aerial ace provide the coverage that is only resisted by steel (and electric i think,) and quick attack is to peck off the remaining amouts of hp. Without those stealth rocks, it might actually survive an attack, which is why the replacement for donphan needs to be a spinner.

thats my team, in a nutshell. from what you see, i assume you have gathered that my 2 biggest wekanesses are milotic, who completely walls me, and raikou with hp grass, who destroy's me without a second thought. (what raikou doesn't carry hp grass in the world of uu?) if im not lazy, ill make a threat list, but answers for these 2 pkmn would more than help me out in the long run. i thank you for taking the time to read my rmt (i do hope i dident sound like an ass,) and look forward to reading your responses soon.

The Dark Lord



Please help me answer those 2.

This seems to be a fairly solid team. However I think you should change some of your movesets in order to be even more successful with it.

Registeel: A solid choice for a lead. But as Lanturn already uses Thunder Wave, I would suggest you drop it for Toxic on Registeel. All your flying sweepers are very fast, so you won't need paralysis that much and Toxic is always good to have.

Lanturn: You should move the SpAtk EVs to Defense. The special attack is not necessary, as you will concentrate on being bulky and annoying with parafusion instead of hitting hard.

Donphan: I think it is the best choice for your needed Rapid Spin user. However I would suggest Assurance over Roar or Ice Shard in order to hit Ghost switch ins who try to block your Rapid Spin hard.

Honchkrow: Well, it is BL as you already stated. If you really like to use a BL pokemon (thus being not allowed to use it on shoddy), keep it. But I would really suggest another pokemon (which is UU) in that slot. Moltres would be a good choice in my opinion. It will solve you teams' major steel problems and be a dangerous threat overall.
Moltres@Life Orb
Modest-252SpAtk, 252Spe, 4HP
-Fire Blast
-Air Slash
-HP Grass

Swellow: A really dangerous threat once your opponent's steel types are gone. But I think a Guts activation set will be a better choice for you. Guts will give you the same boost like Choice Band but at the same time you will be able to switch attacks and have a more powerful stab Attack, namely Facade.
Swellow@Flame Orb
Jolly-252Atk, 252Spe, 4 HP
-Brave Bird
-Quick Attack

Scyther: I noticed that both Swellow and Scyther are completely walled by any steel type. With Quick attack on Swellow you can drop it on Scyther and use Brick Break in that slot. After one SD you will deal major damage to any steel type in UU. Brick Break also provides much better coverage overall and it is also useful to shatter your opponent's screens.

I hope I could help you. Good Luck !

This seems to be a fairly solid team. However I think you should change some of your movesets in order to be even more successful with it.

Registeel: A solid choice for a lead. But as Lanturn already uses Thunder Wave, I would suggest you drop it for Toxic on Registeel. All your flying sweepers are very fast, so you won't need paralysis that much and Toxic is always good to have.

Lanturn: You should move the SpAtk EVs to Defense. The special attack is not necessary, as you will concentrate on being bulky and annoying with parafusion instead of hitting hard.

Donphan: I think it is the best choice for your needed Rapid Spin user. However I would suggest Assurance over Roar or Ice Shard in order to hit Ghost switch ins who try to block your Rapid Spin hard.

Honchkrow: Well, it is BL as you already stated. If you really like to use a BL pokemon (thus being not allowed to use it on shoddy), keep it. But I would really suggest another pokemon (which is UU) in that slot. Moltres would be a good choice in my opinion. It will solve you teams' major steel problems and be a dangerous threat overall.
Moltres@Life Orb
Modest-252SpAtk, 252Spe, 4HP
-Fire Blast
-Air Slash
-HP Grass

Swellow: A really dangerous threat once your opponent's steel types are gone. But I think a Guts activation set will be a better choice for you. Guts will give you the same boost like Choice Band but at the same time you will be able to switch attacks and have a more powerful stab Attack, namely Facade.
Swellow@Flame Orb
Jolly-252Atk, 252Spe, 4 HP
-Brave Bird
-Quick Attack

Scyther: I noticed that both Swellow and Scyther are completely walled by any steel type. With Quick attack on Swellow you can drop it on Scyther and use Brick Break in that slot. After one SD you will deal major damage to any steel type in UU. Brick Break also provides much better coverage overall and it is also useful to shatter your opponent's screens.

I hope I could help you. Good Luck !

thanks for the suggestions. ill make attempts and test them.
I don't think Mismagius will be such a big problem. The only team member it can set up upon is registeel. Lanturn can keep surfing, Scyther can hit hard with Aerial Ace and Swellow can ohko with Brave Bird. Donphan can hit it with Assurance and Molters with FireBlast in case you do the changes I suggested above. So if it really is a problem, try Iron Head on Registeel.

Good Luck !
I would replace roar on donphan for another move like assurance to catch mismagius and rotom switch ins.

I really like the synergy with this team, and the only pokemon I see giving you trouble is a sub/roost/toxic stall moltres. It can weaken lanturn, donphan, and registeel severely and can roost off weaker attacks from your birds.
Well your current Lead totally loses to Frostlass both the bulky set and the suicide set. Also Frostlass does a number on Donphan (esp Heysups bulky set) with Ice Beam. Iron Head on Registeel could help with this as it at least does decent damage. Also it is important that Frostlass run Destiny Bond which means that it is risky relying on Donphan to kill. Personally (i use Frostlass) the best Rapid spinner is Hitmontop as it can threaten to KO with Priority or can use the Rapid Spin-Foresight combo which is an gurenteed Rapid Spin.

