Black & White Battle Subway Records

can somebody please explain to me, how to beat the Super Multi Line with the AI partner? I just really want that trophy :psycry:
A 21 win streak seems to be max what I can do. Do I just need to hope for some favorable RNG here?

I am currently using this team:
Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Toxic
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Recover

I am considering switching out Milotic to a Togekiss similar to the one of TRE's streak. Howerver, I do not have access to BW2 or any of the Gen 4 games, so I do not know how viable a moveset without Trick and Overheat is in this case.
I would be grateful for any tips!
Thank you!
can somebody please explain to me, how to beat the Super Multi Line with the AI partner? I just really want that trophy :psycry:
A 21 win streak seems to be max what I can do. Do I just need to hope for some favorable RNG here?

Basically, yes. Always select "attack" from the choice the AI partner gives you - you want a proactive ally, not one who'll waste time with defensive moves. But you do need good RNG since you've no control over what they'll bring; the key is having a team which can work with lots of different types of partners. I wrote a guide a while ago on Multi mode in Gen IV you might find helpful (not all of it applies here, but the essentials are basically the same)

Garchomp is a decent lead; if you get an Earthquake-immune partner you're in a good position for most battles. However Milotic strikes me as too weak to be an effective backup; sure it's bulky, but it can't get kills quickly with the build you've got for it and bulk won't help if your partner's team gets knocked out and you've got two foes ganging up on it. I would definitely suggest something like Togekiss in the backup slot; I wouldn't bother with Trick in multi. Hyper-offense is the way to go here and Togekiss can definitely do that:

Togekiss @ Lum Berry
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
252 SpA/Speed, 6 HP (Modest)

If you're running this I would actually suggest it as a lead and have Garchomp in the back slot. It's slower and has more exploitable weaknesses than Garchomp does so you don't want to be in a situation where you lose because you sent it out second and got outsped. Additionally, a lot of your partner's Pokemon know Earthquake so it's very useful to have a Flying-type up first. The item choice is up to you - Lum is very useful as an all-round status-blocker, but it's far from the only choice. You may even want to run a Timid nature and use a power-boosting item to compensate for the drop in power like Wise Glasses, Expert Belt, or Life Orb.

Other Pokemon I would suggest would be Thundurus (I really like it as a pick for Multis), Darmanitan (Earthquake-weak, but a Choice Scarf Darmanitan is extremely good at getting kills), either of the Latis (they share weaknesses with Garchomp, but they're extremely effective bulky sweepers), or Starmie (just generally a good mon). You mentioned you don't have Gen IV games or B2W2 but if you're able to access the GTS you may be able to obtain some species you don't have access to in your game.

Hope this is helpful, good luck!
Thank you so much for your post!
I will experiment with the mons you mentioned.
Well, it is actually not true that do not have access to other games/ gens. I have Diamond, Emerald and Firered and the ability to transfer up to gen 5. I just meant to say I do not have access to the move tutors in PT/HG/SS and B2W2.

I actually tried Latios as a lead in Multi before, but I saw myself switching it out a lot due to its 5 weaknesses.
Thank you so much for your post!
I will experiment with the mons you mentioned.
Well, it is actually not true that do not have access to other games/ gens. I have Diamond, Emerald and Firered and the ability to transfer up to gen 5. I just meant to say I do not have access to the move tutors in PT/HG/SS and B2W2.

I actually tried Latios as a lead in Multi before, but I saw myself switching it out a lot due to its 5 weaknesses.

If there's any moves you badly need teaching I'm happy to trade and teach them myself, I've got both B2 and W2.
Meuhforever congrats to this incredible achievement!
It seems that Eject Button may be an overlooked item. Cool to see new stuff even after all these years. At least I am not aware of much use of it in the facilities. And then Perish Song - just wow!
Atm I am pondering on other exploits of Eject Button and I am looking at Hitmontop. Instead of just going down to a consecutive hit, it may come again from the backrow with new Intimidate and Fake Out, which now at theorymoning almost feels like carrying a 5th team member. Well, lets see how it goes...

