Sorry if this has been posted before, but how about a SD set with:
Speed Boost, Jolly, 252 speed, 252 Attack, 6hp
Flare Blitz,
Swords Dance.
Or alternately a CB set:
Speed Boost, Jolly, 252 speed, 252 Attack, 6hp
Flare Blitz,
Shadow Claw/Stone Edge.
In both cases thunderpunch covers the jellyfish and almost all flyers while still hurting Shanderaa (not sure how badly though), and most T-Punch resisters are hurt bad by HJK anyway. Stone Edge/Shadow Claw for Shanderaa and a few others on the CB set.
I think Spikes support would be extremely useful to Blaziken, as would Sub passing to ensure it gets in safely.
Still, though Blaziken can't cover everything in one set (although it has the potential to kill almost anything it suffers 4 slot syndrome) I think it'll be monstrous with the proper support, especially entry hazards.
Also, I REALLY hope they let DW Torchic be female, not just for BP, but also because it'd make getting a good in-game one so much easier.