SPOILERS! Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Data Dumps

Jirachi doesn't get Iron Head by level up in BDSP! Only TR in SwSh!!!


Bro what is the deal with these level up moves

What next? Is Torterra not gonna learn Earthquake by level up? Will he get Leafage as his level up move instead?
FUN FACT: Jirachi has inexplicably never gotten Iron Head by level up. In fact until gen 8, where it got Meteor Mash at level 49, the ONLY STEEL TYPE MOVE it learned naturally was Doom Desire.

this is the good jirachi moveset


Doesn't know how to attack
I didn't remember this when I was complaining about Heatran, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Battle Zone blocked off before the 1.1 patch? That would explain how a problem that obvious got through. (and it's arguably worse because they had to block off part of the game on 1.0 to get around problems. I'm leaning it's better because they announced the Day 1 Patch.)
Edit: Correct me if this edit is wrong. :P

Jirachi doesn't get Iron Head by level up in BDSP! Only TR in SwSh!!!


That's for the best.
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I didn't remember this when I was complaining about Heatran, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Battle Zone blocked off before the 1.1 patch? That would explain how a problem that obvious got through. (and it's arguably worse because they had to block off part of the game on 1.0 to get around problems. I'm leaning it's better because they anounced the Day 1 Patch.)
The only thing blocked in the 1.0 version was, I believe, Ramanas park. You could freely go into the rest of the post game areas.


Doesn't know how to attack
There's no Fairy Arceus because it didn't exist yet, but there's the ??? Type one! (Third to last)
Edit: I feel dumb. :(

That would be awesome. A lot of the DP sprites were actually terrific, some even better than Platinum. Like this beautiful Gengar sprite:

I 99.8% agree! :D (100% if we never talk about Gliscor.)
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That's sort of the beast with gaming nowadays. You have the tremendous freedom to fix things that day one patches gives you, but the nature of how connected gaming is now to internet does create problems too. If you don't have easy access to the internet, you don't have access to the same fixes. At a certain point we have to ask is this a price we want to pay.

Don't treat this as me excusing the bug existing in the first place. This should have been something easy to fix or at least something they should have noticed before it went out. I mean how do you miss that?
These significant patches gives me some hope, that future Pokémon games may receive update patches instead of leaving the game as is. (Maybe Mega Evolution update, but perhaps I'm too hopeful and spoiled by monster hunter)
These significant patches gives me some hope, that future Pokémon games may receive update patches instead of leaving the game as is. (Maybe Mega Evolution update, but perhaps I'm too hopeful and spoiled by monster hunter)
Feel like there's a bit of a difference between "patch finishing the game" and "substantial new update" and if the latter is what you're after the SWSH EXpansion Pass is more up your alley

It's like someone at modern GameFreak hates mushy boys.
Still have no clue how this even happens


Anyways, holy shit didn't expect the patch to be that big... also interesting to note pokecentro is legit being able to predict the patched music. Just keeping that in mind for next time.

Anyways, is there anything added in the patch regarding transferability? The only two things kinda gatekeeping my wallet rn is not being able to move up the fuck ton of sinnoh shinies i already bred for this game in USUM,....and Toxic being difficult to teach anything in gen 8.
Oh to be clear I absolutely not happening, I'm just saying I wouldn't look at these patches as anything that would point towards something like that happening.
I know, I was agreeing with you.

Text communication is weird lol

Anyways, is there anything added in the patch regarding transferability? The only two things kinda gatekeeping my wallet rn is not being able to move up the fuck ton of sinnoh shinies i already bred for this game in USUM,....and Toxic being difficult to teach anything in gen 8.
This is THE online patch, so I assume yes?
Feel like there's a bit of a difference between "patch finishing the game" and "substantial new update" and if the latter is what you're after the SWSH EXpansion Pass is more up your alley
Oh there's differently a difference there. But I think patches or balance changes are the way to go for future Pokémon. "We don't have enough time in our schedule to fully complete pokemon games but now we have patch update schedules that can do that for us." Necessary evil of modern gaming.

Game freak should really take a page from capcom and monster hunter, reveal a planned patch schedule with future updates on the way. Instead of fans wondering "is this game gonna get better or is this it?"

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