
Happy to see technician breloom, but aren't those in-game encounters only male?

bulletseed isan egg move and spore is a pre-evo only move so all you are really left with is mach punch unless it has special moves already.
Ninetales welcomes the destroyer of all other weather starters.

Hidden Hollow Pokemon are random gender, nature, ivs, etc. The level & ability are the only things set in stone.

.....Let's test the kyurem forms. >______>

The calcs have already been done for how dangerous this guy is. What can we say that hasn't already been said? Tornadus is also on every team. Some of them are already carrying sleep talk.
Why just rain teams?

Any team might run it


.....Let's test the kyurem forms. >______>

The calcs have already been done for how dangerous this guy is. What can we say that hasn't already been said? Tornadus is also on every team. Some of them are already carrying sleep talk.

Technilooms Mach punch does the same damage as scizors bullet punch. No reason to test kyurem


I'm going to prepare myself. It's a war between pokemon of epic proportions!
This'll be fun..... By which I mean, this'll suck.
Between Keldeo, Breloom, and all the other new shit, I feel like Lati@s is gonna be on EVERY team.

It's finally here. Anyways, amoonguss counters breloom really nicely.
Um, no. Sorry.

Adamant LO Breloom EASILY 2HKOes 252/40 Amoonguss with a +2 Bullet Seed (4/5 hits). It doesn't even need the LO if it gets 5 hits.
And that's assuming it doesn't just Spore the Amoonguss and set up in its face.
This'll be fun..... By which I mean, this'll suck.
Between Keldeo, Breloom, and all the other new shit, I feel like Lati@s is gonna be on EVERY team.

Um, no. Sorry.

Adamant LO Breloom EASILY 2HKOes 252/40 Amoonguss with a +2 Bullet Seed (4/5 hits). It doesn't even need the LO if it gets 5 hits.
And that's assuming it doesn't just Spore the Amoonguss and set up in its face.

Yea, your calcs are wrong, as a +6 no LO breloom doesn't even OHKO amoonguss. (with 5 hits)

Breloom can't hurt amoongus, but it can use spore to put it to sleep and remove it as a threat, so it's not a hard counter.

If you look at things that way, breloom has no counters (except insomnia pokes) Which is not really true
amoonguss double resist grass man .

even if it hits 5 times it doesn't come close to 3hko it .

can somebody show us a hard damage calc on this?

oh yeah, and that doesn't address the fact that breloom can simply use spore. amoongus is only a counter if sleep clause is activated.
can somebody show us a hard damage calc on this?

oh yeah, and that doesn't address the fact that breloom can simply use spore. amoongus is only a counter if sleep clause is activated.

+2 LO Technician Breloom 2HKOs Amoonguss only if Bullet Seed hits all 5 times, both times. I'm also being really generous with Amoonguss' Defense here.

400 Atk vs 120 Def & 212 HP (187 Base Power): 114 - 134 (53.77% - 63.21%)

EDIT: With 40 Def EVs, Amoonguss can be 2HKO'd, if both Bullet Seeds hit 4+ times.

p.s. also there's a chance that Technician Breloom may be gender-locked to male, so it wouldn't have Spore or Bullet Seed. Still investigating.
Hmmm... That's not what mine Gave me. I'll do more calcs later and post them

EDIT: @OmegaDonut: your calcs are wrong. shouldn't the calc be 394 attack vs 432 Hp 249 Def????
Assuming Spore is out of the equation, Breloom is most reliably checked by quick things with a resistance to Mach Punch. Gliscor with Flying STAB, Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, Psyshock / Ice Beam Starmie, Volcarona, Venusaur in sun, etc can all switch in on a Swords Dance and then do away with Breloom. Judging from Dream World experience, it also doesn't hurt matters that Breloom generally uses the exact same moveset of Mach Punch / Bullet Seed / Swords Dance / Spore. A lot of people seem to be intimidated by Breloom, but once Spore is out of the equation it's not as difficult to handle. A Gliscor with Poison activated, a bit of Speed, and a Flying STAB also makes quick work of it regardless of whether or not Breloom has put anything to sleep yet.

I'm seeing a lot of cries of "Breloom for Uber" already, but I think people will find that they're overhyping it.... I hope.

P.S. Free Excadrill
Hmmm... That's not what mine Gave me. I'll do more calcs later and post them

EDIT: @OmegaDonut: shouldn't the calc be 394 attack vs 432 Hp 249 Def????

I posted level 50 stats, since that's what the rest of the world plays is used on random Wi-Fi. Here's your level 100 calc:

788 Atk vs 249 Def & 432 HP (187 Base Power): 206 - 243 (47.69% - 56.25%)

So, at L100 it only has a chance to 2HKO if both Bullet Seeds hit all 5 times.
Hmmm... That's not what mine Gave me. I'll do more calcs later and post them

EDIT: @OmegaDonut: your calcs are wrong. shouldn't the calc be 394 attack vs 432 Hp 249 Def????
I entered the stats manually into Smogon's damage calculator, and here is what I'm getting:
Adamant LO Breloom using +2 Bullet Seed vs 252/40 Amoonguss:
4 hits: 50%-59.3%
5 hits: 62.5%-74.1%

With 5 hits, it's a potential OHKO at +4 (guaranteed OHKO with SR).
Oh pshhh it was at +2 gotcha. And that's adamant LO?

In my experience, I found jolly to be more effective for things like gliscor
Oh pshhh it was at +2 gotcha. And that's adamant LO?

In my experience, I found jolly to be more effective for things like gliscor
Yeah, with Jolly, 4 hits fails to 2HKO Amoonguss (I'm assuming no hazards, and that Breloom doesn't get a godly damage roll). With Jolly, you need 5 hits both times, which is a LOT less likely than 4 or 5 both times.

Jolly would be nice to KO Gliscor after an SD, but I suspect that Gliscor is gonna start running enough Speed to beat Breloom, just for that reason (it also allows them to beat Timid Politoed, which could be helpful on a Sand/Sun team). Of course, you've played DW before, and I haven't so I'll have to trust your experience on the sorts of EVs that Gliscor runs.
At +2 can this thing do anything to skarm? Currently I have skarm and amoongus on my team and Im wondering, outside of other factors (like Keldeo or something) which can better take it out or deal with it after it spores one.

Edit: basically I am asking which one is better to sleep fodder