I can also see problems with a late game RP Rhyperior which threatens with its STAB options
Well your current Lead totally loses to Frostlass both the bulky set and the suicide set. Also Frostlass does a number on Donphan (esp Heysups bulky set) with Ice Beam. Iron Head on Registeel could help with this as it at least does decent damage. Also it is important that Frostlass run Destiny Bond which means that it is risky relying on Donphan to kill. Personally (i use Frostlass) the best Rapid spinner is Hitmontop as it can threaten to KO with Priority or can use the Rapid Spin-Foresight combo which is an gurenteed Rapid Spin.

I can also see problems with a late game RP Rhyperior which threatens with its STAB options

i could try that...i put shadow claw on it. testing it. ill make updates tomorrow. helps out with mismagius as well. i would rather depend on crit hax than flinch hax on something so slow.

Edit: updates are done.
Hello again,

I just wanted to help you with your Milotic and HP Grass Raikou weakness. I do have an idea how to fix that to an extent without changing too much in your present team (which really looks quite solid now).
This idea concerns Registeel. Registeel is a quite reliable check for Raikou and it is also at least a quite good switch in for Milotic. You just don't have the right moveset to achieve that. Check out the following:
Calm-252HP, 100Atk, 156SpDef
-Iron Head/Shadow Claw
-Stealth Rock
With Toxic Registeel is a quite good check for any Milotic without rest and with Earthquake it will always fairly easily beat Raikou one on one. Thundewave is not necessarily needed as Lanturn always has that move. Iron Head is STAB and can paraflinch with Lanturn's help while Shadow Claw also beats Rotom (Iron Head also beats Mismagius).
Now, I think Registeel is very important for your team and you won't want to lose it too early. Therefore i would not use it as a lead any more. Moltres also is a formidable lead with the moveset you're running, so I would try that.

Hope I could help again. Good Luck !
Hello again,

I just wanted to help you with your Milotic and HP Grass Raikou weakness. I do have an idea how to fix that to an extent without changing too much in your present team (which really looks quite solid now).
This idea concerns Registeel. Registeel is a quite reliable check for Raikou and it is also at least a quite good switch in for Milotic. You just don't have the right moveset to achieve that. Check out the following:
Calm-252HP, 100Atk, 156SpDef
-Iron Head/Shadow Claw
-Stealth Rock
With Toxic Registeel is a quite good check for any Milotic without rest and with Earthquake it will always fairly easily beat Raikou one on one. Thundewave is not necessarily needed as Lanturn always has that move. Iron Head is STAB and can paraflinch with Lanturn's help while Shadow Claw also beats Rotom (Iron Head also beats Mismagius).
Now, I think Registeel is very important for your team and you won't want to lose it too early. Therefore i would not use it as a lead any more. Moltres also is a formidable lead with the moveset you're running, so I would try that.

Hope I could help again. Good Luck !

thank you so very much for this. ill test it out when the chance comes.
Shadow Claw is inferior to Iron Head, as with Shadow Claw you will be completely walled by Chansey (it can heal off S-Toss) and the only Ghost lead you really have to worry about is Froslass (hint, it dies to Iron Head) and also does a reasonable amount of damage to various other leads.

As previously stated Assurance >>> Roar on Donphan.
Errkay...Here goes...
I don't think Registeel is the best lead. Typically, leads are fast and there are tonnes of anti-lead Pokémon out there (Ampibom, for example) who'll Taunt Registeel before he has a chance to do anything. The next problem is with Shadow Ball; most of said anti-leads are normal type, meaning you won't be able to do anything to them with Shadow Claw. If you're set on having a Stealth Rock lead (I had this problem myself) then try Uxie; it has a semi-decent base speed to begin with, but if you pile on a choice scarf and spare a few EVs, it's actually a pretty decent Stealht Rock lead.
Also, for Swellow, try a Toxic Orb instead. Flame Orb has an adverse effect on Attack, so...Also, no U-Turn for Swellow? Swellow's pretty frail, so getting out of there whilst causing damage is probably a good idea.
If you're afer Milotic, try a RestTalk set; simple, but it works. Very well. I have a RestTalk Milotic myself, and it's one of the stronger performers on my team, especially defensively.
Donphan's pretty decent. No complaints there. Can't tell what the problem is, really, but hey...Blastoise is pretty bulky if you're after bulk.
Note: I'll edit later, got to go.
ok...responding to all of you. i forgot to change donphans roar into assurance when i made updates. my bad. I was Testing Shadow Claw, and i never really had any problems with chansey (not facing it with registeel of course.) Shadow Claw was doing well, but ill give iron head a shot.

I think ill keep swellow's moveset as it. (i really dont see the difference btwn flame orb and toxic orb since the burn wont cut swellow's attack.) Pursuit has yet to fail me, since everyone predicts a protect, and the other attack are pretty much obvious.

as far as taunting leads the world of uu, no taunting lead can ohko registeel with any move. its pretty obvious when one is comming to. (ampibom=fake out, then taunt. Froslass=taunt, then spikes.) why would one go for a set up move, when they know a taunt is comming?

a little bit a prediction is all thats needed to use a slow lead pkmn.
The only issue with Flame Orb over Toxic Orb is how long Swellow will be sweeping. If its for 3 turns or less than Toxic Orb does less damage to you for the first two turns. Flame Orb though from Turn 4 on does less.