Lumari congrats to you, too, for your massive streak!
Well, here I am with a streak of 214 with Eject Button Hitmontop. It kinda worked as expected. And the biggest enemy in the subway keeps being you, meaning the player!
I wanted to try something that can bring Tailwind with brute force (bulk and no prankster). There comes Suicune. Well, I had also other ideas, see below. Anyways, Cune and Top were set, and once Top gets ejected I wanted some hard hitting stuff, and a strong spread move. I considered lots of stuff, like Chandelure, Abomasnow, Jellicent, Wide Lens Rock Slide Rampardos, Heatran. I only did not use Heatran because I do not have Eruption Heatran. I also considered Zapdos, Raikou, Magnezone. I settled with Latios and Typhlosion as these covered most threats well. Waters I spotted to be a bit of an issue to kill, therefore Thunderbolt and Grass Knot on Latios, but other than that I thought this team could have an answer to anything.
Suicune Lum Berry
Stats are wild. It is bold and has 183 HP, 109 SAtk, 102 Spd
-Ice beam

Hitmontop @Eject Button
172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spd
-Fake Out
-Sucker Punch
-Close Combat
-Aerial Ace/(EQ/HH/Thief)

Typhlosion fire Gem
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
-EQ (HP Ground)

Latios @LO
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
-Dragon Pulse
-Grass Knot

Speeds: Cune 123 (mine has 102), Top 101, Typhlosion 152, Latios 178
These at least are the desired sets. My mons have suboptimal IVs, especially Suicune. It is from Leafgreen which I randomly catched before I knew about EVs and stuff lol. It is bold and has 27/0/0/0/0/0 IVs due to the wrong IV mechanic for legendaries in that gen. I EVed it now such that it had at least 102 Speed and survives some electric attacks. The other members have at least one or two 31IVs each.
Suicune Lum Berry
60 HP / 4Def / 140 SAtk / 164 SDef / 140 Spd
-Ice beam

Has 123 speed, outspeeding Victreebell, one of the very few sets that can OHKO it. There are only few problematic sets that can outspeed and OHKO: Latios3, Sceptile13, Porygon-Z2, Roserade3 and Serperior4. They partly exclude each other because of items, so it is very rare that two of them appear. Rest goes into SAtk. I think the spread cannot be much better than this for this role. Maybe 3 more speed points to outspeed Entei3 in Tailwind.
FO + Tailwind obviously is the main strat. Then bringing the best mon in via eject button. As I mentioned, this really feels like carrying 5 mons. First I thought Cune needs HP Electric or something against waters. I don't have this HP, so I gave it Calm Mind, which others also used. And it definitely was the right choice. I used it like every 3rd battle I think. There are many occasions where an additional attack of Suicune would not score an additional KO (also because of many double KOs by Typhlosion) and that usually is a good moment for Calm Mind. Only 2 times I got too greedy, but other than that, Calm Mind is very useful if not even crucial. And in 200 battles I think Tailwind always went up when I wanted it to. It's quite consistent.

Tops 4th move slot was a bit of an experiment. First I had EQ, which was meh, then Dig, even worse, then even Thief for when it comes in again to use it against boosting/bulky stuff but in like 25 battles I came not even close to use it, so.. Aerial Ace is the best of the bad options I think. I only one or two times used it for accuracy. It mostly came in handy to attack likes of Vileplume and to finish things without CC drops. With 101 Spd it outspeeds Jolteon etc under Tailwind. And yeah the eject button strategy works really well. You get so much momentum by savely bringing in what you need atm.

Which brings us to Typhlosion. What is there to say though, Modest Fire Gem Eruption kills 46% of the subway. If possible one usually should bring Typhlosion in for Top. I also enjoyed Blaze. And then some coverage against Flash Fires. HP Ground probably would be preferable, but EQ was also okay and came in handy sometimes, even next to Suicune. I think the spread of Eruption also is a big carrier of the team.

Finally Latios, which is just Latios.

