Not A Bug Bug Report - Mechanics

What type of bug are you reporting? Mechanics

What is the bug?
Max speed salamence (328)with 2 dragon dances outspeeds scarf samorutt-H with quark drive boost right ?because it's 328+328 VS 295+295(I got outsped with aqua cutter for no reason)
It was my last Shared power battle

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
I don't have the link but it was my latest Shared power battle it was a win. Name European G1ovanni


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This is not a bug. +2 Speed Salamence is indeed a x2 multiplier (328*2 = 656). But Choice Scarf and Quark Drive are not stage boosts like Dragon Dance is. They are direct multipliers that stack.

Salamence = 328 * 2 (from +2 Speed) = 656
Samurott-Hisui = 295 * 1.5 (from Choice Scarf) = 442.5 * 1.5 (from Quark Drive) = 663.75.

This is slightly off-topic, Pokemon rounds 0.5 down, but I am not sure if it rounds down in between each multiplier, so I am not sure if the end result would be 663 or 664. Either way, Samurott-Hisui easily outspeeds with Scarf and Quark Drive boosts.