Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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It's a shame I've been posting a lot on this thread recently, but alas.

When I go to type in custom nicknames for Pokemon on my team, only the first nickname is registered after leaving the teambuilder by hitting the 'x' button. The rest of the pokemon are reset to their previous names. However, when I hit the 'list' button to go back to my teams, all nicknames will register.
When searching for a battle in DPP or BW, Gluttony Linoone with Extreme Speed (the standard set for DPP) gets rejected as illegal saying it must have Pickup as its ability because Extreme Speed is an ADV event move for a Zigzagoon with Pickup. My understanding is that, because Pickup was Zigzagoon's only ability at the time, if you transfer a Zigzagoon from ADV to DPP and then evolve it to Linoone in DPP, it has effectively a 50% chance to get Gluttony as its ability, so this combination should be legal.

I tried to build with this for DPP NU in PUPL this week and saw the same error. Would be very, very nice to know what is actually the correct answer on this.
Not sure what to classify this but might be a visual glitch?
When ever a Pokemon uses a multi-turn attack (such as Phantom Force), on the turn you can attack you can only attack the Pokemon you FIRST SELECTED in a double battle yet it still gives you the option to choose who you want to attack on the turn after (as in the first Pokemon you selected to target will be the one that get hits regardless of the selected target on the turn you can attack). Please be sure to update the visual/attack text for this as it's confusing if it's intended.

Reason as to why the leading line was "Not sure what to classify this" as on turns where Pokemon use Follow Me can still draw multi-turn attacks even though Bulbapedia mentioning that it can't even draw attention to multi-turn attacks throughout generations but granted I did read the original post about such a site being unreliable but there's no helpful information on the recommend sites either with my confusion.

Reason why I bother making this post as I my Phantom Force keeps going towards an Amoongus on the turn after Rage Powder where it doesn't use it on that turn & it's frustrating that it took me 6 months of no indication of the in-game description indicating it (or whether or not if such moves are allow to draw such moves)

TLDR: Update in-game description for multi-turn attacks stating that the first selected target is what will be hit in double battles, update attack selection to only show the first Pokemon you selected on the turn you can make your multi-turn attack if these are intended.

Hope this helps & thanks for reading.
I wanna report a bug with the handling of Pursuit on showdown after testing on cartridge and on showdown. Namely the order of the text prompts is reversed.

1. 3DS Replay: 5JAW-WWWW-WW2D-B53U
"Mavis withdrew Bang Bop Pop!

Scizor used Pursuit!"

2. Showdown Replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-251108208
"Scizor used Pursuit!
A critical hit! It's not very effective... The opposing B-2 Spirit lost 33% of its health!

Shaian withdrew B-2 Spirit (Azumarill)!"

The fact that these two sections of text (the attacking, and the switching) is reversed, actually changes an aspect of the game.
- In the event you faint your opponent's pokemon on showdown, you may not have full confirmation on whether they were staying in or switching out.
- Meanwhile on cartridge you have full confirmation because the withdraw text happens before the attack, so if it doesnt occur then that means your opponent was not switching out.

Its a minor change but having some knowledge of your opponent's thought process is always useful.
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When searching for a battle in DPP or BW, Gluttony Linoone with Extreme Speed (the standard set for DPP) gets rejected as illegal saying it must have Pickup as its ability because Extreme Speed is an ADV event move for a Zigzagoon with Pickup. My understanding is that, because Pickup was Zigzagoon's only ability at the time, if you transfer a Zigzagoon from ADV to DPP and then evolve it to Linoone in DPP, it has effectively a 50% chance to get Gluttony as its ability, so this combination should be legal.


I tried to build with this for DPP NU in PUPL this week and saw the same error. Would be very, very nice to know what is actually the correct answer on this.

Fixed. And if there are any other cases, those should be fixed as well.
I switched in a Landorus-Therian turn 5, Intimidate didn't activate against an Absol.
I think it might be an ability-ability interaction between Intimidate and Pressure activating in the same turn due to the adjustments made on Intimidate.

This is an important one for VGC players. The problem is that on PS Intimidate is activating when Landorus is switched in, and there are no opposing Pokemon.
What should happen is similar to the start of the battle. Both Pokemon should be sent in, and only then the abilities activate. This is only the case when both Pokemon are sent in simultaneously, such as after a double knockout. On a normal double switch, PS works as it does in game

It can be seen in game here at 11:10
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This is an important one for VGC players. The problem is that on PS Intimidate is activating when Landorus is switched in, and there are no opposing Pokemon.
What should happen is similar to the start of the battle. Both Pokemon should be sent in, and only then the abilities activate. This is only the case when both Pokemon are sent in simultaneously, such as after a double knockout. On a normal double switch, PS works as it does in game

It can be seen in game here at 11:10

This issue will be fixed on next restart.
Hi ho, who here can tell me what is wrong in THIS picture.

Because it ain't the illegal moves.

Imprison here is being baton passed to a breloom here that knows agility. Logically, the opposing sawsbuck would not be able to use agility because of this. But lo and behold, it can and did.
What is happening here?
 "imprison": {
num: 286,
accuracy: true,
basePower: 0,
category: "Status",
desc: "The user prevents all of its foes from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active.",
shortDesc: "No foe can use any move known by the user.",
id: "imprison",
name: "Imprison",
pp: 10,
priority: 0,
flags: {snatch: 1, authentic: 1},
volatileStatus: 'imprison',
effect: {
noCopy: true,
onStart: function (target) {
this.add('-start', target, 'move: Imprison');
onFoeDisableMove: function (pokemon) {
var foeMoves = this.effectData.source.moveset;
for (var f = 0; f < foeMoves.length; f++) {
pokemon.disableMove(foeMoves[f].id, true);
pokemon.maybeDisabled = true;
onFoeBeforeMovePriority: 4,
onFoeBeforeMove: function (attacker, defender, move) {
if (this.effectData.source.hasMove(move.id)) {
this.add('cant', attacker, 'move: Imprison', move);
return false;
secondary: false,
target: "self",
type: "Psychic"
Here is the snippet of code that refers to imprison, as you can see it is tagged with:
 noCopy: true,

So that explains why sawsbuck can use the move, breloom here doesn't actually have the status imprison. Functionally correct.

But it's showing "imprisoning foe", any idea why? Another volatile status with the nocopy tag is in this screenshot in flash fire, it did not pass the label, this is only effecting imprison as far as I know.

EDIT: Autotomize, Disable, Attract as well.
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But it's showing "imprisoning foe", any idea why? Another volatile status with the nocopy tag is in this screenshot in flash fire, it did not pass the label, this is only effecting imprison as far as I know.

EDIT: Autotomize, Disable, Attract as well.
Thanks for reporting; next time the client is updated none of those will happen. I looked through some other volatiles, and Baton Passing with Foresight, Mimic, Miracle Eye, Smack Down, and Torment tags will also be fixed at that time.
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Hey, here's a big mechanic for triples that isn't working on showdown. If you have a pokemon with Fake Out on the left/right side of the field and you shift first turn, you can still use Fake Out on the second turn.

Proof: VZ9G-WWWW-WW2E-62EZ
Is hyperspace fury supposed to go through subs? It does on showdown, but it doesn't list that as a quality anywhere that I have read (bulbapedia, smogon ,etc.)
Is hyperspace fury supposed to go through subs? It does on showdown, but it doesn't list that as a quality anywhere that I have read (bulbapedia, smogon ,etc.)

21:49 DD321123 holy shit
21:49 DD321123 hyperspace fury goes through subs

not a bug, correctly implemented
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