While in general FO + Tailwind is the play, sometimes one also has to know when it is better to delay Tailwind and first do some damage. If one cannot KO a mon by doubling on it, often it is better to wait, or else Tailwind will peter out too soon. But one should not go blindly for KOs, because something bad may come in from the backline to prevent Tailwind in the next turn. Also, with Typhlosion this team likes weakened mons. Instead of doubling for a KO it often is not too bad to skip a KO but leave 2 damaged mons there for Typhlosion.
Overall the team is very versatile. Switching though happens not often, at least aside from eject button. The mons are quite bulky while still hitting very hard. CM Cune sometimes is a win condition. Plus the activating abilities of Cune and Top and enemy mons often tell something about the sets.
  • Specially bulky things, especially boosting things with calm mind. Chandelure, Cresselia, Cofagrigus etc can be troublesome. Some of these I try to burn as fast as possible with Scald. Against passive long-term threats fishing for burns is important.
  • Ghosts: Many ghosts can be troublesome when Top stays in too long.
  • Flash Fire: Most of them are only 2HKO by any team member. However they are walled also to some degree by the team. Still unconvenient as they slow down Typhlosion.
  • Trickroom: Often it is not too bad. With Intimidate and Fake Out and the free Eject Button Switch and Protects and Sucker Punch.. it often is manageable. However the frontline is really harmless against some setters such as the slow crew, that sometimes TR went up even more than once. Often calm minding is a good advice.
  • Evasion: Well, only Aerial Ace for accuracy. I really miss my hail team.
  • Mons outspeeding Top even under Tailwind, potentially activating eject button too soon.
  • Other scary things: Gastrodon. Volcarona. Legendaries. Yanmega, detects, Suicune is too weak to kill it, Top too slow after Speed Boost and it OHKOs Top and Latios.
Walrein4, Volcarona4, oh oh.
The only reasonable thing Cune can do is to attack Volcarona with Scald. Volcarona cannot OHKO Top but it outspeeds. I go for Fake Out on Walrein and expect Top to get ejected by Volcarona, which is what happened as it went for Hurricane. Luckily I also hit Fake Out on Walrein. Top at 10 HP. Typhlosion in.
Eruption, kills Volcarona, hit Walrein to about 55%. Suicune Tailwind. Sheer Cold takes out Suicune. Latios in and Flygon in. I hit Grass Knot and take out Walrein. Eruption hits Flygon to about 45%. Outrage takes out Latios.
Hitmontop in, Blissey in. Because Blissey has Chople Berry and can OHKO Top my chances of defeating it are slim. However I get a clutch Mud Bomb miss on Top, and Flygon hits Outrage on Typhlosion which lets it live. Then I clean up. Without the miss maybe I could have won with a potential Blaze Flamethrower. This probably was the closest & luckiest battle overall.
Thundurus, Cresselia,
Fake Out on Thundurus, Cresse Psychic on Cune, Cune Tailwind. Ice Beam and Close Combat to take out Thundurus despite Sitrus, Cresse CM. Virizion in.
Try to take out Virizion with CC and Ice Beam, but it protects, uff. Cresse Psychic takes out Top. Typhlosion in.
Eruption kills Virizion, Cresse about 60%, Cune Scald, burns Cresse, Psychic on Typhlosion, 40%. Tailwind over. Tornadus in.
Typhlosion Protect, Cune Tailwind, Tornadus and Cresse double into Typhlosion.
Typhlosion Flamethrower, Cresse a sliver, Cune finishes. Typhlosion gets taken out by Tornadus‘ Hurricane. Latios in.
Latios Thunderbolt, KOs Tornadus.

Stressful battle. Defensively boosting stuff is more of a pain to this team and often leads to dilemmas of whether to eliminate the immediate threat or the long-term threat first..
Dusknoir4, Golurk
Cannot do much against TR, so I decide to at least take out Golurk, which gets done with Sucker Punch and Scald. TR goes up. In comes Gardevoir4, which is one of the TR incompatible faster sets.
Before Top can do anything, it gets a Shadow Sneak and gets ejected. I chose Latios for the incoming gem boosted Psychic, Latios at 91/150 HP. Suicune used Scald against Gardevoir.
I protect Latios against the next Shadow Sneak and Suicune CMs before it is hit by Psychic, Suicune at 140/183 HP.
The next turn is quite bad because Shadow Sneak crits and kills Latios and Gardevoir crits as well its Thunderbolt against Cune and kills it. Cune at least hit a Scald to bring Gardevoir to about 25%. Quite unlucky. Typhlosion and Top in.
Yet another Shadow Claw crit against Top, now 63/136HP. Top outspeeds Gardevoir in TR and finishes with Aerial Ace. Typhlosion goes for modest gem single target full HP Eruption and leaves Dusknoir with about 15%. TR runs out. In comes Musharna.
Still troublesome because it has CM. I go for Eruption which finishes Dusknoir and CC against Musharna. CC because it does a bit more damage than Aerial Ace, and while Musharna could KO Top with the SDef drop, I thought it would go for CM because at the beginning of the round it could not KO Top. That was the right call.
Another Eruption and CC finish the battle. The double crit KO was tough and a CM booster in the end could have sealed the deal if Typhlosion for example had a weaker Eruption available.
Hippowdon, Claydol.
Fake Out on Claydol, Cune CM, Hippowdon EQ. By damage I knew it is Hippowdon1. Top ejects into Typhlosion. Here I make the first little mistake. I thought Typhlosion could oneshot Hippo. But that is without the Sand damage it still gets in this round. So I have to send a safety Scald after. Hippo indeed survives and Cune finishes it. Claydol goes for Toxic into Cune which gets cured by the Lum.
In comes Excadrill, which should be ok since even with Sandrush Typhlosion is faster.. that is in Tailwind and I don’t have Tailwind up, and it is Excadrill4 with LO and it outspeeds and OHKOs Typhlosion with EQ and damages Cune. Cune still can do its Scald on Exca, but it survives. Then Claydol decides it is time and explodes. This finishes Cune, but Excadrill survives with a sliver.
Tyranitar in, Top and Latios in. Fake Out to kill Exca is mandatory*. Grass Knot brings Tar to 25%. -1 Crunch brings Latios to 7 HP, but Sand finishes it.
I know ist Tar2 or 3 and it outspeeds me. I win unless... Ice Beam freezes, and Ice Beam freezes. After Sand it is still a range in the next turn, but it gets it and Top goes down.
Woah this is one of my most annoying losses. There is so much that could have gone otherwise.
  • Huge misplay thinking I have Tailwind up.
  • With 31IV Cune Exca would have been dead after Explosion -> win
  • With 31IV Latios would have survived the round at the same roll -> win
  • With 31 IV Top would have lived another round at the same roll, well it was frozen though…
  • *mandatory Fake Out on Excadrill? Well, it turns out I still had an almost guaranteed win had I fake outed Tar, because Excadrill would have gone down to LO damage. This one hurts the most.
  • And the clutch freeze of course.
  • A mon using U-turn/Voltswitch activating an Eject Button will not switch out.
  • Last Mon Gallade comes in and goes for Ally Swap without Ally lol.
  • I managed to face a Claydol which got a Baton Pass of Drifblim with +1Def +2 SAtk +3SDef +1Spd oops.
  • It is so nice that now in the battle calculator one sees the speeds of outspeeding mons in red. Raikou is really outstanding.
  • Bad IVs also have their perks: Typhlosion has 150HP, making it easy to know Eruptions strength when it is not at full health. Worth it.
  • After so many battles I still tend to overlook Sitrus Berries when double targeting.
  • The team is very solid. Imagine better IVs and a better player.
  • Eruption-Tran probably also would be better than Typhlosion despite being slower, and it has Earthpower.
  • Above I promised my other team ideas. I am tired and maybe present them another time.
Edit: Forgot to add battle 208
And the proof:
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